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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 494 KB, 755x745, MiloCoin_live.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1859953 No.1859953 [Reply] [Original]

/MILO General/ Go Vote On Nova Exchange/ Edition

Don't be a Bern-out; use this link to go vote MiloCoin onto Nova Exchange - its 100%, requires no balance on the account and take 20 seconds

>Gavin McInnes has invited MiloCoin onto his based show: https://twitter.com/Gavin_McInnes/status/841637084242837506

>I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin

------ Links ------

>Official MiloCoin website:


>MiloCoin maymay Video

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? I gotchu senpai!
(guide to add these addnodes on ANN thread)

>How to buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)
coming ASAP - go vote

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit
Sike, there is no official MiloCoin subreddit, please go back

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
https://yobit.net/en/addcoin/ <--add MiloCoin to Yobit (they have a free option)
https://twitter.com/YobitExchange <--tweet at them requesting MiloCoin it takes 2 seconds
https://twitter.com/nova_exchange <--tweet at them requesting MiloCoin

hello@coingecko.com <--let them know we’re working with a monster between our legs
@CoinMKTCap ← tweet them

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Best quote of the previous thread:

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
Will be listed on the exchange(s) within a few days, it's imperative that you buy on the first few days to secure the maximum ROI. Lazy pajeets always send their mined coins to the exchange for cheap until they realize their mistake - take advantage of that and GET IN THERE

>> No.1859960


plz help a poor man out with some gayboycoins

>> No.1859961

first for .50 a coin

>> No.1859968

Not ganna lie, the color scheme is brilliant. Literally giving me boners seeing the memes.

>> No.1859970


>> No.1859971
File: 28 KB, 492x360, trump tactics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise, can I get some freebies? I'm still stuck with my starting 69. I would like to mine.


>> No.1859985

voted.... a couple a 2, 3 times.
you're welcome

>> No.1859987
File: 39 KB, 590x369, Meme_to_the_fucking_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Energy levels are accelerating, lord kek is upon us

Vote that shit onto the exchanges anons

Exchange twitters as well, gogogogo

>> No.1859990
File: 80 KB, 1494x472, ps3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks whoever got me to 100!
have a funny greentext

>> No.1859995

What do you guys predict the price will start at once it hits exchanges?

>> No.1859999
File: 95 KB, 600x879, milocoin_staypoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote and post custom Milos. Ill do my best to get you all. Gonna have to cut it down from 69, gettin lean over ere'

We need to hold it down until the day shift gets up :^] (i.e the NEETs)

>> No.1860001

a tenth of a cent

>> No.1860012

jesus, checked

kek is blessing the fuck outta this thread

>> No.1860016
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, Fresh-Milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot off the press Maymays.
Feel free to donate and I'll take requests as well as constructive criticism.


>> No.1860023

really nice m8

check em' and keep em coming

>> No.1860031

Thank you anon. Do you have any recommendations for what the next shop should be?

>> No.1860041
File: 44 KB, 540x540, milo-malt-cocoa-drink-2-2-lbs-1kg-nestle-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wave:scroll: Dancing for milocoin

>> No.1860042

Can someone help me get started with this, no idea how to get milocoins except beg


>> No.1860044
File: 39 KB, 600x638, the_call_you_have_to_take.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes in high gear

>> No.1860045

Can you add to this piece of shit I made, or do something similar?

You are talented at meme warfare. Have you contacted the devs?

>> No.1860046
File: 209 KB, 1103x740, youarehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1860050

thats just a copy paste, but i still got you senpai

Classy. Money is calling, bae - go read a book

>> No.1860056

I posted it in a thread last night and didn't activate my wallet properly!!!
appreciate it bro :)

>> No.1860065

I'm over here huddled around ms paint, making maymays and MiloCoin has over 130 votes! No coin does that this fast

>> No.1860067
File: 567 KB, 783x876, entitlement_generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1860071


Hit me up senpai. Trying to hit 500

>> No.1860078

remember to phone into gavin's show today everyone.


>> No.1860079
File: 296 KB, 500x574, milovsaltgoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing this one

>> No.1860083

Can someone send me a gaycoin to see if it works?

>> No.1860085
File: 2.71 MB, 391x355, 1486141524145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck people like this exist


>not memeing yourself to money

well ok

>> No.1860088
File: 2.09 MB, 1536x903, MiloFlag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another fresh MIlo.

That one, I dunno if it can really be made better. I'll have to think on it.

>> No.1860090
File: 320 KB, 397x401, shes-waiting-for-a-milocoin-chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading to bed lads. You know I get you guys tomorrow, so keep doing good work.

Tomorrow I'd like to see some spicy rare Milo's.

Be sure to tell the day shift to vote and remind everyone to vote. We, the graveshard shift managed 150 votes in 4 hours.. on a Tuesday!

Day shift is ADHD so keep pounding into their heads.

>> No.1860091
File: 2.08 MB, 1536x903, newmilo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to edit it a tab bit more.

>> No.1860095

Also, I haven't contacted them. you think I should?

>> No.1860102

it's basically listed. we should tweet at the exchange to process it the second it's at 350

>> No.1860103
File: 80 KB, 648x720, chimneyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not memeing yourself to money

My heart's just not in it :(

>> No.1860107
File: 289 KB, 720x576, 1489554425468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heart doesn't make money, action does.

I waited long fucking enough, and my going-to-school-only-not-working situation has provided me with an amazing amount of time and insight to research other ways to make money on the back of the inevitable crypto explosion. Don't get left behind like so many have already.

>> No.1860108


>> No.1860112


>stuck at 201

Vote dammit

So when do you guys think its actually going to be listed? This morning? Because I'm waiting on a big transfer on coinbase and I need to get some BTC ready for when Milo's ready

>> No.1860113

milocoin only needs 49 more votes on Nova!

>> No.1860115

voting now; I definitely want in on this! btw my wallet says its "out of sync". is this a problem?


>> No.1860127

says i'm to poor to vote how to get around that?

>> No.1860134
File: 19 KB, 1081x152, extension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"out of sync"
did you add nodes?

here's the guide -
1. close milocoin wallet

2. go to - C:\Users\<your admin name>\AppData\Roaming\MiloCoin

3. make a txt file, name it Milocoin, and paste this -
save the file.

4. is the file's extension visible? see pic related to make the extension visible if it isn't already.

5. do you know how to change file extension? you have to change .txt to .conf. and you are done.

restart milocoin wallet. it will start syncing.

>> No.1860156

It's working now, thanks. For whatever reason this info doesn't seem to be in the OP of the ANN thread... It's hidden on page 6.

>> No.1860175

Any exchanges open?? Btc > milo

>> No.1860232

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.1860234

Guys I don't know how this works but I suddenly opened the wallet for the first time today and see this. Where did the 69 Milos come from? Someone PLEASE EXPLAIN.

>> No.1860237
File: 122 KB, 834x447, MiloCoin - Wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops forgot pic

>> No.1860240
File: 3.55 MB, 1370x1256, milomosh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a classy data-mosh milo

>> No.1860243

a good anon is sending them to people who post their addresses here.

if you complete bounty activities, dev will send you more coins as well.

>> No.1860254

Idk but I'd slay a dragon for those tits

>> No.1860255

Welp, gotta go to sleep so I don't die... godspeed anons; hope i don't miss the launch


>> No.1860262

been begging like crazy still no one send me even a single millimilo


>> No.1860302

I'll give you my mixtape for a milo

>> No.1860315

How do I start syncinc the Milo wallet? Also, help a poor Anon with some faggot coins.


>> No.1860318
File: 153 KB, 902x655, Bildschirmfoto vom 2017-03-15 14:35:50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture.

>> No.1860328
File: 46 KB, 603x603, 1486491703547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyyy what's good Milocoiners

I was the dude who *almost* got to speak with Gavin yesterday; not the guy he re-tweeted, and not the dev, just an anon with an itch to see this coin go to da moon

I was on hold for an hour and a half but Mercedes' boobies proved to be too stronk and they never got to my call... I will be attempting to call again today.

At any rate, someone was kind to me last night and I wanted to say *thank you*

This coin cannot hit exchanges soon enough - buy cheap, profit large

If any miners are feeling generous n the meantime:

>> No.1860335

Do this:

>> No.1860336

I'm on Linux, though.

>> No.1860337

No idea then, ask in the bitcointalk thread.

>> No.1860338

just find the wallet location, then make a .conf file.
if you are on linux you probably are proficient enough to know what you are doing.

>> No.1860344

Put milocoin.conf in ~/.milocoin/
Make sure it's lowercase, ie. milocoin.conf and not Milocoin.conf as in the other description. I had that problem in Ubuntu until I changed the case of the filename.

>> No.1860350

Strange, it won't start up once I put milocoin.conf in the folder. See pic related, does yours look the same?

>> No.1860352
File: 73 KB, 1257x634, Bildschirmfoto vom 2017-03-15 14:59:50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot the picture again.

>> No.1860353

the case doesn't matter on windows machine.

replace : with = in the first addnode line

>> No.1860354
File: 136 KB, 852x581, Bildschirmfoto vom 2017-03-15 15:04:21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This worked, thanks a lot. Syncing now.
My new wallet address if anyone is feeling generous:


>> No.1860355

Literally just did this in the morning. Thank you anon for the great tutorial on how to fix the sync issue. I don't want to wagecuck as much like my family before me but this is going to be a great ride.

>> No.1860361

Guys, on which exchanges should I register to get my hands on the first MiloCoins? I'm a Euro if that matters.

>> No.1860363

Yoshit most likely

>> No.1860369

Just registered. Fucking autistic UI. Do you need to verify your identity on the site? Can't find the setting.

>> No.1860376

will you be able to /shapeshift/ your coins into milo?

Also consider giving me a little: MN37WxZKWjAoPtion5MZBuBoqzih56DksZ

>> No.1860398

As far as I remember you only need an email for these sites. Consider registering c-cex and nova exchange while you're at it.

>> No.1860423

check the wallets lads

>> No.1860426


>> No.1860429

Thank you based Anon.

>> No.1860441
File: 53 KB, 616x462, 1485789739316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, thanks broooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.1860448

can't wait for milo to listed on the exchanges.

address - MMUosYWz4X46srSp74HHFHyPNXyyxSkYQZ

>> No.1860449


Someone have 69 to me so whoever that was thanks based anon. I'll give out a few if anyone sends any more while I'm sleeping and dreaming of the moon

>> No.1860455

habbening gents

>> No.1860461
File: 283 KB, 640x960, stargate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to buy Milocoin?
I read that an anon is giving some Milo, could someone give me some too?

>> No.1860465
File: 68 KB, 654x960, 15672889_1375696282494062_463290752729996654_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone would bless an anon with his first few coins I would be most grateful :)


>> No.1860467

Lets go fags, two more votes.


>> No.1860471

Voted. One more vote.

>> No.1860476

249 / 250 votes.

>> No.1860479

Also, my wallet is: MKqQXa4gePCgkj1wJiZnM72ubUzE2zNMW6

>> No.1860497


>Whatever file browser you use - show hidden files
/home/user/.milocoin/milocoin.conf (create yourself in text editor)

>type or paste




>> No.1860511

My wallet still says "out of sync" and Offline.
What should i do? It is allowed on the firewall.

>> No.1860512
File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just submitted the last vote on novaexchange! proof in screenshot. accepting rewards here:

>> No.1860514

I tried to vote, but it does not show any option to do so.

>> No.1860516

yeah because the vote is over now

>> No.1860518

I wonder if we're launching soon


>> No.1860520

umm, did you turn it off and on again?

>> No.1860522

What happens now?

>> No.1860528

hopefully the coin's info will show up on novaexchange now

>> No.1860535

Can anyone give me an instruction how I can mine Milo coins with bfgminer, if it's not too complicated? I never mined before. It asks me for a pool URL, a username and a password in the CLI. I'd like to try it.

>> No.1860539


address - MMX7ZCWDZ8zXjgpnZogpma6DMTFUxhdYyT

>> No.1860541

Yep, still out of sync.

>> No.1860553

It also says: 0 Active connection(s) to the Milo Network.

>> No.1860580

do what this guy said:

>> No.1860581

did you enable file extensions in Windows folder?

make sure you are changing the actual file extension and not just renaming it .conf.txt

>> No.1860601
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, drumpflost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna beg for some shekels. Also if anyone wants to follow for follow my twitter is @chris_vaderr

>> No.1860605

OOPS - here is wallet

>> No.1860615

wow anon, really appreciated. Lets head to the moon

>> No.1860622

Thank you guys :3

If someone can send me some coins, my wallet is MKqQXa4gePCgkj1wJiZnM72ubUzE2zNMW6

>> No.1860626

MILOCOIN got 250 votes on nova. lets go.

>> No.1860640

in 7 hours to boot

>> No.1860652
File: 35 KB, 400x802, 1392334658183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gib milimilo plz

>> No.1860660
File: 3 KB, 90x90, search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1860663
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>> No.1860665

so when might we see milocoin on the exchange?

>> No.1860675

>MiloCoin is an alternative cryptocurrency that will use the power of community building and a decentralized, immutable technological space to save Milo, decentralize the press and empower true freedom of speech. In other words, MiloCoin and it’s supporters will not allow Milo Yiannopoulos to be character assassinated. By fusing our fight for true free speech and an objective news presence with the most decentralized piece of technology ever invented, we can use MiloCoin to promote our message without fear of being silenced by them.

So ignoring all the dated vaporwave aesthetic and the meaningless fluff this is just a less supported bitcoin with a gay greek man on the logo?

>> No.1860678
File: 590 KB, 400x286, 1486499510987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1860681

you're doing god's work anon!

>> No.1860685

basically. isnt meme magic grand?

>> No.1860695

What did you say? Link?

>> No.1860704
File: 1.14 MB, 680x849, 1487249682692.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gave him the quick rundown, told him about the coin and the coins wating for hm, and discussed cryptos in general for a microsecond.

His show is a paid subscription thing but maybe someone with a sub can confirm - I used the name "Ian James" (check the last thread)

>> No.1860709

If the list of currencies still "processing" are any indication of order it looks like we're almost up

>> No.1860711

on nova or yobit?

>> No.1860714


>> No.1860717

my btc is on yobit is it worth sending some to nova or just waiting

>> No.1860722
File: 6 KB, 981x60, milo processing novaex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until listed?
any idea?

>> No.1860728

thats the thing. I would say nova because it looks like it is next in line to be listed. I just want to be the first to get on there. So if i was you, i would say nova

I would say give it an hour. maybe under

>> No.1860736

>give it an hour
and what about yobit? and any other exchange?

>> No.1860742

havent heard anything from yobit. Most people have been talking nova in this thread. anybody got anything?

>> No.1860750

Deposited a few BTC in my Nova account, preparing for the rocket launch. If a miner feels a bit generous he can help me on the road:

>> No.1860753


>> No.1860755

what do you think the starting price will be for a milocoin?

>> No.1860761
File: 17 KB, 533x376, 14731198_1122776434455932_5933573571151278075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long does it take to transfer from a wallet to nova or yobit? Is it instantaneous or should I start moving coins there now?

>> No.1860764

If someone would be willing to make a quick mining tutorial that would be a godsend. I tried to figure it out but it seems either the info is too scattered or i'm just too much of a doofus... Assuming pc mining is feasible in this context

>> No.1860770

not really feasible. you're better off just buying coins once exchanges are released

>> No.1860773

Start now. I transfered mine 12 minutes ago and it's still pending.

>> No.1860780

Gotcha. I wasn't sure if, because it's new, the low difficulty would make pc mining a thing

>> No.1860783

it says in phase 3 on the homepage that they will be allowing mining of 100000 blocks. so it will be there soon

>> No.1860795

what do you mean by "it will be there soon"?

it will be minable with a CPU soon?

>> No.1860798

nova? yobit? I'm just not sure which exchange will open first. Don't want to move too many coins to an exchange that doesn't end up supporting milocoin until it's too late

>> No.1860803

they didnt explain that on the home page. it just says it will be mineable

>> No.1860807

i can't find the deposit page for milo coin on nova.
can you point me in the right direction?

>> No.1860809

100-300 satoshi

>> No.1860821

I sure hope so

>> No.1860830

there won't be an option to deposit milocoin until the exchange puts it up. it will add it to the exchange and there will be a Wallet for milo coin that will allow Deposits and Withdrawals. It will happen at once and appear under /wallets/balances

could be a pump as we all try to buy what few coins there may be

>> No.1860832

OP your debian build documentation is garbage and so is working with qt

>> No.1860835

Guys, how do you know when it is time to dump a shitcoin? At what ROI should one sell before it's dumped?

>> No.1860837


>> No.1860843

Also, is there a way to be notified when Nova puts up Milocoin? It's my first shitcoin ever.

>> No.1860845

when you are happy with it. no one can say when a dump will come. sell when you think you have a good return.

>> No.1860846

>there won't be an option to deposit...
i thought so, i just wonder where >>1860773 transfered his milo coin to.

oh wait, what's this?
but i don't have an account on alcurex ...
maybe i should make one now.

>> No.1860852

I thought you were talking about BTC. I didn't transfer MILO, just the BTC to buy it once it's there.

>> No.1860855
File: 48 KB, 740x357, milo-feat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1860856

My btc is taking so long to transfer to nova

>> No.1860857

Its on nova now too!

>> No.1860858

Shit, should I transfer my BTC to Alcurex right now or wait until Milo will be available on Nova? Fuck me.

>> No.1860862

nova exchange is up

>> No.1860863

no it's not

>> No.1860865

What's the price?

>> No.1860866


>> No.1860869


>> No.1860871

nevermind yes it is

>> No.1860873

alcurex alcurex alcurex

>> No.1860874

are we sending our milo there right now?
what's the fee? 0.01?

>> No.1860876

Fuck Bitcoin transaction times in gonna miss cheap milos

>> No.1860880

someone has to transfer their coins to Nova before there are coins to sell.

>> No.1860882

I just did. 0.2 for 69 Milos.

>> No.1860885

>someone has to transfer their coins to Nova
i'm on it.
just tell me if i should send it even when it says the transaction is over the size limit.

>> No.1860889

Guys, how can I place an advance order to buy the first Milos that will be on the market? Or do I have to wait and do it manually?

>> No.1860890

i don't know kek, send in smaller batches. i had that problem with trump coin and just sent them in 2 lots.

>> No.1860893
File: 157 KB, 728x541, sent to nova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent to nova.
now we wait.

>> No.1860896

how to buy 1000000 milo coins? i have the money since they are so cheap. it wont let me buy more than 1

>> No.1860898
File: 14 KB, 1000x207, incoming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming to nova.
waiting for it confirm.

>> No.1860900

go to alcurex


>> No.1860914

i figured it out. i had to set the price first. first time trading so had to cancel a few times kek

>> No.1860933

i'm on nova and 10k sat is too low fags, take it higher.

>> No.1860938

how long do orders take? i bought like 725000 for .0000004 right at the beginning.

>> No.1860943

IT WAS AT FUCKING 10 VOTES WHEN I WENT TO SLEEP... now it's listed? wtf happened. I thought I had more time to transfer btc

>> No.1860944

Gibe 100 Milos plox.

>> No.1860948

a buy ORDER is not a buy. Google it.. nobody is gonna fill at that price. it's well above that already I'm I'm REEEEEEing now, my btc is still sending..wtf so slow

>> No.1860951

How do I transfer BTC from Coinbase into NovaExchange?

>> No.1860954

10k is 13¢. 25k is 30¢+. it isn't a 30¢ coin

nobody sold you 725000 coins at 4, they weren't on the market. your order is placed and someone sells you the coins, or someone places a sell order and you claim it.

>> No.1860956


way better exchange than novashit

>> No.1860958

Guys use NOVA not that other exchange... too risky

>> No.1860966


>> No.1860968

if you give me some coins i will write "i love milocoin" on my dick and send it to various girls on kik. they will spread the word and tell other friends about it
>> profit


>> No.1860969

don't listen to this fag use ALCUREX. nova is shit. nova wants loads of details. alcurex you can trade without even confirming your email.

>> No.1860971

yeah i figured. worth a try i guess for the keks. I bought a reasonable 41 next go around

>> No.1860976

Alcurex is not even loading here, slow as hell.
I liked the idea of no-docs needed.

>> No.1860978

where are you?

>> No.1860979

>nova wants loads of details
no it doesn't. i signed up today with an email only.

>> No.1860980

>it isn't a 30¢ coin
what do you reckon it's price is then?

>> No.1860983

Brazil. No bully plox.

>> No.1860986

to be honest, today might get people a but frisky and the price will be higher, but it should be less than 1 cent because no one but us and pajeets from bitcointalk know about it. but i can see that around 500 to 1k sats is fair today.

>> No.1860988

Apparently we just got the video guy from Trumpcoin on board

we're about to be aesthetic as FUCK

>> No.1860994
File: 2.48 MB, 1639x2048, wachowtlilbish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1860997

come on man, don't be like this.
i'm sure there'll be a good pump sooner or later.

>> No.1861015

You jews overpricing it on nova is getting us nowhere

>> No.1861020

premined crapcoin
not even subtle about it

>> No.1861032

price has leveled out to a reasonable fraction of a cent. good job guys

>> No.1861034
File: 300 KB, 1024x768, 1485790239960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're giving away a LOT of coin to the community m8 - don't be a sourpuss

If ya don't like it, don't mine/buy it.

>> No.1861037

How do i get some coins?

>> No.1861039

Sell for cheaper you niggers

>> No.1861042

Hi Dep... How's trumpcoin? :^]

re:the price
it's literally in the ANN, pajeet miners need a day or two to sell off, they have zero concept of long term ROI.
Real price won't be solidified until a few days.

>> No.1861045

goddamnit it's too low.

>> No.1861049
File: 1.89 MB, 654x600, 1485975479359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go to the ANN post on Bitcointalk there are bounties there

Also the dev is literally just showering random coins on wallets posted in public places - I've received several mystery payouts

>> No.1861052
File: 1.83 MB, 450x450, 1486323206846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real price won't be solidified until a few days.

This - have an ounce of chill bros, don't sperg out just because it's live now

>> No.1861053

Could you post the link, please?

>> No.1861057

I'm on alcurex right now but i'm trying to get onto novaexchange too. never used it before. how do I even find my novaexchange address to send btc there from my wallet?

>> No.1861060
File: 4 KB, 85x144, 2017-03-13-13-53-59-1734889345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends,
Wageslave miner from yesterday here.

I won't even look at price until at least a week. I'll be continuing to give out my 69s :^] to all wallet addresses posted in this thread.. possibly more if you post a rare new milo pic.

pls no ip rotate

>> No.1861069

click on Wallets in the top right, search for bitcoins or scroll down and look for Deposit beside it for your address.

>> No.1861081
File: 22 KB, 512x512, fabpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are kind mate. i can't mine sadly as my computer just isn't powerful enough.

>> No.1861082


>> No.1861094

thank you kind sir. doing kind work

>> No.1861101
File: 84 KB, 900x900, MHGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the OP my dude, "announcement thread"

>> No.1861102


>> No.1861104

thanks friendo

>> No.1861106
File: 20 KB, 318x360, 1486494446666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for putting in the Kilowatts friend

>> No.1861110

so, i'm guessing we'll see a dump before the price starts to stabilize?

also how come people have hundreds of thousands of milocoin already? where did they get them from?

please, and thanks.
address - MRWrwRM2VbnST6DskgWXuPDnugt1PVS4T6

>> No.1861113

Can't mine on my laptop. Anyone wanna spare a few milosheks


>> No.1861116

Please gib :DDDDD

>> No.1861120

We got videoguy? That's great. His stuff was probably the only actual work put into the coin and it was fantastic.

>> No.1861126
File: 234 KB, 451x460, 1486499885185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm guessing we'll see a dump before the price starts to stabilize?

Things will look all fucky today, I wouldn't pay much mind to it at the moment.

>also how come people have hundreds of thousands of milocoin already? where did they get them from?

Bounties, and the dev is super generously just dropping coins on random wallets. It's nuts, almost like they were in the Burstcoin community and were inspired by the "rain".

>> No.1861128

>just dropping coins on random wallets
oh. i love air drops.
maybe i'll get lucky soon.

>> No.1861134

did anyone get on the Gavin McInnes show today?


>> No.1861135

Pretty please :^)

Also why does it say that wallet is out of sync?

When is MILO coming to yobit, I don't feel like using these weird exchanges. I'll definitely buy a ton when it's listed on yobit

>> No.1861139

Oh shit good job Ian
Can anyone get a video link and crop it?

>> No.1861140

Here my friend >>1860134

>> No.1861142

>"out of sync"
did you add nodes?

here's the guide -
1. close milocoin wallet

2. go to - C:\Users\<your admin name>\AppData\Roaming\MiloCoin

3. make a txt file, name it Milocoin, and paste this -
save the file.

4. is the file's extension visible? see pic related to make the extension visible if it isn't already.

5. do you know how to change file extension? you have to change .txt to .conf. and you are done.

restart milocoin wallet. it will start syncing.

from this morning way up there in the thread

>> No.1861151

Fixed it thanks a lot!

>> No.1861154


>> No.1861167
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1439864093518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After so many alt coins on biz over the last couple of years, you finally got me into one. Let's get this baby to the moon! MPFkXWJziDPbwYSqqA7jpPFoUSZuxH59dm

>> No.1861168
File: 161 KB, 750x1648, rare_milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope the this Milo is rare enough senpai

>> No.1861174
File: 250 KB, 445x302, Screen-Shot-2016-04-22-at-9.04.09-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my rare milo

>> No.1861180

Why will nobody sell me 30k :(

>> No.1861184

what's up with the second node? that wasn't in the original guide

>> No.1861188
File: 316 KB, 880x710, milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase loves to take its sweet fucking time sending over my Bitcoin to nova. Also heres a milo. MU7ohYmXvhZoLBJsHD8JWa31UMrx9Wtpnj

>> No.1861193
File: 30 KB, 500x557, 14595794_1468819383133951_7709654344079877168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone start trading on alcurex plz

>> No.1861204

you should ask the miner. he is up there in the thread. Also, try running the wallet without the second node and see what happens

>> No.1861210

what's up with the second node? >>1861142

>> No.1861215

whens the price going to go down to like the 20-30 sat range?

>> No.1861220

Wait until all the miners start selling.

>> No.1861221
File: 73 KB, 1356x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I use this website? looking to buy some coins but there is no chart at all

>> No.1861224
File: 187 KB, 920x489, dwayum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon - haven't figured out how to watch it without paying but here's a screenshot of the show log

>> No.1861234

click on the sell orders and buy them

>> No.1861238

theres no chart because no coins have been sold. look at the prices, it is 90000 per but on nova the last coin was sold at 150. use nova. it has much much more volume and action.

>> No.1861241

I haven't mined since PandaCoin and forgot how to do it. Where do I go to download a miner.

>> No.1861243

you suspect it'll go that low?

or lower?
I have buy orders at like 27k should i drop em?

>> No.1861250

oh shit, good thing i didn't buy

>> No.1861258

price will go full le pen soon btw
>people are buying this for over a 100 sat

>> No.1861259

Do we have someone here who can sell 1k Milocoins? How much for 1k Milo?

>> No.1861264

will le pen return for the election?

>> No.1861265

20-ish sat fair or lower do you think

>> No.1861267

How much does 100 Milocoins worth?

>> No.1861268

what does that mean? did lepen go like 40 sat?

>> No.1861271

yeah id think so, ive got a bit

thick sell walls atm but they could always drop

>> No.1861275

lepen is like 7 sat atm

>> No.1861280

there are about 700 million le pens, so the value of le pen will always be quite low

>> No.1861283

How do you send from coinbase to nova? Been trying to figure it out all morning

>> No.1861285

What's the amount of coins of MILO vs LEPEN?

MILO is kinda expensive atm, hopefully it will drop soon

>> No.1861286

so if i understood correctly, one way of doing this is:

1-buy bitcoin with a coinbase account
2-transfer bitcoin from coinbase to the address generated in nova exchange (which is taking more than 5 minutes for me)
3-in nova, exchange bitcoin for MILO
4-transfer MILO to the wallet in my hard drive

is this correct? i guess if i fucked up somewhere at least im having fun learning

>> No.1861290
File: 479 KB, 837x1203, catgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Thanks m8, we will do this together

>> No.1861291

go to nova, go to wallets, find bitcoin, click deposit btc, it will give you the address, use that address in coinbase to send your bitcoin.

>> No.1861296

one piece of advice here - no point in transferring milo back to your wallet.
just trade it on nova.

otherwise your points is exactly how you do it.

>> No.1861299

>No incoming transactions, will update shortly.

pls nova

>> No.1861306
File: 188 KB, 700x394, milo IA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1861326


>> No.1861331

thanks. this means i don't have to fix that out of sync issue

this is so stressful. i'm still on my test transaction, i haven't even bought any MILO yet


>> No.1861334
File: 1.06 MB, 1714x2083, 1485792063485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK - I've got 2200 set aside - I'll gibe 100 MILO to any anon that posts a fresh Milocoin meme

That's 22 memes to clean me out boyz, let's go

>> No.1861336
File: 13 KB, 508x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this?

>> No.1861344

there will be 30 million Milo when mining is over. i think i read somewhere earlier that there are about 2.5 million now, but it don't know if that includes the coins that counted as pre-mine or not.

>> No.1861346

click yes

>> No.1861353

will it still go through? what is a size limit

>> No.1861354

I will go through faster with the fee

>> No.1861359

>2-transfer bitcoin from coinbase to the address generated in nova exchange (which is taking more than 5 minutes for me)

bitcoin can take upto an hour to transfer, often it is quicker but not usually less than 20 minutes.

>> No.1861362

i know that, but i don't get what it means by size limit
i have 69milo, and i am sending 68.80 to account for the fee

>> No.1861364
File: 133 KB, 220x323, RAREST_MILO_OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1861367

is this why dashpay is popular?

>> No.1861368


>> No.1861380

there is some reason why Satoshi decided to make bitcoin transfer at that speed, but i don't know why. lots of other coins have made it much quicker. i think Dash has a few reasons why it is popular, but to be honest, since i dismissed the first Dash threads i haven't read into it, as it jumped by about $50, i don't want to revisit the heartbreak.

>> No.1861389

I'll take it - check yo wallet bruh

>> No.1861455

Can someone please help me with the config file?
In the official MiloCoin post it says that I have to add


But when make a config file and save it as milocoin.conf, I get a runtime error message and the wallet doesn't start. What did I do wrong?

>> No.1861465

will suck cock for milo


>> No.1861479

did you exit the wallet at the taskbar?

>> No.1861480

I transfered some bitcoin from coinbase like 4 hours ago and its still sitting at 0 confirmations... whats the deal?

>> No.1861481

Based anon delivered, much appreciated.

>> No.1861482

Have you closed the client before editing?

>> No.1861539

it finally transferred... I was starting to get nervous

>> No.1861545


>> No.1861560

It's never taken that long before; I was worried I fucked up somehow and lost my sweet crypto monies

>> No.1861576

Is there an easy guide somewhere on how to get started for a complete beginner?

>> No.1861589

what miner should I use?

>> No.1861591

thats what i thought when i was transferring. bitcoin is so fucking slow.

>> No.1861594

Guys what a decent price I should be buying milocoins for?

>> No.1861604

Same question here.

>> No.1861615
File: 8 KB, 318x159, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did radio bro who talked to Gavin get his bounty?

>> No.1861621

It's worth basically nothing right now, so I'd say right now right?

>> No.1861622

Right now we have low supply and relatively high demand. I think that as the supply increases the demand will increase, but not nearly as much.

Read: Less than what it is in nova atm.

I'd say ballpark about 50 sats

>> No.1861628

Also wondering if the audio is anywhere to listen to yet?

>> No.1861631

Thank you, lads.

>> No.1861637

Can someone send a coin to check if the wallet works?


Thanks in advance

>> No.1861644
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1485772152018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, thanks anon

>> No.1861646

bumping this

>> No.1861648 [DELETED] 

How do you mine this? Any guide or tut?

>> No.1861652

Is there audio available for free anywhere? If not, can you give us the basic Bogdown?

>> No.1861655


You can set up a subscription or pay 99 cents for the episode. Gavin from what I could see was interested. Said he would post a link at some point to milocoin.info

>> No.1861656
File: 3 KB, 107x125, 1392335136699s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you shout me a milo or 2 I am poor.


in return I give you this vintage merchant

>> No.1861657

you have to subscribe

>> No.1861663

What miner should you use for this?

>> No.1861664


>> No.1861677

when does the volume on nova go up?

>> No.1861679

Create an account there and ask them for some coins, there is a guy there giving 69 Milocoins for anyone.

>> No.1861704


Dont post your wallet on btctalk. It will get the thread locked.

>> No.1861705

Haven't found free audio yet, but the bogdown is here - >>1860704

>> No.1861709

Here my friend, they can give you way more than i can.

>> No.1861723
File: 580 KB, 1000x1000, 1485785316550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your wallet mayne

Don't post it in Bitcointalk tho

>> No.1861725

can someone give me a quick rundown on what the gameplan is here?
Are miners giving there coins to nova right now and we're waiting for a price drop?

>> No.1861728
File: 154 KB, 640x427, gayboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to post my wallet there.
So if someone would be so kind as to verify my homoboy's wallet


>> No.1861743

new thread lads

>> No.1861776
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x1836, sendcoinpwease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can someone of you c-cute generous f-fags p-pwease send me some M-MiloCoins?


>> No.1861799
File: 50 KB, 500x667, 1489214904465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1861854

I just got a boner.

>> No.1861872
File: 41 KB, 660x448, sls-rocket-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help a fellow anon get to the moon?


>> No.1861875

im in boys, daddy here we come.

Original voter.

>> No.1861898

Hey fuckers stop overvaluing the milocoin right now and let me buy in at a decent price!

>> No.1861906

What do you fellas think it will drop to? Also how much is a Sat again?

>> No.1861912

I wanna buy in at 0.00000100 but people have it at 0.00000300

>> No.1861957

Super low supply right now. We are all early as fuck, isn't going to hurt waiting a few days.

>> No.1861964


Ok... so how is this better than Trumpcoin? Besides supporting Milo.

Fine, I'll bite


>> No.1861970

300 is about 0.4cents give or take. still a decent price long term. whether you think it will drop down to 100 or not is part of the game. i don't know myself, the 300's are looking tempting, but i'm hesitant.

>> No.1862040

Don't be stupid. It's extremely foolish to buy right now with such a low amount in circulation.

>> No.1862127
File: 80 KB, 720x960, BOIzwLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up after graveyard shift. whats up faggots

when we buying? my body's ready

>> No.1862128

When do you think the volume will be high enough? What is a good number?

>> No.1862141

when it's cheaper (under 100sat)

>> No.1862143

trying to figure out how to use novaexchange. I don't see how to buy anything or deposit. -_-

>> No.1862148

I'm thinking somewhere in 50-100 sats. As for volume I don't know, but I will be keeping an eye on it.

>> No.1862149

What is sat again?

You have to transfer Bitcoin from Coinbase and use it to buy Gaycoin

>> No.1862152

new thread?? anyone want to do that, I'm mobile.

do you think miner bro will be able to us coins if it archives??

>> No.1862159


>> No.1862168

where's my wallet on novaexchange? its not the unique txcode is it?

>> No.1862197

Go to wallets in the top right then go to balances then find BTC click deposit and it will give you the address.

>> No.1862200

Press the Milocoin drop down in the list of wallets, and press 'deposit'. Then you can generate an address to send Milocoin to.

>> No.1862201
File: 165 KB, 1000x1000, 1483971217185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks brother

>> No.1862217

well guys, I'm waiting on a large deposit on coinbase for another several days, still not verified on gemini...can't access my circle account (new phone)...

what's a quick way to buy BTC? I wanna be ready soon without having to wait for my coinbase deposit

>> No.1862280

1 sat is the lowest significant figure

>> No.1862297

so right now it's at 220 sat?

>> No.1862340

alright i bought my 50 milos

>> No.1862372

so is it going to drop from 300 sats or is it climbing all day?

>> No.1862439

Am I missing something with localbitcoins? They really expect me to get up and go make a cash deposit at the bank to buy bitcoin? Is this a joke?

Wtf is the cheapest payment method without having to leave my PC?

>> No.1862462

you can search for different payment options. i use bank transfer, but it depends on your country

>> No.1862464

>price just keeps rising

>> No.1862467

should I buy fucking shitty inflated bitcoin off localbitcoins or just wait till tomorrow for a better rate? how much time is money rn anon hit me

>> No.1862478

new thread >>1862247
new thread >>1862247
new thread >>1862247

>> No.1862481

localbitcoins is always inflated, thats why people sell coins there. i just suck it up and make it from coin rises. it is about $20-20 per bitcoin, nothing to worry about IMO