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File: 705 KB, 970x546, rpl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18985889 No.18985889 [Reply] [Original]

is still the most undervalued project in crypto. I took the time to research Rocket Pool's humble beginnings, ambition, and where it is heading. After research, I believe it is heading to top 10.

>> No.18985911

xDai most undervalued

>> No.18985912

yes sirs very good coin. my village also believe top five coin this year.

>> No.18985915

Shut it benchode

>> No.18985927

1 RPL = 0.1 ETH

>> No.18985928
File: 176 KB, 607x450, vitalik eth on Twitter Rocket Pool continues humming along implementing and making tests for ethereum stake pools https t co NGfJQ6TfFb Twitter (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's start with the goal. To be the standard for decentralized staking pools for the highly anticipated eth 2. How did they plan to do this? Well they started in 2016 once Vitalik released the Muave paper on eth 2. This is similar to Chainlink starting on oracles years before a real need was there. So in the last 4 years, the Rocketpool team has developed a very intriguing staking service where users can stake as little as 1 eth. More info on that soon. The infrastructure is so good, it got Vitalik to tweet about their work.

>> No.18985945

how u no my name sir?!

>> No.18985946

>already bounced back halfway from the dip
based rocket coin

>> No.18985953

Now some things you may not know. At Edcon in 2018 Rocket Pool was invited to a Consensys after party where they were able to pitch the project to none other than Joseph Lubin.

>> No.18985968
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forgot pic.

>> No.18985984
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Shortly after the pitch, Consensys knew they had to get a piece of Rocket Pool. Adding to the RP resources in what is setting up to be the defacto eth 2 staking pool platform.

>> No.18986006
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This isn't something Consensys just threw money at. Conensys and other large entities will run trusted nodes on the decentralized network.

>> No.18986053
File: 60 KB, 745x383, Rocket_Pool_101_—_FAQ_Rocket_Pool_Medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Rocket Pool is just a Staking pool service, you're wrong. Rocket Pool is a decentralized infrastructure setup in a way to allow any company or staking service to tap into. Many people staking eth with services will be using Rocket Pool without them even knowing.

>> No.18986121
File: 415 KB, 682x1024, rpl3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Pool also has a secret weapon, rETH. What is rETH? rETH is a token that represents locked ETH on ETH 2 chain for Rocket Pool users. This rETH provides the much needed liquidity for node operators and eth stakers during eth 2 phases 0 and 1.

Expect to see rETH traded on uniswap, borrowed on aave, and on other defi protocols for collateral etc. Once other staking services, exchanges, and wallets integrate Rocket Pool, rETH will be the standard token representing eth 2 ETH.

>> No.18986173

What about token supply and how much RPL does the team have to dump to fund operations? Well the team only has about 2 million or 10% of the supply. This is minimal compared to projects like chainlink where the team has 65% and dump 500-700k regularly. In fact, Rocket Pool has a profit model in the protocol and have skin in the game when it comes to the success of the project. Rocket Pool takes a tiny less than 1% fee from the eth 2 rewards for continued operations and developments. In this case, the Rocket Pool team is in it with the RPL holders. Their business is not dumping inflated price tokens but building and running a successful decentralized platform.

>> No.18986240
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But RPL has been pumping lately, it's going to retrace. RPL was criminally undervalued and it is barely above its ico price. The usecase, development, and timeline to eth 2 are perfect.

>> No.18986254
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Absolutely fucking based anon. We are going to make it.

>> No.18986338
File: 6 KB, 445x156, Rocket_Pool_RPL_Token_Tracker_Etherscan (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people know and hold this gem? Literally only 2,149 people hold rpl. This was like 1600 only 2 weeks ago. Word is getting out but if you compare this to anything else you'll realize how under the radar this thing is. These 2k holders aren't really sellers either, see most have been low key accumulating in the shadows. Sure, some will take profits, but not most.

>> No.18986364

DPoS a shit.

>> No.18986371

What about community? I just started hearing about Rocketpool?

The Rocketpool community is thriving with at least 10-20 people joining the official discord each day. There are conversations about the tech, token, and whatever else. Not going to link it but the discord invite is on their homepage. There is also an unofficial telegram that is gaining members daily. Aaah it reminds of the good ole chainlink days

>> No.18986397
File: 690 KB, 970x546, rpl5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about hype? Well there is a beta coming up at the same time eth 2 hype is building. I expect this beta to be huge. Also, if you check $rpl tag on twitter, you'll start to notice an uptick in activity. Rocket Pool is slowly but surely becoming a household name .

>> No.18986436
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While btc just puked, so did rpl, except it got bought back up almost instantly. We are watching pure accumulation

>> No.18986470
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sip sip

you know who I am. I'm drinking tonight, around if you have questions

>> No.18986545

new/poorfag from thirdworld here.
just bought 25 rpl, u better take me to moon.

>> No.18986581

Over 4k RPL here.

>> No.18986770


nice anons. If you have any questions holler

>> No.18986799

Is there a rush to buy right now? Another week and I'll have money to throw at it. I love the concept but it just pumped like crazy

>> No.18986829

Things might cool of because the rest of the market just took a dump but you never know. I doubt it's going much below $2 again though

>> No.18986856


>> No.18986875


its gonna go sub .50 when people realize theres no use for it until 2021 at least


>> No.18986880

What are the tokenomics? Is it kind of a linkpool thing where we share in the fees for stakers?

>> No.18986898

I see rpl as the strongest fundamentally for 2020. Not recommending timelines, but there are catalysts including eth 2 news, the upcoming beta, etc that should really make headlines and hype the project. I understand it seemed like it pumped, which it did, but it pumped from 7mil, its still on the 2nd page of coinmarketcap at 30 mil. Projects that have 10x the valuations are shittier.

>> No.18986916

which puts it's current valuation at $18.

>> No.18986968

there isnt any.

No eth staking until 2021. This shit coin is held up by misinformation.


>> No.18986976

hi vampire. Why don't you come back in the discord to get blown out again?

linkpool is some cringe fringe product made for staking link token. No one outside of chainlink community even knows who they are. The rpl token does not share the fees for stakers. Any token that does that (linkpool share) is a security, I'm not interested in any securities

>> No.18986993

Did you sell your rpl vampire?

>> No.18987011

>hi vampire. Why don't you come back in the discord to get blown out again?


everyone needs to read this line of posts


Shills outright call devs liars. The misinformation by these scammers is unebelievable

>> No.18987047

OK so then what is the value proposition of holding the token? I like the idea of making eth staking easy and normie friendly but why am I buying the rpl?

>> No.18987073

because you've been shilled to

everything they say is gobbledeegook. The bottom line is you need 16 RPL to run a node, which you wont need until 2021.

Bagholders with 20k RPL are either retards or one of the scammer pumper shills

>> No.18987102

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.18987155

If you're actually part of the RPL marketing team/strategy then that is ingenious I have to say. You are literally the dumbest person I have ever seen on /biz/ (or behave like it anyhow).

>> No.18987195

rpl is used to regulate the network. A rocketpool node operator is going to need 1-3 rpl per eth. They also need 16 eth per validator vs 32 eth due to taking on eth from other stakers. The limited supply of rpl is causing people to buy as much as they can early in anticipation of eth 2.

>> No.18987199

Where do you recommend investing anon?

>> No.18987213

He's actually famous in the rpl discord. I think he's joined about 10 times and always gets btfo like he does here on biz as well.

>> No.18987216

gobbledeegook. nothing that you said means anything to anyone who knows cryptocurrency.

Bottom line is, no staking until 2021. RPL has no use. Once your misdirection is revealed in August this coin will tank.

>> No.18987246

Put your money where your mouth is.

Create an Augur market for the question "Will Ethereum 2.0's Phase 0 launch on the mainnet in 2020?". Put $1000 on the "No" side and post proof here, and I'll put $1000 on the "Yes" side.

>> No.18987245

staking 2020, staking 2021 don't matter. I'll be running my rocketpool nodes with rpl when ready. And in meantime, I'll continue stacking my rpl. Why you care so much about rpl anon, did an rpl dev hurt you?

>> No.18987256


August crash. Archive this post.

>> No.18987278

so 3 months of appreciation. Thanks for the foresight anon

>> No.18987281

Already bouncing back up. Fudders try and knock it but they can't stop the rocket!

>> No.18987292

Vampire pls go, you fucking brain dead faggot

>> No.18987382

Holy shit.. he's back. How long have you been with us?

>> No.18987497

Always around but no need for image board, until now. Rpl is as real as link was back in my day.

>> No.18987764

What if I told until 2021 and onwards. What's it's problem Then? Go have sex if you can still get it up.

>> No.18987813

Yeah I know who he is, I just have a hard time believing someone on this board could be unironically this mentally challenged.

>> No.18987840

As a wise anon. Should I put most of my accumulation money in RPL for short term gains?
T. Poor newfag who's only skill is driving diggers

>> No.18987913

After this dump, do you think this is a dead cat bounce and may drop a little more? (market overall) Thanks

>> No.18988031

Bought the dip, over 10k stack now. Will buy more if we can get another dip.

>> No.18988097
File: 30 KB, 640x640, hahas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 RPL = 0.1 ETH
Assuming it has 50% of all stakers on it

>> No.18988409

Never been this excited about a project before.

Roll on phase 0

>> No.18988476

Hi uncleoldfag

>> No.18988511


Let people do their own research.

>> No.18989131

Holding RPL token only has utility if you have 16 ETH.

>> No.18989189

Also If you stake 16 ETH. How much ETH will you get after 1 year of staking ?

>> No.18989524


>> No.18989881

yes rpl token has utility w/ at least 16 eth.

>> No.18990535

>most undervalued project in crypto

>only expected to do 10x from here

>> No.18990579

APR is expected to be 3-8%.

At 4%, a 16 ETH stake would earn 0.64 ETH in one year.

>> No.18990654

The token is useless, but it was a nice 5x. I'm out into more STAKE before it goes to $8 like TRB

>> No.18990656

At current prices, we’re talking apx 4k investment for a $127 annual return.

Doesn’t make sense desu.

>> No.18990681 [DELETED] 

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>> No.18990740

When you consider that ETH is likely to rise in price significantly over the next 10 years, staking becomes a much more lucrative prospect.

At 4%, if ETH rises in price to $500 in one year, you would have earned $320, which is effectively a 10.5% APR.

>> No.18990816

False. The node operator needs to stake RPL at at least a ratio of 1:1 for every ETH pooled.

>> No.18990827

In the top 200 wallets. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.18990855

Earning $320 per year at $500 ETH price, still seems very low though.

>> No.18990906

It's an effective 10.5% APR. It's hard to find better than that. And that's with the conservative assumptions of 4% and $500. If ETH goes to $1000, it would be an effective 21% APR.

$320 seems small as a raw number because your initial investment is small (sorry to break it to you).

>> No.18990956

You're right. my initial investment would be the minimum to be a node operator: 16 ETH + RPL. But 21% APR for at ETH 1k, is about $800/year.

Seems like the most rational thing is to keep gambling on Link to get 10k link + 1 LP

>> No.18991069

>But 21% APR for at ETH 1k, is about $800/year.

.04 * 16 * $1000 = $640 earnings

$640 / (16 * $190) ≈ 0.21 effective APR

Also, your earned ETH would be added to your principle in the next year's stake, so your stack and earnings would grow at an exponential rate.

>Seems like the most rational thing is to keep gambling on Link to get 10k link + 1 LP

At the end of the day, ETH staking is for people who would have been holding ETH even without the staking.

>> No.18991153

Thank you for the math breakdown. I appreciate it
>so your stack and earnings would grow at an exponential rate.
How will my initial 16eth node operator grow exponentially? -assuming ETH goes higher and higher ?

>> No.18991256


Make sure to click "Advanced Settings" and change the "Total ETH Staked (%)". I assume between 5-20% of the ETH supply will be staked.

>> No.18991402
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Eth staking is a long way off. Lots of linkies are hopping on rpl frantically trying to pump their bags.

>> No.18991553

It will rise exponentially, but very slow. After 10y, you have made 6.4 ETH from staking the principal and another 3 or so from the compounded staking. So you are now at 25 ETH.

If you are in your 20s now, it will be a lot once you retire, but it really takes ages before compounding gains make you rich.

>> No.18991671
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Yeah I mean, what the fuck? Checking out ETH staking rewards has been the biggest gut punch. For all the risk incurred in crypto, add the fact you can't touch your shit for a year, and all you get is a mere 2-6% ROI? Staking 32 ETH is worthless, as that amount in USD can really get you into something with a better return. ETH staking seems like a boomer meme mutual fund. What am I missing?

>> No.18991700


ETH is pure spaghetti code. ETH was without a doubt a great idea; I will not deny that at all. However, most people in crypto don't have the comprehension or knowledge to be able and look at the code-base and identify flaws that could be catastrophic, both in terms of economic, security, and overall functioning in cost signals.

Vitalik is smart. However, he's the most retarded smart person in all of crypto. He's a fucking child who doesn't own up to his inability to produce a creation and has longevity. Him and his cronies wrote shitty-ass code. It can't scale. The only way it can scale is constant upgrades each time they feel things are getting congested. This is where the problem lies. It is impossible for ETH to implement a scaling solution to where it doesn't need upgrades anymore. For ETH to work, it will need constant upgrades of ETH 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, so on and so forth for an indefinite amount of time - just kicking the can down the road. Off-chain scaling won't work either because ETH's security is already shit on a stick. Making something more complicated that is already a piece of shit is 100% pointless. People can never steadily develop something on ETH because with each 'scaling upgrade', those who are creating on ETH will have to pivot each time to ensure their product is compatible to work on ETH. To sum it up, each time ETH decides to upgrade to scale, it just gets worse.

For ETH to work to the level needed, the amount of ETH in ever single wallet needs to be known after each transaction. Since ETH cannot implement SPV, it's impossible for ETH to scale because it does not have the capabilities to know the exact amount of ETH in every single ETH wallet after each transaction at a massive scale.

The only way to permanently fix ETH would be to roll back the chain to the beginning almost. Vitalik is just your average Russian retard who can't produce anything of value.

>> No.18991764

reluctantly checking your well-put and reasonable doom-pill. Seems likely, that this will end in tears. Vitalik seems increasingly out-of-touch with any sentiment at all in the markets. Very tone deaf and thinks his creation means permanent and total control over the project. ETH staking seems like its going to be a dry queef. Seriously, could get better returns from a low-risk fund on the boomer market AND not have to worry about having a mini-recession every sat/sun night.

A crucible of pain, please let the halving moon everything so I can kindly step off this ride.

>> No.18991795

Nigga, ETH will 100x in 5 years. While you're holding, you might as well stake.

>> No.18991851

>Begin staking 32ETH Jan 1st (avg buy in ~$200)
>ETH moons to $5,000 June 1st
>Huge sell off begins
>Miss opportunity to sell staked ETH
Jan 1st rolls around
>ETH price ~$1000 per
>Receive wet noodle returns compared to big dick nigga money

I'm sure there's a flaw in what I said, as I am not trying to fud at all. Just recently began finishing research on ETH 2 and the staking definitely stuck out to me.

>> No.18991927

Token is not needed unless you want to run your own ETH node on their pool. So when ETH staking comes you would be selling the RPL token to ETH node operators that could perfectly choose not to pool their staking so they don't have to pay a fee to the pool, which means that the demand of the token is at best questionable.

The RPL utility design is flawed. If you convince me otherwise I'm willing to buy. I'm not a close minded random fudder. I was considering buying this but this has stopped me from doing so.

>> No.18991986

You don't have to stake for a year. You can end your stake at any time after the first 8 days of your stake.

If you stake through Rocketpool, you'll have 3, 6, and 12 month options.

>> No.18991998

Meant to reply to >>18991851

>> No.18992039

The other thing to remember with this is that people make a big deal about being able to stake with less than 32 Eth, but don't forget that the whole point of this is not to enable low eth staking (though that's a side effect)

The real point of RPL is to connect technical users to non-technical people in a decentralised way.

There will be plenty of people with more than 32 Eth who do not have the technical expertise or want to run a node. Rocket Pool will provide just as much utility (perhaps more they have more to lose by storing their eth on a centralised exchange) to those guys as it will to those with less than 32 eth.

>> No.18992063

Yeah man gtfo anyone buying this is a retard shut up

>> No.18992084

Justed man right here