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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18549033 No.18549033 [Reply] [Original]

>got laid off 3 weeks ago
>haven't gotten trumpbux yet
>can't get a response on the website
>haven't gotten unemployment yet
>can't get through calling
>emergency fund is on fumes because of medical bills earlier in the year
>landlord calling me everyday threatening me because I couldn't make rent this month
>going to have to sell my shitcoins for a loss soon and it's only going to be enough for one more month

give me one good reason why I shouldn't kms

>> No.18549050
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Checked. I've got nothing bro except the meta trends and halving. If you can hold on I'm sure it will be okay. What you hodling?

>> No.18549063

.132 BTC and 120 link

>> No.18549067

>give me one good reason why I shouldn't kms

old homosexuals like to pay people for degrading sex acts. You made yourself a slave in rome

>> No.18549079

ffs unemp-loyed and near homeless and broke during a pandemic and he's holding btc and trading it . You're a slave for a reason

>> No.18549093

gee thanks

>> No.18549097

Shoulda bought Kleros, desu. You'd be comfy, but you refused to listen.

>> No.18549112

stop being retarded and just live in your car for a bit. get a gym membership so you can shower and stay fit. then just wait it out till you have income again. but even then you could still live in your car and save all your would be rent money. apartments are too fucking expensive for shit size anyways

>> No.18549582

I listened. You and other shills literally saved me from the fate of OP. I have been living off PNK gains for at least a month now. Starting to buy back in.

>> No.18549600

Gym is closed due to China flu

>> No.18550151

dude.. firstly.. BREATHE.

Now lets get this into perspective, you were laid off with fixed amount of savings, trumbuz OWES YOU for now.

If your landlord cannot relate or sympathise with your situation, THEY CAN EAT A DICK. Him and who's army is gonna come and evict you? All the public services are currently tied up with corona.

I'm guessing there is a papertrail of your contact currently with the landlord, explaining the situation, if they call the police, display this to them, everyone is making sacrifice's atm, this is not worth the police's time.

If your landlord being threatening, dont let anything slide, keep them in the dark and expect the worse, do you have a dog, or a friend with a dog that you could adopt short term?

How can you fortify the house against entry?

Which country/state are you in, im assuming your a burger, and I am almost certain there are laws protecting vulnerable people as yourself ?

>> No.18551290

hold out for 8 months op and those linkies will be 120k.
in the meantime cash in that btc and go all in on kneepads and breathmints

>> No.18551553

All these cucks getting laid off meanwhile I'm still working and got my Trumpbux last week. Feels good man

>> No.18551567


i'd have more sympathy if you were all in link. what retard buys BTC LOL

>> No.18551604

The brainlet option.

Here is what to do

1. Hide all assets
2. Apply for SNAP and public assistance
3. Don't live in your car like a moron. This is what mentally ill or stupid people do. All evictions are are hold in all 50 states so just don't pay your mortgage and definitely don't pay your rent. If this wasn't the case, public housing still exists and takes a week max and is available anywhere from Boise Idahoh to Presque Isle Maine.