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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 549x577, 1550388461561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18661510 No.18661510 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is built into the BSN framework that will become the Chinese standard for blockchain based applications and services. The service releases tomorrow, April 25th. China Mobile, the leading telecommunications company in China, and UnionPay, the banking infrastructure used by over 2000 institutions in 178 countries, collaborated on BSN, along with the government backed think-tank State Information Center.

Excerpt: "Next month, an alliance of Chinese government groups, banks, and technology companies will publicly launch the Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN). It will be among the first blockchain networks to be built and maintained by a central government.

Think of it like an operating system, where participants can use existing blockchain programs, or build their own bespoke tools, without having to design a framework from the ground up.

The BSN’s proponents say it will reduce the costs of doing blockchain-based business by 80 percent. By the end of 2020, they hope to have nodes in 200 Chinese cities. Eventually, they believe it could become a global standard."

Since this releases tomorrow, and China is 12 hours ahead of the West......IT'S HAPPENING TONIGHT!!!!


Proof of Chainlink involvement:

>> No.18661526

Why the fuck is this stickied?

>> No.18661560

Most important thread you'll read all day.

>> No.18661562
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>> No.18661617
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holy fuck

partnered with literal china

>> No.18661760
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Chainlink is now the official oracle network for the People's Republic of China.

>> No.18661852

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18661862
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Pump it

>> No.18661874
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>> No.18661882
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Because it will change everything.

>> No.18661894

> according to he
kek which pajeet website is this

>> No.18661906

Swingers will swing

>> No.18661927
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That's someone's last name brainlet

>> No.18661935

Wtf I love China now

>> No.18661949

Chinks have stupid names you shitskin, they sound even worse than yours jamal

>> No.18661956

Still trusting chinks I see

>> No.18661995

No no see >>18661935
I didn’t trust them and now I trust them

>> No.18662022

LINK allows them to be even more authoritarian

>> No.18662029

Based chinks will make me rich. Fuck everything else.

>> No.18662033 [DELETED] 

trolled :^)

>> No.18662046

I'm sorry wasn't this the mantra in 2017?

>> No.18662119

>X - Doubt

>> No.18662136

And they made me a lot of money. Chinks are based as fuck, they have the best pumps. Only boomers hate chinks.

>> No.18662227
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BSN will leverage China Mobile’s distribution network to carry out marketing campaigns while training technical people to get used to the network. The company has tens of thousands of people and branches in many counties, He noted.

Union Pay is building the infrastructure to power payment and money transfers in BSN. Since China does not allow payment for goods or services with cryptocurrency, all the payments based on smart contracts will be made through the traditional banking system. The payments company will also develop other basic functions, such as sending text messages, as plugins.

Several of the top 10 Chinese cloud technology companies have decided to use BSN to build blockchain-based services “since we offer the most cost-effective services,” He said, without naming any.


>> No.18662527


>> No.18662621

Chinese would NEVER implement non-chinese software or applications in their services. Get a grip.

>> No.18662639


>> No.18662659

Show me one Chinese software/platform with western input.

>> No.18662668

chainlink is white label and has adelyn marketing. it's gold.

>> No.18662678

True. It's because boomers are afraid of china ending their global homo freak show of a society.

>> No.18662692


>> No.18662712
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BSN working with Chainlink

>> No.18662735

Bigger Sirgay Nazarov

>> No.18662838

>Only boomers hate chinks

>> No.18662842

China would just steal StinkShit's open source code and make their own version.

>> No.18662926
File: 58 KB, 715x474, 1586469442694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just your typical "Google partnership" shill. Some random roastie makes a blog post about China implementing some Russian fatasses code into their network and you seriously believe it.

Never going to happen. Back to $1 eoy. Screencap this and thank me later.

>> No.18662932
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what a unit

>> No.18662950
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>> No.18662952


China would NEVER use western code. If they wanna use chainstinks tech, they will just steal and rebrand it.

>> No.18662983
File: 163 KB, 485x603, 1557410604914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal partnership with a government of a world superpower and chainlink is dumping. It's just like in the memes.

>> No.18662998 [DELETED] 
File: 549 KB, 800x1200, 1539455611741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official /biz/ discord server is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview chainlink founder Sergey Nazarov this week.

>> No.18663040

This. Adelyn is Sergey's secret weapon.

>> No.18663174

Top 10

>> No.18663255

>chainlink revealed to be directly integrated into the official Chinese communist party smart contract infrastructure that trustlessly tracks down and eliminates covid positive citizens and other undesirable subversives and parasites by automatically linking the surveillance neural chips data inputs and triggering the lethal cyanide outputs to the national blockchain
>still doesn't pump

>> No.18663268
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>launching Chainlink on Gemini on the same day as BSN goes live.

>> No.18663306

Chainlink is Bitcoin's bitch right now.

>> No.18663308

Enormous if accurate

>> No.18663330

based chads

>> No.18663412


>> No.18663502


good luck everyone.

>> No.18663554

Can someone link to the article where they say release date is apr 25? I will buy $10k worth rn and post proof

>> No.18663574


post proof. k thx

>> No.18663611

also this


>> No.18663710
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market bought it

>> No.18663713
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No competitors.

>> No.18663721
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Yeah im thinking hes based

>> No.18663730

mad man

>> No.18663755

I got short position in. May the best man win.

>> No.18663763

another thread for the marines


>> No.18663854

The absolute

>> No.18663860

fucking based. hold for a year and you are set.

>> No.18664241

i'm bumping this. deal with it.

>> No.18664259

>tfw we will make it even in the Chinese century

How can we lose?

>> No.18664352


>> No.18664446

look at their exchange you lazy ass. deposits went live, trading to go live shortly. they've had custody available for some time now too.

>> No.18664462

>I copy/paste info, IMDb. I am a Lady, I am valuable, I am worthy, I am priceless, I am loved. GRACEFUL AND DELIGHTFUL a movement to reprogram Black Americans.
who the fuck is this strange monkey and why are you following it?

>> No.18664513

she's more based than you are.

>> No.18664626

I think there will be a live stream for the BSN conference. It’s happening tonight!

>> No.18664702

the absolute madman did it
we are all in this together now

>> No.18664735

based retard falling for the classic fake partnership pump and dump

>> No.18664847

So NKN holders finally won?

>> No.18664941
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holy based

>> No.18664973
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>By the end of 2020, they hope to have nodes in 200 Chinese cities. Eventually, they believe it could become a global standard.


>> No.18664989

Based as fuck

>> No.18664996


>> No.18665109

Welcome to the comfy zone

>> No.18665122
File: 322 KB, 1200x800, IMG_2097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros does this have anything to do with the Trump China deal? Was this meme true?

>> No.18665172

Sergayshi Nazamoto

>> No.18665188
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brainlet here
How do I long BSN, they have a token?

>> No.18665190
File: 548 KB, 574x580, winnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, but you need 10k LINK to make it anon, not 10k usd in link

>> No.18665227

he holds long enough, it's all the same

>> No.18665241
File: 60 KB, 471x684, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought most of my stack at sub 25c. havent sold a single link

>> No.18665243

>Link has gotten so expensive already that people are trying to lower the /make it/ threshold
Feels good

>> No.18665246

It's all coming true. Kek.

>> No.18665275

gotta link

>> No.18665294


>> No.18665319

welcome fren, if only you were earlier

>> No.18665334

Tldr just sold 100k

>> No.18665407

I have a suicide stack already of linkers, want to diversify

>> No.18665409

its 200k link actually. assblaster said this.

>> No.18665432

10k has always been the make it stack

>> No.18665463
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>> No.18665469


>> No.18665496


I think it's still early for this meme anon. Tyler Technologies.

>> No.18665552

>ctrl f
>0 results

>> No.18665615

Kek the memes are true. Chainlink will partner with the US and it still won't pump.

>> No.18665654


>> No.18665722


>> No.18665882

Fuck yes. That’s huge. Can do all of my trading on Gemini where my bank account is already connected. Easy staking withdraws once the singularity hits. That also means my Gemini account gets instantly credited and I can purchase Linkies immediately upon depositing funds into Gemini instead of waiting for days for it to clear and then transferring everything out to other exchanges and dealing with the fees and related kikery. Best news I’ve heard in many months

>> No.18665891

What’s so crazy about this?

>> No.18665901
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abort mission

>> No.18665905

This has nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.18665940

>implying Chris Hamman isn't a crypto chad who reports tremendous beautiful news

>> No.18665976

same article, no mention of chainlink

>> No.18666035

Click the fucking button retard

>> No.18666072

Look at the dates on those two whitepapers

>> No.18666084

He wasn't a larping faggot but a man of his word. And a 10k purchase is not frivolous

>> No.18666118


the anon asking will never be based

>> No.18666129

>According to He, the BSN is also working with the developers of Cosmos, conceived as a blockchain to connect all blockchains, and Chainlink, a network of oracles, which report real-world events to trigger payments in smart contracts.

are you fucking retarded mate?

>> No.18666246 [DELETED] 

K, since cat is out, remember when /x/ flew over /pol/ with china's mobile network loosing users by millions and /x/ connecting this to coronavirus deaths?
Guess what contracts where used and what data was pulled off to erase non existing and long dead network users to free up available numbers?
People still think sergey is sitting somewhere in shri lanka fucking ladybois, but in reality, sergey keeps building global standard.
When author mentions nodes will be cities, nodes will be placed somewhere etc., he referring to existing server blocks. Chain link exists. Chain link is being implemented.
god speed, anons

>> No.18666305

>since the cat is out of the box.
I see you talking about your escaped kitty every day now. You need a bigger box or a smaller cat. Or a leash? Maybe you're not cut out to be a pet owner. Cat's aren't even supposed to be in boxes.

>> No.18666344

Supercomputes in every city

>> No.18666389
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China partnered witch Chainlink, meanwhile it's literally dumping. Despite the gemini listing and the chinese blockchain announcement.

The autistic FUD campaign has worked too well, everyone on plebbit, twitter and here is now talking about the Coinbase oracle thing. Cosmos already pumped %15 on the news, Link dumped 3%.

The whole market is propped by hype and the linkie hype has effectively been killed. The autists have played themselves.

So glad I sold at $4.90 and went into XTZ. Link is going to keep dumping and will drop out of top 20 by the end of May. Screencap this.

And enjoy holding these bags back to $0.25

>> No.18666429

man wtf where were you like months ago? this of all things made you convinced?

but, still, welcome marine. yer 1 based lad

>> No.18666444


>> No.18666463

See you in a week, tard. link will be top 13 by then. top 19 in a month. top 21 at June 1st.

>> No.18666489

it’s always next week with you cucks

>> No.18666496

Each with a thousands users to begin>>18664989

>> No.18666499

is it retarded to use coinbase

>> No.18666505
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checked it's happening tonight

>> No.18666746

use coinbase pro, it uses the same account

>> No.18667053

Nah I think it’s based bc I just did the same, I’m just surprised you all think I must be based too

>> No.18667084

fucking checked. fucking based.

>> No.18667158

I'm going to use my gains to help eradicate the chinks
Gonna boil them like they do to cats and dogs

>> No.18667382

Time to celebrate with a big bowl of bat soup.

>> No.18667552
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Incredibly bullish, can't wait for the announcement that Sergey has been given a seat on the Committee of 300 and that Chainlink will be providing oracle services to transmit data from our Bill Gates microchips to the WHO databases.

>> No.18667562

I been fudding Link on reddit like crazy to keep normies out... might explain why price is dumping

>> No.18667574


doing gods work

>> No.18667601



>> No.18667633

Nice HTML edit, faggot.

>> No.18667679
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>> No.18667728
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B-b-b-but UnionPay (bigger than Visa+MasterCard) is partnered with HPB High Performance Blockchain!!!! LOOK INTO THE PARTNERSHAAPPPSSSSSSS

>> No.18667770

>Three hundred thousand years ago, mankind began formulating language systems.Since then, the written word, telephone and telegram, computers and the internethave emerged as evolving mediums of communication.

You guys are really going to get excited over a chink project?

>> No.18668290

technical whitepaper doesn't mention oracles either

>> No.18668816

bumping for the godfather

>> No.18668937

Sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together.


>> No.18670192
File: 292 KB, 591x899, 1587765078643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did janny delete my adelyn thread? i merely wanted to express my love for tiger mommy

>> No.18670214

Seems based and /biz/ - Business & Finance related to me tbqh

>> No.18670220
File: 331 KB, 970x545, _bd468f24-3b6e-4d69-beed-0e89782ae7c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can say hello here, fren

>> No.18670253

>centralized blockchain

>> No.18670524
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hi adelyn

>> No.18670542
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>> No.18670549

Not real like that googler blog shit.

>> No.18670573

I only have 1000 stinkies, am I going to make it?

>> No.18670674
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We China now boys

>> No.18670699
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>> No.18670953
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>According to He, the BSN is also working with the developers of Cosmos, conceived as a blockchain to connect all blockchains, and Chainlink, a network of oracles, which report real-world events to trigger payments in smart contracts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.18671170

"He" with a capital H retard
theyre talking about god

>> No.18671186

Your god would have a penis, faggot.

>> No.18671318

i love her bros

>> No.18671333
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forgot my pic

>> No.18671407

Who here ready for China to demand access to Sir Gays code so they can put out their own bootleg version?

Get ready for ChainChink.

>> No.18671522
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Imagine how stinky their stacks are. I would guess EACH of them own in excess of 10 million+ Links.

>> No.18671536

a couple weeks ago tyler allegedly owned none

>> No.18672363
File: 1.97 MB, 360x225, 24B8C6AB-6796-4786-AA41-7407329012E7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’m sure he’s telling the truth and not covering his ass :^)

>> No.18672398

It’s tonight I was told it’s hapening tonight what gives? It’s tomorrow in Beijing?

>> No.18672468

Sorry anon
Sergey betrayed us
We were supposed to be in this together

>> No.18672545
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 9D5EF268-332C-4B55-BD4E-0FAB05E0FB74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy check

>> No.18672891

You’re poor

>> No.18672999

Im considering taking the 5% I dont have in chainlink and going long

>> No.18673047

Never trust the chinks anons. China lied and people died. They will silence anyone to save face and might even kill this project if anti china memes appear on twitter

>> No.18673140

what the fuck was he doing in this hand with a T6o? was he in the bb?

>> No.18673190

Idk but I’m gonna go find it and watch it

>> No.18673229

i dare someone to post this pix to this tweet

>> No.18673312


>> No.18673334

Bless you Sergey and the team

>> No.18673346

what a dumbass

>> No.18673403

If they wanted a system closed off from the rest of the world. I mean obviously they can see and or kill anything that goes on on the network, but why would they want to make it less accessible

>> No.18673412

Tfw junko

>> No.18673432
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Haha no no I double dare you to post this

>> No.18673497

Good question based digits man.
It will be. If you think for a fucking second Trump will let China get ahead of us with American made technology you must be smoking soi.

>> No.18673509

What? Why?

>> No.18673685

How’s this important if we are entering a recession?

>> No.18673832


>> No.18673869


I know bro, feels so fucking good. it blows my mind how little link you can buy with 10,000$ now

>> No.18673922

Stop riding on others coattails, anon.

>> No.18673975
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=China, North Korea, AINL
>inb4 Chink lol

AINL = Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Conference. Their challenge this year is devoted to Russian/Chinese machine translation. Lots of stuff happening with North Korea, Russia, and China right now.

Pic related

>> No.18673988
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>> No.18674032

What does that site discuss? Google’s natural language AI BERT

Look it up for yourselves

>> No.18675071

wheres the news

>> No.18675082

What the fuck does that site have to do with LINK and scs?

>> No.18675138


>> No.18675310

I'm getting vibes like once this hits the Asian market, we will witness green dildo that will give you good feels

>> No.18675323

So, buy LINK?

>> No.18675526


>> No.18675570

unless an absolute mad lad multi millionaire whale market buys millions, there wont be a significant huge pump without btc pumping first
when btc pumps, then we have a chance to go up in sats

>> No.18675588
File: 24 KB, 500x442, soon (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon. so soon

>> No.18675821

>when btc pumps, then we have a chance to go up in sats
Why only then?

>> No.18675848
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I love you, tiger mommy

>> No.18675941


>> No.18675975
File: 177 KB, 921x642, 1562909390703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In it for the long haul.
Btc pump from the halving will really kick in by the end of the year. Steaking also

>> No.18676003

Holy fking shit, we fucking made it !

>> No.18676096

Obviously a nothingburger

>> No.18676372

this, it was always 10k LINK to make it

>> No.18676398

Fake news

>> No.18676906

If this is true I will dump my entire bag. FUCK china, goddamn chinks need to be glassed back to the ming dynasty.

>> No.18676940


>> No.18676953
File: 101 KB, 500x670, 1587274151308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea it was all just a lie.
Market selling right now we talk.

>> No.18676982

lmao metaverse. I remember that shitcoin from 2017. everyone who locked theirs up for a year got fucking shrekt.

>> No.18677006

Man this thing suddenly got shilled to high heaven on here, out of fucking nowhere.

>> No.18677013
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>> No.18677029

Ive been hearing this shit every week, When moon ?

>> No.18677062

A good entry is 50400 but you missed it.Get in anytime because its almost about to sky rocket.

>> No.18677066

Chainlink doesn't get integrated by the Chinese government every week though.

>> No.18677080
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>> No.18677089

what do you reckon the target is this run?

>> No.18677092

that looks bearish as fuck to me

>> No.18677234

15$ then 33