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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18896118 No.18896118 [Reply] [Original]

How would you run the economy if you had your way? How would you get there from here?

Hard mode: a semi-realistic implementation, even if it's not plausible, and not just "all the poor people crawl in a hole and die"

>> No.18896262

No bailouts.
No regulations.
No income taxes.
Privatize everything including the military, and

>> No.18896302

I wonder what that douchebags alternative is. The systems we came up with aren't perfect, but it's the best we got. Everything else was even more fucked. It's easy to be a critic when you don't offer any alternatives.

tl;dr I think that guy is a tard

>> No.18896325

I wouldn’t. I’d let it all go. I’d do government stuff but the free market would be 100% free economically.

>> No.18896477

>I wonder what that douchebags alternative is. The systems we came up with aren't perfect, but it's the best we got. Everything else was even more fucked. It's easy to be a critic when you don't offer any alternatives.

Capitalism was all about the money. Communism was all about trying to make the unequal, equal.

Maybe something like sink-or-swim capitalism, a meritocracy that emphasized skill and an individuals' efforts rather relying on some invisible sky-daddy like the free market to sort things out for us, meanwhile businesses are lobbying congress to expand H1B's and demonetize the border patrol so cheap migrant labor can sneak in and prop up our service economy. Look! GDP and stock line goes up, this means we're on the path we need to be for success!

There's more to a civilization than the economy, and trying to run things like a math equation isn't going to lead us to success unless you've identified and operationalized all the important variables (which we haven't).

>> No.18896509

No tax, no government.

>> No.18896529

There’s no government like no government.

>> No.18896612

The only tax is property tax. Your vote is tied to your ownership of property. If rich people want to defend their land and workers, they have to pay for it. No welfare and gold backed currency.

>> No.18896685

If you have more than one house and two cars you will be taxed harder on the extra assets. There will be exceptions, like if you work in another city.
1kkk will be the maximum amount of net that you can be worth, you will recieve the "Capitalist Trophy" any money you would earn beyond that amount would automatically go to health, schools and so on. You could choose the institution of your preference and get all the laurels for it.
No income taxes for those who get paid under 100k.
Definitly no bailouts.
Everyone would have free healtcare, unless you are fat because you are lazy then you only get a nutritionist.

>> No.18896755

>he thinks that hasn't been tried before

>> No.18896771


Based. Capitalism and communism are both equally shit but in different ways.

>> No.18896817

i like less government so this would be sick. but how would u stop jews or corpos taking over ur country

>> No.18896835

>No welfare and gold backed currency.

Why do people give so much of a shit about gold? It can be "inflated" like in past times by alloying it. This will just make it more difficult to make your gold coins the world reserve currency and extract more wealth from third world nations that think your country is the shit, but you can still enforce this at gunpoint with a powerful military, it'll just happen a little more overtly than if you'd accomplished it with Jewish financial chicanery.

>> No.18896883

>he thinks that hasn't been tried before

It may have, but decadence, military campaigns or some other circumstances brought an end to it. I still think it's probably a better system for long-term survival than what we have now, which is pretty much a pyramid scheme.

I'd also throw in embracing a culture of ritual suicide for the elderly, because having 8 kids to support one's self in old age isn't sustainable and neither is growing old and expecting to important a Nicaraguan or Nigerian immigrant to wipe your ass for the last two years of your life isn't sustainable either. Just wrap a bag around your head and open up the helium tank when you can't wipe your own ass any longer.

>> No.18896919

>i like less government so this would be sick. but how would u stop jews or corpos taking over ur country

You can't. The Jews will move into your little Shire with their MLM schemes, bank loans and collection agencies comprised of large goons and your peaceful way of life would end. Only a strong and wise leader with the foresight to see such Jewish influence and the power to stop it can spare you from such a miserable fate.

>> No.18896940

I'm always amazed at how Evola manages to be so spot on at points and an unhinged lunatic at others

>> No.18897266


Free Market Capitolisim with Single Metric Management tools

Mandatory redistribution of wealth in a variable system which kicks in on quintiles (division of 5)

You have a million people, you have a million dollars, you scale distribute:
20% blocks of capital by 20% block of people

Distribution of capital is done by quintile blocks measures against number of people in your society

The SMMT is: 1 unit of capital = 1 vote.

Mandatory infrastructure is provided by the SMMT - Transport, Defense, Policing, Education and Telecommunication - any power and control tool is owned by all the qunitiles collectively through 1 person one vote in your qunitile block.

The Power and control tools are structured to keep quintile blocks from fighting each other and to distribute wealth between the quintiles.

if block A accrues 40% of the total wealth -> its redistributed evenly to top up all other blocks to 20%

redistribution system kicks in when any one block exceeds 22% of total wealth.

You have inequality in your block? your fucking problem, sort it out - riot, murder, trade, make products, trade, have communism, have an oligarchy, what ever.

SMMT donations to maintain the infrastructure are done by voting with your wealth.

when you vote for something -> a new defense force recruitment campaign, you vote with your welth - money where your mouth is.

what ever you vote for, every qunitline block gets - if a block abstains from the vote and it tips the system, wealth is redistributed - forcing participation.

your economic power is now forever capped and your potential to earn inside a free market is handed to a scale that always levels out

now the free market can maximize utility by focusing on new total wealth growth for all quintiles - if one cunt gets really rich inside 1 quintile, they can be that rich cunt, have their serfs, cool.
if your quintile doesn't want that, fucking cool. the system doesn't care.

>> No.18897328

>if your quintile doesn't want that, fucking cool. the system doesn't care.

What if no quintile wants that but they all get that because the people had little foresight and Jews took over their financial system through usury?

>> No.18897398

remove all 'representative' to the quintile system - one unit of value = one vote
one unit of life = one vote

you get 1 vote for living, and one extra vote for every unit of capital you spend voting - your capital units are gone once you spend them voting, and now you are a poor cunt again

The capital units spent to vote is used to buy from the free market the services for the primary infrastructure:

Education, Transport, Defense, Telecommunication, Policing

Every quintile funds it by mandatory voting of want to spend on it.

>> No.18897422

Everything is temporary.

>> No.18897432

the jews would have to spend their capital to maintain their jew system, making them poor again, and allowing other firms to provide the deliverables that the system demands.

if you have 5 jews topping the 5 quintiles - how is that any different from the current situation? get your guns out, kill the jews. They cant own the telecommunication infrastructure so they dont control the information.

you don't get their money, its going to be redistributed next election time because its unclaimed.

>> No.18897854
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>being this fucking blue pilled

wew lad

>> No.18898113

Women wouldn't be competing for male jobs, not like they even want the real masculine jobs.

Mechanisms to prevent the exploitation of immigrant labor to the effect of driving labor wages down for nationals.

Let companies fail.

Natural born citizens have intrinsic value from birth that can be unlocked at low fixed interest or as a straight grant that can be used toward education, starting a business, first time home/auto loans. This would be accomplished with crypto ID and tokens on chain, a true public immutable ledger.

Extreme oversight to any interest / rent seeking business practices.

Basic economics in public education would cover how to manage your birthright tokens and finance in general, our system literally sets people up to be wage slaves with overwhelming debt before they are even adults much less own any capital in the form of a home, car or land.

>> No.18898157


>> No.18898348

so same as now?

>> No.18898432

If the government does something I don't like, I should be able to go to a bank and give in the worthless shit paper to get gold at any time. Having a gold backed currency allows people to fiscally rebel

>> No.18898653

>Having a gold backed currency allows people to fiscally rebel

Why not just physically rebel and kill your oppressors? Why let them run away?

>> No.18898790

>shoot landlords and seize their property
>wealthy stripped of property and put in re-education camps
>worker control over all workplaces
>everybody carries around a copy of quotations from chairman mao zedong
>housing health care education and food are all human rights
>establish red guards and revolutionary youth organizations to uphold order
>abolish class hierarchy and social relations of production
>abolish money
>defend the revolution and spread the international proletariat revolution across the entire world
>abolish the state

>> No.18898868
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>c-communism was all about trying to make the unequal, equal
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Imagine pretending that it wasn't only ever a tool for dictators and ideologues to manipulate useful idiots into believing that they're destroying power consolidation and materialism rather than just giving it to the next bloodthirsty dictator that would be required to lead a class-based murder spree in the first place.

>> No.18898877

i thought i was safe from insecure effeminate men larping as masculine evola disciples when i left /pol/

>> No.18898906

Universal flat land tax payed into a universal UBI system. Land is the one asset we all own together, and is the cornerstone of private wealth as well.

>> No.18899033
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>> No.18899709

Well, if we were properly enlightened men of TRADITION we'd not have competing feelings about anything and simply pursue what we knew to be true and absolute with no thought as to any kind of morality (because clearly, morality that isn't TRADITIONAL is external and a spook).
But since we aren't of some ancient Egyptian/Atlantean priestly bloodline, or our souls weren't the cool kids that chose to ascend beyond the nameless, no memory-having losers that make up the peons of a cthonic civilization, here we are.

>> No.18900120

Georgist property tax system, massive infrastructure spending, replace current welfare systems with a moderate citizen's dividend. Reduce government subsidization of most industries, no bailouts for large companies either.

>> No.18900523


Correct, anon, correct.

>> No.18900923
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copy this guy