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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18719673 No.18719673 [Reply] [Original]

why does this thread get deleted by jannies?


This is a low marketcap gem. Very low supply also. Volume is good for the cap. On Kucoin and a few other decent exchanges.

Basically if you think Polkadot has top tier tech (they do) then you’ll like Kusama. It is the canary net meant for higher risk exposure. Testing before implementing on DOT.

What’s interesting about this is that Kusama has no centralized control like Polkadot or many other projects. However, usually projects without centralized control have no funding and are community supported. Therefore the tech is always shit. But Kusama has the same tech as DOT.

Right now it’s mostly for experimenting and testing but over time it will become completely decentralized and a top community project that can grow and build similar to ETH with more decentralization. Much better layer 1 solution also. Polkadot is the best tech in the game so KSM is also.

It has more activity on github than nearly every other project also. DYOR there’s more breadcrumbs everywhere. Price just has a big pullback.

Stop getting my threads deleted and I’ll post the 2 picks I promised. Otherwise this is all you guys get.

Sorry to the people who are genuinely interested in these predictions. There are about 3 faggots that run this board and don’t want somebody coming in and getting pull because they can’t. Lol goofy people

>> No.18719799


>> No.18719896

jannies btfo

>> No.18720120

I think he did it himself? idk

>> No.18720671

Looks like it. Not sure if that was a failed shill or a reverse fud.

>> No.18720708

>why does this thread get deleted by jannies?
Because you're shilling a test net coin Rakesh

>> No.18720852

its not a testnet retard it's a devnet

this shit will keep fucking accruing as more people want to dev for polkadot

>> No.18720919

im not shilling shit retard i was testing out if what that op was saying is true or not

>> No.18720953

You realize this is the underlying tech used for a bunch of other tokens? Haha OK, show me testnet tokens that have seen this kind of growth.

>> No.18720971
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 2e58542474818f4dffdd07e2df4d9579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shiller replies to a thread that never existed and claim it was deleted by jannies to generate interest through deception. textbook reverse fud shill.

>> No.18721048
File: 132 KB, 500x439, kot-blini-53231014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only /biz/ had flags.

>> No.18721140


>> No.18721155

Holonaire is the best. I found them on Twitter.

>> No.18721166
File: 162 KB, 768x768, 987654321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitcoins will be purged

>> No.18721176


that's a name i havent seen in a while

>> No.18721178

Search warosu for this shit if you want, there's tons of discussion

>> No.18721194

For real though. HOLOnaire made me a lot of $$$.

>> No.18721242

thanks for the tip

>> No.18721361

that reminds me I need to get my kucoin back to being accessible
well, I'll watch this for the time being

>> No.18721601
File: 46 KB, 474x518, badge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what we don't need flags we just need a special mark next to peoples' names from india

>> No.18721751 [DELETED] 


>> No.18721774

buy ampl on kucoin when you do

>> No.18722332
