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File: 155 KB, 1266x494, 1588345568217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18802836 No.18802836 [Reply] [Original]

Left is developer of Chainlink Tezos adapter
Right is developer of OrO oracles

please explain how Tezos has officially bent a kneez when its only Smart_Py who developed the chainlink adapter?

>> No.18802855

imagine thinking 23 followers are going to stop the fourth industrial revolution

>> No.18802859


>> No.18802886

doesn't matter. memes become reality - and the meme is: TEZOS BENT THE KNEE

>> No.18802896

linkies keep acting like Smart Py are the official heads of Tezos. But they are not. They have as much power as Tezsure who are making OrO still

>> No.18802915

How is it bending a knee tho? Smart Py are not the heads of Tezos. They are just are just one of the many developers of Tezos.

>> No.18802916
File: 11 KB, 245x345, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quote from Tezos:

>After extensive research, we selected to integrate Chainlink for its advanced, secure framework for building oracle solutions. We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers, specifically due to the following attributes.

>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers

Read this article where Tezos is sucking Chainlink's dick:


>> No.18802957
File: 26 KB, 710x320, Screenshot_20200501-111518_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you not read? At the top, it explicitly says the Smart Py team. Not the heads of Tezos

>> No.18802959
File: 300 KB, 750x1093, 138BC028-C493-4863-9EDD-1CCC306707E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop coping and just accept it

>> No.18802973

what was he even trying to say?

>> No.18802979

again, read the OP. Its just Smart Py. Smart Py doesnt control Tezos more than Tezsure does

>> No.18803001

Smart Py are not the heads of Tezos. They have as much merit as the Teszure team who has just as many followers

Compare the official twitter of Tezos with Smart Py. Smart Py do not control Tezos

>> No.18803013
File: 18 KB, 173x173, 1584066704670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got raped so hard and swiftly in his first thread (>>18802137) that he had to make another one


>> No.18803027
File: 33 KB, 657x345, reetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers
>We recommend it as the standard oracle used by Tezos developers

>> No.18803028

I'm going to sell my linkies, I've missed out on at least 10 swinging opportunities where i could have doubled my stack.

>> No.18803037
File: 275 KB, 1070x774, Screenshot_20200501-111911_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the last reply of that thread by me. Notice how no Linkie has countered it

>> No.18803039

c o p e
o p e
p e

>> No.18803060

Yes. Smart Py recommended it to people wanting to use Tezos.

Smart Py are not the heads of Tezos. They are Smart Py. Teszure also recommends to use OrO over chainlink and they are developers too

>> No.18803084

lmao, i can be here all day. I think its great linkies realize that smart Py is not the head of tezos. That medium article was written by Smart Py >>18802957
not Tezos.

pls keep bumping the thread

>> No.18803117



>> No.18803127

smart py are not the heads of tezos

>> No.18803140


>> No.18803185
File: 195 KB, 599x729, cryptonomic tezos chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot pic related lol.

>> No.18803232

Cryptonomic are still not the heads of Tezos. LMAO
look 700 followers
Tezos still has 60 k followers

>> No.18803259

basing your shitty FUD on follower count just shows how fucking stupid you are

>> No.18803295

Smart Py and Cryptonomic are still not the heads of Tezos. They do not control Tezos. They can not tell tezos what they can or can not do

whats not to get about this?

>> No.18803357

neither is tezsure, faggot
i don't care that they're working on some shitty oracle because chainlink is the INDUSTRY STANDARD
i understand, there are different development teams working on tezos
follower count still means jack shit

>> No.18803381
File: 323 KB, 617x1077, tezos retweet chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner you start coping, the better for your mental health.

>> No.18803400
File: 172 KB, 779x853, 1588003914932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, are you saying linkers lied about another partnership? This hasn't ever happened before

>> No.18803406
File: 277 KB, 597x580, Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 11.33.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, this was tweeted by the official @tezos acccount
OMG 60k followers!!!

>> No.18803413

>neither is Teszure
Yes. And neither is Smart Py or Coinomics
Thats all im saying lmaoooo
>industry standard
yes, i know linkies are for monopolistic domination to surpress the progress of technology. But of businesses save money using OrO on tezos, they will use it instead
no one cares about "industry standard". Its about "saving money"

>> No.18803422


>> No.18803444

thanks for helping him with his mental health

>> No.18803451
File: 60 KB, 657x690, reeetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18803455
File: 26 KB, 641x238, OrO_tweet_by_Tezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is Tezos retweeting OrO
(youre not as clever as you think)

>> No.18803469
File: 62 KB, 630x237, 20200501_113704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is Tezos retweeting OrO. Funny how linkies ignore this one

>> No.18803492
File: 36 KB, 753x340, tezos foundation chainlink cryptonomic grant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is Tezos retweeted an article that specifically says "Tezos becomes latest blockchain to top Chainlink for oracle services".

Also, Tezos itself is more involved that you think, pic related.

>> No.18803512

bro your FUD is that there may be *some* competition on one blockchain
that's assuming their oracle doesn't suck
now you have to wrestle with the connections of the chainlink team, their massive head start, and the network effect.
personally, i'm not too worried

>> No.18803531

cope stupid faggot its like you want your own project to fail

>> No.18803548

And? Tezos still retweeted OrO by a team that liferally called Link a "shitcoin" in an article

That article is written by Coinomics.

>> No.18803566

bro, if OrO saves Tezos users more money, they will use it instead. If someone can see they save more money using in house oracles, no one cares about "industry standard"

>> No.18803586

i own 0 tezos at all. I dont even like the shills because they usually shit on my coins. Im just stating facts linkies are trying to surpress

>> No.18803596

And it means they agree with the wording "Tezos taps Chainlink for oracles".

No idea why you're so butthurt.

>muh OrO
Now I get it.
It hurts doesn't it? To see Tezos Foundation back Chainlink integration?
Stings you right to the core, doesn't it?

>> No.18803631
File: 1.27 MB, 600x1000, Whiterun_Hold_Guard_Skyrim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18803634

No. its a retweet. They retweeted OrO by Teszure. Teszure says chainlink is literally a shitcoin. Guess we can day they agree with that statement too then?
Tezos backs up any Tezos developer team. Smart Py AND Teszure. They do not have favorites

how are you not getting this?

>> No.18803639

>"I don't own any Tezos"
>shits out two threads feverishly arguing semantics with which Tezos itself has no problem

>> No.18803658

>No. its a retweet.
Meaning they agree with the wording "Tezos taps Chainlink for oracles".

Not to mention the fact that the Tezos Foundation itself backs this Chainlink integration lmao.

>> No.18803662
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x898, 83b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i own 0 tezos at all
So you own no tezos and no chainlink. What exactly are you sperging out for?

>> No.18803661

The ONLY reason Tezos shills are seething is because their shilling in the past weeks was based on fudding Chainlink so they BTFO themselves.

They are literally too retarded to understand Tezos using Chainlink IMPROVES Tezos. Tezos devs published an article listing all the benefits of using Chainlink but these people are idiots.

>> No.18803665

this argument has nothing to do with the statement i make in the OP, but No. I do not hold any Tezos. I wouldnt care if Tezos dropped out of top 30. Im just here to spread facts linkies are supressing

>> No.18803679

I literally just made 23 accounts to follow him so you can get BTFO

>> No.18803689

here's their announcement:
bro, they do not have an oracle network
they are just kind of proposing one
they also talk about "trusted oracles"
>For insurance we rely heavily on off chain data. At the beginning of 2019 we developed a weather oracle for our first insurance demo. This took a while to develop in the first place, but in the second place, how could we guarantee users that the oracle data is correct? How can we justify using data from one source? Centralized oracles give us a single point of failure. We have to trust the oracle that it is providing data fairly, or we need to develop every oracle ourselves. By developing a decentralized network of trusted oracles, we avoid the described problems.
and they haven't understood why the chainlink token is so important
>One key difference that we want to highlight today: We don’t see any reason to integrate a shitcoin (or unregistered security) in the OrO architecture. We want to give the Tezos ecosystem more ways to use their Tez.
they're about as far along on their journey as sergey was when he first started cloud mining bitcoin

>> No.18803698

noone gives a fuck about tezos anyway

>> No.18803701

They still retweeted OrO by a team that says chainlink is a shitcoin. LOL.


20 times in the catalog
>actually, its just Smart Py

>> No.18803703
File: 165 KB, 1008x1008, 1582057981154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hold Tezos
>but I get hugely butthurt by wording with which Tezos itself has no problem

>> No.18803715

Okay. Ill make sure to show people linkies are using follower bots to promote they shitcoin Lmaoooo

>> No.18803731

>>actually, its just Smart Py
And the Tezos Foundation. See >>18803492

>> No.18803737

>Smart Py are not the head of Tezos

pls keep bumping this thread :)

>> No.18803752

and teszure is still part of the Tezos foundation too.

What are you trying to say? lool

>> No.18803784

You sure don't come across like someone who doesn't hold any Tezos lmao.

>> No.18803788
File: 59 KB, 320x383, AE2A530D-DC87-450C-B019-572DE8AFFB36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 post by this ID

>> No.18803790

have another bump, panjeesh

>> No.18803813
File: 584 KB, 475x637, 9344868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 times in the catalog
>>actually, its just Smart Py
That doesn't answer my question. Why are you going full retard if you own neither projects? Imagine seething over what others do with their own money

>> No.18803814

That first point, isn’t that just fucking LINK??

Also how are they gonna compete with LINK when LINK been in development for years...

>> No.18803843

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much butthurt over a Chainlink integration.

Even the iexectards had more composure, and that was one legendary knee bending.

>> No.18803846

Im just saying Smart Py is not the head of Tezos. Answer this question. Why does that statement make linkies freak out?

>> No.18803865

i don't understand your first point
chainlink is every increasing the degree of decentralization
current data sources are "trusted" but they aren't dumb enough to use langauge that doesn't suggest that that's problematic longterm

>> No.18803873

Smart Py is not the head of Tezos though. Teszure is still working on OrO. When OrO is complete, that would be integration too

>> No.18803910

they realized it won't work so they just bent the knee. it's a good thing for tezos but shills are seething because they BTFO themselves retroactively

>> No.18803918

Don’t @ me you cuck

>> No.18803925
File: 82 KB, 1080x1012, 1559950347038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 posts by this ID

>> No.18803953

OrO is not even complete yet. Anyone can write an adapter for chainlink in a weekend. OrO is completely new thing. How can you say it wont work if its not complete yet?
Smart Py are not the head of Tezos
>Smart Py are not the head of Tezos

>> No.18803956
File: 102 KB, 1208x720, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better

>doesn't even hold Tezos


>> No.18803959

At this point Chainlink has become a standard. Why would you try to reivent the wheel when you could just build a Chainlink adapter?
Chainlink has won the oracle race througj Network effect and Lindy effect.

>> No.18803988
File: 68 KB, 599x369, Screen Shot 2020-05-01 at 11.59.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way OP, since you care so much about follower count, how exactly is this filling you with hope?

>> No.18804000

k. but Smart Py is still not the head of Tezos.....
If OrO saves people more money they will use it instead.
Whats not to get? Are linkies in favor of potential research that could save people money? lmaoo

>> No.18804005

>Even the iexectards had more composure
Let's just say it's pretty close lmao.

>> No.18804026

RLC has stated on their twitter they need chainlink. They bent a knee
OrO is still in development and being retweeted by Tezos

>> No.18804039

Dude you have brain damage. Do deep breathing to reoxygenate your cells and hope that you can catalyze glial repair.

>> No.18804054
File: 1.32 MB, 379x400, 1586362098247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I bet you were a bernie supporter

>> No.18804057

how do i have brain damage? lol
its an objective fact that Smart Py is in fact, not the head of Tezos

>> No.18804059

>RLC has stated on their twitter they need chainlink.
And Tezos has stated on their twitter that they're tapping Chainlink for oracles.
Plus the Tezos Foundation is literally backing the Chainlink integration.

>> No.18804066

yeah, they'll use it until someone loses a fuckton of money and they all realize they should be using the industry standard

>> No.18804068

Voted for Trump in 2016 election. Voting for him again in 2020

>> No.18804079

But Tezos is still backing OrO >>18803469


>> No.18804091

And what if they save more money with OrO than chainlink....?

>> No.18804093

Nobody is saying otherwise.

Doesn't change the fact that Tezos has stated on their twitter that they're tapping Chainlink for oracles.
Plus the Tezos Foundation is literally backing the Chainlink integration.

>> No.18804111

you're hopeless

>> No.18804136

I think the better question is why do you care? This gives validity to your shitcoin loser.

>> No.18804145
File: 320 KB, 944x1406, Chainlink eth feed more accurate than makerdao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not likely

>> No.18804160

You're focusing too much on the things that don't matter.

>> No.18804175

And what if Chainlink is safer/more trustworthy because of certain tech like Town Crier that Tezos has no access to? (not really a what if because this is really the case)

What if Tezos devs published an article that lists all the benefits of using Chainlink and Tezos retweeted this? (not really a what if though, this really happened too)

>> No.18804195

they retweeted. just like they retweeted OrO
show something thats not from a telegram
k. but Smart Py are still not the head of Tezos

>> No.18804234

Chainlink is open source. All the white papers for town crier, mixicles, etc are avaliable. If they were going with chainlinks solution they can do it.

And since its in house oracles, it saves money lmaooo

>> No.18804285
File: 53 KB, 657x690, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you literally don't know what you are talking about but thank you for once again confirming that you are just a seething retard

>> No.18804337

>they didn't state, they retweeted
Same thing lol

>since its in house oracles, it saves money lmaooo
That's not how it works fucking lol

>> No.18804376

chainlink is literally open source. weve been telling you people since its open source anyone can develop your chainlink for years and all shills said was
>welll. Theyre not going to because
and now someone did and you linkies dont like it

Mixicles and Town Crier whitepapers are out. Any developer can read what they do and make their own. dont tell me youre going to use the
excuse. BSV has patents on chainlink, and they still dont do shit LOOOOL
>same thing
well they retweeted OrO too. So whats your point?

>not how it works
k. In house oracles removes the middleman. Everyone said ETH in house oracles would make link obsolete, and linkies shit their pants. But unfortanetely the ETH cucked out.
But now someone on Tezos is making in bouse solutions and linkies are shitting themselves.

>> No.18804397
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1584235958628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In house oracles removes the middleman.
Jesus fucking christ my sides

>> No.18804414

they unironically do. If people could do what chainlink does with ETH instead of a useless token, they would prefer it lmaoooo keep coping

>> No.18804422

>Tezos shill that definitely doesn't hold Tezos turns out to be BSV idiot as well

What a trainwreck, the more he says the more he BTFO himself

>> No.18804442

I just said BSV patents cant do shit to chainlink. I complimented you guys

Lmao, glad to know linkies have no reading comprehension

>> No.18804445
File: 72 KB, 561x616, 1574802434105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a different currency removes the middleman

>> No.18804469

if ETH had an inhousenoracle solution, the LINK token qould be utterly useless.
pls keep coping

>> No.18804494

see >>18804445

>> No.18804498

Also, im not even here to discuss tech. Im simplying stating Smart Py are not the head of Tezos. Thats the entire point of this thread

>> No.18804523

if ETH had in house oracle solutions, people would use it instead of the LINK token to connect to eth. Are you denying this?

>> No.18804525

It’s ok bro. You’re on team Pawani, we’re on team Sergey. Let’s all just watch how this plays out.

>> No.18804530

Yes if ETH had an inhouse decentralized oracle network they wouldn't need to use Chainlink. But they realized that Chainlink has such an enormous headstart and network effect that they will never catch up. Tezos also realized this. You are just seething because last week you were shilling Tezos by fudding Chainlink, and now you are retroactively BTFO by yourself

>> No.18804543

That has nothing to do with "removing the middleman" you absolute trenchbrain.

>> No.18804546

indeed. The fight isnt over yet. But you are not on team Sergey, you are on team "smart py"

>> No.18804553

I don’t need to deny this because I’ve read the ethereum white paper

>> No.18804575

Your fucking dumb, as someone who works in corporate america, management doesn’t want to bring an in-house system ever, there testing and shit involved within it that increases overhead, they would rather outsource it everytime, especially if it Risk.

>> No.18804577

I most certainly am not
Nice try though

>> No.18804596

The point of in house oracle solutions is that any developer could potentially do them instead of using the useless link token.
>want to connect to ETH
you can either
A do LINK to ETH
B do ETH

i dont know what else to say to you people lmaoooo

>> No.18804600

there is no "partnership" the Tezos foundation has said nothing about link

>> No.18804620

Corporate America likes money. If something saves money, lets do that
Yes you are. LMAOOOO

>> No.18804631

at least someone else with a brain joined the thread

>> No.18804817

You literally ignored my statement, it doesn’t make them money, building something in house is fucking expensive and you have overhead involved afterwards.

>> No.18804908

Tezos bent their knee you dumb faggot look it doesn’t matter that the other guys continue their work smartpy bending the knee tells us it will be vaporware, submit to the standard or be left behind

>> No.18804923

Thinking anyone is gonna not use ChainLink oracles is like thinking Netflix is gonna go out of business because normie are going to start ripping content and sharing/downloading it off of torrents.

>> No.18804932

Oh baby your getting me so fucki hard right now

>> No.18805399

He’s like pajeet on steroids

>> No.18805422

>the Tezos foundation has said nothing about link
Tezos' main Twitter account has.

Also the Tezos Foundation is backing the Chainlink integration.