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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 620x576, 84FE1359-9DF5-4296-862A-48E2A2B29EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18924034 No.18924034 [Reply] [Original]

Being able to deploy PRIVATE, PERMISSIONED networks, with a PUBLICLY traded coin, does several things:

1. Works with the existing banking system not against it by facilitating deployment of a FIAT currency
2. Allows fiat coin networks to be open source and prepare for smart contract adoption/API crypto economy
3. Outsources the internal database management banks have to do and makes it more secure
4. Anyone can use the payment system so long as they buy fantom, but all transactions are still publicly traceable by the banks, resulting in lower overhead for public adoption of the system while still keeping it accountable to illicit usage
5. The network pays for itself, making a more transparent market in the fees validators charge to users of the network
6. Encourages banks to set price floors on fantom to secure the network
7. Since it’s permissioned with latest tech it scales infinitely and securely so it will be actually USED for day to day transactions
8.This is all only ONE usecase, stablecoins, which will result in strong network effects for others to adopt Lachesis technology for other permissioned networks, such as smart contract networks and smart cities, all scaling independently

>> No.18924229
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>Being able to deploy PRIVATE, PERMISSIONED networks, with a PUBLICLY traded coin, does several things:
>1. Works with the existing banking system not against it by facilitating deployment of a FIAT currency
>2. Allows fiat coin networks to be open source and prepare for smart contract adoption/API crypto economy
>3. Outsources the internal database management banks have to do and makes it more secure
>4. Anyone can use the payment system so long as they buy fantom, but all transactions are still publicly traceable by the banks, resulting in lower overhead for public adoption of the system while still keeping it accountable to illicit usage
>5. The network pays for itself, making a more transparent market in the fees validators charge to users of the network
>6. Encourages banks to set price floors on fantom to secure the network
>7. Since it’s permissioned with latest tech it scales infinitely and securely so it will be actually USED for day to day transactions
>8.This is all only ONE usecase, stablecoins, which will result in strong network effects for others to adopt Lachesis technology for other permissioned networks, such as smart contract networks and smart cities, all scaling independently

>> No.18924300
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Except I’m white you fucking pajeet

>> No.18924347


>> No.18924373 [DELETED] 

Good news Fantom mate!! We managed to get shizo banned for racism again!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAH Guess this is the fucking LAST TIME this CUNT will say shit like chink team exit scammed etc. FUCK HIM!! Last time he got banned fantom lifted off 40% AND NOW WE FUCKING DID IT AGAIN!! PREPARE FOR MAJORE MOON FANTOM LADS!!!!

>> No.18924389
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>Except I’m white you fucking pajeet

>> No.18924391
File: 98 KB, 1631x463, Annotation 2020-05-07 042154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news Fantom mate!! We managed to get shizo banned for racism again!! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAH Guess this is the fucking LAST TIME this CUNT will say shit like chink team exit scammed etc. FUCK HIM!! Last time he got banned fantom lifted off 40% AND NOW WE FUCKING DID IT AGAIN!! PREPARE FOR MAJORE MOON FANTOM LADS!!!!

>> No.18924403

fuck u cunt!!

>> No.18924411

one day soon its gonna shoot up 700% in a minuet and /biz/ will be crying that they missed out!

>> No.18924433



https://t.me *slash* joinchat *slash* J8x83VGFKLtV-UmGYGFT-A

>> No.18924480

yea and you will just be even, no profit.

>> No.18924817

What a shitcoin

>> No.18924880

OP from that thread. Banning him for racism is just the meme. We just mass report him on each thread for flooding/spamming. He should get permabanned this time, since he was caught ban evading last time, if the jannies do their fucking jobs right.

>> No.18925571


>> No.18925942


>> No.18925975

THANKS MATE!!! what is the name of this group? I am in pretty much every fucking fantom group on telegram.

>> No.18926008

Edmund is a fag

>> No.18926370

Have sex retard

It’s the goat group. Don’t tell me you’re XMEME

>> No.18927227


>> No.18927593


>> No.18927791

Join the group faggot

>> No.18927822

The name is /biz/ fantom incels

>> No.18927936


>> No.18928009

Hands down the best project in crypto right now

>> No.18928514

No SUTER does
FTM is fucking stupid

>> No.18928779

Sirs I'm ready for the moon. Shame we ate dumping sin

>> No.18928784

FTM is the worst project in crypto right now. Altcoins need hype and marketing of which Fantom has none.
The underlying tech doesn't matter at all on altcoins, because the race is over, BTC and ETH have won.

>> No.18928863

He's a jew

>> No.18928889

Ford is the worst project in the economy right now. transportation need hype and marketing of which Ford has none.
The underlying tech doesn't matter at all on transportation, because the race is over, Horses and trains have won.

>This is what you sound like

>> No.18928959

Wrong, the race has just begun my friend.
We haven't even seen mass adoption of crypto yet. And when the time comes, people are going to realize that BTC and ETH can't handle huge amounts of traffic. We're going to need more scalable solutions, and FTM has a real shot of being that solution

>> No.18929070

Kek, based retard

>> No.18929174

I didn't report in this thread but I reported in all the others thread the same day so maybe the moderators also banned him for my reasons. And it wasn't for racism it was just for constant shitposting.

>> No.18929435

He was always so fucking racist against ethnic and sexual minorities so I fucking reported him every fucking day. Most of the time for multiple reasons, especially extremely low quality post and trolling outside b. WE FUCKING DID IT FANTOM LADS!!! SCHIZO'S GONE"!!!! AAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!

>> No.18929554

Are you the skizo?

>> No.18929697

just give up bro. we are fucking chinks scammed
it's over

>> No.18929701

What? Whos skizo?? Schizos nemesis enemy??

>> No.18930088

Dude...you need to have sex

>> No.18930275

What the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT CUNT!!!???

>> No.18930322
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>fuck u cunt!!

>> No.18930757


>run entirely by non-technical marketing hacks
>18 TPS when promised 50k
>30 low effort biz shill posts per day
>no devs
>Chen paid student devs from India to hack Ethereum and add fake PoS stolen from EOS
>bank deals all fake
>smart cities/dubai all fake
>XAR fake and has not even tweeted for months
>no technical talk on telegram just shilling
>claiming "multiple mainnets" but not 1 testnet app to show
>no actual employees at all
>claiming slow because ehtereum EVM
>designing our own VM but no whitepaper or code
>Andre is not a dev, he is a reviewer and he doesn't work for them or own any FTM
>rotating shill campaigns.. what happened to dubai? muh africa stablecoin? next?
>mainnet staking ponzi will crash an already thin market
>fairytale tokenomics where infinite sidechains use the same native token w/no technical details

>> No.18930780
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>> No.18930809

people have been saying ftm is going to be used by south africa for over a year now and it still hasn't happened

>> No.18930831


>> No.18931000

Shut up nigger.
I dont give a fuck about racism, I am racist myself.

>> No.18931048


>> No.18931062

If you were a Korean scammer you would care about racism... name one azn project that isn't a complete failure and a scam..

>> No.18931076

Go cry to your jannies faggot. They aren't going to protect your scammy shitcoin from getting exposed as the criminal enterprise it is.

>> No.18931184

To be fair, Fantom's mainnet is less than 5 months old. Big things are coming, but they take time to fully implement. Give them at least a year before complaining

>> No.18931205

Ya.. a big dump is coming when the scammy inflationary staking tokens are unlocked.

>> No.18931274


>> No.18931568

Maybe so, but those people who dump will seriously regret it in a year or two

>> No.18931762

This project will be forgotten in a year or two and your money will be gone.

>> No.18932684

I doubt it. The project has funding for 3.5 years minimum.
You should probably do research before speaking on a subject, or you'll continue to look foolish. But I'm sure you're used to that

>> No.18933118


>> No.18933196


>> No.18933246

Any day now....

3 more years of
>no developers
>marketing ceo paying himself
>hiring shill teams on fivver
It's over.

>> No.18933319

>no developers
They have a development team that's making great progress.

>marketing ceo paying himself
Everyone on the team gets paid a salary, it's called running a business. The 3.5 years accounts for all employee salaries

Get better fud, retard

>> No.18933321

Is ftm on uniswap?

>> No.18933509

Anyone know why fantomstaker.info shows the total staked as 50.38% and stakingrewards.com shows it as 56.65%? Kind of a big deal as rewards will be unlocked early if the total reaches 61.11% before June 23rd.

>> No.18934161

Reminder there is a dapp that proves the 18 tps fud makes no sense and schizo backpedaled to say that the explorer is a scam

>> No.18934210

I think staking info is using some api while the dapp is actually using blockchain info, but source is dude trust me. You can probably ask the dev in the discord

>> No.18934244

But either way holy shit we are up to that much staked? Damn. Maybe I should buy more.

>> No.18934310

This. Most of the fud can be disproved by 5 minutes of research

>> No.18934360

>great progress
Progress like giving up on their fake 30tps VM and copy pasting ethereum to cover their asses? Ya major progress there.

>> No.18934413

You are pajeet in ideology. You think your brainlet tier shilling actually sounds good kys bagholding community faggot. Never fall in love with shitcoins

>> No.18934436

You do realize that Fantom has one of the fastest confirmation times in crypto, right?
It's like you're not even trying.

>> No.18934521

He knows. He just doesn't care because 18 tps trending towards zero as nodes are at it. He can't explain it. Fucking magnets how do they work.

>> No.18934963

The fud against Fantom is some of the weakest I've ever seen. And that's saying something around here

>> No.18935022

Any other Ethereum clone running in testnet mode has the same TPS. this is basically a glorified copy/paste testnet

>> No.18935113

Holy shit dude. FTM is a DAG, making it infinitely faster than a traditional blockchain.
Ethereum testnet can't get anywhere close in terms of speed

>> No.18935211

what about it is a DAG? The consensus? You don't know what that means. It has the exact same data structure code because that wasn't changed from Ethereum. They GAVE UP trying to implement their own "FVM". The entire original team exit scammed and you are left with a copy/paste testnet that will not even be upgradeable once ETH2 comes out. Sell while you still can.

>> No.18935415


See for yourself

>> No.18935437

FVM is scheduled later this year. The rest of the post is even more retarded.

Could you please stop shaming yourself?

>> No.18935607

FVM was cancelled.. you are obviously one of their paid shills or you would admit that and wouldn't be doing damage control responses to every post calling this copy/paste scam out for what it is.. another azn hustle meant to steal anons hard-earned money. you should be ashamed of yourself. find a way to earn money honestly scammer

>> No.18935787

Most obvious scam in crypto.
Chink team exit scammed.
Russian temp devs.

>> No.18935830

complete with paid shills that go hard one day and are gone the next. this is like VeChain's retarded little brother.

>> No.18936281

t. Didn't read the tech update

>> No.18936366

>Chink team exit scammed.
Reported for racism

>> No.18936563

seems like these FTM shillers are a bunch of chicom plebbit normies. why don't you retards go back and talk about nano and vechain

>> No.18936798

>Based retard pretending to be the schizo
I kek'd won't lie, but low quality b8

>> No.18937226
File: 175 KB, 398x800, 67208C83-E27D-45BD-8857-1247CA08196E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone fudding my shitcoin is a schizo or a larper
Ok hoolder

>> No.18937264

Please, do find some legitimate fud then. Because the shit you'll find on Biz isn't it kek. I know the actual fud, I've seen it from the inside. But I'm still here for a reason.

>> No.18937320

>But I'm still here for a reason.
Which is?

>> No.18937351

Because it's fast as fuck and there are 0 legitimate reasons for a project to use ETH over this. It outclasses eth in every single way, except popularity. But that will come in time.

>> No.18937447
File: 385 KB, 447x438, A136FB5F-E276-4086-B000-680A41C6B2F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, ZERO reasons to use Ethereum with its immense network effect and growing institutional interest.

>> No.18937560

Who is even using eth either from a corporate perspective? Seems like all shitcoiners

>> No.18937630

And short term eth1 scaling which will shit on all the "eth killers"
Followed by eth2 which will leave them in the dust.

I owned FTM, I bought the hype, I staked.
It's time to hit unstake while it still has some value anons.

>> No.18939045

Proofs about ETH2?

I don't care about the "I hold FTM etc.", biz is full of larp. I want solid facts.

>> No.18939084

Eth can happily take reddit. I'll take negro banks and the BIS anyday

>> No.18939193

Shut up schyzo, nobody allowed you to talk.