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18931973 No.18931973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18931986

back down for a bit before heading back up

>> No.18931987

6k but even before 10k

>> No.18932058

Probably around 10.5K, then a short drop to 10.2K or 10.3K before going back to 10.5K. If it doesn't happen today/tonight then definitely tomorrow. After that I would focus on 12K, and then 15K, and then 20K.

>> No.18932068

$20k eom
$200k eoy

>> No.18932081

won't hit 10k, will dump at 9980 to probably 7k now because mumus needed to crab for a week over a 100$ range

>> No.18932098

15k by august
20k dec - march 2021

>> No.18932115

you stupid fucking faggot we're going to 15k

>> No.18932142


>> No.18932160


Not this month.

>> No.18932191

35k by friday?


>> No.18932223

Now that is a man I can trust

>> No.18932278

100k eom

>> No.18932314
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so should I sell now and buy in the dump?

>> No.18932327

Unironically this

>> No.18932357


Every time I've taken profits over the past few weeks I've regretted it.

>> No.18932395

You could maybe sell at 10K and then place a sell order at 9900 or 9850, but with the way it's moving I would be very careful right now.

>> No.18932398

because the price never went down enough for you? or because it wasn't too much.

>> No.18932433

you're not taking them at the right time then

>> No.18932443

It just keeps going up a day or two later so I would've been better off sitting on my hands

>> No.18932452

Buy order*
I've done a little swing trading as we've been moving up, but you could easily get left behind at this rate. I expect there to be more people selling at 10.5K.

>> No.18932471

google trends
the normies haven't even noticed yet. Today is a good day to reach 10k so we can have 'bitcoin reaches 10k' news articles tomorrow, 3 days before the halvening. Allows normies to feel like there is still time to invest before the big event
bitcoin MUST reach 10k today

>> No.18932542
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big brain boi here

>> No.18932599

Everyone knows what it is already, it's even on the CNN ticker

>> No.18932636

fucking kikes

>> No.18932667

After 10k the real pump begins

>> No.18932678

nah, people still search for things even if they know what it is. You would see it in the trend lines if the normies were starting to take interest. If we get to 10k, we'll start to see bitcoin articles everywhere again.

>> No.18932737


>> No.18932819

I ain’t selling shizzy till we at 6 figgies, my niggies.

>> No.18932831

I feel like it's gonna dump again pretty hard.

>> No.18932865

85% week on week in a week. BTC, ETH and XMR together. Other shitcoins lagging hard.

>> No.18932898

waiting to get a text from family about Bitcoin

once that happens, we moon. Family are always the ones to take note of - they KNOW about Bitcoin/cryptocurrency (because of you) but they also don't follow it closely. So when they finally do take notice of it, they tell YOU about it.

>> No.18932930

hell yeah I'm not fucking selling.

Selling for what? Fed monopoly money? yeah fuckn right. I might buy some pms down the road or other crypto but distributed ledger technology is the future of money

>> No.18932961


My niggers it's the golden bull run don't stand around fondling your nutsack

>> No.18932985

are there really people that delusional that this imaginary "normie" crowd is just sitting on the sideline right now with piles of disposable income waiting to jump in at 10k, the price they could buy a decent used car with- something that actually has value

That they would buy in after seeing just how volatile BTC is and that it has been on a downward line ever since the 2017 peak

that there are people that stupid, willing to make that large of a leap of faith, a low IQ upper class person who somehow accumulated that much wealth and is willing to blindly charge into something

>> No.18933083



>> No.18933152

yes, it's happened once before, retard

>> No.18933212

it's more like: imagine millions and millions of people think " ah what the hell I ' ll just buy 0.1 BTC just in case" at the same time, no matter the price at that moment

>> No.18933353

and especially with loads of young professionals who still very much have jobs but nowhere to waste their money at the moment, there is a lot of spare cash which can go into bitcoin

>> No.18933446

Theres only 21 million coins...this isnt like USD where theres trillions of them. It doesn't matter what normies or jews want, Bitcoin is going to 100k because the whales want it to.

2021, no more bears, no more dumps and no more faggots like (((you))) to doubt crypto is gonna run like hell and leave you behind.

2021, my life begins...

>> No.18933458

$100k obviously

>> No.18933481

This. And now that I have said that, prepare for 14k

>> No.18933493


>> No.18933558

Of course. People have extremely short memories & lots of greed.

>> No.18933598

will this pump shitcoins?

>> No.18933628

it will pump doge

>> No.18933738

You under estimate the normies and the FOMO effect. Also the get rich quick idea in difficult times like this.
They will FOMO at 10K, 15K, 20K, 25K.

>> No.18933809
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>> No.18933837


its just a dieing echo of 2017, decreasing in decibel with every cycle

>> No.18933871

what a load of shit

>> No.18933948

alright i sold, it can moon now

>> No.18934352


that's the spirit, buy ten thousand lottery tickets while you're at it, when you win your life can really begin

>> No.18934401
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Umm, sweaty...

>> No.18934894


the first area you circled: july 2017 BTC sets a new high reaccumulates and skyrockets to another new high

the second area you circled: BTC skyrockets but fails to come anywhere near a new high and declines in a descending wedge

my theory: a system developed in 2008 gains traction and notoriety after a freak event in 2017 then fades into obscurity

your theory: it unexpectedly rises 400 percent in a period of greater economic uncertainty than you and probably your grandparents will ever witness

>> No.18935245

130+ iq

>> No.18936069

my iq is 130 so just squeaked in there, yes ;)

>> No.18936131

This anon gets it.
>”bitcoin jumps to 10k before halvening!”
Then the REAL FOMO begins

>> No.18936217
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Yes. 9 weeks of green is unheard off. This is retarded halving fomo.

>> No.18936392
File: 39 KB, 422x500, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Boeing is up 5% today. BTC only moves with the stock market. The 60% March crash shows that it isn't a hedge against economic disaster. You're picking up scraps from the stock market while believing that you're engaging in, or profiting from, something revolutionary.

Perhaps you'll retort that you're hodling. But the fundamentals of BTC are horrible, so that it has no long-term future either. We saw what happened when it went to $20,000 before: $100-fees. Three-day waiting times. The code is irrevocably neutered by Blockstream. You can only solve the problem to a minuscule extent with third-party and second-layer solutions which wipe out privacy, and enslave you to banks and financial institutions. BTC has absolutely no use-case, and is propped up merely by speculation. Mean-while, everyone who bought over $10,000 is still holding the bag three years later.

If there is a future for crypto, it's probably going to be BCH or XMR. What we can say with certainty is that it won't be BTC. Ride the pump up if you're already holding, set a stop-limit, and then, when it begins to fall, cash out while you still can.

>> No.18936415

it won't break 10k for more than 30 minutes, if at all. screencap this.

>> No.18936435

U$10.000,01 or U$9.999,99

>> No.18936470

I agree with you about BCH and XMR. But would throwing in some other alts that are designed around business implementation like ETH and LINK as well. BTC is fucking shitcoin.

>> No.18936542

if you actually lived through the bear market from 2013 - 2017 then you would know that the answer is definitely yes.

>> No.18936548

this is the most onions post I've ever read
>bitcoin is inextricably tied to the stock market and it totally didn't crash because people think the world was ending
>why yes I love eating big steamy shits for breakfast

>> No.18936586


Gold crashed 10% and recovered a few days later. The stock market crashed 36%. BTC crashed 60%. What a safe-haven.

>> No.18936658

what does a safe haven matter when people think society is going to just fucking collapse?

>> No.18936693
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actually a really good argument

>> No.18936701


I think you just contradicted one of the laws of thought.

>> No.18937107

nothing has any value if next week a gang is going to burst through your door, take your stuff and kill you

>> No.18937168


3k, it's the best I can do. At 3k most longs will be liquidated. Then it'll spike up again so the shorts can't close in time. Everybody's getting raped.

>> No.18937188


Yeah, buying now would give me panic attacks honestly. Same with holding. Look at that big V. That's going to dump all the way down for sure.

>> No.18937219


You sell so you can buy back 40% lower and double your stack.

>> No.18937286


>> No.18937348

all priced in. normies getting baited. waitinf for 2k. it will happen and i will be BASED AF

>> No.18937372

Personally, I think there won’t be a post halving dump because we already had the corona dump

>> No.18937400

>waiting to jump in at 10k, the price they could buy a decent used car with
This doesn't make any sense. The conversion rate is completely arbitrary. The only thing that matters is how that conversion rate changes over time. You don't buy in integer units of whole bitcoins. If you invest 1000 dollars in bitcoin and it equates to 0.11btc, or if you invest that same amount in ethereum and it's 5.0eth, or the same amount and it's 270 link, it doesn't matter. Only the change in those rates matters.

>> No.18937994


Crime didn't rise during the Great Depression. A societal collapse doesn't mean that the world looks like a Fallout game.

>> No.18938389

26k eoy

>> No.18938482
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Wrong. 80k EOY

>> No.18938779


>> No.18938919

btc was born in the midst of a period great economic uncertainty. in fact, it was designed to flourish in periods of great economic uncertainty. the only thing that is guaranteed to fade into obscurity is our government issued currency, just like every single other government issued currency in all of human history.

>> No.18938978

Are you retarded or a used car salesman?

>> No.18939071

not gonna make it

>> No.18939372

That's exactly my point lol. They will indeed. Then get shaken out at the first retracement. Then repeat.

>> No.18939968


nobody fomos in like that after what happened to those poor saps who bought between 15 and 20k