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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19019418 No.19019418 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you fags now?

>> No.19019479
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Still comfy anon. Very comfy

>> No.19019489
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Yeah, definitely dead. Damn you are smart.

>> No.19019525

Take a look at the markets, you fucking retard

>> No.19019527

Literally going to $5 today you effing retard. $10 next week. Neck yourself OP.

>> No.19019571

You're a fucking retarded piece of shit dumb brainlet.

>> No.19019579

This. Literally waiting for it to dip to $2.50 to reload but it literally won’t kek. Peek comfy anon

>> No.19019581

What's the easiest way to buy for burgers

>> No.19019583



>> No.19019584

Accumulated 1214 more steaks in 2.6-2.80 range. Very comfy

>> No.19019589
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I am genuinely surprised /biz/ is not jumping on this project like the golden opportunity it is.
It's incredible you all work so hard to buy the next shitcoin pump yet there's a massive DeFi solution staring you in the face, and you won't even reach out and grab it.
Literally never going to make it.

>> No.19019603

choose another country on bitmax

>> No.19019653

and remember which country that is in case you need a vpn in the future

>> No.19019766


Biz will fomo in end of this week week at $10 like always.

>> No.19019937

can I join your discord I bought at $1.50

>> No.19019957

And my ID is Fetch Vap(e)

>> No.19020098

I for one am not in a Discord. There's really only like two of us I think on this board that actually hold it, the rest of 4chan is seriously unable to read for themselves.
I just checked Etherscan for the contract ID and now there's 80 wallets, neat.
Was at about 30 a few days ago.

>> No.19020200

Based anon, you sound smart. What are you price predictions for STAKE?

>> No.19020378

$100 by the end of the Bitmax staking period. Then it'll either tank of there's no use case, or continue to moon if they've got something else in place.
I don't think people really understand the gravity of this shit. Loose comparisons here but
>like buying ETH for $2.50
>like buying Antshares
>like buying BTC with your student loans 6 years ago
This is the first project I've seen in the crypto space that actually has potential to fulfill a use case outside of ONE THAT'S MADE UP.
These are not fucking problems, and they sure as shit don't need solutions.
Read about STAKE and let your skin get chills that you are reading about something at a fucking $3,000,000 market cap.

>> No.19020434

wanna start a discord?

>> No.19020472

This anon definitely gets it. I noticed this too. Now my portfolio is 80% STAKE 20% TRB

>> No.19020498

Once Bitmax staking period ends, sure. I'll spam a link in August on /biz/.

>> No.19020500

definitely not $100 but it's obviously undervalued and has massive moon potential. Personally I'm taking out my initial at $10 and keeping the rest selling 10% every $5 it goes up

>> No.19020508

25 mil plus mcap incoming by end of next week. Don't get left behind.

>> No.19020585
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Not the perfect comparison, but Makerbois back it up, same with a lot of other mETHeads. Maker is about $300 with 3x the supply, if people wise up I think they'd accurately assume this number.
Sort of like RocketPool people saying the fair price should be 0.1 ETH.
If it reaches $100 I'd be surprised, but it'll be closer to $100 than where it's at currently.
Screenshot this.

>> No.19020623

Sorry was looking at an incorrect project,
>Maker has 1mm
>STAKE has 8mm
Thus, $37. $100 if bullmarket.

>> No.19020783

>now there's 80 wallets, neat.
Because everyone is staking them on bitmax. I've got 550 there bought from $0.80 to $2.10. But they never hit my wallet.

>> No.19020871

How do I stake on bitmax and what's the benefit of doing so?

>> No.19020929

delegate the STAKE in you bitmax account, the apr is like 30%

>> No.19020991

3.5k reporting. anyone got 10k? congrats on early retirement.

>> No.19021009

xDai is fucking real moonshot, glad i bought low :)))))

>> No.19021074


I agree. This is probably the biggest opportunity /biz had since LINK 3 years ago. I don't see how not everyone is going all in on this one. It's insanely undervalue

>> No.19021215


only 5K but I wish I wish I wish I could buy more. praying to god that it falls below <2$ and I will go all in. This is fucking insane, literally THE moon shot of 2020-2021 !!!!!! fuck I wanna buy more

>> No.19021335

I'm reading about this but somebody redpill me. Stake was designed to provide POS consensus to xDai, but what is xDai used for? It seems like it's just yet another cryptocurrency. I get Vitalik and others have endorsed it but why? Because it has a great UI and is easy to use? Why would that make Stake worth investing in so much?

>> No.19021357

Is that possible on mobile version of bitmax? I can't find the staking option

>> No.19021469

I have 6K here, scooped some up at $2.71 during this dip. If it goes below $2, I’ll get an 8K stack kek
I don’t think so. I’m only on mobile too and I don’t see the option

>> No.19021573

read the website brainlet

>> No.19021699
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>insanely undervalue(d)
I hate using that term because it's thrown around here so often, but it's undervalued almost literally on purpose.
The entire point of having an ICO of $0.40 for this thing was to attract investors. Put it on Bitmax and let people get used to the idea of staking. Fall in love with supporting the network, never sell, bootstrap the network collateral.
Boom, an engineered functioning network.
Transaction speed for xDAI = 1-5 seconds vs. DAI = about 1–3 minutes. If you missed out on Maker, this is your ticket.

>> No.19021919

>but why?
I think because it's loosened its grip on the wet dream of absolute decentralization through the use of validators and delegates.
I think Vitalik warmed up to it in the same way that ETH2.0 is demanding 32 ETH to become a 'delegate' on his network as well. Complete centralization is bad, but complete decentralization can make an unusable network.
The Goldilocks network.

>> No.19021933

Anon, how do I send my ETH to bitmax? Through metamask? Newfag here.

>> No.19022067

>I can't find the staking option
It's only on their Desktop web page. You can go to My Assets and choose to delegate. Please read the simple table FAQ before jumping in. You can unstake anytime, but I believe if you unbind yourself before 7 days you suffer a 0.7% fee. However, if you wait a week, you've literally just made yourself some free STAKE.
Also keep in mind if you're a poorfag that does not have 1000 STAKE, this is your chance to work towards gaining some more.

>> No.19022101

I put 50 euros in. Am I going to make it?

>> No.19022115

Just sign up to Bitmax, select another country. Find your Bitmax ETH wallet address, copy it, send the ETH

>> No.19022144

find the deposit address for your bitmax cash account and send your ETH there from wherever you are holding it

>> No.19022145
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xDAI + STAKE discord, get over here bros:

>> No.19022198

no, but you'll be able to buy some nice gift for yourself

>> No.19022206

Yes anon, doing it right now. It's like binance really. Recipient ETH address and such. Thanks.

>> No.19022212


>> No.19022249

Cool. Just one question, where is this stake coin headed to for the next month or two? I read some anons saying $8-10.

>> No.19022268

we have been jumping on it....most of this board is retarded newfags though that legit don't know what the fuck to buy. some one them are probably on board too, like OP who feels scammed that he bought at $3 last night and it's not already $10. for the most part though, this board is too dumb to understand the significance of STAKE

>> No.19022358
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>ANJ court session IV begins!
They'll learn, eventually.

>> No.19022478

Yeah I did, which is why I'm asking what differentiates it from something like Maker. Lot of info to work through on that site.
Thanks. I'm starting to see the potential.

>> No.19022549

this is basically the equivalent of the lightning network on Ethereum. it costs one penny to send 500+ transactions at near instant speed...

>> No.19022571
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computer literacy night class
time to get that GED, BOI

>> No.19022594

$8-10 is minimum by end of the month. If you plan on selling there, I do recommend keeping a moon bag for the long term

>> No.19022681

Alright, thanks anon, much appreciated and yeah, I'll keep some for the long term.

>> No.19022792

I honestly think it's too complicated. Normies won't understand it. Hell I even don't understand it and don't want to spend all the time investigating. For something to really moon it has to be absolutely clear and transparent.

So from what I understand this is some kind of wrapper for Dai, because Dai is too slow or what not. First problem, nobody knows what Dai is, or what it is used for. Then when you learn what Dai is, you will find out it's value is tied to $ (how does that work?). Then you ask how to make money with a stable coin? Ahh xdai has it's own coins, but payments will be super cheap? So where is the revenue come from?

You don't have to answer my question, I just want to show you that this is not simple and easy and I honestly don't think anybody will care, except for some crypto gamblers on /biz/. This will most likely even be too complicated for the pajeets.

>> No.19022810
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>> No.19022835

Holy kek pls be bait

>> No.19022921


trannies assemble

>> No.19022930
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I don't give a shit, I'm taking it. Pic related, and short snippet of video,
Another major point to note,
>"We know there's the Maker project and they have their methods, the Proof of Authority network as well, so we mixed up the best parts of those two."

>> No.19022939

I don't think it's a wrapper for DAI, its value is pegged to DAI, which is itself pegged to USD

>> No.19022971

are you kidding. So let me wrap up again.
xdai is based on dai which is based on ETH. So in order to understand it you have to first understand all of the others. Then it is not easy to understand how exactly people are making money with this. Staking? Mining? Transaction fees? But then you get some strange token. What to do with it? There is just to much confusion and uncertainty involved.

So for example, do you know how Dai works? What happens if ETH fails or basically goes to near zero, because some other technology replaces it. Will Dai fail at some point? What consequences will this have on xdai?

>> No.19022990

Anons the bitmax site isn't listing the STAKE/ETH pair on my end. I guess I hv to convert ETH to USDT first. Oh well.

>> No.19023013

sure, like I said I don't really know and I don't care all that much. But I would never buy something that I don't understand and I don't think the normies will either.

>> No.19023067


4,000,000 more coins being released this year.

>> No.19023096


>> No.19023104

It's why I like investing in crypto. There's a lot more mind put into it even though I myself struggle a lot to understand certain use cases or products, it nonetheless is a great sphere. We're (especially the whale anons) are like guys Warren Buffet as in if one day some of these coins go big, these whale guys are gonna turn into some mini plutocrats even, LOL.

>> No.19023107

>what is the the benefit of staking
Boiiiiii . I’m getting like 1.2 STAKE per day from staking right now

>> No.19023108
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>So in order to understand it you have to first understand all of the others.




>> No.19023147
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>336 days after listing

Anon I.....

>> No.19023218

Does your average consumer know how fractional reserve banking and the Fed works?

>> No.19023277

Kek this is exactly how he sounds

>> No.19023296

>Does your average consumer know how fractional reserve banking and the Fed works?
No, which is the point of my response to

>> No.19023320

This is exactly why normies will be buying this like crazy. See

>> No.19023347

Not at all. But what's your point anon? In my opinion, the only thing that gets normies to jump on some coin is either evident mooning covered by mainstream like in case of bitcoin or when a bunch of twitter celeb faggots shill a coin like what happened earlier and now to a lesser extent happening with chainlink.

>> No.19023453
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Anon, this literal influencer with half a million followers on Twitter mentioned STAKE last night. Do you think he knows how it works? Again, half a million followers that are 20s, neets,etc

>> No.19023454

Actually earlier today some (kind of) celeb faggot shilled STAKE to his 500k subs after it pumped to ath. He deleted his post soon after, probably sold at loss kek

>> No.19023481


2,000,000 private round tokens being released this year. Over 5000 coins a day.

>> No.19023482


>> No.19023519

>5000 coins a day
It's nothing. I have 3x of that amount

>> No.19023544
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This is much bigger than you think.

The project has been around for more than a year. Already functioning Ethereum sidechain = scaling solution. Fast transaction times (5 seconds) & low transaction fees (500 tx for $.01). The sidechain has a built in stable coin called xDAI, pegged 1:1 with DAI which itself is pegged to the USD, which means users are not exposed to volatility to use the chain. STAKE is the token that protects the network.

xDAI was shilled by Joseph Lubin, Gavin Wood, MakerDAO, and Vitalik himself https://www.xdaichain.com/about-xdai/news-and-information/crypto-influencers-on-xdai, even Anthony Pompliano (known BTC maxi) said: "xDAI is a magical first experience for people"
Reminders, Pomp is a frequent CNBC Fast Money host

Chess on xDAI (Jan 2019): https://twitter.com/mikery/status/1112603032703913985?s=21
Helena, prediction markets on xDAI (Augur competitor): https://helena.network/
Burner wallet, a web wallet for instant users onboarding running on the xDAI sidechain: https://burnerwallet.co/
Used live at a big ETH event: https://medium.com/@austin_48503/burner-wallet-ethereal-was-rad-bf56b68ac3bc
A $18B worth company used it at a conference LAST YEAR (Splunk + xDAI)

Roadmap: https://www.xdaichain.com/about-xdai/roadmap

Q2 2020: Trade any real world asset (TSLA, OIL, whatever) on the xDAI chain at blazing speed.
Q3 2020: Public staking
Also Q3 2020: privacy preserving transactions.
Q3 2020: zk-rollup scaling solution for 1000x increased tps

Market cap... $3M. Just lmao.

If you still don't see that this is the ground floor, stay poor. $10 is FUD. $100 will be reached. Screencap this.

>> No.19023566

xDai fags are the reason I bought Solana.

>> No.19023643

I don't get how the fuck are you proud of this decision kek

>> No.19023680
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Holy shit imagine having pride in this
>Circ. Supply 19,626,651 SOL (3.93%)

>> No.19023688

I went all in on ghost train, otherwise I would give this more chance

>> No.19023921

you make a good point I give that to you. But I still don't agree, because normies are weary of crypto in general.

To make it easier (and more realistic) with this point: >>19023218. Sure the normies have no clue how the monetary system works. Otherwise we would have bankruns. But at least they have trust in it. I'm not saying that crypto will never gain some trust. But you certainly don't make it easier to make it more complicated first. So at least in my case I don't trust ETH, I think it is a shitcoin and I hope that it will be replaced by something better soon. So everything based on ETH, especially all erc20 tokens are shitcoins in my optinion (not that I wouldn't gamble with them).

The concept of xDai would be great if it would be based on one easy and clear to understand product and on it's own blockchain.

Just my two cents, I could be terribly wrong of course. But just in case you want to. Try to give me the elevator pitch for xDai. Why would normies use that instead of instant payments with dollars over their normal cards.

>> No.19023936

Same here though I got out off the ghost train today. Anon, you think ESh has a 2x left in it before 25th may? It seems to be stagnated.

>> No.19023972

Also, no offense anons but from a short term perspective, isn't RPL poised to give better returns till like july? Not talking about long term here.

>> No.19023997

Lmao Checked

>> No.19024035
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>Why would normies use that instead of instant payments with dollars over their normal cards.
Censorship resistant, anyone can have it. Some people get locked out of accounts, some people are too poor to afford a decent bank. Same ethos of any other crypto.
Elevator pitch would be something like,
>Enables instant payments powered via Ethereum that are pegged to the USD. Paypal has geographic restrictions, this does not. Not every shop owner can afford to run credit card payments, these are effectively free. Decentralized enough, thus censorship resistant.

>> No.19024043

Why are you so obsessed with normies. Normies didn’t make bitcoin popular. Criminals did. Fuck normies. I’ll be getting my dividend of STAKE every day to buy steak while these normies are looking where to buy their normie shit like xrp or ltc

>> No.19024051

easy, just wait for WP on 15th and all the shilling after. If it turns out to be actually good, it will go to 66$ easily (1 billion market cap). I would even hope for 100$ desu, especially combined with another crypto bullrun. I would personally be a bit disappointed if it doesn't got to 10$ until the 25th.

>> No.19024088

it's not very censorship resistant if it is not private I would say.

>> No.19024145

MakerDAO opened around $3 when BTC was like $500, and it slowly climbed to 20 in a few weeks then jumped to the hundreds.
Although the scenario is different, STAKE will probably follow the self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.19024388

2x is very low imo. You have to know that this coin is almost entirely under the rader and 70% wallets are probably /biz/. Still I wouldnt say go in if not for Mcaffe. When the hype starts I can see it making 10x

>> No.19024729

>easy, just wait for WP on 15th and all the shilling after. If it turns out to be actually good, it will go to 66$ easily (1 billion market cap). I would even hope for 100$ desu, especially combined with another crypto bullrun. I would personally be a bit disappointed if it doesn't got to 10$ until the 25th.
i've seen a draft of the ghost whitepaper. all i can say is esh is going to $100