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18749797 No.18749797 [Reply] [Original]

Why do none of you faggots invest in Jesus?

>> No.18749805

How do I short Satan?

>> No.18749819

I'm DCAing

>> No.18749836

Why do you invoke the name of the saviour in vain? Why do you associate him with swearwords? Do you think you're being funny?

>> No.18749842

got a call option, execute when needed

>> No.18749871

God isnt real anon. Stop believing fairy tales. You need to grow up and face reality like a man.

>> No.18749882

t. prays to saturn every night

>> No.18749885

You are God

>> No.18749911

See your local church for options.

I do associate heathens like >>18749871 with swearwords. But I do think that there is the chance that I used his name in vain, trying to help the blind see the light. I apologize deeply.

>> No.18749930

You always need Jesus in your life, Anon.

>> No.18750188

Jesus is a scam.

>> No.18750203

jesus is not helping me get out of neetdom

>> No.18750240

>The guy who hate greed, gambling and money seeking faggots
Oh yeah, you're a real good christian OP. Jesus loves /biz/tards

>> No.18750313

I do invest in him, but I also don't want to go around and preach poverty, so I keep it wise and balanced. Read the OT, same advice can be found there. Jesus ate with rich people regularly.

>> No.18750439


>> No.18750451

not on binance

>> No.18750507

Jesus was the biggest fucking Jew Shiller there ever was. He tricked stupid idiots to follow his cult with magic tricks and somehow ended up influencing all of society’s a result and due to a lack of technology and proper ability to document accurately and truthfully. His market of followers has been crashing for years since the advent of the industrial revolution and it will keep doing so until all idiots in society are wiped out or they attempt another crusade like the morons they are.

>> No.18750598

the ROI is shit
he will give it to the jews and i get some cucky spiritual tale about "not needing anything"

>> No.18750601

for what, what i do to repent?

>> No.18750646

your god is a jew with a mexican name, kek

>> No.18750677

It seems pretty clear that you are highly invested in sins.

>> No.18750746

Yep I am because sins are meaningless propaganda made up by the Jews and those in power to keep you in check and conform to their rules so you stay the nice little sheep that you are. Just waiting until you get slaughtered.

>> No.18750763

Matthew 25:27

Jesus was a jew

>> No.18750772

Jesus does not invest, he saves.

>> No.18750819
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Jesus was the king of Jews, kike.

>> No.18750833

God is real. The actual issue is Jesus. The historical Jesus is not the same as the dramatized Jesus in scriptures. This has led many into worshipping Jesus as a personal God which is in direct contradiction with what the doctrines are actually trying to convey. So do you reject the absolute or do you reject the fraud that is the historical Jesus?

>> No.18750949
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Jews got you by the balls

>> No.18750972
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Because the antichrist is a better bet

>> No.18751055 [DELETED] 


Jesus is paying a dime for this rent. Even on a biz board. Just bought 1000 puts on satan

>> No.18751074

Evil and clever men adopted the historical names which were used to define spiritual designations (look into the origins of the words hebrew, isrealites, jews). Another example of this in the word Jerusalem which means the heavenly realms its not a place on a map. People have been unironically reading myths and thinking that the people they consider as primitive were incapable of using allegories and symbols so it must be "history"

>> No.18751101


Jesus isn't paying a dime for this rent. Even on a biz thread. Just bought 1000 puts on satan time to maturity the second coming

>> No.18751107


>> No.18751229

Too many theological contractions in the Bible and church history on issues to worship but ain't got the balls to renounce him. I know that the nature of God is something beyond human comprehension and thus all doctrine explaining god to man are flawed but the shifting nature of doctrine on what God wants or even who is God shakes my faith.

>> No.18751296

Looks like a final solution 2.0 is needed here

>> No.18751326

Christianity is unironically why the West is getting feminized, SJWized, and picked apart by the crows

"Turn the other cheek" and "all men are special and should be loved" set the stage for this shit

>> No.18751432

>Be chill dude in 0 AD
>Study eastern Buddhism, see how the Jews could benefit from chilling the fuck out
>Start telling people to chill the fuck out
>People actually listen and start to chill the fuck out
>Jews get pissed off that people aren't gibbing gains anymore
>W/e I just wanna fish with my bros and fulfill my power process
>Forget that my bros are also Jews
>One of them decides to betray me for some sheckles
>The Romans come and arrest me for "disturbing the peace"
>Jews demand I be executed
>Mfw all I wanted to do was hang out and make people chill with each other
>Mfw people think I'm literally the son of God when I never claimed to be
>Mfw the Jews murder me for telling people to be nice

Why invest in someone who doesn't understand long term market trends? Clearly people are shitty, long shitty people.

>> No.18751459
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