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19061920 No.19061920 [Reply] [Original]

we’re back boys. riding this rocket to the top.

eat shit vampire

>> No.19062846

Imagine. There are people browsing this board right now who bought at $3 and then panic sold at $1.60 today. I swear this place is populated with children and retards.

>> No.19063774


>> No.19063848

>bought at 1.9
>panic sold at 1.9
could be worse

>> No.19063879

So my next sell target I think is gonna be 4.50-5. Hopping to swing my stack a bit bigger to get to 100.

>> No.19063902

Oops, 1000

>> No.19063906

So tell me again. Whats the use of this coin if theres no staking or eth 2 in 2020?

>> No.19063929

It's called speculation friendo. You get in before there is a use for larger gains at larger risk.

>> No.19063932

Dead shitcoin. No ones falling for it niggers

>> No.19063954

Yes and I speculate that this coin, which relied on staking on july to happen, is going to be sub .50 cents

>> No.19063977

staking and eth2 in 2021, obviously

the 2020 fud was always a red herring. yes, shorties got btfo’d thinking this would be a 100x within the week. the rest of us were buying in for the long haul.

>> No.19064006

>t. retard

>> No.19064035

yes it is common knowledge that if staking is released in august instead of july, the rpl protocol wont work because it is only compatible with a july release date. Vitalik confirmed this on his slack channel

>> No.19064072

Thats a pretty dumb speculation. I bet you didn't even set a timeframe for when staking may be available, hmm? Vitalik is mentally deficient in many ways, not being ready in July could just as easily mean ready is June or august-because he's autistic to degrees your meant brain probably couldn't fathom. None of the fundamentals of RPL has changed, holders aren't magically going to give you a chance to buy this "turd" that only you recognize is a steal (?????). You might as well be begging for double digit BTC and trying to give a valid case.

>> No.19064106

Phase 0 will launch no later than September 2020.

>> No.19064177

doubt it unless it comes from vitalik himself.

>> No.19064290

Vitalik defers to the core devs, who have stated that phase 0 will be live in q3. They didn't even say "it will not be ready by July", just that they didn't promise July. If you think even a September release fundamentally changes much for this coin you're wrong and you're going to watch it pump and pump from the sidelines.

>> No.19064376


The absolute denial is astounding. Nobody reading these threads think you’re convincing. Vitalik and afri killed this coin, and thats the only thing everyone knows for sure

>> No.19064397
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>> No.19064434


>> No.19064447
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I just want to know one thing,
To the RPL fudders: yesterday someone said that Vitalik bashed RPL in a tweet. Is that true or not? And if so, screenshot please. Because I don't think it's true, haven't seen anything in fact only an old tweet where he's positive about it.

>> No.19064468
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>> No.19064604


The latter is true. He never bashed RPL.

>> No.19064763
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brb turning 1,5 ETH in RPL

>> No.19064876

the greatest trick rpl holders ever pulled was allowing biz to think rpl was a scam. See you guys at $10

>> No.19064902

eth 2 is 100% coming in 2020. There is already a multi client test net live and running well. If you don't believe check here -


>> No.19064926


Poor Turtlerino

>> No.19065147

Even if eth 2.0 is delayed till Q3 of this year I'm still very bullish on this coin. One quarter is not really a long time and from what I'm seeing in terms of price action this coin is probably going to $10 inbetween now and then based on speculation alone.

>> No.19065186

this anon thinks

>> No.19065275


God speed, anon. It's a good coin, but has some crazy shit going on with Uniswap right now.

>> No.19065334

i'll buy when it goes sub $1

>> No.19065369

what do you mean?

not happening

>> No.19065894

Idk lads this might be a dead cat bounce

>> No.19065902

Sold at 3$. Bought ANJ yesterday.

You still have time, but it's going to dump hard. Saw this chart like a 100 times.

It's over for now. When ETH 2.0 is r e a l l y happening it will explode, but for now it's a useless garbage.

>> No.19066125


>> No.19067327


>> No.19067472

just read the wp, can anyone redpill me: the cost of staking rpl will be dynamic based on network usage: the higher the usage, the less rpl you need to pay as an operator. since its dynamic: this token is 100% a value token and therefor will not increase in value per se? eg: the node operators would just need less rpl if the network is being used more so this offsets an increase in price by lowering the demand? i don't get it i guess

>> No.19067622

It will always have a fair value, but that value will fluctuate depending on several factors
Biggest one is speculation. You’re essentially buying this token to speculate demand for the third party staking service of rocketpool

Next we have people that want to be node operators (landlords) if these guys think that staking eth is a good value, and also that earning interest off of other people’s stakes is a good value, then they will buy rpl to use the service. Very rarely will there ever be a 0 rpl fee scenario.

third is supply. When you become a landlord, you have to stake your rpl along with your eth. This is basically paying a 1 time deposit fee in order to earn money off interest. The rpl is removed from circulation until the node operator is done, which is after 3/6/12 month terms. This one will have the biggest influence years from now imo. If rpl is a big success and millions of rpl are staked so that nodelords earn fees, the supply of rpl will shrink.

With all these factors it’s possible for it to oscillate above and below it’s fair value. It is still pegged to eth yes, but it is also pegged to the demand of staking.

>> No.19068363

ty, just a quick follow up: you say that rpl is removed from circulation until the operator is done. but there is no max supply rpl known yet, right?

>> No.19068501

max supply is 18 mil rpl. That is capped.

>> No.19068919


I mean I expect violent price swings.

>> No.19069521

just like the other anon said, 18mil max and the team owns 2 mil. They will not be minting more. current estimates have around 1mil-5mil eth being staked for phase 0....if even 25% of this is staked with a 3rd party (which there is evidence a large majority of ETH users will want 3rd party) that's a huge price increase right off the bat.

>> No.19069942
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Buying Ripple right now is a fool's game. It's a dead crypto - enjoy your micro bounce.

Smart money goes into Proton XPR right now if you're ready for an easy 100x.

>> No.19070086

Fuck off faggot