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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18895988 No.18895988 [Reply] [Original]

What is your political ideology regarding Business and Finance?

>> No.18896210

Free market capitalism with high taxes and welfare.

>> No.18896227

I have no political ideology about making money

that's why I'm rich and you faggots are broke

>> No.18896233

Sterilize people unfit for modern society and the rest will take care of itself.

>> No.18896239


>> No.18896825

Come on out tankies, I know you're lurking.

>> No.18896854

Ancap Libertarian

>> No.18896869

>none of this matters
He doesn't get nihilism

>> No.18898017

this comic speaks to me

>> No.18898473
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>> No.18898547

We need taxes to take care of everyone. Everyone pitches in for everyone no exceptions.

>> No.18898585
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>> No.18898640
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Fuck the state

>> No.18898661

My Pol Ideology?

Youre all way too fucking late.
My plans are in motion

>> No.18898717
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ive lived in usa, australia, and japan. actually a socialism fan. found it way easier to make money as a pleb in australia and way better quality of life and affordability in japan. usa seems to combine high taxes, minimal to no benefits, inflated prices, repressed wages and poor social cohesion and high crime. i was thinking about moving back to be.close to my family but the ideaof choosing to raise kids in usa feels like child abuse. if you have money, usa is the shit so for most of the population its a waking hell theyll never escape. so what part of the american experiment went so wrong? i like limited government but i like safety nets and i would have no problem with shitfucks like walmart and bezoz being executed and their companies broken up so... i guess is nazi germany is my ideal political ideology

>> No.18898837

nothing went wrong.
People hit upper middle and then lose their imagination.

Start a fucking business, learn how tax works, learn how deferring income works. Learn how private benefits works.
apply them all to yourself and your family, have people work for you for free (interns and retard academics) doing some research or consulting bullshit about buzzwords.

Congrats you now have a startup.

Sell 60% holdings to a millenial "investment group" and walk the fuck away.

Well done new fintech CEO, you now have to whine about poor people not contributing and how paying tips is fasicm

>> No.18898841
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Automate everything. UBI. Keep the idle unemployed pacified with legalized cannabis and sex robots.

>> No.18898895

i was thinking just turn the idle unemployed to task workers without their knowledge.

Here, just click this to refine my ML algo. DW about it.

Hey what do you think about my sentiment index? It'll be good once i refine it against the net-worth-value of the individuals who input.
Thanks mills, thanks boom.

Perhaps we could tokenize the electricity to sex robots, solve catchpas and get tokens to fuck said robot and smoke dope

>ive made a mistake, im giving up this life of investments
>i regret everything

>> No.18898993

I'm with you there. It's made me a free-market accelerationist in that I think we need to ensure the software startup economy keeps going to produce the necessary AI tech, but lately it's looking like AI has once again been massively overhyped and Silicon Valley is mostly scammers chasing buzzwords long enough to get an exit.

>> No.18899028
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>> No.18899073


This but unironically.

>> No.18899087
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anything that benefits me is good babey

>> No.18899102

based socialists

>> No.18899127

People should be able to work hard and live abundant lives, but only to a point. There should be no such thing as a billionaire. Cap the max net worth at 100 million per person. That is more than enough for a lifetime of abundance and generational wealth for your whole bloodline. Wanting anything more is greed. Avoid the pitfalls of corruption and monopolization.

>> No.18899145


>> No.18899152

Kill yourselves

>> No.18899164

12th century feudalism
Women are stupid and I don’t respect them. That’s right, I just have sex with em

>> No.18899167

Preventing people from getting rich is just jealousy and malice. You'll get farther politically by arguing for a state that can provide for the basic needs of its citizens, and if that requires a wealth tax over a certain threshold then so be it.

>> No.18899175


>> No.18899239



>> No.18900412

People like you are sincerely retarded. Billionaires are unironically not the problem, millionaires are.

>> No.18900521


>> No.18900606
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Insurrectionary post-Hegellian Marxism with a hint of Stirnerite-Maosim
>muh gweeen wine
>muh biwinaire
>muh kwypto
the only thing Marx underestimated was all the mental gymnastics you retards would figure out.

>> No.18900619


Purge the kikes and egalitarians so the rest of us can live in peace.

>> No.18900622

kek at that portrait. whoever drew that is very talented

>> No.18900639
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>how to make the existence of mankind utterly pointless
A child is brought into this world for one purpose, to struggle. All such a world would envision for the future of the human race is assured destruction in the most pathetic manner possible. Fuck you I hope you choke on your sex robo gf's cock.

>> No.18900649


>> No.18900666

fuck off to the woods ans get raped by a pack of hungry wolves, that's just the natural state of nature right idealist fucktard

>> No.18900677

Isn't 'post-Hegelian' already included within Marxism?
Genuinely curious. I don't know what this could mean.

>> No.18900686
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Economic liberalism with measures to lower rent to finally free the working class.

A general disapproval of people being able to own large swathes of land. God made the land for the people.

No more state protection of the property market ponzi scheme.

Taxes are fine as they are.. Rent is the biggest parasite on people's earnings

And I support a properly funded social healthcare system. I live in the UK where we have the NHS, but it's been underfunded for years. It would easily be the best in the world if we just funded it properly, which might require a slight raise in taxes, but again; its a much better deal than having half of people's income taken by parasitic land lords.

>> No.18900687
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The ideal economy is the economy that submits itself before the Cult of the Warrior.

>> No.18900709

To think trips would be wasted on such pathetic post. The reality is, your ideology would see man condemned to a cradle. It is the ideology of the child.

>> No.18900741

Struggle-for-itself is pointless romanticism; God cannot struggle, and man must strive to become God. There is no merit in struggling against the Good.

>> No.18900780

The synthesis of this is struggle isn't for struggle but for overcoming. Which God does and what man must do. But man cannot overcome if he does not struggle which is why god gives us struggles on this earth. Even UBI would give man more issues to overcome even if the struggle would be the lack of being able to overcome things, an issue we must overcome in itself.

>> No.18900804

One that destroys any invention made in the past 200 years minimum. Men crave war and sex and war is gay so as long as nukes, mass surveillance, modern technology and guns exist. Your life won't be better working at some amazon-like factory just because le ebin racist dictator man is in charge.

>> No.18900846

Brainlet take, billionaires aren't uncle scrooge accumulating money in their bank account. 90% of their valuations come from stocks, generally the companies they own and which they need to have the power to manage it, it's not liquidities you can hardcap.
The braindead consoomer pleb only perceives money as a way to buy useless shit, rich people perceive money as a quantification of power.

>> No.18901036
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still working out the kinks, but the idea is that I basically never contradict myself

>> No.18901037
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You have spoken so much, but you say nothing. Overcoming? There is nothing to overcome, we are trapped in a cycle of struggle; if you want to get off this train there are no stops, you're gonna have to jump. Whether or not a single God put us here is a question for yourself.

>> No.18901103
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>your poopoo is the pbbffft brapp peepee of a baaah muh idealist drivel
just go outside and starting rating rocks for your ancestors honor of whatever the fuck

>> No.18901116

I reject the concession which you have offered me. Come back with a better one, fag.

>> No.18901423

>avoid corruption and monopolies by transferring all wealth into a single monolithic entity

>> No.18901426

I am Caesar and everyone has to serve me.

>> No.18901453

> socialism
ngmi. google for "pray the gay away" near you and ask for help.

>> No.18901475

The most important thing is that the long nose tribe is dealt with. Everything should just fall into place after that.

>> No.18901486
File: 244 KB, 594x806, 7cca4279e2e6479e4798306e2e4c5e0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wet shitting noises*

>> No.18901679

That's pretty much my life. I love it. But you get depressed sometimes too.

>> No.18902406
File: 1.15 MB, 948x500, auto de fé.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death to all Jews, of course. As any sensible and intelligent person who has ever lived.

>> No.18902450


>> No.18902827

me in the bottom panel

>> No.18902845

Free market capitalism with low taxes and some welfare

>> No.18902861

Yes I have positions in NAT and DHT

>> No.18903191

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