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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 23 KB, 566x313, BTC_posthalving_difficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19031194 No.19031194 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it supposed to go down??? How is this uptrend sustainable when the halving just happened

>> No.19031211

more powerful, more efficient mining hardware

>> No.19031397

Logic dictates that as mining just became 50% less profitable, some would not be able to stay afloat, resulting in a drop in hashrate and difficulty trending downwards.

However, I think someone is intentionally pushing more hash forcing an increase in the difficulty...

>> No.19031711

your assumption is that current miners are the same garage miners of yesteryear.
these new miners are very very well funded and operating at a different scale of efficiency.
so, this enables them to "burn the competition" - specifically the marginal / weak miners.
even tho price has risen dramatically, they are operating on different finance structures so they are going to "keep the pressure up" on the marginal miners to drive them out of business.
tl;dr - its corporate now

>> No.19031726

>price *hasnt* risen dramatically

>> No.19032034

Yeah all these new miners that sprung into existence overnight!

>> No.19032213

they didn't. its been in the news for the last 8 months. you just never paid attention.
google "largest mining facility texas" etc.

>> No.19032228

Things are about to get very STIFF

>> No.19032778
File: 297 KB, 606x598, 1518820087040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggnogg I want to believe but literally 8% usa 8% eu 65% china. And lately I feel very very sick whenever I touch something made in china. feel very sick literally, figuratively, morally, ethically.

scamartist buugpeople can 51% btc anytime they want. mabye stock market is the only way....

>> No.19032785

And they have all been sitting idle for months, being a complete and utter waste of money until today when somebody decided to press the ON button.

lel how stupid are you?

>> No.19032809


Casinos like Binance set the trends, not miners.

Can't believe "people" could be this stupid.

>> No.19032822


And tether.

>> No.19032832

Miners that can run at a loss (china) are trying to push the other miners out of business for good

>> No.19032860

It actually has gone down slightly, since the halving. It had an upper bound of around +5.4% earlier today.

>> No.19032877

btc is a failure, this is just depressing

>> No.19032924

casinos and miners are run by the same people.

chinknance will get rekt to pieces by angry farmer attacks if they ever decide to treat them badly and btc will burn. we dont have to worry about that because every blue chip company makes thier shit in china. bug people steal tech. they make miners. they make 'legit' looking exchanges and drain western wallets dry.

>> No.19032945

looks like, Im losing my belief for years now.

concept good. like everything it is ruined by a bunch of greedy fuckers.

>> No.19032989

Turns out money really is the root of all evil after all anon, humans are too weak against its poisonous effect on the mind

>> No.19032993
File: 85 KB, 331x460, 1557812174608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So BTC is about to become 100% Chinese controlled?

Imagine being bullish for that

>> No.19033009

Who is pushing up the difficulty?

>> No.19033032

shitcoin is trending to become more centralized

>> No.19033064

60% already in one district of china, they already control bitcoin

>> No.19033071


>> No.19033160

Maybe a brainlet interpretation, but doesn't the network need miners operating at a loss anyway to avoid stupid high transaction fees at this point?

>> No.19033180

Someone with new asic's? Designed by A.I maybe?

>> No.19033217

Calvin is driving up the difficulty for the next daa period to ensure btc isnt profitable to mine for at least 2 weeks

>> No.19033244

do they have a website? I can’t seem to find them on google....

>> No.19033248

What if they yank the miners off all of sudden leaving the chain hard frozen?

>> No.19033287

>like everything it is ruined by a bunch of greedy fuckers
Are you retarded of what?
The entire point of btc is greed, competition and free market
There no OPEC to set oil extraction levels, so there is a constant research for mining efficiency and a constant war between miners
That’s how it works, deal with it

>> No.19033303

>the network need miners operating at a loss
yeah i am losing money so a guy can send btc at 0.06 fees, and i am going to continue to mine anyway

>> No.19033311

use it as money then, chinklord

>> No.19033314

B-but what about my FULL NODE? Miners quiver in front of my FULL NODE. It is I who keeps the miners in check. No need to thank me, heh, just doing my part and keeping the blocksize smoll so all will have to respect my FULL NODE.

>> No.19033476

also it is controlled by smol groups of the elite niggers, we hate the most.
65% mining is in china. CHINA. bugpeople just dont give a fuck, they release nuclear waste into the ocean, turn the air unbreathable, build elevators that just pancakes people, violating every construction code ever existed. China.

>> No.19033527

> what is: negative oil rates.
kek. no miners are shutting down now.

>> No.19033571

The other option is PoS which is basically a technological version of oligarchy and very far from free market since on PoD system the biggest stack is always owned by few whales (devs, vc, etc) getting dividends with stake and devaluating the currency for poorfags and people that use it
Fuck PoS

>> No.19033661

Yeah man, what if they just kill their own business. Wow, what insight.

Yes. No point in tipping their hand early.

>> No.19033678

>b-b-but my raspberry pie node!!
HAHAHAHAHA corecucks eternally BTFO. its almost as if satoshi predited big miners would handle the network. youf aggots cucked yourself with 1mb blocksize and you STILL get miner centralization lmao

>> No.19033681
File: 42 KB, 590x372, halving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he say he was going to do that??

Actually looking at his twitter and he might be up to some shenanigans...

>> No.19033695

>Yes. No point in tipping their hand early.
Who are you referring to here?

>> No.19034603
File: 82 KB, 373x371, 1517873997213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there only 2 option tough?? cant we come up with something new? 1 neobtc - that is given as a right to every person. The circulating supply is dependant on the total population of earth. Total supply: 8 billion. New coins integrated to the system whenever a new person is born.

The coins are withheld untill each and every person turns of legal age.
So you ask what gives my idea any value?

Faith. Simple as that. Moved mountains torugh our history. Built monuments that reached the skies. The same thing that keeps our society together right now: faith in some fuckers doing the right thing. or not we dont really care.
What we care about is equall opportunity.
Problem with every coin, scamtoken is the same. Looks like a ponzi, acts like a ponzi, feels like a ponzi for normies. Most of these people got burned by MLMs and whatnot bs. They are very sceptical of btc. The early bird gets the worm. But that is not sustainable. You have unfair market advantage compared to some newborn.

Now how you implement my system and how you not exploit it. How we acquire our neocoin, only 1, each person. Main point is how they spend it? that is up to them. 1 coin given as a birthright.
You are welcomed to an economical system instead of just depending on the parental lottery.

>> No.19034672
File: 58 KB, 720x534, 191a4c59f6594a078f635d2cef7f0262_gold-color-the-one-ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh wait now if I think about it human lives are cheap as fuck. 1 coin might not hold any great value.
Africans, for exmaple. Imagine some tribes growing humans like apples so they can get more neocoin. Also Is every life equal???

The life of a useless rapist degenerate + the world smartest man is still only = 2 coins.

Fukin degenerates, they ruin everything. I will do my coin on mars with my buddy elon. so long fuckeeeers!

>> No.19035544

Schizoid Legend

>> No.19035630

Ok this is getting good lol

>> No.19035658

This is exactly what happens after the halving you dolt.

>> No.19035674
File: 36 KB, 655x527, A510D782-E10B-4C6E-A512-A7AAEC4AE3E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btc is goung to dump hard as fuck as those miners marginal miners capitulate and sell their bags

>> No.19035727

If neocoin or any other asset for that matter is tradeable then given enough time pareto principle will do it’s thing anyway, it’s just how the world works right now

>> No.19035951


I'll never git forkcucks. If a fork ever replaces bitcoin, the entire value proposition for bitcoin is invalid, and so the fork is worthless too. If bitcoin "dies" then bcash and bsv will most definitely be dead too.

>> No.19036229
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1583602538434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if my competitor wins, nobody wins, we all lose so don't even try

Kek this is high octane, professional cope

>> No.19036410


No you are the cope. You cope with fake bitcoin because you are poor.

>> No.19036450

Greedy fuckers don't ruin things. Greedy fuckers reveal the flaws in systems. The one responsible is the one who built the system. The one thing you can count on always is human greed, and so you must design your system to account for that variable.

Thank the greedy for showing you the flaws. It's no use blaming them their behavior, because it won't change anything ever.

>> No.19036879

is he going to be okay?

>> No.19036918

You should see a doctor and get that verbal diareah checked out.

>> No.19036986

BSV is not fake bitcoin, it's true bitcoin.

They took back the original code and made it as the white paper built it

BTC is a jewish scam

>> No.19037000

Yes but that's only the case if anyone actually used Shitcoin for anything other than gambling at chinkchange roulette.

>> No.19037011

Why would they not just mine a more profitable chain (not BCH or BSV) and hold their bitcoin?

>> No.19037117

bitcoin is controlled by it's nodes faglord lol
read 'detecting double spends' by hal

>> No.19038141
