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1866030 No.1866030 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like trying to rule the world and growing hair is mutually exclusive

>> No.1866071
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baldness is correlated to body hair

meds have a lot of it, so it's not surprising that they're bald

>> No.1866084

i still don't understand why people with that much money don't get a high quality hair transplant... as a 20 year old losing my hair already its a slap in the face to look at millionaires who still haven't done anything to fix it

>> No.1866107

if you're balding at 20 and aren't established on your career path it's detrimental

if they're comfortable making billion dollar decisions they're probably alpha enough to not care about hair

it's not like they'd get more women attracted to them

they'd also probably have jewfros

>> No.1866210
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having a transplant only signals people you are insecure about your looks. better accept who you are and start thinking about significant things - money and power. in modern society even the ugliest man can get laid daily if he has those

>> No.1866233

Srs question:
anyone know if Modafinil accelerates hair loss?

>> No.1866255

Because Mr. Blankfein doesn't, so therefore they don't

>> No.1866266

What does mutually exclusive mean senpai?

>> No.1866285


SELECT pa.world_domination, pp.head_follicles FROM person_aspirations pa
FULL OUTER JOIN person_physical pp ON pa.dna = pp.dna
OR pa.dna IS NULL;

>> No.1866356

yea a hair transplant is a sign of insecurity, just like driving a ferrari is a sign of insecurity when they could drive hondas for a fraction of the price, right?.... if you have money use it to your advantage

>> No.1866361


I'd laugh if they owned a Ferrari, anyone worth their shit knows that it's better to rent or lease something you use only a few times a year.

>> No.1866364

they are jews. they don't have to deal with picky atheist Western women and can find a wife at the synagogue impressed by their banking job.

>> No.1866367

>just like driving a ferrari
i didn't say anything about owning

>> No.1866374


Irrelevent. My point wasn't an argument against yours, it was an added bit of discussion.

>> No.1866408

Why are they always fucking jews?

>> No.1866450
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>yea a hair transplant is a sign of insecurity, just like driving a ferrari is a sign of insecurity when they could drive hondas for a fraction of the price, right?
right. you need to think what kind of people you attract by showing off your wealth. why do you need that attention so much, your parents didn't love you enough? or do you like the feeling of being considered a douche by every pedestrian you drive by? some second-tier girl who grew up in poverty might even spread her legs for you, but i fail to see that as an advantage. same as having your missing hair stitched back to your glossy skull, you will still know you're faking it. so why live being a submissive fake when you can live being yourself and make other people deal with that

>> No.1866457


it means u cant have both

>> No.1866551

>doesn't understand what a hair transplant is
m8 the hair continues to grow once its transplanted... its not fake, its just hair moved from another part of your body. would you say the same thing to a burn victim?? "yea we could take skin from somewhere on your body thats not normally visible and fix up the burn pretty well, but you'll still know its fake, so you'll always be ugly"
sheesh ill never understand why people don't take advantage of new technology

>> No.1866576

Gee I fucking wonder

>> No.1866992


> Looks like trying to rule the world and being Jewish go hand in hand

Fixed that for you