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18635129 No.18635129 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18635355
File: 72 KB, 498x500, Daler-Mehndi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started a streak on April 1, gets easier with time, doesn't it.
First 2 weeks are a nightmare, now it's easy af.

>> No.18635370


congrats bro, keep it going

>> No.18635493

After awhile your body longs to keep the cum and energy. But your pervert mind just wants to cum.
About 2 months ago I felt like a demigod walking. Endless energy and confidence. Actually fucked a bitch. But then the coomer won. And won again. And again. Now I havent left my room in a week. Im pale, lost all my gains, sleep all day...
stay strong man. Its a lot harder to get back on than it is to get off.

>> No.18635506

Literally don’t COOM
What the fuck is the challenge? If you want to COOM, COOM. But if you don’t, don’t COOM. Smh

>> No.18635518

I know dat feel.
I started nofap in 2011 (I think), did the 90 day challenge in one of my first attempts ...
Every year since then I have ONE nofap month per year. The rest of the time I'm basically a coomer.
It never gets easy and eventually you fall back to being a coomer. Fucking bitches actually makes it much harder for me, too.

>> No.18635565

Im practicing the taost secrets of love techniques in order to live a permanent no coomer life style including fucking bitches without cumming for hours. Fucked a bitch with only 4 days practice and I lasted 25 min of fucking this dosent sound like much but hadent cum in weeks and normally woulda busted in 2 min with constant pumping like i did. Ill share results down the road when I reach a couple months in.

>> No.18635664

Are there any real advantages of not masturbating or this is just a meme

>> No.18635936
File: 271 KB, 1060x1500, 42344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.18635951
File: 6 KB, 486x576, Born_to_Jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nofap discord shills

>> No.18635968


>> No.18636453

>haven’t seen gf in a month because of quarantine
>been saving up my coom
>going to cum in all her holes this weekend


>> No.18636595

Never gonna make it

>> No.18636616

i thought you said you broke the streak?

>> No.18636851

Why would you have a bf

>> No.18636853

I always worry about my dick losing function after day 5 and give it a tug to make sure.

>> No.18636888

The most valuable thing about nofap is its ability to showcase you how creative your brain can be when creating an excuse for you to remain lazy and pathetic.
Happens to all of us.
Now you know :)

>> No.18636970
File: 189 KB, 1200x1000, ETlmA4dXgAQ0dLg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay jew.

>> No.18637015

nofap is an interesting and productive experience but as a way of life it's a scam

>> No.18637135

it's been a lot more for me, i'm really glad i got rid of that
still don't have a stacy thou