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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18805149 No.18805149 [Reply] [Original]

This month is going to melt your faces

>> No.18805203

You said that last month

>> No.18805224

and the month before that

>> No.18805282

End of October/Early November.

Have. A. Stack.

Don't say you were not warned.

This is only from what I know of too, could easily be other things before this, this coin is unironically going to be the standard.

>> No.18805321

For dumping and a big crypto noob trap like it has been?

>> No.18805437

That's really on you if you're rekt and bought too high, it's been dirt cheap for the last few months with good opportunities to dollar cost average if you really were that rekt.

The ATH will be dwarfed though through legitimate utility and I wouldn't be surprised if it claims number one.

>> No.18805495

>End of October/Early November.
Ripplers have been saying this every year. It's not that you might not eventually be right, it's that none of you cultists have credibility to make future predictions.

>> No.18805527

someone post the video, you know which one

>> No.18805557

shut the fuck up
please just shut the fuck

>> No.18805575

That's fair and I don't disagree, the XRP army are mostly retarded and I wouldn't mind seeing a big dip to shake out some more. It is what is though, some of them will get rich and instantly lose it all, others will sell too early.

>> No.18805608


>> No.18805662
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is there anything more sad than xrp bag holders?

>> No.18805721
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No. There is nothing before this. This nothing during this. There is nothing after this. XRP will do nothing for years as a result of Pic related. If you knew anything you would know that.

>> No.18805834

that lawsuit cant do fucking shit. lmao. XRP will be declared a commodity and the price will sky rocket. Go ahead and post that message of Brad showing off on twitter. whatever helps you cope

>> No.18805865


>> No.18805894

xrp ruined my life

>> No.18807295


That lawsuit will bankrupt Ripple and make xrp untouchable by any legitimate financial company forever.

>> No.18807538

lmao. Youbdo realize the guy suing ripple only lost 150 k right? What high class team of multi billion dollar lawyers does he have?

>> No.18807569

Had a nice laugh, anon. That‘s all

>> No.18807586


> guy who doesn't understand how any of this works.

If I'm not wrong he's represented by Quinn Emmanuel which is top trial litigation firm in the world. Not that it matters. Ripple already lost the most important issue and now xrp is fucked for years if not forever.

>> No.18807618

Explode back to 5 cents

>> No.18807634

How's that illegal rolling ico working out for ya?

>> No.18807786

Please explain. There is a triable issue but nothing more at this point?

>> No.18807819

thats the wrong case you fucking nimrod. Go ahead and try to prove the commodity case is back by Quinn Emanual. Show me a specific article

>> No.18807830

Imagine blaming others for your choices like a whiny child. Who put a gun to your head and told you to invest more than you could lose you fucking faggot? Be a man you worthless piece of shit

>> No.18807857
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>buying cripple

>> No.18807996

kek. I gauranteed 99% of coins are an "illegal ico" . If XRP is declared a security then something like chainlink will be declared a security right away.

All you fudders wishing XRP to be declared a security dont know what slippery slope youre going to cause

>> No.18808056

lmao chill out im larping

>> No.18808073


The issue is that if XRP is deemed a security, Ripple will be in violation of the Securities Act of 1933, will have illegally sold an unregistered security, will be required to discorge all profits from selling xrp and will be required to pay make whole restitution plus possible treble damages to any investor who lost money by purchasing xrp and chooses to join the class. This would bankrupt Ripple, but more importantly even assuming ripple had the money or came to a lesser settlement and survived (which it won't), more importantly for the future of xrp its security classification will require secondary market 1934 Act compliance or 144 exceptions for any purchase or sale and will also never be able to fulfill its purpose as a settlement token for money transfers.

Basically the project will die and they already lost the first major defense to avoid that happening. There are avenues things could change, namely federal US regulation that changes crypto classifications, but that doesn't exist right now. The court case does.

>> No.18808131
File: 329 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20200501-152109_Dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i overblow things the post
anyone who thinks Ripple is going to lose this case is a complete retard. I dont know what else to say. There is a 99% chance Ripple win. Ripple could not give the slightest fuck about this case, they are literally suing Youtube for the hell of it. You think Ripple is actually panicking over this case when they have time to sue fucking Youtube? lmao

also, please answer >>18807819

>> No.18808141
File: 56 KB, 1080x406, Nigger stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks don't understand
I hold this shit and my luck will make any boat sink
Just get the fuck out while there's still time

>> No.18808157

Yes, that's right. There are exceptions to this including the coin which is fudded hardest on biz.

Thank you for the detailed reply! I assume the threshold to have the case dismissed is very high though- i.e. if there is some grist to the mill it carries on to trial in the US?

>> No.18808168

>sold an unregistered security
Ripple never even had an ico LMAOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.18808207


I don't know what youre talking about here but the only case that matters is the securities case.

And I assure you ripple is very very concerned about that case. Take their own word for it "case could destroy $500 billion xrp market."


Sorry you don't know shit.

>> No.18808235

ooo im so scared. Im sure Ripple is highly concerned too hence why they tried to sue Youtube for the hell of it a week ago

>i dont know what case youre trying to prove
I linked a literal blockchain conpany that payed a fine for having unregistered securities and that coin is still running Lmaooooo

>> No.18808278


Good for them. Hope it's persuasive for the trial judge. Too bad you won't know until trial and this will hang over the XRP market until then... Which will take years.

>> No.18808288

okay. dont buy. Youre right. Everyone on /biz/ sell your XRP right now. All in on chainlink

>> No.18808319

>appeal to the judge
yeah, im sure the guy cries over 150 k has really high class lawyers to sue with. Again, please answer this >>18807819

This guy can afford very cheap lawyers since he panics over 150 k. What are these high class lawyers he has we should worry about?

>> No.18808336

How about eat a dick and an hero so the world can actually go into a prosperous future if you this much of a cancerous tool bag

>> No.18808395


I don't know what else to tell you. Good luck. Hope the trial works out.

>> No.18808435

Ripple hasn’t lost anything, dipshit. The judge just declined to throw out all of the motions, but did he did throw out a couple. The case is still proceeding, and it’s still likely Ripple will win.

>> No.18808452
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>> No.18808455

>the guy whose suing over 150 k has the highest payed litigation firm in the world
no he doesnt
>Ripple will go completely bankrupt, be delisted from cmc and go straight to 0 over this
EOS was declared an unregistered security and just had to pay 24 million
>Ripple sold unregistered securities
there was never an ico

no. youre a retarded fudder trying to derail an XRP thread

>> No.18808466

If you're looking for plaintiffs counsel it's all over their filings here:


Yes it's Quinn

>> No.18808504

The accuser of ripple securities lawsuit must bring forward other participants who will financially gain from this.

Unconfirmed papers say its the winklevoss twins paying for the lawsuits lmao

>> No.18808541

Drop a burner email so we can arrange a meeting and you shoot me in the head.
If you're the pol type you'll have the satisfaction of killing a shitskin.
But please deliver immediate death, don't torture me as I have suffered for an absurdly long amount of time already

>> No.18808556


You have no idea how likely it is. No one does. What I do know is ripple lost their motion to dismiss on the securities issue which is the only one that matters and has the potential to destroy the company.

All other securities actions as far as I know we're SEC enforcement actions not investor suits going to jury trial. This is the first I know of and the most important for the entire crypto spade going forward. No one knows the outcome, EOS doesn't matter. Obviously not having an ICO doesn't mean as much as you hope it does or else Ripple wouldn't have lost their dismissal motion.

>> No.18808579


Link to papers. Wouldn't be surprised. This entire suit is certainly backed by anti-Ripple interests and has nothing really to do with the single investor.

>> No.18808577

it doesnt mention Quin Emmanual at all LMAOOOOOO
point to where it mentions it. Go ahead. Tell us what to ctrl+f, faggot

>> No.18808594



>> No.18808627

>boomer judge doesnt understand crypto currencies
wow, shocker. Also, the case is probably so huge she would get in trouble for dismissing it.
>guy who loses 150 k is scarier than a government commission going out of their way to investigate you
do you just not think before you write?

>> No.18808637

lmao. point to in the document of these big scary investors

>> No.18808667

or theyre doing it to supress price and accumulate....its what I would do and I'm Jewish.

oh and here goyim


>> No.18808673


If you really wanted to understand this you could figure it out, but yes, a class action investor protection jury trial is going to be much worse for Ripple than an SEC settlement. But you'll figure that out in time I imagine.

>> No.18808698

lmao okay

>still ignores these

>> No.18808708
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Consider this a warning.

>> No.18808745

Oh no, they lost the motion to dismiss right out the gate because the judge is a boomer who doesn’t fully understand the tech. Do you really think XRP would be getting promoted at shit like the World Economic forum if it was likely they’re going to lose the lawsuit? You said it yourself, if lost, it could ruin XRP. Why are more and more banks continuing to partner with Ripple if this is the case? Do you think their teams of super-lawyers wouldn’t be closely monitoring the case to see if it’s worth going into business with Ripple or not?

>> No.18808883

Already sold, fuck off