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18687430 No.18687430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Their padding the number of deaths because healthcare providers are getting more funding for COVID related deaths and for patients put on a ventilator. The left is shutting down the economy because it's an election year and they want to hurt Trump and by proxy YOU.


>> No.18687630

Man fuck MSM and "journalists" for spreading panic to destroy the economy over almost nothing. They probably know once this lockdown is over, they will lose whatever credibility they have left so they have to turn up the shilling to keep us locked and hire fake nurses to stand infront of protests.

>> No.18687784
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Everyone tries to game the system, forehead. That's how our system works.

Doesn't mean the threat isnt real and we should pretend its not.
Italy averages 10k dead every year, and the corona which is still going through the motions sits at 2.5 times that original number.
meanwhile New York has a death per 1m pop sits at 1,117 because of this.

If you'd rather listen to 2 doctors who say the things you like to hear, VS. the rest of the world trying to handle this situation, thats fine.
spreading misinformation and FUD'ing the average person into believing that this is some kinda of hoax is retarded and irresponsible, though.

>> No.18687909

Show me the autopsies of these dead "covid patients".
In my neck of the woods someone who's related to me was claimed to have died from covid.
They had a big thin in the news about how she was a completely healthy woman who got covid then dropped dead.
The woman had heart problems and diabetes problems.
We don't even have a test for the virus itself.
It's a test for broken rna. Which can happen for a number of things.

It's a way for the banks and big businesses to rob the country blind, crush small businesses, force everyone to go into debt and get rid of cash, and now Billy boy "vaccines to sterilize, cause autism and murder" gates is throwing his hat in the ring!
Anon when the truth comes out...
It's going to be a fucking world war.
I don't mean this country vs that country.
I mean the people of countries going to war against their governments and the IMF and Fed being tried as international war criminals.

>> No.18687980

Nobody is going to revolt, although everything you've said is correct in this post. People have been made far too complacent thanks to social media and the push it gives. Quite literally, it's too late for the world now, normies are too happy being wage slaves and buying their sushi, iced coffee, and nintendo switches.

No matter how much money you make, it will all be worthless when you're microchipped.

>> No.18688031

Look into Dr. Shiva's work. Hes running for Senate in my state.

>> No.18688358

If this is all a big scam and it actually affects people with health issues -which is pretty much every person alive now to some degree or another- why were they trying to ease the public in the first place by saying it just affects the elderly, those with preexisting conditions, blah blah blah.

If the media was making a concentrated effort to downplay the whole thing, why didnt they just go full blast "this is bad"? You could argue that they pretended the pretend flu was not bad initially and then real bad because it would then be seeded in every country, but how can you explain countries that took it seriously right off the bat like Taiwan?

Not only that the issue isn't just the regard for YOU, its for the people around you. Someone can show absolutely no symptoms, say hi and kiss their grandma on the cheek, then she's dead as fuck. Unmitigated spread doesn't just affect you, it affects everyone you ever interact with, for 2+ weeks at a time.

There is so much money hung up and so much in play. Do you think countries would willingly self-destruct in order to usher in some New World Chaos when it isn't even guaranteed that they will be the ones driving the thing?

Yeah the whole thing with Bill Gates is pretty spooky but its already so widely known and in public view that as soon as even tries something everyone and their grandma would scream "NWO".

Too many are at home being woke to sit around and not push against ANY direction this goes.
And as someone who is fit and healthy aside from having asthma, I'm not looking to gamble.

>> No.18688657

Here's a video where Dr. Birx is forced on stage to tell Fox viewers that everything is A-OK again and its gonna go away sooner than we think but far away enough, again.


I feel bad for her, honestly.

>> No.18688718
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Take the number of cases in your city or state, divide by population. I guarantee its under 0.5%.

Imagine, the free world follows in the steps of communist china locking in its citizens and passing extreme laws. 10 million people in a Chinese city get locked in because 70 people in a building have it. What. The. Fuck

>> No.18688744

you ever thought the chinkoids wouldn't do that without a good reason?

>> No.18688760

Yeah, the whole planet, every government on Earth, is in the control of the DEMONRATS, and that's why they're shut down, most far more so than the US. Solely to "own Trump" . This is your brain as a MIGA boomer.

>> No.18688784
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They are definitely fear mongering, but I tend to think it would be some type of economic conspiracy and reset they would be pushing—cut massive amounts of jobs, and see who you need to rehire. Also fancy footwork in the Fed and wealth transfers incoming.

Also, dems and repubs work together to oppress us all. It’s high time you understood that.

>> No.18688785

Your belief is unfalsifiable & retarded. You'd say "AIDS doesn't kill", because there's always a complication that actually finishes you off.

>> No.18688805
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dude, you're NOT locked in your house, the government is PAYING you to stay home, and our government is too limp dick to even completely lockdown our viral epicenter.

The Chinese were locked in their house for upwards of what, 2 months?
They had no food, and in a lot of cases no way to leave their house.
You would get picked up if you were sick, a lot of time against your will, and then disappeared if you didnt get better.
The Chinese scrubbed as much media as they could about the event and is trying to convince their people that everything is real daijobu.
They delivered meat rations with the use of a garbage truck.
And if you didnt die of starvation or your lung flooding, you had the privilege of getting right the fuck back to work.

We're being absolutely fucking babied by our government aside from them asking us to please not keep our businesses open.
And they're on peak "oh shit" damage control trying to make this coronavirus thing that THEY didnt take seriously do as little damage as possible while they work around the average American's propensity for free thought.

>> No.18688833
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If it's a scam why would the Chinese government locked down a province?

The Chinese govt don't care about lives, why would they try to contain it if it's a nothing burger?

>> No.18688839


These people are deluded and scared enough to believe this bullshit.

>> No.18688843

>willingly self-destruct
the several interests involved in the self destruct mechanism are distinct and united only in their insistence on using the same destructive short term self-preservation techniques. while there are a handful of high-level cynical actors conspiring to nudge everything toward collapse, there are several orders of magnitude more people who, acting strictly on local/selfish motivations, make the same plays as the cynical conspirators might want them to.

>> No.18688957

So what, just let this spread like we live in the dark ages or what?
Go back to everything-is-normal mode and put our countries real future in the hands of the average American and his own sense of responsibility?
We cant even all agree 100% on the planet being round. I'm supposed to expect some guy who could be asymptomatic to not sneeze on my face out of principle?

>> No.18689318

we don't "let it" do anything, it's going to spread until there is herd immunity regardless of best efforts to the contrary. thus the issue at hand is lowering the opportunity cost of overreaction. there is a threshold rate of new cases that will overtax local health systems. "what is that rate?" and "how do we maintain below it while maximizing economic freedom?" are the only responsible questions in this discussion, and they need to be answered by the leaders of every individual region. now, the information required to answer those questions with a high degree of certainty is intentionally obscured which means that the situation is either worse or better than the predominant signal would suggest. thankfully, there are healthcare professionals like the doctors in OP who can tell us with as much certainty as you can get that the situation is not as bad as reported in their region.
in conclusion, quit being an asocial hypochondriac and go outside

>> No.18689357

In your opinion, how many Americans need to die before it stops being "just a flu bro"?

>> No.18689410

They deserve to be redacted starting from the top. I tried watching CNN today - they were interviewing the nigger mayor of Atlanta who was telling people to stay home despite the governor of the state lifting the lockdown. This made me so fucking angry I wanted to physically blow up my TV.

>> No.18689518

It's definitely not a hoax, but I'm starting to hate the people who continue to try to overblow this way more than the people calling it a hoax. A lot of people are already over this. It's only going to piss people off even more and protests are only going to be bigger.

>> No.18689542

It’s already lost. This is their last chance at ratings.

>> No.18689548

Maybe the retarded governor shouldn't be lifting the lockdown when every medical expert with a practicing license is telling the country not to do so?

>> No.18689567

>healthcare providers are getting more funding for COVID related deaths
Who the fuck told you this lie?
Healthcare overall is suffering considerably due to the shutdowns - like every other industry.
Other than Emergency Medicine and Obstetrics, everything else is virtually shut down. Heathcare certainly isn't benefitting from this COVID shit.
Furthermore, healthcare providers are not allowed to bill COVID patients at the same out-of-pocket rates that they normally would. And they're not getting that money back, they're barred from billing for it.
So healthcare providers are getting shit on on both ends - fewer exams, fewer procedures, fewer patients ... and those COVID patients they are seeing are paying less.

Stop talking out your ass about topics you don't have an understanding of.

>> No.18689579

Maybe those "medical experts" should stick to practicing medicine instead of giving advice on how to run a country?
How many people are dying when the unemployment goes up by 1%? Google it you fucking moron.

>> No.18689602

Question for COVID conspiracy theorists:
What were the "social mechanics" of creating this conspiracy? In other words, how was the conspiracy entered into so globally?
Assuming it had a central starting point (let's say the WHO came up with the idea) then how did the WHO communicate the conspiracy to thousands of doctors speaking dozens of different languages, without a single one revealing the invitation to conspiracy to the public? Where are the translators translating the conspiracy? Where are the doctors who got the message and didn't want to play ball, so have the secure message to share?
How was this invitation to conspiracy propagated and universally adopted by multiple fundamentally hostile jurisdictions (USA, China, Iran) without a single brave whistleblower leaking "Here was my invitation to participate in this conspiracy for grant money, but I am revealing it to the public?"
Why are medical staff so unified and corrupt that every. single. one. decided to play along, when any of them could have found fame as a hero by uncovering the conspiracy?

>> No.18689612


sage pajeet

>> No.18689682

You gotta be really stupid or á bot to think that everyone needs to be in on it

>> No.18689706

Maybe the people "running the country" should come up with an actual fucking plan rather than pumping money into free-falling energy markets and travel industries that don't pay US taxes and telling their citizens to inject bleach? Also the number of people that die if unemployment increases is relative to the amount of unemployment funds available. That's been nearly doubled so that statistic isn't relative.

>> No.18689724

Economic Freedom is exactly what is going to spread this to as many people as possible.

We have an entire country in varying stages of lockdown, and an unfocused contradictory government that doesn't know whether it values the health of the people or the immediate health of the economy more.
With both these things in place we have seen 54k reported deaths from Corona, high profile and not.
we have seen death increase by a factor of 10 in little over a month with the the "maybe we should/maybe we shouldnt" approach.
Our death count sits at twice of the next country down, and we're going to be 3 times that in a matter of 3 days since now we're hitting 10k dead every 4 days.

Do you think now, while the line is still going up and a majority of the states have yet to even flesh out the entire impact of coronavirus, we should rotate our approach to spare our economy?

Someone who was interested in hurting us further would recommend opening the country and pretending everything is fine, rather than keep it shut. Sit down at home and deal with it like the rest of us.

Maybe these "medical experts" specialize in the medical ramifications of letting an unmitigated virus spread like we're some kind of pig farm, and our economy is actually dependent on the health of its people rather than the other way around.

How do you think our economy would really fare when we have people who are varying levels of fucked up for 2-6 weeks at a time?
With a 2 week incubation period?
While you accidentally kill your neighbors, friends, or family?

This is the fucking problem, we're so divided we can't even come to an agreement that we're suffering through a legitimate pandemic.

Everyone is an expert except the experts.

>> No.18689737

there doesn't need to be an explicitly communicated top down conspiracy for there to be a seemingly coordinated "incorrect response.'" it's like in a huge factory where the floor workers and their managers and their managers for the most part ignorantly act to the benefit of the company, as if directly knowledgeable of the "conspiracy" directed by the C suite and vice presidents to organize labor in order that they might create goods to sell for a profit.

>> No.18689794

i see that you are unable to think in anything besides extremes. i don't know what else to tell you besides screencap this and shamefully post it in six months when this doomer fantasy of unmitigated spread is proven to be a propaganda piece

>> No.18689798

OK so how many people would you say are "in on it" and how was the conspiracy communicated and why did not a single person expose it?
Are doctors, like climate scientists, just completely corrupt? Is EVERYONE just completely corrupt and out for grant money?

So rather than malicious it's just a case that nearly everyone is completely incompetent?

>> No.18689805

Influencers in Germany were paid by the government to spread 'wash hands' etc.

>> No.18689877

>So rather than malicious it's just a case that nearly everyone is completely incompetent?
there are dozens of components to it. there are malicious actors, incompetent actors, misinformed but sincere actors, counterproductively risk averse actors, cynical profit seeking actors, totally ignorant actors etc. the signal propagates through all different types of people

>> No.18689888

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
It's not a "conspiracy", it's just mass hysteria egged on by politicians and the media.

>> No.18690622
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Here's a conspiracy theory:
Foreign nation sows seeds of doubt over legitimacy of pandemic for the sake of egging on an early reopening,
spurred on by belligerent self-entitled conspiracy experts that think every educated individual is actually conspiring together.
Further bolstered by a party fixated on reopening the economy at the expense of the people's health.

With an early reopening the country is further crippled then it was before, pushing it beyond prevention and into a position where the entire nation is sick and the medical community is entirely overwhelmed to the point of collapse. Supply chains for vital food and industry are severed and there are mass deaths much worse than what we are experiencing now.

Cue foreign nation absolutely stomping us while we are the weakest.

oop didnt think of that one did you?

>> No.18690722

Bear in mind, i'm not really trying to change your mind.
This is for the sake of other people who would stumble upon this and think twice without evidence presented against.

>> No.18690758

And they all come together in the collective delusion that is entirely consistent across different nations.
The reality is if there IS a conspiracy, then it is possibly the most unified cohesive action that humanity has ever taken. The US, China, Iran, Italy, Spain, France. Despite all their different political realities they ALL decided to play ball on this one. If it is a conspiracy then it is absolutely amazing and unprecedented.
But in my opinion the social mechanics of the conspiracy are far too unrealistic for me to take that stance.

>> No.18690867

It's like,
If there was 10 people locked in a room with a ticking time bomb, do you think there would be an ulterior motive if they all worked together to defuse it?

>> No.18690883

if that were the current situation then stay-at-home-as-preparation-for-war would be the story used to sell the stay at home orders. nobody would be bitching about having to stay at home, there wouldn't be hourly "breaking news" that the president told people to drink bleach. it's the most sure play in the book to get people on the same page and nobody is using it, why do you think that is?

>> No.18690908

this is a God Dream

This is why were born

>> No.18691032
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People bitch at waiters when they're not fast enough with their sodas. People bitch about absolutely everything.
There is nothing special about the complaining because the complaining is endemic to our society and humanity as a whole.

And the president so far has historically said moronic things going into this, and going through it.
And the media eats its up because its actually a little concerning.
Thats one thing; conspiracy theorists fault the media for doing what the media does, which is reporting media.
And in America our media is more info-tainment, where the media is skewed and angled to appeal to whoever is watching it.
That does not mean that the information coming from the media is exclusively fake. Its curved to appeal to its viewer base.

The medical experts are so tame about this because Trump is more than willing to fire anyone that says anything that disparages him.
The man has an 85% turnover rate of firings and resignations.
Do you understand what it takes to make someone want to quit arguably the most important job they will ever have for the rest of their life?

Now imagine you're in a position where you are a medical expert, and you have to skew your synopsis of the coronavirus to appeal to who the president wants to appeal to while also trying very hard to protect the American people you've been tasked with protecting.

And then having these people turn on your for telling them the real situation and being told that you are just trying to stir up shit, because people have been conditioned by our president that all media is fake, essentially shielding him from scrutiny while everyone else around him is left to burn.

Now THAT is a dangerous situation.

>> No.18691033

why does it have to be either-or for you? there are people who benefit from an inaccurate response and will conspire to propagate messages that ensure it (or chaos) happens. there are many fold more who are just sincere actors in a system that is not optimized for accurate response to unusual situations. conspiracies to tip the odds one way or the other is practically the default. have you never read about successful propaganda campaigns? or hard-dying misconceptions in medical history?

>> No.18691066

what makes you believe that popular media reports in good faith and is completely honest with their stories, in particular their most publicized stories?

>> No.18691070

Stop worrying so much and get to accumulating your UND before main net, brainlet. You're running out of time.

>> No.18691162

Are you kidding?10 dead/1000/ year 60mil population. Therefore Italy averages 600000 dead per year. How is that anywhere near what you are spouting.

>> No.18691168

Popular media is the filter through which we get our information. but popular media is not exclusively the media.
There is a wide range of media available to us and that is the power of free speech.
We do not have a one-stop definitive source of our news, and that's because we are not some communist country like China that controls speech and the media.

So when a majority of the information we get from multiple media sources point to this being a very real and present danger, that should be more indicative of how serious this situation is, rather than less. These sources are all operating with the freedom of press, yet come to roughly the same conclusion, bolstered by the information posed by experts, financial experts, foreign nations and their situation, etc.

To discredit the reputability of media as a whole is to poke out your own eyes yet claim you can see everything clearly.

It is your right as an American to absorb information and spread it, but that is a very powerful tool.
This is a situation where -if someone doesn't understand fully understand what is going on- they could be putting themselves and those around them in undo danger.

>> No.18691203

Hey, good catch, I didn't see that. My bad.
Lemme do some quick maths and I'll get back to you

>> No.18691242

>So when a majority of the information we get from multiple media sources point to this being a very real and present danger, that should be more indicative of how serious this situation is
iraqi wmds

>> No.18691413

So if my quick maths are right,

with 2019 in mind, we were looking at a population of 60.63 million,
divided by 1000 you're looking at 60,630 x 10.7 = 648,000 deaths for the whole year.
divide that number by 12 months and you're looking at roughly 54,061 deaths per month (if we call it a flat rate with no difference each month).

from march 31st to today, we have seen in Italy 13,956 deaths attributed to Coronavirus.
that is a 25% increase of fatalities in a single month, not considering that the virus has an exponential growth curve thats finally starting to round off (at least in daily deaths).

If it was to continue at its current rate, with no increase or decrease in death rate, we would be looking at an additional 168k deaths. That's without taking into consideration hospitals will be continuously working on patients with the Wuhan Hangover (the more serious ones will sit in the hospital for up to 6 weeks) the lack of access to hospitals the rest of the uninfected population will have, hospital staff fatigue + constant exposure and the mental fatigue of seeing so much death/ dealing with your own mortality every day, etc etc.

and America right now is sitting at 54k deaths and the trend is looking at 10k every 4 days.
States are in various stages of viral spread as well as public opinion on the legitimacy of how real this is, too. It's going to get ugly.

Okay hey i'll give you that one lol
BUT, this is a situation involving the media, other countries media, leaked footage, etc etc that correlate with this being legit.
And this isnt just an America thing. This was a China thing, then an Italy thing, then a Spain, and Europe, and now us. And South America, and Canada. pretty much everywhere.

But if they are really just pulling the wool over our eyes, they're doing a damn fine job.

>> No.18691443

time will tell all
stay safe until then anon

>> No.18691650

I didn’t read this past two sentences. But conflating the COVID deaths with unrelated deaths is a real thing in the states. They are misreporting to such an extent that it was noted in the NYT. Anons were the first people in the west to notice this shit. What seems to be the case is that this disease is super infectious and the death rate is lower. But let’s look at what’s happening. Small businesses shut at gunpoint, big business operating just fine, government gaining even more control over something that has killed less people than the flu in 2017-2018 and communism. They sure didn’t let this crisis go to waste. And as I said, anons were the first ones to note how dangerous it was but everything our leaders did was make it worse. Fuck mine sent of all our shit to China for free when they’re the ones that make that shit.

>> No.18691675

Why can’t ameriniggers stop posting niggers for 1 second?

>> No.18691743
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COVID is nothing but a scam to rollout the artificial intelligence and global network. It's not different than the Patriot Act, so to speak. I knew this day would come after the Patriot Act was signed all those years ago - I knew the next and final step was implementing AI for a new global economy, government, & society. There is no 'conflict' between the US & China. The world is nothing but a stage. China is jsut always the first one to toll things out because their totalitarian state makes it easy to deploy mast systems in a short amount of time. Other countries then watch and implement their own roll outs of this tech. China is the one that beta-tests everything first. UK, US, Canada, EU etc are doing the same to see what works and what doesn't with the populations when something of this magnitude is initiated.

Humans ARE SO FUCKING DUMB and believe anything on TV. On a universal and solar-system scale, I'm starting to think the human race has down syndrome from the perspective of other civilizations. We think we are so smart, we are the retards of the cosmos.

Although the vaccine in the photo is for dogs, it's still 100% relevant.


Why did we invade Iraq after 9/11 if 9/11 was a scam? Use your fucking brain.

STFU and kill yourself.

>> No.18691930

>put our countries real future in the hands of the citizens that live there
In a world with rights and power in the hands of the nation as a whole, yes.

>> No.18691955

>immediate health of the people
(Worst case, herd immunity takes over, shitty but there you go)
>long term health of the economy
Fucking fixed that for you, dipshit. Get your eyes checked out. Oh right you fucking cant

>> No.18691968

>they want to hurt Trump and by proxy YOU
Don't you retards ever get tired of worshiping some flabby mediocre faggot?

>> No.18691997

Or, and maybe this just sounds crazy, but it's currently the next election cycle, and the world ends every four fucking years

>> No.18692303

even if it is true
Mods ban his ass