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File: 516 KB, 2126x1264, 1589168777984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19022334 No.19022334 [Reply] [Original]

>He throws his life savings in crpyto
>Throws every paycheck from his minimum wage job to crypto with hopes of lamboland
>Student Loan debt
>Credit card debt
>Believes the halving will free him

You're never gonna make it. Wake up Anon.

>> No.19022381
File: 3.11 MB, 520x293, 1589116539415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in hopes of freedom

>> No.19022407

Well it's over...

>> No.19022492

What do you get out of posting this anon? Either you are projecting and this you can relate too or your not, which is unlikely because you probably can post something like this without being in this situation yourself. Why kick a man thats already at the floor?

>> No.19022516
File: 105 KB, 593x936, BFEE296E-3966-4955-B3A1-41A872C28BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s only one way I’ll be truly free

>> No.19022558

>Why kick a man thats already at the floor?

I’m trying to bring you delusional anons to reality. I’m trying to help you. I’m not in crypto. Will never participate in the pump and dump ponzi scheme. You will lose your money. Stop it.

>> No.19022591

Some of us can't stop because or bank system has collapsed and our fiat is collapsing.

Crypto has become our only banks for real.

>> No.19022650

Can you go to the shopping center and buy products with bitcoin? Can you walk into Publix and buy food with bitcoin? Do you ask for their wallet address or something?

>> No.19022695

i know it wont make me a millionaire. I have accumulated the amount I wanted/envisioned. I spent so much time on biz - all I want is exposure to it, which I now have.

>> No.19022724

I am basically the OP image, but I never spent money on crypto. I just have an average white collar job. Feels really strange.

>> No.19022766

I wish that was me, I'd have more money to pump into crypto

Stay single, live at home, buy crypto

>> No.19022812

Basically an INTP, like most people on biz.

>> No.19022876

What the fuck is this intjptioejtepte shit everyone uses it. Plz delete this image ty

>> No.19022922
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>> No.19023024


What's it like to have a best friend?

Had a lot of friends since improving my life but never a best friend. Is it just a meme and as you get older friends are just friends or can you still really bond in your twenties?

>> No.19023193
File: 517 KB, 676x741, 1575603784088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw my life savings on oil company stocks

>> No.19023196
File: 14 KB, 512x375, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do this, fren? We just wanna be happy and forget for a little while. Just a little while..

>> No.19023243

Nah it's Neurosis. The state of almost being human enough to stand out, but not nearly enough.

>> No.19023298
File: 54 KB, 750x585, 9736DA53-6B68-4C74-BE38-E8134338EECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19023338

i lost the last of my friends in 2016 when I openly supported Trump for president. At the time my thought was "well fuck them, I'd choose Trump over those backstabbers". In retrospect I feel like I should have just kept my mouth shut and go along to get along. haven't made any friends since then. i'm too cynical and can't trust people anymore. also have gotten too used to being alone

>> No.19023395

This ones a bit to close to home..... like way to close...

>> No.19023487

>Can you go to the shopping center and buy products with bitcoin? Can you walk into Publix and buy food with bitcoin? Do you ask for their wallet address or something?
How new are you?

>> No.19024352

I was socially isolated enough to not do this. I also didn't suck his dick in 2016, just hated the Clinton's and thought it was a funny meme.

>> No.19024667

most of those statements in the pic still apply and i have gf / good career / friends lol it's just part of living in S O C I E T Y

>> No.19024714


any lonely people wanna make a group so we can just chill?

>> No.19024826

What are this type of person in Pic?
Autist or schizoid?

>> No.19024882

>secret lifelong porn addiction
this is at least 90% of the problem

>> No.19024902

Bullshit and cope

>> No.19024960

Why the fuck is this so accurate, I’m even 25, what is this bullshit I’m becoming more and more paranoid

My life is a fucking joke

>> No.19025051

It literally says addiction retard

>> No.19025103

>full head of hair
I wish

>> No.19025124

> Activate quantum immortality.

>> No.19025125

not too late to make a change. But we all know you won't change. You don't have the discipline.

>> No.19025240

You got me. Except I have friends who message me but I'd rather be a loner. Its a comfy life.

>> No.19025259
File: 38 KB, 129x159, boyfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a gay version of this man exists I want to marry you. Fucking dream guy right here.

>> No.19025267


You're fucked come may 19, but if you're long you're probably good.

>> No.19025276

I've been addicted to porn since I was 10 and still had no problems getting into Harvard and laid constantly. As a matter of fact, I'm having my dick sucked by 2 Asian qts while sitting in my mansion watching porn and writing this post. I'm telling them I'm flipping stocks right now for some ez profit. Turns them on real hard lmao. Get on my level, incels.

>> No.19025318

I am an INTP loner/drifter who has had a string of cute gf's throughout my 20's and makes friends easily, the thing is none of these facts change the nature of reality. I feel bad for anyone who strives for these goals because you will realize soon after that you are still alone in this world.

>> No.19025323

pls go back

>> No.19025376

Yes. Get a tokencard. Tons of exchanges etc have them now. Literally just a debit card that you load up with tokens to spend.

>> No.19025436
File: 5 KB, 400x262, 1545758626203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you post that pic

>> No.19025554

I see the Jewish demoralization threads are back. Don't bump this shit guys

>> No.19025673
File: 568 KB, 2000x2000, E840A8FB-7208-4B6B-90DC-05CC8F0BFF72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19025691

no he's not lol stop spreading FUD you missed the bottom

>> No.19025730

my weak spotttttttttttttttt

>> No.19026438

Just go talk to people 4head.

>> No.19026528
File: 110 KB, 800x600, Self-Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19027058

>Full head of hair
>Never had a gf
That is a small section of a specific group, granted it is a large group on 4chan but otherwise very specific.

>> No.19027097

Actually, yes you can. Put $$$$$$$$$$$ on coinba$$$$e, Get coinba$e debitcard, buy goods with crypto in your wallet.
CB with be your on the fly excange from crypto to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

also, you're probably a newfag, so I'm guessing you like cock up your ass.

>> No.19027134

wtf this is so spot on for me. How did they know?

>> No.19027159

Delete this fucking post right now you fucking faggot.

>> No.19027449

Which ones?

>> No.19027579

projecting hard there buddy
i feel very so sorry for the poor sod who made this meme tho
too personal to be made up, this is some guy(according to himself at least)
thats horrifying

>> No.19027613

Did you unironically start using the internet today? These is a meme format where you make a post about yourself but make it relateable.

There's lots of different ones.

>> No.19027704

ok but usually its more of a type of person
i dont know i guess i find this more disturbing is because when i was ~19 and started my career i was just like the guy the meme is about. im a completely different person now but i still remember whats it like. its hell.

>> No.19027716

it's just kinda sad when there's so much text, it's too personal and there's no levity to it. well maybe there is, I didn't bother to read the whole sob story lol

>> No.19027861

To be fair, OPs imagine is me at age 22.

>> No.19027941

Worst thread on biz. Fuck off to r9k.

>> No.19027954

Ah, I see, most of the stuff in ops image describe me now at 26 aside from the no gf stuff and the not fitting in with friend group thing.

I suppose so. Could be a way for OP to vent

>> No.19027995

Yea, this one hits too close to home.

>> No.19028741

Cope. Your investing strategy is "time the bottom." As though it wasn't every one's first strategy. Consider why not everybody bought the obvious bottom. God I hope you're in USO lol.

>> No.19029015
File: 6 KB, 217x233, 1585962546757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% accurate at age 21
how fucked am i bros?

>> No.19029077

On the contrary, I bought the dip in some oil stocks today. I'm not trying to 'time the bottom'. it seems you are, by waiting for a crash that might not happen. I see a buying opportunity and I take it, as this can very well be the bottom. If it crashes? No biggie, I'll just buy more! OPEC cutting down in production, States reopening, Trump and FED printing money, say what you want, but this is an uptrend for now.

>> No.19029142

Jokes on you i'm up 4x

>> No.19029167

Extremely. You're looking for validation on 4channel.org/biz/

>> No.19029187

>He throws his life savings in crpyto
I did
>Throws every paycheck from his minimum wage job to crypto with hopes of lamboland
I have a BEng degree. While underpaid, I make more than minimum.
>Student Loan debt
Sadly, 45K
>Credit card debt
I dint have a CC
>Believes the halving will free him
Nah, I believe in opportunity

>> No.19029321

oh fuck im in coinbase and didnt know this. this is a potential gamechange feature. they should crow about it more. how kiked are the transaction fees though?

>> No.19029463
File: 222 KB, 1809x1231, 1583919911309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP pic basically me except everyone seems to automatically like me and I can't help cutting them off to play vidya and vape and be sad

>> No.19029709


member 2017?

we gon have another one in 2021

>> No.19029776


>> No.19029779

The fuck is this pic is this a fucking simulation how

>> No.19030254
File: 79 KB, 1086x722, brooding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 y.o here, it only gets worse from here fren. Much worse.

>> No.19030321

Why the fuck would you post this OP fuck you.

>> No.19030400

jesus christ this board has gotten dumb

>> No.19030417

my nigga

>> No.19030456

no im looking for free money from shillcoins

>> No.19030464

Nothing lasts forever, even close friendships. Even with best friends it will either fade over time or come to a sudden end.

>> No.19030721

I purposefully go out of my way to make sure the few minutes I have to spend with the cashier are as awkward for them as possible. I do this mainly because I used to be a cashier myself, so I understand how incredibly banal and mindless the work can be. That being said, I see it as my sole responsibility as the knowledgeable customer to make said cashier actually work for what little money they earn. To list just a few examples of my craft: I will frequently stare directly into the cashier's eyes for the entire duration of our interaction, from order/initial scanning through the time we are no longer in each others' fields of view. It is my aim that by doing this that the cashier will forever remember my face, my gaze, putting his/her cognitive ability to the test later on, keeping them grounded in their work. To date, I have only been asked to stay out of 1 particular cashier's lane at 1 store I no longer go to. Something else I do is I will bring a physical calculator (not like the application on your phone) and do the calculations along with the computer as the items are rung up. I have intentionally made minor errors in the process so that the end totals differ by a matter of cents, and cause a scene at the front of the line until the cashier either A) rings up my items again, or B) submits that they messed up. This is most fun at large grocery stores, especially at peak hours and with a large assortment of items. I will repeat this process until I am satisfied with my work or I am asked to leave; either way, I enjoy myself.

>> No.19030888

Kek and autism pilled

>> No.19030949

OP's pic is me except I'm 32. It doesn't get better. Also self improvement is a scam.

>> No.19030967

i check out the girls, for what ever reason the only white gfs left in this godforsaken country that are a 7+ work as cashiers

>> No.19030992

actually lol'd

>> No.19031060

based sperging against the modern world.

>> No.19031107

Fuck you for posting this. The one thing I had going for me was that I could tell myself at least I'm not a normie. Then I look at this INTP shit and your picture and now I'm just a 25 year old smart loser punched out of the smart loser press doomed to a life of mediocrity because porn and weed took away my motivation and drive

>> No.19031150

My life didnt improve when i tried no fap

>> No.19031158

How does it feel that your life can be summed up into one meme image? I can’t imagine kek. Literally, have sex.

>> No.19031197

>2 new posts
Dont lie youre in this boat too, we all are. Thats why were here

>> No.19031212

I'm not Wojak. I don't give a fuck what 4chan's niggerfaggot meme says. There's nothing wrong with me.

>> No.19031342
