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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, 5015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18914824 No.18914824 [Reply] [Original]

If you invested 1 dollar four weeks ago you would have made a thousand bucks by now.

Let that sink in.

>> No.18914877

No you wouldn't. It went like x100 in USD value overall. How the fuck would you make $1000 holding $1 worth? Did you forget your multiplication tables pajeet?

>> No.18914937

well you convinced me OP, I'm going ALL IN.
It will sure continue to climb with no liquidity and volume forever, we'll make it

>> No.18915012

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18915026

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18915036
File: 849 KB, 945x1156, hexcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, look. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. Anyhow I have to do this thing now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.18915037


>> No.18915070


>> No.18915104

90% of the new money crypto millionaires make their money this way. That's how the world works, kid.

>> No.18915118

Thank you Sanjay very cool

>> No.18915129

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18915530

hm as its a 0 sum game, someone has to lose at one point. probably not now cause its new, but anything which goes up that fast, comes down as well. not to mention the poor liquidity and the massive amount of coins involved. 10 people and the eth pool would be drained

>> No.18915578

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELDwO2VbjA [Embed]

This is a video showing how to get HEX and the extra 10% bonus free.

Dont forget to visit GetYourHex.Win to get the bonus first.

>> No.18915650

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JELDwO2VbjA [Open] [Embed]

This is a video showing how to get HEX and the extra 10% bonus free.

Dont forget to visit GetYourHex.Win to get the bonus first

>> No.18915752

100x is still utterly obese

>> No.18915811


>> No.18916227

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18916286
File: 292 KB, 1366x637, d8AsYy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes fuck off richard we're not falling for your recycled eth- to erc20 shittoken

>> No.18916369
File: 410 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200325-180514_Trust Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started from the bottom..

>> No.18916409
File: 386 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200506-155037_Trust Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we here

>> No.18916416
File: 8 KB, 200x163, gnfjmjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got scammed pretty good

>> No.18916943

>its a 0 sum game
no it isn't retard.

>> No.18917021

This will go down in history as the laughing stock that is bitconnect 2.0 and Heart will be rich from you dumb fucking morons.

>> No.18917025

Exactly the type of poor third world losers buying hex lol literally what TF, is your portfolio? You will never make it work that garbage

>> No.18917040

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18917042

>Bitconnect 2.0

So basically hex 300 dollars EOY?

>> No.18917084

Or people like you will be laughed at in 10 years time in the warozu just like bitcoiners were

>> No.18917090
File: 444 KB, 1887x1073, 1588728621434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEX is an obvious scam, you can't have something for nothing you either gotta work hard and take risks or be extremely smart/lucky in your moves

>> No.18917155

He created this in a way to take money from morons (you) and give it to himself and get away with it. Do you actually think he gives 2 flying fucks about making you retards rich? Protip: He doesn't. You will get scammed and he will get away with it. There will be a civil suit against him but it will get tossed out because morons (you) willfully engaged in and knew the consequences. I feel sorry for you guys but not really.

>> No.18917169

I chucked in $20. Happy with the results.

>> No.18917445

You are aware that was aleady a multi-millionaire years before he even mined bitcoin with GPU rigs at fucking 2011 and became even more absurdly rich?

>> No.18917475

stop spamming biz

>> No.18917502

He keeps larping that he started mining Bitcoin in 2011 yet never wants to prove it. Convenient huh. Sounds similar to someone else we know. Let him sign one of his old tx to prove that he was in the crypto scene circa 2011.

>> No.18917550

yeah so the irs can rape with taxes top kik

>> No.18917576

This, also why did he wait until 2017 to make a cryptocurrency?

>> No.18917907



Think about it retard.

>> No.18917926


>> No.18918147


all of a sudden after all these years, wash trading is a concern (with little to no evidence in the case of HEX)

>> No.18918172

Are you fucking serious, look at this image
Go ahead and look at those addresses on etherscan

>> No.18918237

Stop spamming biz

>> No.18918244


>look at this image

wow an image. anyone can make that shit. This one in particular that your reference has been picked apart numerous times. Have you verified its claims yourself? Or are you just blindly following because it fits your narrative?

>> No.18918259

>actually it's been debunked
>did you even verify it
Start the actual arguments with evidence any time

>> No.18918273

even if Richard does own the ETH, who cares? Sergey owns 2/3 of Link. Satoshi owns 700k btc. Vitalik and the ETH foundation own shit tons of ETH. same thing with XRP. what is the difference

>> No.18918291

If you got a job you would have made four thousand bucks by now

>> No.18918295

Why won't my uniswap transaction go through. I approved the transaction on my wallet side but after pressing unlock token its just spinning, pending. Going from hex to eth

>> No.18918304

They are charts that demostrate obvious wash trading.
Satoshi earned his.

>> No.18918309

up the gas for the transaction in metamask

>> No.18918324

>Satoshi earned his.
so did Richard

>> No.18918339


You're the "look at the image" faggot. You first.


have you actually verified the information on your charts? or do you accept it immediately as evidence because that is the convenient thing to do?

>> No.18918414

> Whataboutism

Yeah Satoshi owns like 3% of BTC supply. RH will own about 75-85% of the hex supply. Big difference don't ya think?

And all those other centralized coins are shit too. Just because XRP/XLM are centralized pieces of shit doesn't somehow make hex better. If you're in this for a PND then whatever. But don't try to pass it off as some amazing investment that will stand the test of time when literally the entire economic balance of the coin value hangs on one single man.

>> No.18918463

Fully don't understand. Using uniswap on a desktop connected to coinbase wallet. Metamask extension is installed but not connected to any wallet I think.

>> No.18918525


>> No.18918545

well then coinbase jewed you on the gas fee. the network is slow right now. this is why you set your own gas fee every time.

>> No.18918604

Well now I got fully jewed and lost it all. Tried to send tokens from my coinbase wallet to the metamask wallet and it went through on the coinbase side but nothing showed up in metamask. Used coinbase to scan the metamask qr code but nothing came up once transfer was supposedly made

>> No.18918637

check you address on etherscan

>> No.18918670

>Now we still at the bottom

>> No.18918672

Etherscan isn't showing anything but the coinbase wallet is showing the transaction as pending. Its weird that etherscan isn't showing a pending transaction.

>> No.18918791

coinbase will release the funds when they feel like it. they come first. you come second.

>> No.18918847
File: 3 KB, 125x96, 1530735128060s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spamming biz

>> No.18918870

stop sbamming plz

>> No.18918882

people like you miss out on opportunities all of the time. enjoy your fake gainzzz brah

>> No.18918891

Hex is a zero sum game, bitcoin is a negative sum game

>> No.18918922

You didn't lose anything, but you need to stop using coinbase wallet.

>> No.18918933
File: 80 KB, 750x737, 1585451196476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not recycling. thats at worst using the eth to purchase hex on an exchange and then create liquidity on uniswap. jesus you idiots that is not what recycling is.

>> No.18919012

Okay so Hex is a scam and richard is pumping the coin. Doesnt mean you cant make momey off it, buy in, wait for it to go up till you reach your personal risk tolerance, then sell. Set stop losses at your buy in point.
Do not stake.

Please tell me the flaws in the plan before i chuck 1k into hex

>> No.18919100

The flaw is he decides to pull the plug before you do. He's basically burning eth providing liquidity on uniswap for people to sell into. Not gonna be much profitable if majority stops buying and starts selling. But whatever you're basically gambling with any shitcoins you buy at this point. All of them are wash traded here or there.

>> No.18919107

There’s nothing wrong with this. I am doing shorter stakes and taking the profits till I recoup my investment. Then I’m letting the remainder ride it out till BPD and see what happens. Limited risk that way.

>> No.18919115

Yeah I'm moving stuff out of it now. How long should I expect for this to take?

>> No.18919241

GTFO faggot, this is a GHOST/ESH thread now.

>> No.18920486

Red pill me on this cause from what I can see there isn't enough to go around

>> No.18920524

That guys folio is the funniest shit Ive seen in weeks.