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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18551094 No.18551094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>stock market has crashed
>corporate debt bubble is crashing
>government debt bubble is crashing
>household debt bubble is crashing

But when will the female market crash bros? I am positioned to take in an impoverished young maiden you would guess there are millions of them now with all the unemployment what gives?

>> No.18551128

Those are men

>> No.18551131

Anon is reasoning to perform the next cleveland kidnapping

>> No.18551142
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Fornication and pleasure pervert the understanding and change men into beasts- St Jerome

>> No.18551190
File: 145 KB, 640x679, 89B1A525-4D53-4F9E-976E-6C260F76677B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is being QE'd like crazy and nothing is crashing.
The fed is buying at minimum 250 billion in assets every week on top of their bailout package and overnight lending.

To put that in perspective the federal reserve is buying 12 Ford motor companies per week worth of asset backed securities.

Considering 12 Ford motor companies is about 2.4 million employees and there are 157 million workers in the USA (before coronachan) that means the federal reserve is buying 1.6% of the workers in America every single week.

>> No.18551215

best comment on /biz/ right now

>> No.18551230

>that letter
kek, they're literally begging employees to take this useless product off there hands. if this goes on for a couple more months they will be sending this garbage to the dump
like all those milk producers literally dumping their milk down the drain because its not selling

>> No.18551463

QE runs at the expense of the dollar they are devaluing the currency that means people are still getting poorer and poorer

>> No.18551482

It will crash absolutely last. But it will crash fastest and hardest. One morning you will just wake up (if you're still alive) and women will be being traded like property, overnight. Screencap this.

>> No.18551486

>Implying the average joe cares about inflation, QE, deflation
as long as the gv saves joe and his family from the virus, he will be forever happy. :)

The bomb is ticking and will implode one day.

>> No.18551579

Women cant still get welfare and government jobs. Once that dries up they will be dependent on men. Probably not for 100 more years

>> No.18551614

#7 is so fucking sexy. Her serious looking facial features, her slim silhouette, her dress, how sexy her feet look. Holy shit

>> No.18551638

you do realise that the jew increased female value to reduce population,so unless you overthrow the merchant N E V E R

>> No.18551737

weird taste. The only attractive girl in this pic is the shortest tan girl in the middle.

>> No.18551754

the thot bubble is the last to crash. but it will crash

>> No.18551796

8 in the white dress is the only answer boys.

>> No.18551806

6 and 8 are best but none of them are asian anyways so it's pretty meh all around

>> No.18551836

For silver merc dimes

>> No.18551843

So what your are saying is trump probably did release this virus for us

>> No.18552047

>QE will prevent us from crashing
everything will crash against the dollar first as flight to safety happens

>halvening will pump us
not before capitulations of over-leveraged miners

>> No.18552165

for me its the second from right
i am tall and exclusively look out for tall girls for the sole purpose of designing uber tall chads

>> No.18552218

I've been filling my scripts for b adderall ther past 2 years and not taking them. I easily will have tons if college pussy once the post apocalypse inflation rate for adderall sky rockets. Adderall will be better than gold for the sweet sweet college strange.

>> No.18552700

fuck 8
marry 5
kill the rest

>> No.18554071


>> No.18554176

marry 8, fuck then marry 1, rape then fuck then marry 6

>> No.18554592
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Time to roll guys

>> No.18554682


>> No.18554729
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>> No.18554734

why is the el goblina dubs? I want her kicked out from the race both figuratively and literally

>> No.18554750
File: 94 KB, 348x305, Screenshot_2020-04-19_09-22-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to off my self why 9? hope she has a nice personality

>> No.18554839 [DELETED] 

Oh please, just this once.

>> No.18554854

Check em

>> No.18554873

2,6, and 8 are the only hot ones.

>> No.18554875

(((oh well)))

>> No.18554897

rolling for dubs or 8

>> No.18554901


>> No.18554941

0, dubs, 9

>> No.18554973
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>> No.18555090

6 (fuck you I love pale brunettes), 7, 1, 5, 8, 3, who cares.

>> No.18555094

#1 is clearly the hottest

>> No.18555208

i really like number 6

>> No.18555254
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>> No.18555295


>> No.18555299

Yea. 7 jumped out at me too. Boyh her and 1 look like Kirsten Dunst. 1 looks like her after a bout of meth and sluttiness. 7 looks like classier version who grew up with a dad.

Next to last looks insecure, uncomfortable in her skin. She has tall girl syndrome, low self esteem. Shed be easy pickings.

>> No.18555340

What do you intend to do with an impoverished young maiden, assuming you can lure one?

>> No.18555379

From Ukraine right?
I know one of the girls, kek.

>> No.18555383

get out onto the streets when your lockdown ends or economy opens. there will be girls everywhere desperate af and probably actively hitting on dudes. dismiss all sluts, go young and try to look rich if you got nothing else going for you (like looks).

>> No.18555406
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yes the tall girl is what I am interested in

just imagine the worst

>> No.18555430


>> No.18555443

kek. the real stackers endgame. cash will be worthless. women will be traded for bullion.

this will be our reality.

>> No.18555466


>> No.18555474

7 is the only patrician choice. just by that choice I KNOW youre a good looking man (no homo).

>> No.18555475



>> No.18555561

What a thread!

>> No.18555614

Every time. The ugliest fucking girl. Just admit you're gay.

>> No.18555648

>things that ain't happening
the post

>> No.18555927

take a look to your left
then take a look to your right
IT has already happened and its only the beginning
strap in boys we are inn for a wild ride

>> No.18555951

>impoverished young maiden
>young maiden
lol All 18 y/o white girls are roasties.

>> No.18556084


>> No.18556113

1,2,3 and 5.

>> No.18556228


>> No.18556271


please dubs I don't ask for much

>> No.18556283


oh well he's cute too

>> No.18556307

FUCK CRYPTO, gimme 6.

>> No.18556617


>> No.18556698

0, 6, 9 or dubs pls

>> No.18556732


>> No.18556733

SO much fertile pussy AGHHGHRH

>> No.18556864

0 pls

>> No.18556912
File: 364 KB, 817x828, 1586215236782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gaslighting me!

>> No.18556952

Rolling for 0 or 8

>> No.18557005

0's nipple calling me

>> No.18557151

Priced in

>> No.18557238

i'd lick all of them from head to toe, then again i have very humble beauty standards as long as they are not fatties.

>> No.18557841


>> No.18557880


>> No.18557937


>> No.18558025


>> No.18558034


>> No.18558124

>6 (fuck you I love pale brunettes), 7, 1, 5, 8, 3, who cares.
1, 3, 5, 6 GET

>> No.18558141

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The first digit on my id decides

>> No.18558177


This is the most pathetic appreciation program I've ever seen. I'd be genuinely insulted.

>> No.18558187

Gibs me dubs sirs

>> No.18558188

fuggin rolan

>> No.18558758
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None fit my requirements

>> No.18558764

5 for me

>> No.18558831

8 get

>> No.18558970


>> No.18559006
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>> No.18559044


>> No.18559085
File: 65 KB, 960x638, 1585273511546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked reddit for the first time in years yesterday. On the front page there was a post on /r/unpopularopinions titled "I think it's scary that nobody cares how 4x as many men are committing suicide as women". I clicked on the thread. Despite being on a subreddit for unpopular opinions, there was an incredible amount of hatred directed at the OP. He was forced to edit his post and apologize for offending any women, and then also delete his account because of the ensuing witch hunt. The top post was from a moderator, saying how he was restraining himself from deleting the thread like how him and everyone else wanted to, but that all the mens rights activists should "go fuck themselves" and that he was going to delete their posts.

We are fucked. Society literally does not care about us.

>> No.18559220
File: 68 KB, 725x777, 1584303899827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find the thread
>one of the posts replying to the mod is "let the community decide, janny"

>> No.18559441

definitely one on the left for me. I love those hot blondes just like that HNNNNGGGGGGGGG


>> No.18559618

simps + web based digital payments means that women will never have to market sell, they just sit on their scant limit orders and let the price be bid up to infinity by simps that are ok with seeing some virtual tits in exchange for their hard earned cash

>> No.18559633

>But when will the female market crash bros
when women need to depend on men for protection

>> No.18559987

Give me my most reallistic match pls

>> No.18560218

why not

>> No.18561514

Pathetic woman hating incel thread.
How about you look at your own rotten Godless hearth before you judge.