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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 430 KB, 770x696, trumptardswilldefendthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18604227 No.18604227 [Reply] [Original]

>Get back in the cage, wagie!
>Oh, you caught coronavirus because we didn't take proper precautions and you have a $30,000 medical bill? We're just gonna lay you off, and no, you can't sue us.

Thank you for this based Trump! MAGA am I right? Hahaha.

>> No.18604259

>Trump making it so wagies can get back to work
>Not doing anything about the fraud insurance companies not paying out for 'pandemic insurance'


>> No.18604777

This boy, I can't call this vile piece of shit a man, is an absolute travesty of a human being.

>> No.18604839

Everyday the shills get more desperate.

If you guys were winning, you would have to post here and beg for yous

>> No.18604870

Do Trumptards honestly think all this money printing and government intervention will help?

>> No.18604928

do you not understand its fake? do you not understand China is stocking up on oil for war w us? the only country to beneficent from this virus is the country that created it. Its all planned. China kicking out US Reportes, them reporting higher numbers than there actual are. US economy crashing.

>> No.18604956

no, he needs to open up the country ASAP. what hes doing will not work.

>> No.18604964
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Trump bends knee to Emperor Bezos

>> No.18604998
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>> No.18605060


I wish you could suck my dick like you suck Trump's, it must be great to have someone sucking it all day long.

>> No.18605128


>> No.18605172
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>> No.18605238

Take your meds, shizo. Every country is suffering. The US should be the best equipped to deal with that thing. Imagine living in a third world country. Butt Trump is blowing it, the richest country and he is blowing it.

>> No.18605253

Shut the fuck up and stay in /ptg/

>> No.18605289
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>> No.18606109
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How exactly is the US the best equipped to deal with a pandemic?
>almost all medicine, medical equipment and PPE is manufactured in other countries (outsourcing and globalization has been a problem since long before Trump entered politics and he is our first president who has tried to put a stop to this shit)
>the Constitution drastically limits what the government can do to stop the spread of a pandemic: China-tier solutions like welding bars on doors are not legal in the US and the government has no authority to limit gatherings or peaceful protests
>50 governors and 50 different state health departments are all doing their own thing to handle the pandemic in their area, the federal government can offer guidelines and ask states to do things a certain way but ultimately state politicians lead their state the way they want
>building off the last point, certain states are using this pandemic as an opportunity to play politics and attack le bad orange man in an election year (see how much Cuomo screeched about Glumph personally killing New Yorkers because he didn't send every ventilator in the country to NYC, turns out their city didn't need even a fraction of the number of ventilators he was demanding)
>at the federal level half the politicians in DC have a knee-jerk reaction to disagree with anything Trump says, so we have people like Pelosi and Schumer REEEEing about racism after Trump took steps to prevent Chinese plague-spreaders from entering the country
>these people are also attacking Trump for not doing enough while simultaneously claiming he doesn't have the power to do anything and he has to let the states make every decision
The system is designed to water down the federal government and keep centralized authority from being too strong. Most times that is good but a pandemic reveals a lot of shortcomings in how we do things because we have too many chiefs and not enough Indians right now.

>> No.18606350

Trump voters are dumb retards who think the whole thing is a hoax anyway so red flags wont go off when reading this headline. They'll simply have to learn the hard way.

>> No.18606373


get back to work, goyim

>> No.18606398
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Sacrifice yourself to the free market, goy. Don't you want to go back to work?

>> No.18606417

I'm pretty sure you're the same guy that keeps posting his fantasies about people sucking on Trump's nob. I think you have problems.

>> No.18606447

>he thinks the constitution written by white cisgender male bigots is still relevant

>> No.18606581

>He thinks a piece of paper is magic and actually means a single thing

>> No.18606956


Take your meds schizo.

>> No.18607122

Found the Chinabot

>> No.18607147

>orange man bad

>> No.18607196

>corporations bad

>> No.18607287

Fuck lawyers. Go Trump!

>> No.18607299

At my old job one of my coworkers accidentally dumped a bunch of hot oil in a lab accident and almost melted her goddamn foot off. It turned black for a bit.

Our bogus insurance company made her chase her money forever.

So, more of the same then?

>> No.18607309

Is this the power of America first?

>> No.18607386

>melted her foot off
Found the problem

>> No.18607431

I didn't sue Arby's when I got HIV from my coworker in the broom closet. How is this any different

>> No.18608007

do you idiots seriously think removing OSHA requirements for businesses is a good idea, or are you just trolling NEETs

>> No.18608332
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Hi kike

>> No.18608359

yes. good goy. stay indoors until your all knowing elected officials tell you its safe to come out!

>> No.18608409

>Antisemitic trumpfags
Definition of cognitive dissonance

>> No.18608423


If big business says it's good all the gud boi burgers will line up to defend them, for they too may one day be multi-millionaire business owners

>> No.18608443
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staying loyal to his true cause

>> No.18608465

Imagine still loving this retard while he fucks you. You're just as bad as all those blacks who only vote for people with a D next to their name.

>> No.18608490

I'd say they're worse because at least blacks give a shit when the government starts oppressing them. MIGAtards just take it and smile

>> No.18608536

You're on /biz/ not tumblr if you don't believe in contracts why the fuck are you here?

>> No.18608587

I really wouldn't compare the (((Constitution))) to a contract my cognitively impaired friend. Completely different animals.

>> No.18608635
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Israel has every right to exist.

>> No.18608743

Why not instead of giving corporations all the bailout money, you give it to ordinary people who are going to spend it and it'll end up in billionaire pockets anyway?
Oh yeah...

>> No.18609799

What retardation is this thought process of yours?
Few countries grant as much personal freedom to its citizens as the USA does.

>> No.18611234

he's making a loogie with his mouth

>> No.18612021

wagies eleborate plans foiled again

>> No.18612046

I unironically can't defend that.

>> No.18612071

It's literally no worse than the flu. Imagine shutting down your country over the fucking flu. Just imagine that. That is what we are doing with the Chinese virus. It's fucking insanity.

>> No.18612118

including the freedom to fuck off and die when your company kills you through their incompetence

>> No.18612407

>made her chase her money forever.
Of course the chase would take forever, she melted her foot.

>> No.18612709

You know you can quit your job, right?

>> No.18612795
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you're not a wageslave if you can just leave.
debt and rent are your ball and chain.

>> No.18612800

But I'm guessing you're too broke and you think you can't get unemployment insurance if you do quit over COVID.
I suppose it's the constitution's fault you're a poorfag wagie too?

>> No.18612815

Just go ahead and blame being a wagie on the constitution, then.

>> No.18612853
File: 38 KB, 640x621, bushsbeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP doesn't know what workers comp is.
Or that all insurance providers cover Covid
Or that people who sue people for acts of god are niggers and faggots and deserve rope
Yeah lets just sue the companies into oblivion while they are hobbling back from coronavirus, that will show the chinks!
He can't quit because he is a smoothbrain mexican tier worker. Nowhere to go but down or sideways.

>> No.18612855

i think you're confusing wage slaves and workers

>> No.18612877

Where will the wageslave end up if the business goes under because it was shut down by the government and then the unemployment insurance gets pulled a few months later?

>> No.18612895

>Please think of the poor companies

If they couldn't weather this storm maybe they should've kept a rainy day fund jar in the kitchen

>> No.18612907

If a company knowingly exposes its employees to risk and contamination then they deserve to be sued

>> No.18612916

Same goes for people then, get fucked wagie.

>> No.18612948

I mean that's what society already tells regular people so crops can pull themselves up by their bootstraps too

>> No.18612977
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>This boy, I can't call this vile piece of shit a man, is an absolute travesty of a human being.

>> No.18613015

Oh I wasn't aware that I could start a unprofitable business and get medicaid for it, food stamps, and unemployment insurance if my clients drop me.
Cool, thanks for the head's up regarding all the ways employees have it worse than businesses do.

>> No.18613063

Would have been the same no matter who was elected.

>> No.18613086

Let's be clear. Trump is an absolutely venal human being. A base defiler and huckster of the lowest order circling the bowl.
But he's great for my stonks. And that's all that really matters.

>> No.18613109

>Businesses and the economy in general have been screwing the average American worker in terms of buying power for decades now
>Corporate shill mad he's getting a taste of it now

>> No.18613146

Yeah go fucking seize the means of cappuccino production from your local starbucks, wagie.

>> No.18613166

>He's still angry
Boy this tanking economy is gonna be fun to watch

>> No.18613184
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we were talking about quitting ones job, not being let go

>> No.18613187

Somehow I'm doubting you even have a job that you're being quarantined away from.

>> No.18613211

That's a fair point. I don't really have a response for that.

>> No.18614675

7D chess trust the plan

>> No.18614744
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>The just quit your job meme

It's like, nothings changed in all of history.

If the Slaves don't like it they can fall on there swords.
If the serfs don't like it they can starve!
If the wagies don't like it, they can "quit"!

And you still have retards like you two defending your masters because you want to be porch niggers/on your bosses employee of the month list.

It's all too funny.

>> No.18614790


>> No.18614879

Been a TACHYON Bootstrap phase node operator you attend exclusive workshops to know more on Tachyon's technology, Tachyon products, and even on how to generate revenue from your Tachyon nodes.

>> No.18614916


>> No.18615069

Society literally takes money from those who have it and uses it to inefficiently provide healthcare, food, and housing for the poor, which is more than people have received in any other time in history.
What more do you want?
A whore slobbing on every unemployed wagie's knob?

>> No.18615081

>he hasn't heard about the bailouts, grants, and 0% interest loans
Let's not even get into the fact that an individual can borrow money to incorporate, then be on the hook for absolutely nothing by having the corporation declare bankruptcy if it starts to go south.

>> No.18615113
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>> No.18615159

Hey retard.
NOBODY is for the bailouts, grants, and 0% interest loans. Let the businesses fail of their own accords.
What you're proposing instead is to have the government shut everything down, kill all businesses, without thinking another step ahead and realizing you'd be even more fucked if that ended up going according to your plan.
If it's so easy to incorporate and borrow money for your business without any risk, then why don't you do it? You aren't doing it because you have fuck all ideas for what to do with that money if someone gave it to you. You wouldn't have the slightest idea how to make that money grow, because if you did, you'd be doing it.
Instead you're just bitching about the fact that other people can do it because they actually have plans.

>> No.18615199
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>NOBODY is for the bailouts, grants, and 0% interest loans.

>> No.18615202

You literally think you have a better chance at getting more resources by posting anonymously trying to get people to embrace socialism, then either working a trade or starting a business.
You are acting as though your best hope to get ahead in life is to overthrow the current economic system, and rebuild a new one according to your ideas.
It is honestly fucking sad that your possibility of success is so remote and that's your best shot.
Try something new.

>> No.18615208


>> No.18615214

Vote him out then. But choose his replacement wisely.

>> No.18615218

Honestly kill yourself you dumb hypocrite snake.

>> No.18615223

>open the economy back up
>make it so the employees who get violently ill cant seek compensation from their employers
Absolutely devilish move

>> No.18615227

Alright put in the guy who literally has two brain cells left in his head. You better hope he picks a good VP.

>> No.18615228
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wow nigga, u mad, I ain't even the guy you were arguing with about whatever it was, just wanted to point out that there is such a thing as corporate welfare

>> No.18615233
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>> No.18615268

Nice pic. Thanks.

>> No.18615680

You should be mad too. It's bullshit.

>> No.18615728 [DELETED] 

If the government doesn't order quarantine operation procedures for businesses to strictly follow, they've got no business saying these companies are required to.

For and entity that really wants everyone to get back to work, they're really not making a strong case for themselves.


>> No.18615761

If the government doesn't outline strict quarantine operating procedures for businesses that are open, they have no business saying that these companies and their insurance are not liable for their employees safety.

For an entity that wants to reopen the country so bad, they sure aren't making a case for anyone to want to get back to work.
Pretty soon everyone will be voluntarily unemployed.


>> No.18615770
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>> No.18616146
