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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 40 KB, 740x492, ethmcincomingalliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18830395 No.18830395 [Reply] [Original]

Btc will slowly die after halvening. Buy eth, lots of eth.

>> No.18830922

I rather buy chainlink

>> No.18830936
File: 162 KB, 768x768, 987654321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heretics will Burn in red candle hell forever.

>> No.18830986

why? explain

>> No.18831118
File: 78 KB, 960x596, C26F660B-5036-4CC0-A45B-A0614711A0D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my 32 and might dollar cost average 10% of my paychecks into it from here. Looking forward to staking!

*Hopefully they let me stake in coinbase, dont wanna lose anything in fees moving to a different exchange

>> No.18831164

Buy both. Hold. Win.
Or, lose lol

>> No.18831300

The banks will buy it dummy. It's still better than SWIFT, and proven reliable for bulk transfers.

>> No.18831344
File: 232 KB, 590x718, btc_is_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC hashrate will plummet post halving. We will be seeing many mining operations outside of places like China shut down operations.

At current levels the halving means that BTC rewards will drop by 53692.75 USD Per block. Operations within that margin area will have no choice but to kill their operations.

The price isnt going to skyrocket because Miners decide to sell higher. There are too many traders and too much existing BTC for a block reward reduction to have this effect because traders will just keep pushing them down.

Further, these operations that shut down may actually dump stacks to cover costs and take what profit they have; actually pushing the price lower, not higher.

>> No.18832406


ThIs Is GoNnA bE tEh OnE pLeBbIt!

>> No.18832462

This is unforseen levels of cope lmao

>> No.18832488

The COVID immunity score card, social credit system and ID2020 initiative are happening on Ethereum. Vitalik working with those close to the US government confirmed. Also, US is working to put digital USD on Ethereum as an ERC20. China will plug Ethereum into their current national blockchain. All in ether.

>> No.18832497

My stack is literally 100% ETH.

>> No.18832666

BTC will be used heavily as collateral in defi you fucking RETARD FUCK YOU I HATE YOU DIE

>> No.18832706

alright alright Satan I'll buy bitcoin just don't hurt me

>> No.18832755

