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18822235 No.18822235 [Reply] [Original]

Sup zenanons?

>> No.18822282
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>> No.18822283

Staking and so comfy it should be illegal.

>> No.18822340

Yes sirs all is well in the village thank you please buy the Zenon tokens

>> No.18822362

very comfy I like jack donkey coin

>> No.18822422

They are literally creating the next breakthrough: the backbone of decentralized social media and just sitting there on a $5.6M mcap. With that very low & scarce supply, this shit can easily reach $1000 per coin. Mark my words anons.

>> No.18822461


>> No.18822576

Sirs the coin saves village. Also buy the Kleros please

>> No.18822581
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Lol. Fuck me the main samfag fudder literaly was outed as a pajeet.

>> No.18822591


>> No.18822817

Post hands and I will tell u Sanjay.

>> No.18822860
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Hello vodka/curryniggers. Did you miss me? :)

>> No.18822929

Post hands Sanjay.....Won't the call centre give u freedom to use your 1 dollar phone?

>> No.18823007
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn some english before you parrot "post hands" and some indian jokes I told you threads ago. filthy fucking vodka/currynigger. just read the bitcointalk thread to confirm its just a scam pulled off by some bought accounts on the platform. :)

>> No.18823079

>the next ethereum

There is nothing wrong about being an illiterate moronfag. But it's clear that you ngmi if you don't read and understand the whitepaper.

>> No.18823356
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Another coincidence

>> No.18823375
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>> No.18824627
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1k will be enough to live a comfy life

>> No.18824982

that's cool, could you explain the whitepaper at all? Just briefly, you know

>> No.18824995

spoonfeed you? hah sorry, DYOR!

I will however spend hours today and every day making hundreds of posts telling people to buy Zenon token. But if you want to know why, sorry, I'm way too busy to do that. DYOR!

>> No.18825840

>dual ledger approach
>block lattice for scalability
>additional POW layer to beef up security
>employs unikernels for dapps (based)
but seriously dyor

>> No.18825887

you just increased your chances of going to heaven anon.

>> No.18826271

thanks. the jeet calling us all jeets has no response though. how typical

>> No.18826816

you don't know what any of this means and neither does anyone else

if someone were to explain why ethereum is valuable they're not going to say "the quadrilateral trilattice matrix nodes and dual ledge technology coupled with the sublingual lucidity sentinel... pretty basic stuff"

so can you explain why Zenon is valuable, what the Zenon token is used for, and do it using at least semi-laymen's terms and not referencing Jack Donkey?


>> No.18826876

to give you another example, there is surely a bunch of technical jargon when it comes to Chainlink that you could drop on people when they ask you what exactly it does

but since it's not a scam and I'm not trying to dazzle you with big words I would just say "it connects off chain data to the blockchain"

an easy to understand concept even though the backend of accomplishing such a feat is extremely complicated

>> No.18827008

he asked for a brief explanation of the whitepaper faggot, not why the token is valuable. But to answer your retarded question, you stake the token to secure the network and and in return you get staking rewards/transaction fees. Same basic tokenomics of any halfway decent smart contract platform. Adoption is key obviously

>> No.18827059

Since youre too retarded to understand what block lattices or unikernels are, a layman's explanation of Zenon is "a dapp platform that can actually scale"

>> No.18827117

Okay take the tecnical terms that the anon just gave you. Thats for the blockchain architecture. Then you also take in account that they want to integrate pillars in nanosatelites in order to be more decentralised. At last they are focussing to let the community participate in the project. Tokens are not sold to VC or given to large exchanges, this allows the project to not be dependent on large entities that control a large portion of the network. If you want to know more about the tech you have to read the WP or you are welcome to ask all your question in the telegram.