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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19057408 No.19057408 [Reply] [Original]

It's starting to look like BTC and BCH is left in the dust and the past. How long can BSV realistically keep up with this amount of transactions/second?

>> No.19057474

BSV (in the future ticker will be BTC again) will continue to scale on-chain. The only secure form to scale.

>> No.19057588

well obviously btc and bch has failed to scale, but can you really just keep throwing hardware on it like bsv do? Is it sustainable long term?

>> No.19057626

if technology growth would have an abrupt stop then it wouldn't be sustainable long term.
i remember back to my 999 mhz processor

>> No.19057636

youre a brainlet who fell for corecuck memes
the same corecucks that said 32mb blocks were unustainable and who are now screeching when BSV just miend a 300mb block. look at the datavolume google and big datacenters push through every day, BSV is still tiny and a blip on the radar. we will have gigabyte and eventually terabyte blocks coming and brainlets will screech all along the way how its "n-n-not possible" because they fell for lies and propaganda. you faggots honestly dont deserve to get rich from the OG bitcoin thats why I usually fud it 24/7 here and Im actually a top 1% wallet owner kek

>> No.19057673

>i remember back to my 999 mhz processor
hehe that's a good point actually. I remember my AMD Thunderbird that I overclocked by drawing on it with a pencil lol.

It's starting to dawn on me, but they still have a huge problem having faketoshi on the team

>> No.19057709

>faketoshi on the team
This is the only reason I don't own any bsv. Dude is beyond toxic and destroys any project he touches.

>> No.19057723

linear scaling doesn't work
you will get infinite sync time and destroy your own chain lmao

>> No.19057752

>How long can BSV realistically keep up with this amount of transactions/second?
simple, keep doing what they're doing, fraud

>> No.19057754

Holy fuck this pathetic fake planned pajeet discord discussion is fucking ridiculous, I hope you all sink in a pile of shit. Youre a disgrace to your people

>> No.19057768

funny pajeetturfing

>> No.19057782

yes yes aussie man bad, just turn off your brain, never do any research and for the love of God DONT BUY ANY BSV! its a total scam.

>> No.19057788

10million transactions a day eoy

10billion a day 2023

>> No.19057790
File: 78 KB, 604x835, agedbadly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those tweets/comments will continue to age badly.
i remember how none of the corecucks knew about reorgs and thought it's something bad when it was literally described on the whitepaper as something that would happen in the future.

>> No.19057856

99% of people in crypto are complete brainlets who get their info from youtube "influencers" who are also brainlets. I guarantee most of them never read the bitcoin whitepaper, never listened to any talks by Craig Wright or opposing viewpoints to the BTC narrative. they all deserve to stay poor. I have gone through dozens and dozens of hours of Craigs interviews, I literally been researching this blocksize debate since 2017 when BSV wasnt even a thing and BCH first split. I realized Roger Ver was actually making soime good points about bigger blocks back then and it got me to dig a bit deeper. its a huge rabbit hole and with all the splits and disinfo its kinda understandable most brainlets just stopped paying attention a long time ago. I usually dont post quality info here because anons honestly dont deserve it. but Im having a good day so Im dropping the ultimate condensed redpill on BSV here. if this talk doesnt open your eyes nothing will.

>> No.19057897

Gresham's law states that bad money drives out good. It follows that better money will have fewer transactions. We do need a distributed, decentralized, trustless, PoW transactional ledger for our better (best) money, but we don't need it for buying coffee. Buy coffee with VISA, drugs with Monero and store your value in BTC. Oh, and I guess do some defi with ETH if that's your thing.

>> No.19057909
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>Gresham's law states that bad money drives out good. It follows that better money will have fewer transactions

>> No.19057919
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The Vishnu conference
One of the best ones.
Good old days when they had no clue we were trolling as indians. Never forget the indian team

>> No.19057926

Refute it.

>> No.19057958

Guys guys dont listen to youtube influencers
>posts shitty yt video

>> No.19057965

nah I stopped arguing with corecuck brainlets a long time ago. not a good use of my time to refute gobbledeegook on the internet. I already dropped way more useful info in this thread than biztards deserve. back to fudding BSV kek

>> No.19057969

They're just hopping into LOKI, desu. It's over.

>> No.19057993

he's saying people will sell btc

>> No.19058000
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>Good old days when they had no clue we were trolling as indians. Never forget the indian team
kek that was a good time, I spread linkedin pics from indian nchain members on /biz/ and corekeks actually ran with it hahha

>> No.19058023
File: 89 KB, 805x851, oVJQTDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nah I stopped arguing with corecuck brainlets a long time ago. not a good use of my time to refute gobbledeegook on the internet. I already dropped way more useful info in this thread than biztards deserve. back to fudding BSV kek

>> No.19058034

i dont care what he says, the idea that better money has fewer transactions is so incredibly dumb I refuse to engage with anons like that. its a complete waste of time to refute this nonsense.

>> No.19058051

how long until bsv blockchain will be stored on a single NoSQL database?

>> No.19058061

Gonna need a weather rundown sirs.

>> No.19058063
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WOW yeah looks like BSV is the new leader, it truly is #1. Glory to India!

>> No.19058124

I don't get it. Doesn't that chart just further confirm the notion that BTC is not usable for microtransactions?

>> No.19058249


Funny thing is, he was trying to be smart regarding median transactions, but yes, he did confirm that BTC can NEVER act as peer to peer electronic cash with shite megabyte block sizes.

>> No.19058260

>BTC is not usable for microtransactions
thanks god

>> No.19058319

if you have a pure 1 ounce gold coin and a 80% pure gold coin and you need to buy something that costs 1 coin of gold which coin do you give?

would you rather sell your bsv or btc to pay a bill?
the btc goes first because it has less future value

>> No.19058453

it also confirms that no poor nations will ever adopt BTC for usage as money.

Basically, right now BTC(core) is only for very wealthy people.

>> No.19058658

i mean youre not wrong but this is all kinda beside the point as were not talking about gold coins and nobody is using BTC or BSV to pay their bills. the idea is that digital cash will be built on top of BSV eventually, not that you will go to a store and buy with BSV. money needs velocity to be valuable and useful, if you pay $20 every time you make a transaction its useless as a medium of exchange so yeah, obviously BSV has higher future value as it can be a universal ledger for pretty much anything. BTC cant do shit and the store of value narrative has been BTFO over and over again. Im honestly not even sure if we agree or disagree I was just shitting at above anon's basic bitch take of BTC as a store of value and muh scarcity makes it more valuable.

>> No.19058672
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yes, he is a typical retarded corecuck homoid that has no clue what he's talking about...
correct picture which completely destroys corecucks

>> No.19058777

These current big blocks is mostly due to some chinese having fun spamming the network all day long. They want to prove bsv can handle the load. Which it does effortlessly.

Funny that. Everyone said such big blocks were impossible. One man said they could be done and bitcoin was designed to handle them. Turns out he was right yet everyone still insists he is a fraud....

No one on earth understands bitcoin better than CSW. If he is not satoshi (he is), then he knows more than them.

>> No.19058842

The most holy of trips confirms.....

>> No.19058851

Craig will either shoot himself or choke on vomit before year's end. Screencap this.

>> No.19059271

question, should we screencap every single post you've done or just this one and delete after the next one?

>> No.19059432

go to bed Greg

>> No.19059550

Blockfolio just added some random transactions and I didn't actually make and I thought went 10x. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.19060041

Calvin is now a massive shareholder in Taal. Its Calvin doing it too

>> No.19060071

holy trips confirm

>> No.19060173

No, someone posted him seething on Twitter because they apperantly had som problem because of all the transactions and he said people should use the test network and not the main net for testing heh

>> No.19060249
File: 207 KB, 719x1079, Screenshot_20200513-225523_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taal mined the 309mb block with the 1.1million transactions.

>> No.19060282

Damn, I didn't see that. That's pretty insane. How did the network fare after that?

>> No.19060319
File: 237 KB, 714x876, Screenshot_20200513-230016_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw his tweet but didnt read much more into it. Who ever was trying should have used the test net, like he said because they were testing their application.

>> No.19060330

>peer to peer electronic cash

You do know that bsv won't be p2p long enough right?

The nodes are collapsing non stop at this rate in a year and half there will be only 20 nodes which is basically the same than using paypal.

>> No.19060338
File: 69 KB, 719x478, Screenshot_20200513-082740_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It carried on with no problems. We will have 1Gb blocks EOY. Just to prove a point.

>> No.19060361

>Who ever was trying should have used the test net, like he said because they were testing their application.
It doesn't look like they took it to heart really. As far as I can see the testing is still going on? Did they manage to fix the problems the chain had?

>> No.19060368

also kek i just noticed that you cut the hashrate from the pic.

>> No.19060396

>It carried on with no problems
That's not really what I heard as calvin himself seethed about it and supposedly "shader" the main dev said they had problems

>> No.19060422

Unsure to be honest. Will need to look it up more.
Was reffering to the block after the 300mb one.

>> No.19060429

>also kek i just noticed that you cut the hashrate from the pic.
It was just because it was the tx and block size I was wondering about. BSV has a hash of 1.4% right now. BVH 2.4% and BTC 96.2%

>> No.19060448
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>> No.19060461

>Was reffering to the block after the 300mb one.
What do you mean? I would assume the problems started after the big block and not before?

>> No.19060503

Do you have the link for that tweet? That's not really what I heard

>> No.19060600

Calvin retweeted it. The massive block cleared it up the problem shadders was talking about.

>> No.19060686

ok, so the problem was spam transactions clogging up the mempool right?

>> No.19060734
File: 108 KB, 580x834, IMG_20200504_082721_441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many cheap transactions clogging the mempool, under the recommended price causing the next block to clear it. Only took 300mb and 1 block. Oh and unlike btc in 2017 we didnt have $50 transaction fees and a backlog lasting hours and hours.

>> No.19060809

Fees of many txs were so low that miners did not pick it up and more than 1 mio txs were stuck in the mempool until Taal took them all in one huge block.

>> No.19060819
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kys low IQ subhuman

>> No.19060843

what is this? reddit tier bait?

>> No.19060920

You can't print more bsv

Bitcoin wasn't made to stop government censorship. It was made to stop government money-printing.

>> No.19060931
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>> No.19060964

>Use a better crypto
that million dollar comment coming from a corecuck directly referencing towards BitCoin is hilarious

>> No.19061025
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anon, I dont even