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18737262 No.18737262 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things cryptofags will never experience

>> No.18737279

Fresh air

>> No.18737282
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>> No.18737285


>> No.18737295


>> No.18737299 [DELETED] 

Tacky, tasteless, and a retarded investment all around
He looks like a kike. No thanks
This I can get behind

>> No.18737307

>Literally increases in value
>Retarded investment

>> No.18737335
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>> No.18737355 [DELETED] 

Rolex consumers are most likely NOT GOING TO BUY ONE USED YOU FUCKING MORON

>> No.18737358

Nothing I have experienced everything and will continue to do so for eternity. Iv China white, lobster, gambling, champagne, 98 percent cocaine, prostitutes and infinite spending. Everything infinite everything.

>> No.18737379


who told you that?

>> No.18737380

Yes they will

>> No.18737398

>being white

>> No.18737417

t. 0 IQ

>> No.18737443

jesus christ OP
just goes to show again that money can't buy taste

>> No.18737445

That guy looks retarded with his stupid haircut and that $30 armband.

>> No.18737481
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>owning a car and a nigger tier watch

yes, crypto-CHADS will never know this

>> No.18737569

If this is how you measure success then you have actually failed.

>> No.18737625

OP and you all have failed. This is not only nigger tier shit, it is completely ridiculous. All of it. Do you understand that people who have lots of money do not drive around in lamborghinis? Life is not a rap video. And really rich people do not want to show it.

>> No.18737626
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1.you aren't swiss
2. nice paragraph written on your (((watch)))

>> No.18737644
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>Getting rich but living like a poorfag

LOL. What's the point?

Let me guess you could also have sex with any girl but you choose to be a virgin?

>> No.18737661

isn't this car like 12 years old?

>> No.18737678

What did you do to get your stack?

>> No.18737689
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oy vey

>> No.18737694

Just look at the jawlines on those men

>> No.18737718

What's the point? To enjoy your life Anon.. and if you need a Lamborghini to do that, I pity you. It has nothing to with having class. You know how niggers think having class means showing expensive things and cars? Real class is NOT to show it, whilst knowing you can buy 100 lambos if you fucking feel like it

>> No.18737729

it's so boring to drive a car

having a driver is cool

I have a rolex that I bought with my TRX gains back in 2018

I don't wear it anymore, my gf loves it and she wears it sometime

my gf is 22 y/o so she is a kid

>> No.18737739

Lol is that moot?

>> No.18737758

But it's fun to drive a fast car. Why work hard to get rich if you never do the things you enjoy?

>> No.18737794

Sure it is. And if you want to drive a fast car, you will. But not to be seen in it, or drive it to brag like a scumbag nigger

>> No.18737802

if bitbean moons will I be able to get a gym membership or will I always have little boy arms

>> No.18737827

Gotta show off to anonymous people on the internet. That's exactly at the level of nigger tier materialism.

>> No.18737990

one thing that seems not to have its way here yet is this: no matter how wealthy you are, you never show it. The less you show off, the better you are.

>> No.18738351


>> No.18738500

>shows off rolex
>too poor for lamboland

>> No.18738521

haha ^^right

>> No.18738547
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What the fuck is a moot?

>> No.18738553


God, watch culture is so tacky

>> No.18738595

A shit taste?

>> No.18738616

It is an illegal thing. Illegal and certainly not welcome here.

>> No.18738777

Yes but you need to drive a car... why drive a 20k car if you can drive a 200k car ? Yes, 200k is too much for a car but if you really want it what should stop you buying it if you can afford it ? I bought a 40k car and modded it with another 6k and ppl were asking me why the hell i spent 50k on a car when i could have bought cheaper one for 20k. I usually ask them why did you bought 1k iphone x when you could buy an used iphone 7 for 200 ?

I bought my car because i fucking love driving and modding it...not to show myself at randoms... is that okay ?

>> No.18738795

Please enlighten me as to how one drives a car without being seen. Asking for a friend.

>> No.18738815

>Being a wristlet
>Looking like a dork
>Standing next to someone else's car

>> No.18738823

>I fuck kids
Go away glowie

>> No.18738867

Cool ill attach it to my man meat
It's a funny appendage
Or at least my gf always laughs when I take it out
But for some reason she stops laughing when I put it in her butt

>> No.18740009

The watch is bad enough, but what's with that stoopid bracelet?

>> No.18740819

>>ask on /z/

>> No.18740830

Pointless drones

>> No.18741082

He wants to think he's rich. Shhh don't tell him people steal watches like that. Enjoy your mugging anon

>> No.18741112

lambos are nignog tier, rich guys with taste get ferraris. rich guys that actually like cars drive porsche. only acceptable lambo is the hurracan

>> No.18742183

Wasting money on frivolous trinkets? I'm ok with this. You decorate yourself, I'll continue to decorate my portfolio.

>> No.18742255

There’s no point in buying a Ferrari. You have to buy several in order to get an exclusive or top of the line model. You can’t mod them at all beyond basic shit or you get hit with a cease and desist. You get blacklisted as well. Fuck Ferrari but they do have some insane cars.

>> No.18742401


>> No.18742419

Aren't both of those things depreciating assets?

>> No.18742450

If the R8 is an RWS series, it will appreciate (it’s not). The Rolex definitely is. A lot of Rolex models appreciate but he has a shit band and a pretty unpopular color scheme. I resell Rolex and make a killing. Just have to know your models.

>> No.18742460
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>> No.18742476

How would Ferrari find out and that’s silly because it’s your property

>> No.18742498
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>> No.18742504


Enhance 100x

>> No.18742517


>> No.18742590
File: 124 KB, 1242x921, CEEF6557-6CD3-47E2-8154-FED299203034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google “Ferrari Cease and Desist” and see how many letters they send to owners for the dumbest shit. They threatened to sue the DeadMau5 guy because he changed the emblem to “Purrari”. They’re suing some pornstar and some other guy for using their car to promote their brand.

You can modify to a certain extent. Tunes, exhaust, body kits, etc but they’re picky on engine swaps and anything that can hurt their image. Can’t touch the logos.

They find out by social media and taking your car in for service. Even with a lot of exotic and supercar service garages, you want to take a Ferrari to the dealer to ensure a perfect service record so your car is worth more when it’s time to sell.

>> No.18742607

Most Ferrari owners are purists and your car will sit on the market a lot longer if you have a dodgy service history or even if you took it to perfectly legit third party garages.

>> No.18742732

The little girl

>> No.18742864
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>> No.18742961

>black rubber band
pathetic and gay. if your rolex isn't paved in VVS diamonds BEZEL AND BAND you're a fucking faggot. full stop. That watch is probably worth like 25K tops and it STILL looks like some garbage

>> No.18742996
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>People pay a massive premium on their cars to put up with this shit
>Speed limits still apply to them
>Traffic jams still apply to them

>> No.18742997

>if your rolex isn't paved in VVS diamonds BEZEL AND BAND you're a fucking faggot
>t. Wigger zoomer
You have 0 knowledge on the subject because any idiot knows “icing out” and giving a watch the basketball American treatment makes it worthless. 0 resell value. Never add more diamonds on a watch unless you want to eat the loss. Same with those retarded ass chains.

>> No.18743074

a watch is about "Face" you fucking faggot. its not about resale value like some sniveling kike faggot would be looking out for. Its to show how disposable large amounts of money are to you. How you're buying luxuries with other people's rent money/interest payments. fuck you, you beak nosed rodent. im not afraid to shine

>> No.18743118

The only "shine" your broke, wigger ass is getting is from police spotlights looking for your multiple felon ass.

>> No.18743330

swiss shitter, go get a seiko 5

>> No.18743374

If I was rich I'd unironically mind to Japan

>> No.18743511

Literally a CGI car

>> No.18743623

Considering shit like this exists let's just assume crypto is just as big of a scam as any other financial instrument.

Tbh as a actual dev I only hold Zcash and Ethereum. 99% of the space is pump and dump ponzi schemes propped up by idiots spamming memes.

You really have to dig deep or actually code in the blockchain sector to know wtf is real or not. The regular person is 99% more likely to buy chainlink then Zcash and only one of them will actually be used by fortune 500 companies.

Pro tip if someone is shilling it on here don't buy it. Ethereum aside since all the shit coins are forced to use it to issue scam tokens.

>> No.18743642
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>> No.18743727

Here’s the vid of that Huracan. 2:38 if it’s not stamped.

>> No.18743760

Isn’t Zcash full of glow nigger backdoors?