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File: 63 KB, 566x540, shkreli spergs out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1903069 No.1903069 [Reply] [Original]

Was it autism?
How many other successful millionaires are autistic?

>> No.1903091

I like this guy, he pulls no punches

>> No.1903102

Does he not get that people are just memeing? He's usually not this much of a faggot.

>> No.1903103

He's definitely autistic

uestionably jewish though

>> No.1903116

When he's doing time he can let the other cons know that they're all just intimidated by his intelligence. Should go down a treat.

>> No.1903117

He unironically has a lot of the telltale aspergers signs. Probably why he's so touchy about it.

>> No.1903144

Are you kidding? That post is the most Jewish fucking thing I've ever seen.

>> No.1903193

>most muslim country in yurop
you goyim are fucking idiots
i guess that's why it's so easy to profit off you

>> No.1903213
File: 38 KB, 800x582, f35f5a61edf6d4fe6546ee1df0b4732ab8d531d620b2082b3bc9d5eb8ff4b3bb_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right albanians are way worse

>> No.1903229

Shkreli definitely has autism.
He's socially retarded wiith an obsessive fixation on pharmaceuticals and finance.

>> No.1903239

isn't this guy going to prison? will he get ass raped in prison? how the fuck is he not going to get gutted by gangbangers? serious question if i was going to prison ide be fleeing the country or killing myself how is this guy so smug and passive is he actually brave or majorly retarded?

>> No.1903242

Rich people don't go to gangbanger prison they go to rich people prison.

>> No.1903261

is that true? do they actually segregate violent and non violent prisoners in the US? that's cool if they do cause Martin will not survive gang attacks

>> No.1903263

Wikipedia says he was accused of running a Ponzi scheme but doesn't say if he's been convicted yet.
Even if he is convicted, he will probably go to a minimum-security prison. Madoff ran one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in history and it was national news when he got caught, and he's still in a minimum security prison.
>They call me either Uncle Bernie or Mr. Madoff. I can't walk anywhere without someone shouting their greetings and encouragement, to keep my spirit up. It's really quite sweet, how concerned everyone is about my well being, including the staff […] It's much safer here than walking the streets of New York.

White-collar criminals don't go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison unless they're poor.

>> No.1903278


Once again Shkreli not afraid to tell it like it is.

Also I'm bored of the autism meme, and ready for something new.

>> No.1903282


I highly doubt Martin does any time. Gonna be a slap on the wrist most likely.

He did shift some money in ways you should not, but nothing he will do time for.

>> No.1903290

>do they actually segregate violent and non violent prisoners in the US?
No, they just separate white-collar criminals (fraudsters and embezzlers) from everyone else.
Drug addicts still get sent to pound-me-in-the-ass prison, which is why they turn into violent criminals when they get out.

>> No.1903301

autism usually comes with tics and stereotypies

he would know if he has those or not.

>> No.1903352



So legitimate autism puts a person in basically a non functioning retarded state for life. Some cases people have more functional autism where they can still live a semi-normal life and even a job.

These people DO NOT become successful. Ever.

The whole "autism" le "he has autism" joke needs to die both on a comedic level and on a misinformation level.

>> No.1903429 [DELETED] 

>What is Asperger's and HFA?

>> No.1903441

>These people DO NOT become successful. Ever.
The guy who created Pokemon has Asperger's.

>> No.1903444

>Some cases people have more functional autism where they can still live a semi-normal life and even a job.
>These people DO NOT become successful. Ever.

Gary Numan
Dan Harmon
Nicola Tesla very likely was

off the top of my head.
Sure not exactly the pantheon, but your statement is tantamount to saying "people with BPD are never successful. ever"

>> No.1903622

CHIEF KEEF is autistic and rich af

>> No.1903625

>i have more money than you that means im smarter
god this faggot is insufferable, go raise more drug prices

>> No.1903645


You could at least do a simple google search of why he actually raised drug prices rather than spouting what the mainstream media told you.

>> No.1903649

fuck off martin. go raise another drug price

>> No.1903654

Being smart ≠ telling people you are smart

>> No.1903677


Nah. There's plenty of smart awkward weirdos who are successful. That basically is what people mean by autism.

>> No.1903699


You Spastic cunts realise he raised the price on the commercial drug right?

He was in front of the court because the big pharma companies were shitting the bed about having to shill out money for the Private health cover of their patients.

Private purchase of the same fucking drug was still dirt cheap to those who need it.

He's a fucking hero for making the Big Pharma companies pay more.

>> No.1903728

ok martin whatever makes you sleep better at night. i see you don't know about ids yet.

>> No.1903842

the only person with autism on that list is ladyhawke

>> No.1904274

Me if i make it. I hit lile 48/50 online test.

>> No.1904278

Yup. You mean a sub standard 3 star resort where they suffer for 2 weeks.

>> No.1904286

Mostly. They have general population, solitary confinement, and also a protected area. At worst he will have to play cards with child rapists and other white collar ceime money landerers and shit. Actually the less time he soends in there teaching those degeberates the better off we will all be. Why is he getting jailed?

>> No.1904293

Dude tesla was nuts. Lol. Genious. But nuts

>> No.1904376

He absolutely is autistic.

>> No.1904390


>> No.1905562

He's catholic.

>> No.1906549

>So legitimate autism puts a person in basically a non functioning retarded state for life
tics and stereotypies don't equal retarded or non-functioning.

I own a multimillion dollar business and I'm autistic. Prior to owning a business I managed other peoples' businesses for 16 years - 1 per year. I managed 16 different individual businesses and at one point was a district manager overseeing 9 individual businesses. I made my bosses millions because mildly autistic people are often great at managing numbers and dynamic processes.

My particular stereotypy is a sort of hand flapping thing I do where I put both hands in the air and twist them rapidly at about shoulder level. I don't do it around others unless I've very comfortable around them. Even if someone saw the boss waving his hands around they'd just think it a bit odd, they're not in a position to say anything about it to my face.

tics are harder to repress, but again they don't much matter when you're in charge.

>> No.1906555

I also pace, bounce my legs when I'm sitting, and flap my hands at waist level like I'm shaking water off them.

this kind of stuff is pretty common, lots of non-autistic people do similar stuff. Stereotypies are usually just mistaken for mannerisms or nervous habits, which is essentially all they are.

>> No.1906576

none of this is to say autistic people CAN'T BE retarded or disabled. Tons of them are. Completely incapable of even holding a job.

Just not all of us. An odd demeanor, inability to read body language, a genius IQ, and a penchant for working quietly alone on repetitive tasks isn't a problem for lots of types of jobs.

>> No.1906640

You're full of shit, took me literally 30 seconds of googling.


>Harmon met with a doctor and came to understand that symptoms of the disorder lie on a spectrum, and that in fact there is a place on it for people with inappropriate emotional reactions and deep empathy. Harmon now sees that he may fit somewhere on that spectrum, though figuring out exactly where could take years.