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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 640x770, t7-vRrIFXRQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18870637 No.18870637 [Reply] [Original]

it was a latina with an absolutely beautiful ass and was filmed unconsented by some creep lol quality and zoom were very good, probably a professional camera. heard someone says that it was uploaded in mega or something.

>> No.18870651

That’s a man

>> No.18870653

this is /bIZ/ not /b/

>> No.18870670

>business and finance

Ok coomer.

>> No.18870719

that video is amazing lol
the girl stared at the creep with that awkward look
and of course, most important, the ass

>> No.18870721
File: 986 KB, 705x1080, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically have it. I can upload it somewhere and give you the url for 5 linkies.
Pic related

>> No.18870741

ummm you do realize that the girl in that video is underaged, right? You really need to take a good hard look at yourself because liking a video like that means you are sick in the head. Please seek help.

>> No.18870753

if you want to upload it, do it and put the link here
but I won't give you anything besides "thanks anon"

>> No.18870772

You're a trannie kys you be ugly faggot
You'll never look like a real woman

>> No.18870778
File: 519 KB, 700x516, 1578020935386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol get out kike
Not based at all

>> No.18870797

based anon dabbing on cumbrains

>> No.18870800

she is not underage, dummy, she just have very feminine and "childish" traits. her name is jessica beppler, she is some of those instagram thots.

>> No.18870830

Hey, the coomer wants content which I happen to have.

Since I'm feeling nice and this board has helped me a lot, I'm uploading it now, will drop the link once it's done.

>> No.18870856

will wait anon, thanks

>> No.18870861
File: 17 KB, 187x195, rocket-gradient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her IG is Madalina Mates. She is 17 in the vid and 19 now. The mega upload of some creep recording her is linked below. Buy HEX & Stake it to make up for my cooming service :).


>> No.18870874

I have nudes of her I will share for 2 link.

>> No.18870879

forget it, thought you was talking about the photo. I doubt that girl on the video is underage, honestly, and even so, look at the butt... does it really matter if she is 17 or something? doest it make the butt less beautiful and appealing to look?

>> No.18870893

My gf has some lake stuff. You want her onlyfans?

>> No.18870903

You are a LEGEND on this board. May God Sergey bless you with meme magic.

>> No.18870910


Thank you my friend. Enjoy the coom!

>> No.18870912

wait so am i allowed to wank to it or not

>> No.18870918

btw, already have a fat stack of HEX, accumulating more and more

>> No.18870919

Looks like you already got a link, but here it is anyway we(dot)tl/t-Uf8vUUR70N
In case someone is under a vpn that has reached mega max download quota or someshit

>> No.18870945

this is a HEX shill thread

>> No.18870951


Depends where you live. Asia and South America allows having sex with year olds I think. She's really beautiful though, so I think exceptions can be made if you live in the west with the 18 year old limit.

>> No.18870965

Go by what God designed, not by what the jews are telling you. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.18870974


Ahh. Enjoy the free service then, and may Mad Gains be with you til' the end! Maybe one day you get to marry this beauty. She seems to be single still ;)

>> No.18870977
File: 1.21 MB, 960x960, de7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to not premature ejacualte in under 15 seconds?

even with priligy pomescent and comdon on i would cum too fast

inb4 nofap cope

>> No.18870979

Based capitalist
Based principled spender

>> No.18871009

Meant to quote this post, OP is the principled spender. The underage guy is a faggot.

>> No.18871044
File: 1.78 MB, 480x720, 1544876140619.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18871067

I love the zoom in on the pussy, this was not the filmers first rodeo.

>> No.18871070

You have to get in the zone

>> No.18871106

sweet jesus dat ass

>> No.18871112

excellent, needed a compressed version to send to a friend (: thanks fren

>> No.18871126

Dubs checked.

Learn to not psyche yourself out. Relax. Stop telling yourself that there's something wrong with you. Enjoy your time with your woman. Get into the moment. Get into the zone. Practice your breathing.

>> No.18871166

based god

>> No.18871248

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.18871575

based bro making this BBBRRRAAAPPP post biz-related

>> No.18871601


>> No.18871632

it's insane (literally) how delusional trannies think every beautiful biological girl is a man. IRL trannies can be spotted from a mile away due to their hairy knuckles, man shoulders and adam's apple. fucking crazy

>> No.18871702

the girl from the pic has an angelic face, look it up jessica beppler. shame her body is all covered with tattoos, didn't need that shit

>> No.18871838

lmao its just the new meme for subchad copers on nofap

>> No.18871858


shes not even naked you fucking cucks

>> No.18871876


>> No.18871880

99% sure that's a man with a dick.

>> No.18871896


Sorry but it doesnt work. I cant even fap without having to constantly stop. Kegels and reverse kegels are cope.

my dick is too sensitive. I need drugs. Next time i visit an escort im going to dose up on priligy, cover my cock and shaft on lidocaine and hope for the best. repeat this, fake it till you make it, then i start lowering doses

also i fuck 7/10 escorts not plain janes

>> No.18871900

names lil b

>> No.18871912
File: 27 KB, 394x512, 1588614766641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just know my cock is a weapon and its soul purpose is to hurt women. So I just assault them with it and bury their heads in the bed so I can't hear them say stop.

>> No.18871933
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1583701520147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick can't take it, post your wallet

>> No.18871937
File: 1.86 MB, 404x720, asss3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me based

>> No.18871957

I cant do shit because i cum too fast its over

>> No.18871972

if she's 12 sure you have a point but 17 is almost adult aka teen. you sound like those "woke" queers that'd shit bricks if someone fucked a 17yr old 2hrs before she turned 18 but 3 hrs after she's 18 you're supporting her fresh only fans. fuck off you queer and go virtual signal on tubblr with all the other unloveable fags that arent manly in any way shape or form.

>> No.18872009


For linkies


>> No.18872011

Just fill that condom up with cum and keep mashing her hole and try to get hard again. Or if bareback just nut in your hand and fling it at the wall and go back to pumping until your hard again. I dunno, I dont have your problem. I think they make creams to desensitize your dong

>> No.18872025

thats fucking teamwork!!!!

>> No.18872203

Amazing how every time there is a thread with this video, the shit goes to 50+ replies. Shows it is indeed a great ass.

>> No.18872229
File: 313 KB, 1600x1066, 1561753018744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just nut in your hand and fling it at the wall and go back to pumping

>> No.18872233

Based af

>> No.18872650
File: 74 KB, 807x802, risitas-distort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or if bareback just nut in your hand and fling it at the wall

>> No.18872745


For me it's the way she's aware of the guy filming her, but doesn't do anything about it. She's probably even enjoying it.

>> No.18872883

Well shes pretty much nearly naked anyway since thats what bikinis are what does she fucking expect?

>> No.18873096

Based anon

>> No.18873820

She’s a kid what is she going to do go fight the fat serial killer recording her

>> No.18873856

She’s Romanian not Latina you dumbass inbreed mutts

>> No.18874162

From yuck to double yuck. Name one good thing that’s ever come out of Romania that isn’t the numa numa song. I’ll wait

>> No.18874312

It's actually her dad filming her

>> No.18874354

Just drink alcohol

>> No.18874356

do you think based dad sodomizes him when they get home?

>> No.18874369

silence gypsy, go back to your 13 children that live in a cardboard box

>> No.18874372

It’s a dude that ran a voyeur site. There’s a ton of clips of him filming other women. It’s a pretty big collection.

>> No.18874396

Well yeah, I mean what else is the point of having that ass around the house?

>> No.18874605

>t. Mutt jerking off to Romanian child