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18851277 No.18851277 [Reply] [Original]

They're awfully quiet right now aren't they?

>> No.18851480

I dont think it will actually crash the guy just reinfects his eth into it to keep the price stable and to pump on certain days?

>> No.18851494


>> No.18851584

Waiting for it to dump eh?

>> No.18851636

B-but the pumpamentals!!

Yea let me tell you what other coin had pumpamentals until they suddenly didnt- BitCONNECT

>> No.18851745

Yup, except HEX doesn't offer any guarantee's (even though it still has them), and therefore can't be listed as a security. Do you honestly believe Heart didn't account for that?

All the pumpementals+No SEC risk + a completely new way to invest money = ? Do the math. Finally a crypto that is honest about what crypto is, no one uses Bitcoin to pay their groceries and never will, they use it to invest.

>> No.18851801

who is

>> No.18851843

let me tell you what other coin had pumpamentals until they suddenly didn't: bitcoin
down from 20k to 4k
is bitcoin a scam too?

>> No.18851860

>I do not understand market trends

>> No.18851963

The fact that I haven't heard one single argument besides scam makes me so fucking bullish, nervously bullish. This thing could take a swing against BTC because it is so diametrically opposed to all the years of frustrated bullshit crypto dreams. BTC never became the new gold. It never found even the most minute modicum of practical use. XRP is not the one world currency and it never will be. All the random coins that just ride on the heels of BTC.

HEX is the wake up call. Wake the fuck up and DYOR.

>> No.18852148

the howie test doesn't care about heart's faulty logic. he's going to be shkreli's new best friend

>> No.18852214

it works until it doesnt
very obvious single point of failure

>> No.18852239 [DELETED] 
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eventually this thing will run out of *NEW*

muhhh it's a not ponzi

>> No.18852243

How is his logic faulty?

>> No.18852275
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eventually this thing will run out of "new" suckers buying into this shit.

don't pretend that won't happen.

it it walks like a ponzi, talks like a ponzi, quacks like a ponzi, smells like a ponzi... it most certainly is a ponzi.

>> No.18852284
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I have timestamps


(regarding his views on clientele, and his past)

(Passion for BTC)

(the typical rhetoric, watch from beginning too)

So much more content. DYOR.

>> No.18852373

an ignorance of the law doesn't protect you from the law. The Howey test is basically, "if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck"
There's nothing in the Howey test that says "its only a security of you use the word guarantee". I don't know where you got that from but you're an idiot if you actually believe that.

>> No.18852375

How is it faulty? That's what I thought.

>> No.18852448


>a securities law is as arbitrary as "If it walks like a duck.."
I'm not even going to respond to that, it's just nonsense.

From Investepedia:

Howey Test Explained
Put simply, the Howey Test asks whether the value of a transaction for one of its participants is dependent upon the other's work. Specifically, the Howey Test determines that a transaction represents an investment contract if "a person invests his money in a common enterprise and is led to expect profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or a third party,"

Heart literally beats your head in on this point. Do better.

>> No.18852505

not only is it a security, but it fits the definition of a Ponzi scheme which is illegal in the US.

Howie test:
> It is an investment of money
> There is an expectation of profits from the investment
> The investment of money is in a common enterprise
>Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party

if Hex isn't promoted by shills like you, no profits come.

>> No.18852550

HEX haters think price will tank after BPD, they are in for big surprise.

>> No.18852650

You totally missed the thesis of HEX. You really need to watch more of the videos. Why aren't the other crypto's securities? HEX offers you no guarantee's, and the founder offers nothing in return, explicitly. I would start here:


>> No.18852749

the thesis of HEX is to make richard rich. that's why everyone else is locked in at 90% of their tokens, he gets 100% of the ETH proceeds from purchases, and there's a penalty for redeeming BTC after day 1. He not only gets all the ETH, but also knows which day launch is so he doesn't get the penalty but everyone else does.

> HEX offers you no guarantee's
excuse me? from his own website:
"Hex is designed to go higher, faster, and retain its value."

a court isn't going to care if you play bullshit word games, you're still getting a massive fine and jail time for running a ponzi.
EOS actually built a working product, they were only fined $24 million for not registering as a securities dealer.
They weren't charged for fraud because their shit worked.
Heart is offering continual profits, but that requires ponzi scheme type of continual investment money to pay off the inflation of initial investors.

seriously i wonder if you're indian or chinese how can you possibly be this stupid?

>> No.18852840



dellusional bag holders will come up with ad-horc rescue responses in lieu of their poor understanding of what blockchain is all about. which is solving real world problems..

hex does none of that.

>> No.18852877
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You will both buy in at 3 cents

>> No.18852887

First off, ad hominem is the best way to make your argument appear weak. It's not an argument.

Secondly, these were all the arguments I would have made - before doing research on the actual project.

>Making Richard rich isn't a valid argument and has nothing to do with anything relating to securities fraud. The people that turn their ETH into HEX don't have a gun to their head.
>Richard won already. The project is done.
>You don't have to lock any of your tokens.
>You get free tokens if you have BTC, those are the only ones that are forced to stake. Not a bad deal, considering they are free.
>It's "designed", that's much different than, "offers 1%/day interest" etc. IT IS DESIGNED TO DO IT. This is a very important distinction that you seem to think is arbitrary.
Semantics is probably the most underrated branch of logic.

All of this would start to click if you took time to do the research. It's ironic, because it's literally designed to fight everything that you think it is.

>> No.18852927

This is it. This is the fundamental crux of this entire HEX debacle. People that still think crypto has a practical use, dreaming that you'll be using your crpto wallet to pay your groceries. The mass adoption that never happened. And the people that did use it - are dropping.

HEX is the bucket of cold water, the wake up call to what crypto really is, not what it was supposed to be. It's a fucking investment. And HEX does everything it can to protect that investment from doing the typical crypto 90% drop.

>> No.18852943


no i will buy even if this shit pumps another 300%..

i like to make money, but i have an invesment criteria to not invest in obvious ponzis.


fast foward to 6:40

>> No.18852953


not buy

this faggot can't even say who owns the origin address.


>> No.18852965

no one was forced to buy bitconnect at gunpoint either. the founder is in prison right now
there's no other way to describe you except phenomenally retarded. It's not an insult, just a statement of fact.
>everything that you think it is.
just more fomo mumbo jumbo. lots of words without saying anything. i hope richard isn't paying you in HEX. that would be fucking funny

>> No.18852971

That faggot is just making up number I didn't even read what he wrote.

>> No.18852973


you're an idiot. you don't work at a bank and that DLT is making seismic moves to be actually used as something. probablem is you're an idiot. that doesn't see this and would rather have cognitive dissonance to the fact. and would rather invest in get rich scam shit coins.

good luck

>> No.18853020

>DLT is making seismic moves to be actually used as something.
use case has never sustained a crypto currency. people only care if the price goes up.

>> No.18853031


I did read what he wrote. and he's write about the howey test.

richard heart is pretending he doesnt know who the origin address is. he thinks all you people are bunch retards to believe that

he literally is wearing jewely with a hand grabbing cash.

and please please answer this question

why does richardheart.win lead you straight to bybit??


pro tip you can't cause you're a dellusional bag holder will will come up with an ad-hoc rescue response which won't mean shit.

>> No.18853067




>> No.18853089


please answer this question

very important question



WHY DOES richardheart.win

lead you to bybit?

answer these two simple questions and maybe i'll buy this garbage.

pro-tip you can;t

>> No.18853111

Not surprised to see this. More ad hominem. More disregarding the facts. Not a lick of research.

>> No.18853156

What do you know, more ad hominem. These seismic moves have been promised since advent. Today there is close to zero adoption and usability and it's actually decreasing.

Cryptocurrency is a speculative investment. Fin.

>> No.18853169



it's a legitimate question

>> No.18853175

Did you not watch the video you replied to?

>> No.18853194


dude i did watch the video he dances around with words.

but answer this question please

why does richardheart.win go to bybit???

and why does he not mention who owns the origin address.

this is very legitmate any sane investor should ask. adhomenins aside.

>> No.18853246

You want an answer RETARD , you here you have it :

Plausible deniability !!!

Now STFU. If you don't get it KYS

>> No.18853253

He wears the jewelry ironically, he mentions the cashgrab necklace and refers to it as "gaudy".

He wears it because he has built HEX to coexist with the actual scams. He advertises it with the same mannerisms that the real scam coins. Why? Because they work. He is throwing in HEX with the bad bacteria, so that people will inadvertently eat the good bacteria. This is pump without the dump, without the gotcha. This is the most transparent cryptocurrency ever invented. Don't listen to me, watch the videos and make up your own mind.

>> No.18853269


Plausible deniability won't save him or you (the scammed investor) when the SEC comes down on this clown who obviously still resides in america and all the ETH addresses associated with this crap are public and on chain.

good luck

>> No.18853287


>pump without the dump

assuming there will be people buying into this shit forever....

the absolutely state.

>> No.18853330

You will buy , don't delude yourself.

>> No.18853353


lol i'm delluded? the absolute state.

can't even answer the question why this faggot richardheart.win goes to bybit..

>>doesn't knw ETH is being recycled back into HEX contracts.
>>doesnt bother looking at the onchain address associated with this shit.

i'm delluded? yeah okay buddy. grab the rope

>> No.18853380


yeah i'm not trusting my money with a manlet.

>> No.18853407

Show me the ETH being recycled.

>> No.18853410

how difficult you think is to register domain and forwards the requests to bybit ?

I can tell you right now, it takes approx 2 hrs.

30 min to register a domain richartheartwillmakeyourick.win

30 min to configure the forwarding.

1 hr for the DNS to update the Root Servers.

Anyone can do this . Happy now ?

>> No.18853452



>> No.18853487


check the flush address

>> No.18853522


the guy says verbatim " you're not suppose to know that (who owns the origina address)"


skip to 6:30

how much glaring evidence do you need to break that cognitive dissonance?

>> No.18853525

isnt everything dumping?
inlcuding bitcoin?
does that mean bitcoin is a scam?

>> No.18853545

It's dumping basically at the same rate as everything else. If it was a PnD it would be down like 50% already. FUD harder

>> No.18853568


nice strawman arguement there.

>> No.18853597


another strawman argument.! wow. coming from high iq investors! obviously

>> No.18853614

what usability does bitcoin have in 2020?

fucking nothing

>> No.18853618

people would still be buying bitconnect right now if they never exit scammed.

>> No.18853637

Let me guess you're the high IQ nigger here holding bags of really useful IRL crypto right? lel

All the arguments you made have been dissected and answered hundreds of times before. It's not anyone's first time at the rodeo here. Research more and you will get it.

>> No.18853641


another strawman arguement.. obviously failing to counter argue the obvious ETH recycling by Richard schueller.

>> No.18853646


i've done enoug research to know that hex is an obvious ponzi with no intention of even ATTEMPTING to solve real world problems.

>> No.18853652

you're not here to find the truth. you're just here to be a cuck.

>> No.18853665


>> did not invest in bitcoin back in 2012
>> does not know how DLT solves the counterparty risk problem.

>> No.18853675




1:20:53 - 1:23:02

He thought of this already friendo.

>> No.18853685 [DELETED] 


go read up on law and know that ignorance does not absolve one buying guilty of violating the howey test

>> No.18853705


you still havnt address the elephant in the room which is the obvious ETH recycling..

>> No.18853707

>Cryptocurrency solving real world problems

>> No.18853715

wake up cryptos will never do that.Who sold you that lie

>> No.18853722

Well looks like you got it all figured out champ. Good luck with whatever bags you're holding.

>> No.18853724


forget what someone says.. pay attention to what they do. especially when YOUR money is involved.

>> No.18853743


>Cryptocurrency solving real world problems

you're remind me someone who bought a bunch of dot.com stocks and sold the bottom.

>> No.18853768

lets just divert the conversation idiot

>> No.18853772 [DELETED] 


lmao I'm diverty the conversation?? lol i'm done here.

>> No.18853835

I don't see any proof of ETH recycling. I see a hypothesis - check #3 on the summary. This is speculation.

>> No.18853848


says the guy who's responses are nothing but strawman arguements.


what hypothesis? it's all ON CHAIN and PUBLIC!

>> No.18853868


that activity is REAL.. the part in section 3 says it's unknown if its a person or an exchange that holds that address.

>> No.18853884

He SAID he was going to create a crypto that would probably skyrocket at an exponential level, and he DID that. And if you take the time to listen to his arguments and ideas, I am in love with the idea. Crypto is not useful. It is an investment. It's about time we woke up to this, how many more bagholders do we need? How much real world use have you gotten out of XRP or BTC or even ETH today? Isn't LINK so useful? That's what everybody says. We've heard it. We've heard it all before. Very jaded. This is the paradigm shift and it's about time.

>> No.18853888


to go back to summary 3 that you read.

richard.win leads you right to bybit. i mean who else would want to have that url forwarded and why?

what a coincidence don't you think?

>> No.18853915


if you think that DLT has no real world use case that being other than an investment. thats what you would like to believe as a hex token holder.

there are thousands of developers trying to solve real world problems. just because that isnt the case now, doesnt mean it wont ever be that way in the future.

the crypto currency space is in its infancy stage and a nascent. to think it will never be anything more than what it is, is something i dont have to convince you. these things take time

maybe a decade or two.

problem is people want to turn a quick profit by investing in things like hex and believe people who push that idea.

>> No.18853931

The answer of the evening...in the form of a question
What the fuck do I care where the eth went when I can sell my hex for 11 times the eth I spent?

>> No.18853952


give your pat on the shoulder for actually cashing out and turning a profit. for those who believe in this and actually have their hex staked.


>> No.18853957

Because you cant, when you stake you will lose all your hex if you try to pull out early. And if you wait until the stake is done then you will lose everything as it will dump before then

>> No.18853964



>> No.18853974

i'm going to post this here for all to see.

since it's the only valid arguement that people seem to ignore..


>> No.18853995

I have no issue with your argument. But I've seen the big promises already made, and the horrific 90% drops, I see that no one is using crypto. Which is why crypto - to me is a speculative investment, and that's what it's always been. Maybe it will change, sure. But that doesn't mean that a crypto that's designed to fight those drops, to actually reward people for holding the bag, isn't a good idea. In fact it's the best and most honest idea crypto has ever had since inception.

>> No.18854008


ofcourse. the 90% drops hurt. doesnt mean some of these unbeknownst projects will never being anything

just remember

correlation does not imply causation

>> No.18854010

Dummy!, I have HEX staked for 3800 days and less. Never go full stake stupid, I stake half at a time per purchase.

>> No.18854035

Incorrect. The staking penalties vary on the time/% gain you stand to make when you make the stake.

As a test I cancelled a few of my few year stakes early - the penalty was negligible. It was less than 5%.
It will ding you however if you make say a sizable 10 year stake, and then end it early, because, think about it, you essentially are saying fuck off to the stakers that followed behind you. However 50% of the penalty funds go back to the stakers.

>> No.18854066

And you just remember

past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior

>> No.18854444
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>> No.18854661

First you have to understand, it does nothing. Its not a CD in the normal way. You dont have to stake or can end your stake early with a penalty, which doesnt actually matter if you are ahead in gains. Only 25% are locked, so people just wait on the sidelines to dump at their will. For a CD to be successful (at least in crypto cause high volatility), either you must be obligated to stake or the "end stake early" shouldnt be there. It lives and dies of people fomoing in. Its a ponzi, without the "running out of money" part. Uniswap helps a lot cause liquidity pools never dry up, as richard funnels the eth from AA back into the liquidity pool. by the time the AA runs out, the network effect should be huge enough to sustain future gains. if not, it will collapse at least on the big pay day as everyone and their mum will cash out their 100x , so you better sell it before then.

>> No.18855450

Are you seriously shit talking HEX because of a minor correction after going up like 80x, beating every other crypto this year?

>> No.18855471

fucking NPCs