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18652403 No.18652403 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like there’s so much misinformation regarding him. Don’t know what to believe. What do you guys think? Did he really scam innocent people or just the system? Should he be free? Is he evil?

>> No.18652479

idk the details, I hate the pharma industry, and I don't even like the guy because he's a libtard, but it's clear no one can define what the crime really is. he did nothing wrong

>> No.18652522

He made money the same way a thousand other people did-- he just didn't hide his face.

He's a scumbag, but not a monster.

>> No.18652553

>Should Martin Shkreli Be Free?

>> No.18652583


>> No.18652734

He didn't go to jail for that. He went to jail for securities fraud or something.

>> No.18652746

>scammed innocent people
There is no such thing as an innocent person.

>> No.18652756


No seriously, he's a good dude. He has made mistakes, but it only ended up hurting himself.

>> No.18652758


He was no different than 1000 other finance and corporate guys.

The only difference was he flaunted what goes on behind the scenes to the public and he was on a path to expose some big names. They probably would have just killed him but he was too public at the time so they just turned him into a villain and jailed him.

The elites are sure to make an example of people like him. You wanna make over $100 million and join the big boys club, the cost is your soul and your silence.

>> No.18652847

He flew too close to the sun and fucked with Hillary Cunton. Thats when the real shitstorm came.

>> No.18652874

That was after he was on trial for what he was convicted for

>> No.18652905
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So what exactly goes on behind the scenes?

>> No.18652923

lmao this is bretty based

>> No.18652924

kek based

>> No.18652936
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>> No.18652968

>someone tells you great thing you should invest in
>damn ok yeah sign me up heres a million dollars
>takes money adn uses it for something completely different
Thats what he did and thats why he is in jail. If you cant see why that is illegal as fuck I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.18652983

He went to jail after posting that he wanted to buy a strand of Hillary's hair, presumably for DNA analysis.
He was charged for solicitation to assault and his bail was revoked.

It's just the Dems flexing their propaganda machine.

>> No.18653024

Yes but it was the perfect opportunity for his rivals to get back in the race. Pretty fucking sad, since he was just being sarcastic.

>> No.18653036

He didn't plan on doing anything, it was purely a joke.

>> No.18653102


Insider info and trading schemes
Sex slaves and pedophiles
Purposeful misinformation

Basically your typical underground hell that you can't even imagine, that is all glossed over with suits and smiling politicians.

>> No.18653123

He literally did nothing wrong

>> No.18653148

He was going anyways, but that didn't help. That was a bit short of a month after his conviction, but pre sentencing. He offered $5,000 to any of his followers who plucked a hair from Clinton’s head during her book tour. After that, the judge revoked his bail and sent him to prison. The prosecution was able to use his retarded behavior online to show that the remorse he showed in the courtroom was merely for show to reduce sentencing. So it very likely got him more time.

I think he tried to get corona release recently and failed.

>> No.18653160

Link to the livestream where shrekli said all those things?

>> No.18653162

He supported Trump faggot. He's /ourguy/

>> No.18653556
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All the uneducated mongoloids in MSM and reddit aren't even willing to do the 5 minutes of research as to what actually happened.

1. He acquired the manufacturing license for an antiparasitic drug called Daraprim and decided to raise the price of a drug for a disease that is already super rare. (Big pharma does this all the time)

2. The price of the drug was jacked to $750, yet an Epipen in the United States costs $900 and in some cases Insulin can be as high as $1800, and yet no one cares.

3. The best part about all this is that he EXPLICITLY said in his livestreams, during interviews, and on twitter that people who don't have insurance or the money to afford this drug can get it for free and as a result the drug saved the lives of over 5,000 people.

4. Big pharma wasn't too happy about this because here you have this young 30 year old self-taught individual who did the exact thing they did and decided to get the whole media to go against him. They then got him on charges that weren't even remotely related to what he did.

>> No.18653613

>an Epipen in the United States costs $900 and in some cases Insulin can be as high as $1800, and yet no one cares.
There are definitely a lot of people who care about that.

>> No.18653635
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Nah I meant the same level out outrage as they did for Shkreli's situation.

>> No.18653737

>Zionist boomer is /ourguy/
Just go back.

>> No.18653798


Clearly but most executives in this position hide and do damage control. Shkreli didn't.

He is a perfect example of when keeping it real goes wrong.

>> No.18653807

Shkreli did nothing wrong, he a good boy.

>> No.18653853

>big pharma does something unethical and self serving so I should also be able to do the same
This is why america is doomed as a country. Nobody gives a shit about making things better anymore. They just want to profit for themselves no matter the cost to society.

>> No.18653962

nobody normy remembers shkreli now and the epipen thing is a common dem talking point

>> No.18653967

Martin never said raising prices is unethical or anything. Neither do I think it's unethical. The problem is that everyone is on his ass, whereas if people would just be consistent, they'd be after the entire industry. It's unfair treatment.

Why it is ethical from my perspective? Drugs are not affordable for the public in the first place. That's where insurance companies are for. Insurance companies, who are basically blood suckers and very unethical themselves would have to pay more. Also, the profits made can be put into researching, and improving the drug. Which is what Turing Pharmaceuticals (Shkreli's business) was doing. Daraprim was barely making any profit from the initial price. There hadn't been any efforts made to improve it as well, it was old and had annoying side-effects.

>> No.18653976
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Looks like someone has never heard of research and development.

Look up the vice interview, he explicitly said he charges $1/pill for people on medicaid who do not have coverage. If anything he is fucking over the big insurance companies that screw people over in the first place.

He basically showed the world how big pharma screws over Americans and HES the one that gets jail time...

>> No.18654059

His bad image sure contributed to the length of the sentence. Still nobody went into detail why he got convicted. He took some people's money and invested it differently? I don't know if that is even true. Did any of the investors even lose money?

>> No.18654169

>Looks like someone has never heard of research and development.
Only a tiny portion of pharmaceutical profits go towards R&D and they're massively subsidized with tax money.

>> No.18654174
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Tell me more about how ethical it is to hide behind patent law loopholes to monopolize the production of 70 year old invention to keep anyone from being able to compete with you. This is a level of kikery that would put you on the first train to auschwitz if hitler was in charge.

>> No.18654198

fun fact. The shitstorm media and twitter soiboys went silent after he went to jail, yet the drug price remains at the price point shrkeli jacked it up to today

>> No.18654218

did those students create a company and sell the drug for $20?

>> No.18654228

Probably not based on that smile

>> No.18654244

God made allergies to cull the weak population. Epipen prices should be higher to control the population.

>> No.18654284
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Imagine the lulz resulting from the media shitstorm if Trump pardons then recruits him as head for the corona task force. There's something about Shkreli that people are severely underestimating.

>> No.18654383
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How could they do this to us bros?

>> No.18654467

Just look at that pic of him, hes a scumbag

>> No.18654616

He's just one of those ordinary people who were noticed by the spotlight and crucified so we can all pretend we are good deep down inside.

>> No.18654809

Nice Wikipedia quotation, normie. The boys weren't competition because they didn't have the right to sell it, that's what patent is. Any pharmaceutical company could recreate drugs, they just can't because it would be a rip-off. Read better, you could've gotten that from the "likely because" the wiki writer used to try to cover up their inconsistency.

Every patent owner "could" decline to provide a sample. Again, this is just normies demonizing Shkreli and completely ignoring that the majority of pharmaceutical companies would do this.

>> No.18654827

yes he should be free

>> No.18654975

The drug was discovered in 1952 and patents expire after 20 years. Abusing loopholes in the law to monopolize your position in the market is peak kikery and in a functioning society he would be executed.

>> No.18655000


He did nothing wrong.

>> No.18655295
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>> No.18655314

Martin shd b free and holldawg in jail

>> No.18655646

Patents are anti-free market kikery in the first place.

>> No.18656465

> He was going anyways

>> No.18656476

>big pharma does something unethical and self serving
Yes, just like everyone else out there ever.
nope. They do heavy research that save lives. Their work is valued less than that of cozy office engineers who make the new iPhone screen a bit brighter.

>> No.18656512


Skhreli is based since 1993


>> No.18656977



He didn't get convicted for any of these crimes te public condoned hik for. He actually got convicted because some rich people filed a suit against him for misrepresentation of facts.

Ironically, he got jailed for 'stealing' from the rich whilst the public thought he was convicted for stealing from the 'poor'.

>> No.18657009

Martin will create the cure for corona. He is the only one that can do it

>> No.18657920

martin did nothing wrong

>> No.18658033

>3. The best part about all this is that he EXPLICITLY said in his livestreams, during interviews, and on twitter that people who don't have insurance or the money to afford this drug can get it for free and as a result the drug saved the lives of over 5,000 people.

that is just a stupid excuse and he is a scumbag. may he rott in Prison and get fucked in his Little ass

>> No.18658563

No, he's Albanian

>> No.18659142

Evil kike. Let him rot

>> No.18659432

He didn't do anything the rest of the industry doesn't.

He got scapegoated because he did it too loudly and wasn't born into wealth.

He's based as fuck

>> No.18659601

He's the one person who might be smart enough to develop a cure for Wuhan flu

>> No.18659625
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These are actual kikes and trannies.

>> No.18659834

We definitely know what he did wrong and if he likes staying alive he will find a reason to stay inside as long as he can.
He killed my wife.

>> No.18659853

They all deserve the rope. One was stupid enough to flaunt his blatant guilt

>> No.18659957

>5000 lives SAVED! Gosh wow what a HERO
how many people died as a result of his greed?
It's magnitudes higher than 5000.

>> No.18660035

gee i’m sure you have some HOT HOT HOT evidence to back up that claim

>> No.18660177

>Should Martin Shkreli Be Free?
Yes it was the most obvious witch hunt of this century but people just don't care, they want, no, they NEED their villain punching bags and he fit the perfect role for one. Without witches in society there's no one to point fingers at so people will simply start obsessing over the most minor things which is the essence of the modern SJW culture. The longer this peace lasts the more SJWs will appear because someone needs to be blamed for society's errors and why not just scapegoat the greedy free market nazi incels who're defenseless and have zero support in society? This ostracization mechanism will turn quite radical in the next decade in the exact same way that the stakes got lit some time ago, or guillotines sharpened shortly after. This is why ensuring that you have allies and a basic protection against things like this should be the primary goal of every human who puts on the mantle of a modern eceleb.

>> No.18660222

> hating kikes which also push trannies means your one.

>> No.18660228

what were the actual charges again? most of why people don't like him was a hit piece. and like this retard displays >>18659957
people thought he cost people their lives because they don't understand what is going on nor care to understand why they dislike him other than group think and propaganda OOPS I mean marketing tactics. Individual make money bad coporation (listed as a human with more rights and resources and living forever) make money good.

>> No.18660734

securities fraud unrelated to daraprim