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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 843x1022, Lition_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18798504 No.18798504 [Reply] [Original]

And you are still looking for the " MUH " gem. Idiots.

>>Protips the avaible supply is shriking day by day.
>>The FOMO will be insane


>> No.18798535
File: 240 KB, 392x489, doublesodapourlitethsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm loading up

>> No.18798551

>use cases 30

>> No.18798572

numbers there are very optimistic, but even half of that is great. Gettig 5K more and so should everyone in here if you don't want to miss the greatest opportunity on this board

>> No.18798576
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Pic related

Brainlet ? You didn't read the whitepaper right ?

DYOR before posting your " LoL " here kid.

Adults are talking about true topics and pure money.

>> No.18798585

Model based on the WP.

>> No.18798600
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Whe don't even need 30 usecases. A nice 2k/month would be enough for my lifestyle

>> No.18798633


Same here. Insane retirement.

>> No.18798648
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And those numbers are with the current price. Now image Lition at 1$

>> No.18798705
File: 64 KB, 798x894, Screenshot from 2020-05-01 12-16-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 million txs is a bit high.
They are on track to get 250k txs per day by 2020 based on the energy usecase.
There might be other usecases but I doubt they'll already reach the success of the energy business in such a short time.
500k by 2022 is a better assumption.

I also think that there will be way more tokens staked.
We already have 19 million in the pool or 30% of the supply of 60.3 million LIT (which is outdated, i think supply is already higher)
Anyway by 2022 supply will be close to 100.5 million, I think 30 million (thus 50% for the calculator) being staked is a decent assumption.

>18 bucks a day
Still 6.3% yoy even if price of Lition already 15x'd till 1.1 USD.

>> No.18798725
File: 1.07 MB, 500x318, cheaplit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i need realistically 400k for my 2000/month
BRB buying lit

>> No.18798753

lition sounds like some special lubricating lotion advertised on pornhub

>> No.18798772
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I think that, all depend about the use cases they will bring.

Lets see.

>> No.18798778
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>> No.18798792
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Saved. Loving it
TY anon

>> No.18798947

Smart move of your life.

>> No.18799114
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Thank you, bigger version.

>> No.18799406

i staked 9k, i sold my pnk and want to buy more lit. Can i stake above the others or do i have to make i new stake with again minimum 5k LIT?

>> No.18799519

Yes. You always need 5k to commit for a stake.

>> No.18799535

top kek

>> No.18799574

Imagine still buying / shilling shitcoins in 2020
The fucking state of /biz/

>> No.18799590

12k litlet here
how much to make it?

>> No.18799620

10k suicide
100k make it.
Which basically means 7k and 70k and then stake them for a year.

>> No.18799632
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>SAP is a partner
choose one, senpai

>> No.18800094

Yeah, 100k is pretty much the solid make it stack. Get it while it's cheap and available, at least 70k and stake it and you will be there within a few months.

>> No.18800106


Why doesn't daily income increase if LIT's token prices increases? LIT can be $10 or $0,10, the resulting daily income stays the same.
Or is it because transaction costs are pegged to some LIT/$ value?

>> No.18800121

The daily income comes from transaction fees.
Which are pegged at 0.01 USD.
I don't know how this pegging mechanism works though.

>> No.18800353

because we are still in genesis phase. Change the "lit prices" in the bottom to lets say 5$ and then put the genesis phase slider off to get an errection.

>> No.18800435

Yeah the income from staking is only good for like a month, same shit happened with LPT. First it was 200% return, a week later its 150%... on and on. Now its like 10% and the coin itself is worthless.

>> No.18800495

no you are putting the genesis phase slider on.
Genesis phase = high stake rewards
The price doesnt influence the staking rewards.
Only adoption does.
Adoption influences staking rewards
Staking rewards influences the price
Not the other way around.

>> No.18800614
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>Brainlet ? You didn't read the whitepaper right ?

>> No.18800700

how to buy this scam coin?

>> No.18800737

Idex, but stick your money into ZCN then take the profits out for more bang to the LIT buck

>> No.18800800

Will they ever get on a real exchange? Nowadays coins can't moon to LINK levels unless its on a major exchange. Also doesn't have the benefit of QNT or UBT for burgers to pump us.

>> No.18800887
File: 1.98 MB, 400x284, accumulatelit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulate till they will be on better exchanges

>> No.18800889

Wow you are a brainless, stop talking shit. The rewards are increasing.

>> No.18801070

Yeah but during genesis a big part of the rewards comes from community funds i thought.
Anybody know how much?

>> No.18801127

If you lock in for 12 months, x1.8 your normal rewards

>> No.18801328


Congrats faggot, you made me buy 1k of that shitcoin. At least there are Germans behind the project so it is not coming from the ultimate shit tier nations.

Now what the fuck do i need to do for stacking.
Run my own linux node? Me no comprende.

>> No.18801384

You need 5k to start staking. Everything explained here staking.lition io/faq/

>> No.18801466


>> No.18801497


talks about running an own node and whatnot starting at 1k

5k are almost 2eth.
i am too poor to gamble that on a random shitcoin.
what to do now?

>> No.18801585

Buy what you can and HODL

>> No.18801595

What happens if I stake now and lock my LIT up for a year, then buy more? Can I stake the new LIT?

>> No.18801616

I wanna keep accumulating but I'm worried shit will go down more in the upcoming BTC crash (usually happens after the halving), anyone waiting to accumulate? Price points? I wanna get some more under 6 cents I think but it could potentially go a bit lower, maybe as low as 4 cents before a rebound

>> No.18801636

Yep you can stake as many times as you want with different amounts from the same wallet

>> No.18801699


>> No.18801715

>random shitcoin
you fucking retard

>> No.18801751

Diversify and it's less of a gamble, I get the skepticism for any crypto project but anon this one is a legit moonshot (imo). Locked supply, very low marketcap, it's ripe to moon

>> No.18801796

in hwat form and when do you get the non-compounded rewards?

>> No.18801830

That's not what I'm saying.
What stash of funds do the genesis rewards come from?
Answer: the community funds
Well these funds got slashed with the last token burn.
Only 7 million left or something.
When they run out, genesis phase is over and so will the high staking rewards.

>> No.18801888


it still feels like it. here are my shitcoin moves:
arpa +41%
pnk -19%
nkn -1%
hex +59%
dna -24%

overall eth did in about the same timeframe 29% and btc 25%
unless one really hits a 10x, the big boys are almost performing the same.

>> No.18801998

I don't understand, how can we influence the staked vs circulating tokens?

Who decides the amount of use cases?

>> No.18802002

I was waiting for it to hit CA$0.01 so I could pick up a 5k stack for $500. It was at like CA$0.0108 when I went to bed, but now it's pumping again.

>> No.18802006

Lition community is so salty

>> No.18802031

no lol

>> No.18802069

2020 will be Lition year. Just check the roadmap for Q3 and please dont masturabte.


>> No.18802083

use cases is just how much 'real word' usage of this there is, like the energy one right now. They plan on being around 20 by the ed of next yar, which seems ambitious but they do have solid (and rich) partners. Total tokens stakes is literally ho many people are staking there coins.

The good tokenomics here is that the more staked the less the rewards, but the more staked the higher coin price and thus an incentive to sell. Especially if you get in early that's really great. Obviously there is nothig without risk in crypto and investing but this project is legit the best to invest in right now

>> No.18802154

SAP is also listed as a partner with UBT.
UBT is also people in Germany and they also do the whole 'get businesses into blockchain'-schpiel.

Basically why does Lit even operate as a crypto? Why not just ditch crypto and blockchain and run their energy-thing as a normal business.

>> No.18802265

Sure right now, but in a bull market (and in altcoin season) this will change fast

>> No.18802346

you got me. where can i get this in NA?

>> No.18802400


>> No.18802485

At the beginning they just wanted to make a business centered around p2p energy market, blockchain being the most cost effective way of doing it. I think SAP are the ones that pushed them to expand their blockchain to other applications, as a GDPR compliant blockchain has some intrinsic value to it. There might have been an interview where they talked about this

>> No.18802540

That's pretty damn bullish. This may actually be the next UBT

>> No.18802560

They would need an internal ledger anyway to keep track of their customer's transactions.
It wouldn't be as secure as running on a blockchain.
Was easier to get private investors on board.
And now they have the ledger running public and secure and they can use that as a product for other usecases, see the syndicated loan thing with volksbank raffeizen.
See also how they almost got germany's covid tracking app to run on Lition.
They just saw a need that Lition energy had and by making it into a blockchain, they can export that product to other companies and projects that have the same need.
They're just thinking bigger than just Lition Energie.

>> No.18802637

ok /biz I invested 5 Eth into this lets see how it turns out

>> No.18802678
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based and bullpilled.

See you on the moon bro

>> No.18802753

legit stop buying please let it drop back to 0.05usd

>> No.18802800

About to buy 400k of these shitcoins, how stupid am I?

>> No.18802804
File: 779 KB, 1710x1014, accumulationpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time the board was like this we went from 0.0004 to 0.0012.

>> No.18802982

I hope you know that you should take your time with this thinly traded coin.
Also to all anons, you can game the bots on idex.
They are usually at one side of the order book.
If you want to buy while they are on the sell side of the order book, what you do is you place an order for 1k LIT just below their sell price, they will underbid you. Then you put another one a little bit lower, they will again underbid you. You can keep repeating normally till the spread has narrowed from 100% to 20-30%.
Then you just buy their orders and delete yours.
Now they will pop up on the other side of the order book.
You can move them up as well by outbidding them.
If you wait a while, they'll even outbid whatever you bought them for in the first place.
Just play around with them a bit, there's profit to be made by gaming these bots.
I no longer do this because my bags are pretty fucking large so I dont care about making 100 or 200 bucks in a night of gaming bots desu.

>> No.18803032

depends, if you didn't stake all right away you're retard, if you did than you are on your way to the moon

>> No.18803065

haha awesome, will give this a try to fill up my orders!

>> No.18803068
File: 18 KB, 902x66, Lit_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy SHIT ! Model without use cases and just 400k households !!!

>>I'm buying more.


>> No.18803285

Ok I bite. Where can I buy this shitcoin?

>> No.18803385

Bro im as bullish as the next litianer but that would be 36% of the supply. Unrealistic imo

>> No.18803391

Thats not realistic.
1) Richard has many times said that a household almost spends 1000 euros per year in Germany.
So thats already just 1/3rd of your example.
In addition, not all of that is going to be paid in Lition, the currency.
And even if it were, it would not constantly get bought up and held. It would get bought, sent to an energy provider who would then sell it.
So it would be as if this would be a supply of lition that would be temporarily unavailable to the market to be bought and sold on exchanges because it would get used in transactions.
Kinda like the staking pool.

>> No.18803405

Yes. Maybe a 1 Lit divisable...

>> No.18803412

I don't see any good reason for this to not be on Uniswap at least right now. the team should make it a priority and seed the pool. it is a difficult token for burgers to get a hold of right now, but as soon as that changes I expect it to run up quite a bit more.

>> No.18803437

no, they are just germans

>> No.18803479

Bring us your model !

>> No.18803681
File: 79 KB, 764x396, Lit_B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18803751

Energy market liberalization has been a topic in Germany for 15 years. There is not much movement, most people just stay with their traditional local providers. The end consumer market customer aquisiton costs are ridiculous, best mieght be b2b customers.

>> No.18803793

At least there are 4m switching their supplier per year.
somwhat suprising...

>> No.18804233

That’s why lit makes it so easy and is ramping up marketing... if People understand green Energy and cost saving they will change!

>> No.18804386

Not really. Energy is not a thing people want to think about. Your primary concern is stability i.e. that you don't have to care about it and that it is not ridiculously expensive. People are lazy. There is no real pain that triggers a switch.

For a 5 Euro saving per month you don't switch a contract to a startup. People fear that a startup goes bankrupt and worst case have no energy at all. This is a saturated market with very little movement and high customer aquisiton costs.

>> No.18804616

Is idex safe to use and connect your wallet too? I read online they asked for your private keys when connecting your wallet, do they still do this and are there any other safe exchanges you can buy this?
Thanks to any repliers in advance.

>> No.18804617

I think what matters are the number of transactions and the total fees.
Not the actual value being transacted.

1,000,000 households = 1,000,000 tx/day = 10,000 USD staking rewards/day

10k/day = 3.65M/year

To me staking rewards for a crypto community is like profit for a company.
Mature companies trade at a 20x multiple all the time.
Growth companies trade at a 100x.
Growth companies in an edgy new space like actual crypto applications could easily be 200x.

Thus Mcap@1,000,000 tx/day = 730M
Current Mcap = 8.5M

>> No.18804953
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Richard is a strategic mastermind. Watch the recent AMA again and listen up closely, the RTL Group/Sparwelt are going to sell their own green energy product "powered by Lition". This makes an epic difference.

>> No.18805159

Hmmm, I dont know.
Seems like this Sparwelt thing, is just a promocampaign seller.
Looks like Lition just bought a TV premium pakket: https://www.sparwelt.de/unternehmen/partner/promotionpakete

>> No.18805416

Thats the normal way you do it. You don't go directly to the tv station. Its usually with third parties inbetween

>> No.18805511


>> No.18805539

"We are working together with a subsidiary of them, sparwelt it's called. Who produced a completely co-branded product, which is a product of this television network, but powered by Lition and this TV spot will start next week."

So it is a new product that will work on the Lition network?
And this product will get a TV spot, so not Lition or Lition Energie?
And after this tv spot it will just read: Powered by Lition?
Something like that?
Oh well, the future will tell I guess.

>> No.18805559
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 1588333431216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bite my dick pajeet

>> No.18805641


Sparwelt is something like honey.com I think since they are showing discounted prices for almost every product imaginable. In my shared link you can see a coupon code, with which you can buy into Lition's greens energy with a 25€ receiving bonus. Thats pretty fucking good since Germany is a very technical country and almost everyone is using the internet for discounts like that.

>> No.18805652


>> No.18805686


Also important to note is that they dont even mention anything about blockchains on the advertisement page because the transactions will be handled on the blockchain either way when they finally fixed that mainnet of theirs.

>> No.18805719

or in the US Hotbit

>> No.18805965
File: 167 KB, 873x205, Screenshot from 2020-05-01 19-19-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. These AMA's get 500-1000 views.
Wth. It's really you, me and the other guy here.

So you actually think inter sparwelt transactions will be done on the Lition blockchain? Can you expand on what exactly that would be?

>> No.18806483

>So you actually think inter sparwelt transactions will be done on the Lition blockchain?

Never said that lol. I said that their energy use case product is providing a discount to people that are buying their electricity/gas via sparwelt's platform.

>> No.18806940
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I visited many projects. Seems like Lition holders have a higher IQ.

>> No.18807027

Where are you buying as a Canadian? Right now I'm using Shakepay for ETH

>> No.18807104

I always buy my ETH/BTC through Shakepay. For LIT I'd be buying on Idex.

>> No.18807190
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>tfw poor teenager so can't afford enough to stake enough the opportunity of a lifetime

>> No.18807797

I'll have my first kid in two months. A girl. I'll go all in this and hopefully make it for my children.

>> No.18808137

get a summer job? and pray you are not priced out by end of summer

>> No.18808138

Congrats Anon, hope all will be well.
I want to do the same for my future kids (don't have any and not looking to start a family within 10 years). Provide them with anything they would need to get ahead in this world.
Did you think of a name already?

>> No.18808210
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Congrats anon, you are going to make it

>> No.18808403

How do I buy??

>> No.18808508

Yes, we agreed on the name. Medieval era French name with Germanic roots, two of my wife's ancestors wore it.

Don't wait too long Anon, try to find a good woman (they still exist) and build something that matters. You don't want to be 45 when your child is only 10. I now realize I was not really able to project myself in the future before. Everything changes. Good luck.

Thanks Anon, I hope you make it as well.

>> No.18808644

explain this to a brainlet please

>> No.18808648

>You don't want to be 45 when your child is only 10
Curious to see why you think that.
I'm in the process of breaking up with someone I've spent the last ~8 years with.
I like her but there just isn't a family building future with her.
Also, I still have to do a lot of work on myself.
I will meet her when I'm ready, I'm sure of that.

>> No.18808669

>I will meet her when I'm ready, I'm sure of that.

The future mother of my children I mean

>> No.18809024

Damn dude, that's harsh. But it's already a huge step to realize it was going nowhere and to get the courage to act about it. It take a lot of maturity. Even though obviously I have no clue about you and your past experiences, this makes me feel like you already made the most difficult part and maybe you don't need to work that much on yourself to be ready.

Why did I say you don't want such a big age gap between your children and you? I've always wanted a family, but never actually thought about it, saved money, tried to settle. But I met the good woman and suddenly it became real. And I realized that I want to be able to play games with my daughters and sports with my sons. To understand their concerns, to answer their doubts, hopefully to guide them in life. To enjoy time with my grandchildren if I'm blessed enough to have some. Can you do that when the age gap is of 3, almost 4 decades with your firstborn?

Maybe it's just reflecting my own life experience. My father is the epitome of a boomer, we have about 40 years diffence. We were never truly able to connect. I have much more admiration for my grandfathers with whom I shared so much during my childhood. Both of them worked hard and were family men at the same time, all life long. I don't want to make the same mistakes than my father. I can't imagine being 55-60 when my children themselves start becoming adults.

>> No.18809372


I'm still <25 years old, so it's not like I'm running out of time already. Though choice indeed, still glad I had that time with her. We made each other grow quite a bit.

I feel you with the big age gap. My father was 50+ years older then me and he just didn't seem to understand the world I grew up in. Drank a lot too, which made him somewhat mentally absent. He has past away a few years ago. I'm still dealing with the fallout of growing up to this day it feels like. Waves of depression come and go, but I'm glad I'm still here.

Sorry for some of the heavy stuff, this isn't really the place for that..

I still think one should be able to bond with his kids and understand them, even when he's a few decades older than them. Just takes a childlike attitude of fun and curiosity.
And least our fathers showed us some of the stuff that shouldn't be neglected during your kids childhood.

>> No.18809379

How the fuck is breaking up a process? You betafag tranny nigger just kys.

>> No.18809401

Don't wanna die from loneliness during quarantine.

>> No.18809421

This thread is india's proudest achievement

>> No.18809452

25 is when i matured mentally.
Every few years i looked back and was amazed at how much i grown.
Till 25, then i was like the same person always since.
25 is the youngest you should become a dad imo.
For women maybe 21.

>> No.18809508

Stfu fudder

>> No.18809594

based schizo

>Every few years i looked back and was amazed at how much i grown
Yeah I feel you, it's hard to grasp it when you are younger but you really grow mentally over the years. Looking forward to where to ride of life will take me

>> No.18809620

I missed BTC in 2014 for this reason. Anon, as long as you stay savvy, you're ahead. Just remember that most normies have no idea how any of this shit works and if you do, you'll be able to game them 100% of the time. Just make sure the normies catch on and FOMO it before you sell.

>> No.18809946

How do i stake my litions, i cant connect my metamask to lition staking pool for some reason?

>> No.18809979

Yeah, I guess our fathers showed us what not to reproduce. If that can give you some hope, my grandfather told me about his own father. A drunk and violent man who beat his wife and kids. He fled the house when he could and swore to never be like that himself. And believe me, my grandfather kept his oath, he truly was a great, humble, hardworking and loving man.

I'm only 28 and I've lived by myself since I am 18, but now I know I only started to become an adult when I was 23-24. You will make it Anon.

>> No.18809995

Try another browser. I could not with Brave because the native wallet tried taking over Metamask. Worked with Firefox.