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File: 375 KB, 820x872, WOJACK ENDS IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18861694 No.18861694 [Reply] [Original]

Minimum wage has been low for so long that when it finally gets bumped a ton of small businesses will be wiped out overnight.

I'm convinced this was coordinated by corporate america to wipe out small businesses. federal minimum is currently $7.25 when it should be closer to $8.50. What's going to happen when the inevitable bump happens in the next few years? I'm scared for the small business owners but it does need to rise eventually

what the fuck

>> No.18861739
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>> No.18861782

I mean small business's operating in states with the federal minimum of $7.25 just got a FREE 11 years of stagnant wages. That's 11 years of free money.

A bump to $8.50 SHOULDN'T wipe them out but it will anyway. What is this clown world we live in

>> No.18862232
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main streets are so problematic these days!

just use amazon prime!

>> No.18862443

Beeeeeezooossss baaang my anuuuuussss

>> No.18862447


>> No.18862545
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>> No.18862639

What shithole state are you living in that pays 7.25 minimum wage?

>> No.18862718

40% of the states have the federal minimum of $7.25

its wild anon

>> No.18863208

You can't have communism without 99% dependents and 1% controlling because if some people are making better for themselves outside of 'the system' other people will notice and copy them and before you know it you have a significant amount of people that are all operating at a level of self sufficiency which leaves the controllers powerless because the power of communism comes from trickling just enough to keep people alive and so they always need more.

>> No.18863314

In generally against stupid wojak fags, but this is based. Small businesses are scum.

>> No.18863495
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why has the dollar eroded so much

>> No.18863513

Seattle has a higher minimum wage than Ontario. Crazy shit man. Then corntown Nebraska is likee 7.25

>> No.18863516

You assholes don't understand, your direct wages have been replaced with "free" employer provided heath care, retirement programs you often decide not to participate in,l and all of these other payroll taxes.

"Free" education for kids and subsided state colleges, Government intervention with the Governments
Sponsored Enterprises (the Maes and the Macs) have like wised raised the prices of housing and education. Medicaid and Medicare likewise with health care.

All of these programs indirectly or directly come from your wages, you stupid socialist cucks.

By Jove, someone else seems to get it

>> No.18863620

Globalization and quantitative easing are two biggies. We can outsource and make things cheaper, and QE increases asset prices but not wages - hence why zoomers can't afford a house.

>> No.18863644

The Tifflin Dilema. When a country is a reserve curreny there has to be enough currency in foreign banks for them to hold reserves. This means that the reserve currency nation, the US, has to put out a lot of dollars and the easiest way to do that is to issue debt.

This will always lead to a de-facto reserve currency nation to go to fractional reserve banking, eventually off the gold standard, and blow off tops in the markets and then severe depression as the global economy restructures away from the reserve currency.

We are in a liquidity trap. Keynes identified it as a key problem when interest rates goes to zero and it is really why MMT won't serve the people. The MMT crowd doesn't have a real answer to this trap, while the actions of the people with have a very Austrian Economic vibe, leading to the debt cycle rolling over.

Unironically if you cant surf the big waves just get into precious metals. Silver over gold for now until the ratio stabilizes. This depression is going to take another 90% off crypto, get in then.

>> No.18863664
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my last employer told me he couldn't afford health insurance and told me to go on my states gibs program

he also didn't offer a 401k or pension. all that would be fine if he paid me a living wage, which he didn't.
So what do you say to millions of americans that aren't getting any retirement benefits or health insurance? What do you say to millions of Americans that pay into social security but will never see it?

if retirement plans and health insurance were guaranteed for everyone you could have made a great point. but they aren't, so you didn't.

>> No.18863696
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you need to go back

>> No.18863699

>So what do you say to millions of americans that aren't getting any retirement benefits or health insurance? What do you say to millions of Americans that pay into social security but will never see it?

There is nothing to say, no one is entitled to anything.

>> No.18863723
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>> No.18863796

Sounds like America today

>> No.18863809
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It's just crazy you can work full-time, show initiative, be educated, be all around good worker, a law-abiding citizen, and not be able to afford rent

meanwhile latoya has a kid and the gov gives her 8k a year, a huge tax refund, food assistance, cash assistance and housing. Why is she entitled to the easy life but I'm not? what did i do wrong?

>> No.18863864

>So what do you say to millions of Americans that aren't getting any retirement benefits or health insurance?

I explain that the "free" stuff is why your pay is stagnating because much of it is a hidden tax, through inflation and payroll taxes. They have to accept that they have wanted to be lied too with "free" but the stress of accepting that lie is bound in poverty.

I have employer provided retirement with a state that opted out of Social security. My retirement is 8% of my gross pay, and the state matches 5. Social security is 6.88 percent personal and state match. My retirement goes up very nicely. I have around some 60 funds I can put my funds, active or passive, and free advising, all that. There are target date funds for retirement that automatically re balance.

If Social Security was really about providing economic security for workers every single person would have had that account for them for their wages to get paid into on the Federal Level. Everyone would have had a portable retirement fund.

But what does social mean? People. What does security mean? Cant be moved away. Social security is a tool that stops the people from being free. Its in the fucking name.

Please see my other comments to know how the socialist in this system have fucked you.

>> No.18863882
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Sounds like you need to rent your asshole

>> No.18863962

Interesting how small businesses and American entrepreneurship have been evaporated overnight and people are either cheering it on or acting like it was inevitable.

It looks like Google and Amazon are the harbingers of the business apocalypse. Government has been bought and paid for and antitrust laws have been fucking toothless against modern monopolies.

>> No.18864120

>I'm convinced this was coordinated by corporate america to wipe out small businesses
No shit. They've been doing this for decades.

>> No.18864170

Why do you think minimum wage would increase the wages of anyone? A minimum wage is nothing more than a prohibition of people who produce less than the minimum wage to work legally. Raising the minimum wage just causes these low-producing individuals to get fired.

>> No.18864304

It's hard to take what you write seriously. You do know what working / living conditions were like in the 19th century, before any of those "social programs" you deride so much existed?
> Children / women paid less for similar labor to men.
> Schools only for rich / privileged children
> Entire families needed to work to make ends meet at poverty level
> No medical care unless you could pay cash
> Utterly fucked if injured / disabled in any way.
This is basically saying "I'm privileged with my job, and what I did works for me, so why can't you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps?". It's confirmation bias at it's worst. Maybe this worked for boomers, but anyone under 40 today is going to have a world with no SS, and ever exploding health care costs despite all of that money pissed into it.
Btw, Social Security dates back to the civil war, long before communism, socialism, or any modern ideology existed. Pensions date back even further, existing in the guild system in the middle ages. Even fucking Rome had pensions 2000 years ago for soldiers, look past the ideological kool-aid.

>> No.18864385

Minimum wage should be $20

>> No.18864624

Most intelligent people can see this but can't do anything about it, any attempt at citizens unionizing against financial facism would get labeled as a Nazi or communist uprising.

Subsidies are direct orders when money is tight.

>> No.18864717


absolutely does not matter.

>> No.18864723

you joke but if minimum wage kept up with production and inflation we would have around a $25 an hour minimum wage

the corps doubled their efficient in the last 50 years but wages are stagnant

>> No.18864774
File: 342 KB, 1334x694, womens brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fully retarded. The main driving force that lifted people out of poverty was capitalism, and capitalism enabled charity. Charity fell in an immense way when feminist told women to stop being mothers and become professional women.

> Children / women paid less for similar labor to men.
Women are less productive than men, they have lower moral reasoning, they have 40 percent less neo-cortex than men, and they have less group loyalty than men. They should be paid less because they provide less to a company than they do men.
> Schools only for rich / privileged children
Kids home schooled in the past receive a better education than public school children do now. It is just the modern woman feels entitled to neglect her children's education in favor of competing with men by having a profession start when they should be raising families.
> No medical care unless you could pay cash
Medical care is not the same as being healthy. People were healthier back in the day, especially when they had a home maker. Maternal neglect is lifelong and one of the main symptoms is obesity and related issues. And when personal charity was higher there were mutual aid societies.
> Utterly fucked if injured / disabled in any way.
Now we have people gaming the system pretending to be fucked up and it is worse than the charity provided system we use to have. We have mass poverty and wage slavery and still have homeless camps in ever moderate sized town.

Your ideas are proven to be wrong, and sticking to your guns is evil.

>This is basically saying "I'm privileged with my job, and what I did works for me, so why can't you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps?
Nigger the qualifications for my job is a High School Diploma and no drug use. Literally any sober person could do my job and I went for it because I knew SS was shit. And Rome's social programs lead to its collapse.

Age/Sex/Race please. There is little chance you are a white male, unless you are a Jew.

>> No.18864811

What do you do for a living?

>> No.18864836

You cunt I asked first. Be honest with me and I'll be honest with you. Age Sex Race, and if you want, work history and education.

>> No.18864868

I'm unemployed because of corona. I managed a small business. also not the anon you replied to

so what is this magical job you have that only requires a HS diploma and gives you amazing retirement benefits? pls don't say truck driving lol

>> No.18864949

I work juvenile corrections for the state. I have worked with everything from detention kids on some "assault charges" because they wanted to run away from home and pushed past their parents, to contract killers with the gangs and sex offenders with over 50 victims. Gangster girls willing to pull triggers and girls that have been pimped out since they were 11.

I haven't seen it all, but I have seen more than most. The pay is decent and benefits are good. I have seen 22 year olds get this job and work through college and their masters and I have seen some absolute idiots work, but they are great with the kids and can hold them accountable so they do well.

>> No.18864963

I literally just said small businesses are low margin scum corps. I'll add that they probably are all cash basis accounting fraudsters as well for the sake of it. The rest if your post is just pointless noise.

>> No.18864999


There should be no minimum wage. You are worth what you're worth. All a minimum wage does is ensure groups of people who can't produce value equal to or greater than minimum wage have to rely on government handouts and vote Democrat. A minimum wage wasn't needed during America's most prosperous time and it isn't needed now or ever. It's just more Communist bullshit to put people out of work and it's pure evil.

>> No.18865012

Post tits.

>> No.18865124

What exactly do you? you can't be an officer right? they requires bachelors degrees. im curious now

>> No.18865271

Nigguh fuck off. Intellectually retarded bullshit that doesn't reflect reality in the slightest and is entirely wrong. What retardation drew you into this cultish pseud bullshit you hold so firm?

>> No.18865618
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>"HI, we're amazon. We noticed your small town doesn't have many job opportunities so we've opened up a factory. Come and work for us for $5 an hour. Minimum wage doesn't matter silly!"

>amazons face when

>> No.18865871

>Repeating the same lies
Your precious production function has been proven to be intellectually bankrupted since 1960s. The whole marginalism school is built on sand and held up with nothing but evil intentions. Look up on Cambridge capital controversy, that is if you were not a shill or brainwashed tool.

>> No.18865944
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>what did i do wrong?
born a goy, now get back to your cage, wagie

>> No.18865957


Based. Small business owners are some of the biggest kikes around.

>> No.18866026


>juvenile corrections


This is classic. A high school diploma, wannabe cop thinks he has it all figured out. Keep it up man. Thanks for defending my wealth.

>> No.18866677

You can't see reality because you are a useful idiot. Please watch the whole video, you have been ideologically subverted.

Literally fully retarded. You have a superficial understanding of everything, don't you. Seriously, post hand and tits. There is no way you are a white male unless Jewish.

>> No.18867247

>any attempt at citizens unionizing against financial facism

Oh is that what you call fucking business owners in the ass?

>> No.18867328

based. fuck small business and their shitty high prices

>> No.18867719

Soo capitalism failed?
Has it ever really been tried?

>> No.18867793

This but without a soйaк

>> No.18868373
File: 32 KB, 600x655, c2d (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I tell them to go back they'll never figure out that's where I came from

>> No.18868489

>It's another 'anon blames government programs for failing the country while not understanding that reganomics has ravaged it for decades' episode
I hate reruns

>> No.18868913
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Now I understand why you're so sexist. Keep voting for Trump thinking that will change anything

>> No.18870105

Mininum wage in the 60s was like 90k in todays dollars if you look at the amount of hours worked to buy an ounce of gold

>> No.18870196

In this case we wouldn't be unionizing against the small business itself, we'd all agree to socialize healthcare through one giant workers union against the large corporations, but like I said that has been engrained into us as being evil.

>> No.18870217

If you can't make enough money, you either need to aquire skills to make your labor worth more or find ways to spend less.
Increasing the minimum wage or adding social programs won't do anything to fix your underlying problem. We'd just be having the same conversation in ten years.

>> No.18870219

There shouldn't be a minimum wage.

>> No.18870358

If women do the same labor, the laws of economics will give them the same wage.
If you can't afford insurance while doing a dangerous job, you probably shouldn't be doing that job.
Schools are basically irrelevant in a world where free education is wildly abundant.

None of these are relevant problems in a free market society.
In any case, there's no reason we can't keep some regulations we really like while massively slashing the rest.
We could even afford to massively increase social programs for women/children/the poor/{insert preferred demographic} with all the money we got from deregulation if we wanted to.
That's actually probably what the compromise would look like.