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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 1151x467, photo_2020-04-20_16-45-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18585372 No.18585372 [Reply] [Original]

An Ethereum Genesis address just bought $100,000 worth of Hex and staked it for 10 years. Ethereum devs are literally buying and hoarding Hex. HEX IS MOONING VIOLENTLY. WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT OIL AND CHAINLINK

>> No.18585393

I dont have 100k

>> No.18585419

How do you buy it? Only with BTC?

>> No.18585522

This is going to be an exit scam of epic proportions

>> No.18585537

on Uniswap, with ethereum using metamask

>> No.18585577

how. this dev nigger literally tied $100,000 of his money up for 10 years. if he emergency ends stake before half his time is up, part of his principal gets taken. literally cant be dumped on

>> No.18585612

This dev's not going to be one the exit scamming...

>> No.18585680

Vitalik silently buying up HEX
I guess he knows what's up

>> No.18586027

>Doesnt tell us what the coin actually does

Pajeet confirmed

>> No.18586175

Coin go up and up, and up.
What more do you want?

>> No.18586177
File: 167 KB, 1068x1334, Neeko-Lul-A.K.A.-OK-Boomer-Girl-27-1068x1334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open website
>video on top of the home page on PUMPAMENTALS
>coin designed to pump in value

pure pajeetery

>> No.18586230

how is she so fucking perfect it makes no sense

>> No.18586245
File: 312 KB, 512x512, 75050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP! It's a pump and dump scam. Avoid at all cost!

>> No.18586262


Richard isn't going to dump and ruin his image. Being able to rub the success of this coin in peoples faces is worth more to him than the thousands of Eth he has got out of this.

>> No.18587305

>a self-admitted scammer cares more about his image than making tens of thousand of eth
are you just taking that on faith or do you know him?

>> No.18587411

when did he admit he was a scammer?

>> No.18587441

You do know those genesis coins go for a premium right? Genesis coinholders have been selling to ICOs as a promotional scam for years

>> No.18587469

that's Richards OG bitcoin address buying up his own project so he can dump it on 4chan for doubting him

>> No.18587555

Why would an eth founder commit 10 years to a project he hasn't personally audited?

>> No.18587644

Which hex

>> No.18587715

it all seems too fishy

>> No.18587891

Checked. Because his retarded son inherited his eth after he passed away. Who knows. Many such reasons, but
Idk maybe I shouldn't have said self-admitted, but he IS a scammer.



Listen, I'm not blaming you guys for trying to hitch a ride on this thing, but you should at least know that the whole thing is a pretty thinly veiled pyramid scheme run by someone who doesn't harness much trust. That said, if you get out in time, you can probably make a lot of money here

>> No.18587967

you don't get it. It wasn't worth $100k till recently. Maybe a couple of bucks. It's to make more coins, and skim. That shit's going down hard mother fucker.

>> No.18588060

Thanks for exposing this scammer.
So many people are going to get rekt because of this man.

>> No.18588263

>So many people are going to get rekt because of this man.
That's the part that bums me out and why I will not try to make money on Hex. If successful, he's going to take so much money out of crypto by burning normies

>> No.18588336

Richard heart is buying up all the new HEX from the AA and adding it to uniswap liquidity; he can collect all the ETH from the contract and keep using it to inflate both the AA price and the uniswap price by buying it from himself. And, since he has such a vast % of the total supply, no one else has enough to tank the price. It’s amazing if you have a big fat bag of it. Today’s prices will be cheap this time next week

This is financial advice. BUY HEX

This was not financial advice, I am not a loicensed thingy

>> No.18588394 [DELETED] 

>HEX does not have Value. stopped reading right there

>> No.18588437

>I will not try to make money on Hex.
ok bro why are you here?

>> No.18588441

Like how you quit posting after your boy got exposed

>> No.18588501

anyone on biz posting about uniswap is a shill

OP, why do you want to take advantage of your fellow man?

>> No.18588628

Its not about being a shill. I am not suggesting that you buy now. Its just stating the obvious that it can be traded on uniswap by inserting the address manually.

>> No.18588722

did the hackers steal the liquidity?