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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19028975 No.19028975 [Reply] [Original]

Ready for your PelosiBux?

>> No.19029018

what do I get???????? College student, independent tax filer, 24 yo!

>> No.19029025

lol its probably more corporate handouts.

>> No.19029073

nah anon this round is to china, because drumpf was so mean

>> No.19029133

The Senate won't pass this bullshit. I'm sure it has vote-by-mail included, for starters.

>> No.19029360

For real, guys. You can't brrrrr all that money and not expect consequences of some kind. The US is going to pay for this in blood, tears and puke. Screen cap this.

>> No.19029378


The people need money, it's going to be worse if we don't get anything.

>> No.19029388

just make it a tax credit and it wont cause inflation

>> No.19029430

You need to get to work you lazy wage-cucks. What’s the point of printing money if there’s absolutely nothing to spend it on because muh guvahmnt cant print food.

>> No.19029450

They’re doing that too, and the negative rates.

>> No.19029459


I'm a dependent, and I didn't get shit. Trump wants me to die.

>> No.19029472


>> No.19029492

>what is food
>what is amazon
>what is rent
>why not just make the working class homeless

>> No.19029497

This. Even IF they try to pay us, the people, we, proud libertarians, we shall steadfastly refuse this socialist brainwashing gibs. It's our duty as red blooded Americans!

>> No.19029514

Ask your parents for money faggot

>> No.19029532

food is extremely easy to produce, distribution is the real issue

>> No.19029559

I doubt this will pass.

>> No.19029572

>Fuck the range ban. I will NEVER buy a 4chan Pass.

>> No.19029579
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printing money and giving us only some of it is actually stealing and therefore a violation of the NAP. what we're talking about here is a self defense situation.

>> No.19029660

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.19029845


They already gave trillions to corporations. Regular people are the only ones who didn't get anything.

>> No.19029852


>> No.19029858

Hit me babe I could use some more BTC before alt season

>> No.19029870


Agreed, that money is for corporations and Israel, not little people.

>> No.19029921

Its literally dropped into your account without you asking

>> No.19029928


>> No.19029963
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>> No.19030024

Then send it back. We, the PEOPLE will not be bought!

>> No.19030084

Crazy how they'll just shit out another $1.2T stimulus bill like that. Bitcoins would be $100k each with a $1.8T market cap and it's a global currency, goes to show how achievable it really is.

>> No.19030108

You jest, yet I see that shit posted unironically everywhere.

>> No.19030194
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check em

>> No.19030209

>all my friends buying stupid shit with their gibs
>not investing it so they don't get completely fucked when all this government money comes back to bite me and fellow zoomers in the ass

Pottery, really. The consequences of this shit is huge, yet niggers would rather buy a basedtch than invest and have a future so they won't be poor as fuck in a few years

>> No.19030305

Hope it doesnt pass. It will just give the unemployed lazy fuckheads more money to be NEETs on a mass scale draining from society. I dont mind channer neets but when normie fucks go NEET they act even more entitled with no smug cleverness to them.

I legit hope Trump retroactively gives essential workers a fat check at the end of the year to celebrate his win in november and give those of us getting really fucked right now a pat on the back

>> No.19030395

protip: that's why governments and big business like having dumb niggers around. Nonwhites (and women) are the platonic form of consoomer. They will gladly spend every dime of their paychecks on frivolous disposable garbage. Horrible way to live, but it's easy money for the big businesses, so there you go. Conversely, white men are far more likely to be smart and frugal with their money, and actually save it. Banks and businesses absolutely abhor savers. Put it together.

>> No.19030501

>Banks and businesses absolutely abhor savers
That doesn't make any sense unless you're literally storing your money under your mattress. Banks love savers, they get to loan your money out and then businesses get to use it to increase their productivity.

>> No.19030518

They'll distribute the digital dollar this time so we can emulate india. next up: social credit system

>> No.19030564

How much is going to non-citizens?

>> No.19030632

lmao you aren't getting shit

>> No.19030638

It's virtue signaling.
Dems are bad because Trump for credit for the $1,200.
Repb will block the bill and Dems will cry foul saying Trump blocked more money

>> No.19030850

Are they wrong though? People don't give a shit and just want their money.

>> No.19030944

Reserve currency, baby.

>> No.19030982

Banks don't need your money to loan out. Reserve requirements are officially 0%, real interest rates are also 0%, and the Federal reserve has unlimited lines of credit.

>> No.19031048

you little faggot bitch, you deserve nothing less than a slow death in the gutter.

>> No.19031072

If people need money they should get a job. Many small businesses can't currently find workers because people are sitting on their ass collecting the $600+ weekly enhanced unemployment benefits that pay far more than regular jobs. When July rolls around and those enhanced benefits expire there's going to be a massive surge of people desperately looking for work again. The smart ones will find new jobs before July rolls around. The dumb ones will just continue to sit on their ass until July and then wonder why they can't find work.

>> No.19031100

I make more money than you

>> No.19031103

That isn't normal retard.

>> No.19031136

>get a job when everyone is on lockdown

>> No.19031303

>People are making about $80K a year not working.
>This somehow is sustainable
Are we Greece now?

>> No.19031314
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>Spend $10 trillion fighting Israeli wars
>Print $1 trillion directly into the stock market every day for a year
>Give $3 trillion to multinational corporations
>Give a one time payment of $1.2 trillion to the American people

I hate this country. The kikes truly have an iron grip on most peoples minds.

>> No.19031335

go all in on ghost and link and make trillions, then move out of the country and fuck asian bitches and snort cocaine daily

>> No.19031362

>Trump wants me to die.
Guess who agrees with him.

>> No.19031391

I have never had, and nor will I ever have, sex. My grandchildren won’t be paying for shit. GET THAT PRINTER WORKIN BRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.19031448

>incels can't be base-

>> No.19031506

Wtf I love Trump now

>> No.19031590

Why is she hiding that beautiful Turkey neck?

>> No.19031685
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duh conspiracy against duh wytemans!!!!111
Banks hate when you deposit your cash into their banks!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.19031697

fuckin larp more faggot
Hey hospitality biz how much for a box of steaks?
>$230 bucks
ok I'll swing buy and pick them up
>oh no, we don't know how to bill you
here's a check

remember it's the Dems that wan you to starve
Trump used a war time act to put Tyson back to work feeding us

>> No.19031833

Lol. How many of those still took it anyways.

>> No.19031858

I lost my job, asshole. We unironically need more gibs.

>> No.19031965

If big corporations asking for bailouts need money they should've play smarter and just accept bankruptcy.

Why do i get the feeling you wont agree to that statement

>> No.19032060

File your taxes as an independent then
Oh wait, then your parents would stop paying for your food/college/car insurance boo hoo
It's a simple cost-benefit analysis:
Is your tax dependency status worth more to you than $1200? File 2019 as independent!

>> No.19032068

>all my friends buying stupid shit with their gibs
>not investing it
Unironically, do not invest money that you can't sign away for 5+ years. In these times of economic uncertainty, you need to have secure cash. It does not have to be in your mattress, but do not, absolutely do not get fucked by being short on cash. Your #1 priority is always to protect your value. your next priority is to grow your value. If you have less than a 6 month stockpile, I would suggest only "investing" by bulk purchasing non-perishables that are on sale such as shampoo, soaps, pads/tampons for women, detergents, etc. There will be inflation in CPI. if you have more than 6 months, then consider investing in education and long term debt for a home or car (if needed). The last place, right now, would be the markets.

>> No.19032295

>Banks hate when you deposit your cash into their banks!

They actually prefer people borrow and spend over deposits.

>> No.19032523

Youre low iq

>> No.19032898


> not going balls deep in the stock market


>> No.19032914

>and thats a good thing!

>> No.19032934
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>> No.19033249

hows ur 401k?

>> No.19033280

tax it out of circulation

>> No.19033281
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its all just so fucking WEIRD

>> No.19033413


Holy fuck I totally forgot people fell for this meme, how many peoples 401ks got wrecked because of the crash?

>> No.19033501
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>implying this rollercoaster of emotion is over

We're not quite off this wild ride just yet

>> No.19033632

Your parents should have gotten money for you being their dependent.
Maybe they can give you some money on the chance they're not pieces of shit.

>> No.19033641

It's better than the alternative that's for sure.

>> No.19033691

Let's just hope it's the blood, tears, puke, and feces of all the """people"""" I don't like.

>> No.19034708

I cannot wait desu
I need to get more ARPA literally now
And I am unironically running out of USDShit

>> No.19034755
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$1.2T stimulus???

>> No.19035000

>If people need money they should get a job.
Did you miss the fact that there is a pandemic happening or are you one of those feckless morons who thinks the 'rona isn't real?