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18933805 No.18933805 [Reply] [Original]

pumping into the Halfing is the most bearish scenario possible you know

>> No.18933838
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yes we know

>> No.18933842

you've been priced out you ridiculous fag.
your future is over...

>> No.18933862

You guys think this is the beginning of the greatest ever bull trap

>> No.18933946

Yup. We're about to see Alts claim more and more crypto market share. BTC will pump for a bit, then start to drop as alts like ETH, LINK, BCH, even bullshit XRP make astronomical gains.

>> No.18934173
File: 219 KB, 800x620, Never selling88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha 4/10 made me reply. I dont give a fuck. If it gets cheaper i buy more. I literally cant lose with the fed being this retarded.

>> No.18934212

Meanwhile tether is printing more than the fed in comparison to the whole cryptomarketcap

>> No.18934417
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Whats the alternative smart guy? Bonds, stocks, PMs, real estate? I bet you dont even know. Global governments debt to GDP ratios ring any bells? Ill be fine. Im an essential wagie and if my job goes away we go back to the bronze age and we all lose.

Suck on my nutsack

>> No.18934471

When Bitcoin's plane crashes with no survivors, be sure to invest what you have left into Gold.

>> No.18934636

I like gold honestly i do. But let me pitch you a scenario

>Be large gold bagholder
>you want to make an exchange of capital for an asset
>live in the middle of nowhere
>no need for gold because farmers amd other self sufficient people dont need monetary goods as much as city slickers
>live in city
> let me just bring out my gold to test to make sure its real
>gold stored in a vault and you trade digital gold
>wait a minute how do i know you have the gold you say you have
>Jewery ensues.
>Repeat current day situation

What are you goldbugs really planning on if the monetary system fails? You buying guns? Paying security forces in gold??

>> No.18934693

Guaranteed i wont get a thought out reasonable answer for the logistics of this.

>> No.18934802

Na bro i hold real cryptos with real usecases and not a 4tx/s dinosaur which is prepped up with tether like an old fart on life support. I cant wait for the day bitcoin is n2 on cmc, then the market is truly mature

>> No.18934811
File: 26 KB, 600x351, main-qimg-783896dbe02adccd017fd642f9ac9d07-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.18934857

Why LINK? I heard that no one is using it, and that there better solutions for the oracle problem.

>> No.18934951
File: 93 KB, 500x447, Degenerates0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me here it. Im waiting