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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18990652 No.18990652 [Reply] [Original]

Who has a unique domain name? Let me turn that bitch into $50 a day in three months.

>> No.18990757

i dont have one but if i get one will you make $50 a day?

>> No.18990981

If it's an easy to remember and build SEO around, yeah.

>> No.18990986
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>> No.18990993

Autism and delusions: the lonely self-bumping post

>> No.18991000
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Run along. Go invest in your monopoly money coins.

>> No.18991014

Ethereum name service domains are all the rage now anon Hosted on the interplanetary file system

>> No.18991018

stop lying to people you mongoloid kike

>> No.18991027
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Sounds neat. But .com appeals to everyone so I'll stick w/ that top-level domain.


>> No.18991057

I’m interested

Mines unique and easy to remember

I own both .com and .io versions of it.

What’s your broad strategy? You dont need to give away your secret sauce but I’d like to know what you propose doing

>> No.18991065

The website name is also only two syllables

>> No.18991082

As broad as I can get: I'm going to build a multi-thousand dollar website thematically to your domain and SEO pack it.

>> No.18991106

Not only will I drive the overall price of your domain up, but I'll build you permanent passive income if you wish to never sell.

>> No.18991118
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fucking boomers and their Dot com's

Millennials and zoomers are more creative with our domains. example https://ethresear.ch/ https://etherscan.io/

no one is going to give a shit about your .com faggotry in a decade.

Go home

>> No.18991141

I'm 25 and literally have enough passive income off .com to never work again. lmk whenever you build a trade passion that turns into a career and make a thread. I'll be sure to come wish you good vibes and luck.

>> No.18991182
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You should probably keep up with the times then


Web3 is only a few years from domination. these shitcoins somehow seem to be gaining interest from actual corporations.

>> No.18991183

I have a ton of domains. What are you looking for to do SEO? Something like fashionsgurus.com?

>> No.18991213

Small syllables, words, and marketable interests. Ideally a combination of all three.

>> No.18991234

Pretty cool. I prefer cash over coins though. When my favorite sushi spot in cali starts taking eth I'll be sure to look into it. I know I'm in the minority on this board about coins but this thread isn't about coins so maybe head over to the 30 other threads that are.

>> No.18991301

desu I can see where you are coming from

Crypto fags are a pox on the internet. The problem is these house hermits are going to be so rich it will make you sick soon. There is literally a Ethereum Enterprise Alliance board member on all these dystopian new world order projects like ID2020, KTDI, Digital Dollars, etc, etc

It may be next to impossible to tell real from fake with all the bullshit in this space but i assure you wasting time on .com's when web3 is what all the mega corp's are building on will not end well

>> No.18991788

I highly doubt any crypto based DNS will ever overtake standard high level domains. There are exceptions, but those are usually on a niche levels. Like yeah, I have a couple .gg extensions for gaming websites only if the name of the domain is advantageous.

>> No.18991790

go back

>> No.18992755

Got a cool themed domain but not .com. What's in it for you to do this anyways OP?

>> No.18992809

I have 120, a friend of mine has in the millions and just lives from the trading and traffic.

>> No.18992932

how about www.suckmyunwasheddickyoufilthyfaggot.com?

>> No.18992971

I would want a portion of the passive income for putting the time and money into actually making it worth something/more.

Any notable ones worth mentioning here?

>> No.18992986
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Anon this isn't your diary, you dirty devil.

>> No.18993003

> no decentralised crypto-based domains
the hell is wrong with you lot? i take crypto payments via a ZIL domain - no more awful string-character addresses. don't suppose google indexes them yet though, can't even get to walkofftheearth.zil, needs to be linked via net 1.0 by way of walkofftheearth.zil.link. am i making money yet?

https://unstoppabledomains.com/ incidentally. unreal that biz has made no mention of such projects in a thread like this.

>> No.18993018

What the fuck are you even on about.

>> No.18993211
File: 30 KB, 300x322, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google upcoming game
>Register new domain "(Game Name)Wiki.com"
>Do this for tens of games.
>Only slightly increase price at auction so suckers actually buy it.

>> No.18993258

I have a decent collection of .com and other domains that I have yet to do anything with. Where can I contact you outside this board to discuss?

>> No.18993298

You clearly have not been on Twitter recently. People are putting their ens names on their handles. Also unstoppable domains is kind of a meme. Its just a centralized service. ENS names are decentralized on Ethereum itself.

I myself own some names of very prominent people. They will definitely want them at some point

>> No.18993327

>make a site 10 years ago when I was in highschool that's basically just spammy ad arbitrage bullshit
>one of the pages has some wallpapers that for some reason gets popular
>still gets about 10k views per month, down from like 25k at its peak
>website that I actually tried on and put a lot of effort into SEO for is only getting like 1k/month organically (albeit I only started 3 months ago, but my hopes are pretty low)

was it really that much easier a decade ago?

>> No.18993425

ok. I just develop websites and make money.

It was definitely easier back in the day, anon. But if shitty ios devs of this generation have taught us anything it's that sometimes you just need to reshell. Grab the frame and make another website out of it targeting a different niche, maybe.

>> No.18993432

anon please give tips. how this work?