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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1200x672, 1588661110894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18880113 No.18880113 [Reply] [Original]

how do we profit off this?

>> No.18880126

that's a toy

>> No.18880138

No it isn't, it's a man

>> No.18880155

its a toy man holding a real hornet

>> No.18880173

That's not real. That's like a pokemon.

>> No.18880183

It's actually just a digital photo file displayed on a grid of lights, it can't hurt you.

>> No.18880221

No shit? Here:
Insecticides will sell like a motherfucker.
SC for direct sales
I don't know who their supplier is, and I'm not doing your research.

>> No.18880238

just keep posting this 10 times a day and good things will happen

>> No.18880261

I actually looked into setting up some bee hives for some extra cash. Downsides: labor intensive for very little money. Also, nowadays the environment is so fucked and contaminated so colony collapse disorder is wrecking the fuck out of niggas bees and their margins.

>> No.18880283

What does this bee have to do with my LOKI holdings?

>> No.18880317

CAn you talk like a White man for once in your life?

>> No.18880343

what if you ate it?

>> No.18880356

its only a matter of time until this shit is essential for all farms

>> No.18880491

the eyes look kinda jappy
rest looks like flying lobster
boil that in Zatarain's I bet the tail meat is pretty tasty

>> No.18880601


Beekeeping 101
1) You can sell honey to locals for a few bucks
2) Its not even an order of magnitude close to the labor you will put into it
3) Colony collapse is rampant, so a lot of time will be spent re-establishing colonies.

It's noble, but far from hands off.

>> No.18880665



>> No.18880792

Open an antivenom shop north of Goodsprings.

>> No.18880806

train them to kill pythons and snakehead fish so they all cancel each other out.

>> No.18880829

Humans have a tendency to murder off literally any kind of animal that presents the slightest threat to their existence so I think we'll be fine. A hive will show up somewhere and the entire town will show up with flamethrowers.

>> No.18880866
File: 46 KB, 828x480, ESHSmk2WAAAWsl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a plastic toy. Look at how the wings are attached to the body.

>> No.18880900


>> No.18881013

Apparently giant hornets can negatively impact the honey bee population so possibly investing in some sort of honey bee restoration concept might be valuable.

>> No.18881208

no it's real dude. read the news

>> No.18881310

wtf why would god make such disgusting creatures. i want all bugs and insects to die.

>> No.18881360
File: 6 KB, 250x201, 1572208576442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18881373

wtf i want to cum on the hornets face omg

>> No.18881507

stir rook derisha

>> No.18881708

Don't watch this video or you will lose 2 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VMcMJBjD4

>> No.18882941

>fearing an insect
You basedboys are pathetic lmao. Imagine being scared of a bug.

>> No.18883015

I fucked an asian gril once and I could picture her face being was an insect. The eyes were just too far apart. Possible she has given birth to this monster.

>> No.18883043


Ceci n'est pas une pipe

>> No.18883299

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