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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18540792 No.18540792 [Reply] [Original]

Like a Cancer in the Crypto Markets.

Too late when you realise it’s killing you.

Carefully putting your hard-earned money into this.

>> No.18540797

Right on time. Based tether making me money

>> No.18540802

And there is the stupid that will loose it all.

>> No.18540808

Rev up the printers boys

>> No.18540841

Reminder that this happened consistently throughout 2017

>> No.18540848

Tether printing will always be bullish because it will literally never fail. There is nothing that could happen that will cause it to fail

>> No.18540878

Don’t you get it dum dum the fed will print “AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY NEED TO” - Neel Kashkari

Asset inflation FOREVER

>> No.18540927

Is this why we're pumping on No Volume

>> No.18540960

tether pump and dump
>fuck tether & crypto

>> No.18540977
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>> No.18540988




>> No.18541005

what happens if i want to trade my 120m dollar into usdt to buy shitcoins? is my money fake also?

>> No.18541054
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first ever print on the weekend, they really want to push it now

>> No.18541066

fuck off Novogratz

>> No.18541148

Bears so mad they publish studies on why bitcoin should be at 0. It's over bearcucks

>> No.18541297

Why don’t you put your money in usdc instead of this shit ?

>> No.18541323
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Why is it always 120,000,000?

>> No.18541350
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It's inherently worthless god damnit!

>> No.18541361

> what is central banks
> what is money
> what is tether
it's all just a scam bro

>> No.18541367

crypto is a fucking scam

>> No.18541370

is usdt a scam?

>> No.18541377

Cause that’s how much real USD is being put in every time

>> No.18541386

Of course not
USDC is unironically the only one prepared for the upcoming strict regulations in the coming years

>> No.18541389
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>ahem yes Chives I'd like bitcoin at 100k today
>yes m'lord
>[prints 100 septillion tether]

>> No.18541391

This is how it ends and you retards loose all your money.


>> No.18541395
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imagine actually believing that

>> No.18541406
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Don't question the demigods

>> No.18541429

Sure, that’s why we should put some of our usdt in usdc. 50/50 for example

>> No.18541488
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>When you realize the concept of "real USD" doesn't even exist anymore because banks don't need to hold anything in reserve

>> No.18541520
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It’s what tether is you moron

>> No.18541538

tether themselves don't even claimed to be backed anymore you dum fuck

>> No.18541539

Early on Tether didnt get much attention due to low volume, now theyre starting to print billions of dollars, they have caught the eye of the real jews and will be taken down

>> No.18541551

except central banks and money is backed by a country while tether is backed by the dreams of neets an pajeets(the fact that they won't cash up and hodl forever)

>> No.18541563

They are matching the purchasing power of usd you fucking retard. They keep printing cause the fed keeps printing. Holy fuck you are dumb

>> No.18541601

>tether fud
there is nothing more based than tether.

>> No.18541602

let's see:
>price can go +-50 % in a day
>reliant on miners whom if they loose and quit can stop the network at any time (that's why tether printing like crazy, they can't let the money cow die)
>most people already lost billion, specially on alt in 2017, that's why crypto will never be as popular with normies
>unregulated/manipulated :

>> No.18541610

^^* This guy is a complete idiot.

>> No.18541611

LAMO most retarded excuse I've ever see, they have nothing to do with the fed retard
why aren't PAX USDC and the other stable coin printing as well then ?

>> No.18541639

> a crypto exchange printing money from air to math the purchasing power of the most powerful currency in the world
this must be the dumbest thing i heard today

>> No.18541647 [DELETED] 
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Tether is fractional reserve on top of fractional reserve. What could go wrong?

>> No.18541653

let's suppose tether want to exit scam, how will they do it?

>> No.18541664

Cause those coins are retarded, like you. Anyone can realize the fed printing money and tether printing basically go hand in hand. It’s amazing your anscetors passed down such a mongaloid way of thinking. Surprised natural selection hasn’t caught up yet pal

>> No.18541706

>tether removed it's claiming about backed up 1:1
>tether added a clause about how they are not obligated to cash out you tether
i honestly don't know how usdt continue to exist, specially with the presence of more reliable chink coin like usdc

>> No.18541720


>> No.18541725

They can’t

>> No.18541736

They dont need to exit scam right now but its

>Print fake usdt
>Buy bitcoin and pump price
>Sell bitcoin for real usd
>When it dumps print more

Its literally a shitcoin developer dumping but unlike a developer dumping, it always stays at 1$ and pumps bitcoin instead

>> No.18541746

my god you're amazingly retarded
enlighten me, what happen if the peoples holding tether right now want the real USD ?

>> No.18541750


Wait, so couldn't you just watch Tether, buy some Bitcoin whenever they print, and then sell after the pump?

>> No.18541763
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they're doing it right now
pic related

>> No.18541785

They sell it. Simple as that

>> No.18541818

>They sell it.
to who ?

>> No.18541822


>> No.18541823

It's just like the fed printing dollars except the scale is much lower, suggesting bitcoin is a better store of value than usd. Everyone in doing it there days, you have to find who does it the least.

>> No.18541843

People buying tether with BTC

>> No.18541902
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but they literally doing that right now
>pic related

>> No.18541920

why would peoples sell their btc for USDT if they knew it's not backed ?

>> No.18541930
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they printed 2.3 billion so far while the deposit at its lowest in 3 year

>> No.18541942

But they are doing it right now?

>> No.18541951
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>> No.18541972


Basically what the Fed does. If they can get away with it, Tether can too.

>> No.18542019

>fed backed by the most powerful country in the world
>tether backed by ????

>> No.18542020
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because the majority of this market is retarded and ignorant ad actually believe USDT is backed 1 to 1 with USD

THE FED has the biggest military in the world to force everyone to accept the USD, bitfinex is just a scam exchange

here's the latest update

>> No.18542055

It's an interesting scheme though. I wonder who will end up being left holding all that worthless Tether?

>> No.18542063


>> No.18542064

>t. buttcoiner


>> No.18542092

Good arguments anon. I agree the majority doesn’t care. I just don’t see tether failing since the fed is doing the same right now. You’re not as retarded as i thought

>> No.18542098

cz btfo

>> No.18542122

Unlike you though CZ gets a cut of all the trades on the platform and can manipulate pumps by delisting and halting trading

You hold tether and you are shit out of luck, no refunds

>> No.18542129

>Always been ADL 0 on my leveraged longs
>Now i hit 3 out of 4 lights within 12 hours as long
What does this shit mean? Am i punished because retards lev'd at 50+ both ways and get liq'd?
It makes no sense how a tiny 15k longer goes from zero ADL to 3/4 within this timeframe.

>> No.18542147

>I just don’t see tether failing since the fed is doing the same right now.
oh no the ponzi can go on for a long time, especial when you manage to convinced your investor to never take profit
but you still need fresh fiat coming for the few cashing out ( traders miners etc ) if the fiat faucet dries up this scam will go tits up really really fast

>> No.18542197

no only it's not backed, they also have a clause that clear them of the obligation to cash out usdt for users

>> No.18542217


I think you might be the dumb one anon. This has nothing to do with "purchasing power," and everything to do with authority in the Fed's case and fraud in Tether's case. The purpose of the Fed doing it is to give banks liquidity and keep money flowing in a deflationary crisis when everyone wants to hold dollars and people are defaulting on loans. The purpose of Tether doing it is partly to prop up BTC but also so they can enrich themselves. Print tether out of thin air (unbacked by real USD), sell it for another asset on an exchange, then sell those assets on USD off-ramp exchanges, and voila: they have earned USD for literally nothing.

Also, it's spelled "Mongoloid"

>> No.18542235

>I just don’t see tether failing since the fed is doing the same right now

Imagine comparing the fed to tether in any way other than le money print meme

>> No.18542263


Problem is that you don't actually know when those purchases of BTC occur. The tether makes its way to the exchange(s) and gets mixed in with everyone else's transactions. Could happen over the course of weeks or months (not just in one huge transaction). On an exchange, unlike the blockchain, you can't see who transacts what.

>> No.18542271


Crap, good point. Thanks Anon

>> No.18542311


Tether is backed by no one but also prosecuted by no one. Dangers of not having regulations

>> No.18542317
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I will give you the real answer so you can sift through all this fucking FUD:

Tether Treasury preemptively prints USDT based on dwindling supplies across exchanges. The supplies dwindle because people are going margin long like crazy. Just look at the ratio of long/shorts on any exchange for any popular coin and you'll see it's 75/25 or higher at the moment. Tether sends the USDT to exchanges and people borrow against the newly minted coin to margin long.

It's that fucking simple. Fuck all the haters and conspiracy nuts on here.

>> No.18542331

>THE FED has the biggest military in the world to force everyone to accept the USD, bitfinex is just a scam exchange

Correct. But no one is regulating, watching, or prosecuting Tether's fraud.

>> No.18542372


Unfortunately the question will probably be more like "who will be left holding worthless BTC?" We like to believe that the price of BTC and all the valuable projects in crypto is backed by real bullish sentiment by buyers wielding real USD. But if Tether is just printing unbacked Tether, BTC and all crypto is insanely inflated and overvalued.

>> No.18542377

>Tether is backed by no one but also prosecuted by no one
why not use more reliable stable coin like usdc(it's even ensured , why are we letting chink controlling everything

>> No.18542391

>believing that in this clown brrrrrrrrrrr world the problem is tether
libtards gonna lib

>> No.18542415

anon, if tether fal, everything will fall with it, this could destroy the entire crypto world since everyone will loose trust in these inflated shitcoins
if that happen it will be bigger than mt.gox since
>Tether is backed by no one but also prosecuted by no one

>> No.18542423
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same as fiat, because those require real funds, so there's not enough volume to support the price
only tether can just print billion out of nothing to stop bitcoin from crashing

>> No.18542429

Can you explain where they "mint" this money from? I've always been confused. If the USA is printing fiat, is tether just copying them?
Who gets all this money?

T. confused poorfag

>> No.18542454

This will play out interesting
Re-read what you typed. I agree with the idea but that is not what I am saying
You don’t get it. The fed is literally keeping the us economy afloat just like tether is keeping the $7k btc price afloat

>> No.18542469

This is copy aste from a few days ago, I'm now sceptical this is a bot post.

>> No.18542471
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>But no one is regulating, watching, or prosecuting Tether's fraud.
They've been on the radar

>> No.18542482

one guy at bitfinex put number on the screen and create 120 000 000 USDT token
no real money is present anywhere in the process

>> No.18542486

Tether fud goes nowhere. Bitfinex is invincible!

>> No.18542600

And theyve printed billions more since then, even more on the radar now by jews

>> No.18542602

how does printing tether stop bitcoin from crashing?

>> No.18542630

> print 120m
> sent it to exchanges
> put buy walls and start market buying
> ????

>> No.18542635

you must be new
>market use btc/usdt
>people sell btc
>tether buy it with fake money
>market doesn't crash

>> No.18542652

>the fiat faucet dries up this scam will go tits up really really fast
this may happen quicker than you think, since Europe is considering banning stable coin

>> No.18542693

Good find anon. Shame its total BS as tether is legit.
Anon I can tell what you're into. Sadly these typees of cases take time. It took 10 years from first tip of till arrest for Madoff.

The US aka world police have jurisdiction, the party is over. Probably perfectly timed with an economic crash.

I say good, we need 'clean ups' before the next cycle can continue.
Personally I'm hoping to be rid of or have legal clarification for ICOs...mainly the 1st one

>> No.18542728

A bit ago they printed 500 Million 'by accident' then burned it & made 50 million (numbers might not be correct). the bots picked up on this, pumped.
They don't even have to print to pump anymore
But obviously >>18542630

>> No.18542735
File: 60 KB, 967x405, Screenshot from 2020-04-18 22-28-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europe thinking about banning stable coin especially tether

>> No.18542750

but doesn't that mean tether is worthless and btc is worth something? Like buying gold with fiat.

>> No.18542759

>europe been thinking about banning stable coin since last year, it seem like their moving forward with it

>> No.18542790

madoff actually gave himself away because he knew his ponzi was going to crash, as more and more of the investor were trying to pull out funds to cover during the 2008 crash

when tether explode binance, huobi and all the other trash exchange will immediately close and all the shitcoin will die with them

it was 5 billion actually

in theory yes, but in practice the current BTC price is heavily inflated by all these there
so yes there is real value in BTC it's just much lower than the current price

>> No.18542793

The tether printer is gonna go brrrrrrrrrr hahahahha like fuck up to the halfening. The exit scam is playing out - you faggots weren't invited to the party.

>> No.18542821

Someone is drinking a LOT of hopium, lol.

>> No.18542838

They're literally doing it, dummy. It's right in front of you. You know the saying in poker, "if you don't know who the mark is at the table, you're the mark"? Hello, mark.

>> No.18542842


you're missing one important point, btc exist because of the miner who validate transaction, at these price mining is barely profitable, if the price fall further miner will quit and the network will halt, making btc actually worth 0, tether may be trying to keep the ponzi scheme for as long as they can

>> No.18542849

Literally backed by real USD dollars. Bears eternally cucked

>> No.18542857

you shut your whore mouth. btc is going to 1 million this year

>> No.18542858

well i guess it's time to start gambling in option, but also everyone was saying the same in 2018 and here we are

>> No.18542867

When BTC pumps on bullshit volume (like its doing now) its obvious its tether pushing the price up. Why the fuck are they printing so much recently though? Looks like a desperation move, maybe they know somethings coming around the corner and this whole shitshow is about to crumble

>> No.18542876

>Correct. But no one is regulating, watching, or prosecuting Tether's fraud.
How can you talk with any authority on Tether and be completely unaware of the NYAG's investigation of them that's currently still ongoing? Unless you're purposefully being ignorant to pump the scam?

>> No.18542878

haha tether go bzzzzzttt

>> No.18542881

miners will get purged but the network should survive after the hasrate crash
but yes there's a possibility that this goes to zero

>> No.18542906

Literally not backed 1:1. The NYAG found out that it's backed by bitcoin, partially.

>> No.18542925

>The US aka world police have jurisdiction, the party is over.

People were saying this last year with the NYAG lawsuit. Nothing happened. Tether is invincible.

>> No.18542952

>hey printing so much recently though
keep price afloat hoping for halving hype, and keep miners in profit

>they know somethings coming around the corner and this whole shitshow is about to crumble
people in financial have been calling about financial crisis for a while now, Q1 of 2020 have had the highest number of ceo resign ever (2000+)

>> No.18543005
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I think I finalized realized it.
These guys are just making up money from thin air with these USDT prints, and using that to buy Bitcoin? What the fuck? Why is this allowed? Why do exchanges accept tether at all? Seriously someone please explain to me, I don't feel good.

>> No.18543025

Can someone please explain to me how tether works, and why BTC and Link HODLers always freak out when something like this happens.

>> No.18543028

>Why do exchanges accept tether at all?
because they are in on the scam

>> No.18543036

The NYAG case is ongoing, smooth brain.

>> No.18543071
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>> No.18543092

>Literally backed
good, so show us the audit
or literally stfu

>> No.18543130

well.....the USD/FRNs are debt so they are negative...but the tether poniz will fall at some point. Personally I don't think it will matter as i think the USD will lose its world reserve status over this fledgling liquidity crisis.

I was responding to you in a different /thread
Have to say, I'm surprised the US hasn't bashed it down as they 'have an interest' in the matter i.e using FRNs.
The libre/SDR model would be better anyways. BTC is the private world reserve currency (besides gold). A currency based blockchain derivative is only logical.
maybe its all part of the plan
>madoff actually gave himself away
my point was that it took 10 years from 1st tip off till actual action. but yea, thanks, I didn't notice the correlation to the '08 crash. Thanks! Just shows how inept all these government agencies are...even when it comes to protecting the 'rich'.
& thanks couldn't remember the number.
>when tether explode binance, huobi and all the other trash exchange will immediately close and all the shitcoin will die with them
Agreed, but will add that I think BTC will pump as its the 'crypto safe haven asset'. Not a maximist, but its the market favorite.

I know its not in the favor of people here (newfags) but (((we))) kinda need another exchange exit so people be their own bank again.

>> No.18543133


Conspiracy senses tingling, Batman.

>> No.18543178
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>Why do exchanges accept tether at all?

>> No.18543201

>finally realised
pic related
>why is this allowed
same reason as the fed allowed to brrrr, people aren't stopping them, itfact they still use usdt as a safe heaven
>why exchange accept tether at all
tether has first move advantage as it was the first stable coin, before people used to cash out when they think btc gonna crash, but as this is a ponzi scheme, exchange want to keep you from taking your money out, so they used usdt so people switch to it instead of pulling out all together , thus tether became so popular, but they are catch up now and trying to use their own stable coin (usdc, busd,..). even so the exchange doesn't own a lot of usdt , so if anything happen the only looser are the investor , so why not

>> No.18543211

>BTC will pump as its the 'crypto safe haven asset'. Not a maximist, but its the market favorite.
yes and then it will completely collapse as peoples try to sell them in fiat pairs

>> No.18543350

>I think BTC will pump as its the 'crypto safe haven asset'. Not a maximist, but its the market favorite.
not really btc failed the test, it's barelly holding now, even with the tether printing, in fact the last 50% drop has people so spooked that no one investing right now, volume at exchange at it lowest(and most of it is wash trading) and exchange deposit at it's lowest since 2016 (https://cointelegraph.com/news/btc-exchange-deposits-hit-lowest-point-since-2016))

>"I have a question for Bitcoin HODLers. If a global pandemic, crashing stock markets, world-wide recession/depression, zero percent interest rates, unprecedented government borrowing and fiat money printing, plus a breakout in gold hasn’t caused Bitcoin to go up, what will?"
add to that tether printing

>> No.18543357

>hey cz if you accept my fake coin, ill get you in on the scam, well make hundreds of millions

>> No.18543363

>yes and then it will completely collapse as peoples try to sell them in fiat pairs
If it happened tomorrow, I would agree. BUT I think we'll start seeing the rise of the DXY (USD), which in turn will further devalue anything not the USD (even commodity based) & the last gasp of the USD itself.
The USD world status has to end at some point...

>> No.18543383

Will everyone switch to eth after btc crashes or will it just be the crypto winter and all the money leaves?

>> No.18543407

>The USD world status has to end at some point...
it will take loosing an all out war with china for this to happen, the USD is stronger than ever right now

>> No.18543412

>The USD world status has to end at some point
not as long USA the most powerful/influential country in the world

>> No.18543419

I think you mean japan. Japan owns 5 times more us debt than china

>> No.18543422

Massive crypto winter.

>> No.18543455

if btc crashes, the whole crypto will crash, and even if they switch to eth the network will halt since eth is not designed to withstand that kind of traffic

>> No.18543458

Look at the buywalls that went up from 7250 - 7000 on Binance. Someone's clearly trying to keep this shit afloat. My guess is soon as those walls start getting tapped they'll disappear

>> No.18543477

>not really btc failed the test
Ah the +17' fag
BTC won't pump till the banking collapse (as it did in '13)
>in fact the last 50% drop has people so spooked that no one investing right now
I'm one of them, I don't have any actual trades on at this point.
>exchange deposit at it's lowest since 2016
most ppl still think btc is a scam...
>what will?
bank failure
Like the US will have a choice. these currency 'wars' don't generally happen willingly.

the tl:dr is b/c the USD is a 'safe haven asset', it will eat itself. it will become 'to strong' aka not safe

>> No.18543484

>The USD world status has to end at some point...
Won't happen in your life time. The US WILL fail at some point, or be consumed by a new world order, or whatever is gonna happen down the road, but for now, the US isn't going anywhere, we're too far ahead of everyone to be replaced that easily. Who's gonna take our spot? The EU? Don't make me laugh, their downfall started in earnest with Brexit. China? Yeah, not happening unless they declare war on us - they may have numbers, but we would eviscerate them where it counts so fast it would make their eyes permanently round. South America? LOL. Africa? LOL. Canada? LOL.
We're it, NEETs. Your fap fantasies of the US crumbling are just that - fiction.

>> No.18543502

no I mean it would take Loosing a actual military war against an other major power for the USD scam to collapse

>> No.18543559

>Who's gonna take our spot?
most likely a digital SDR. Similar to libre
I can tell you are America & by that I mean you don't know how disadvantaged you are in your world view. The nixon shock was due to international pressure, nothing more.
I have lived in america, I know you don't look outside of your nation. Everything is about america. Its brainwashing.
Look up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triffin_dilemma
You won't get a choice

>> No.18543577

>bank failure
this will never happen, some may fail but not all
even if we suppose it happen the government will easily ban btc and issue it's own crypto, do you really think they will rely on coin that they don't control , in fact one tweet from trump("btc will be banned, american money should support our industries, invest in Dow not in chinese coin") can bring btc price by 60% in 10 minute, that's the only reason they let it exist because it's easy to stop if they ever wanted to

>> No.18543593

The USD scam is the US trading USD for goods manufactured by china. If the US went to war with china they would lose all their exports. Even if they were still the reserve country afterwards there would be nothing to buy and the standard of living for america would decline to Africa tier.
A war between the US and china would actually benefit all the countries not in the war because they would be able to manufacture goods without competing with china and not being forced to sell to the US for USD.

>> No.18543595

yes they could just force banks to stop working with crypto exchanges and this market would collapse instantly

>> No.18543611

Look up the definition of 'crypto'. It's "a person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism." That should tell you all you need to know about the purpose of crypto and how it was actually created by those who created the fiat paper money into existence.


>> No.18543677

People think the halvening hype will come, but there is no hype at all. Corona is the hot topic, not bitcoin. If crypto had been a mature and ready market it would have mooned because of corona, but since the crpto market is a scam atm, it will fail mid term. Volume is shit, interest is dwindeling, and more people leave crypto than new people come in. You do the math

>> No.18543738

not for the reason of pumping btc

>> No.18543773

>doesn't matter what's the reason, banned is banned

>> No.18543782
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Can someone explain why the dollar is still used as an international currency?

The ruble straight up now has more value but because
>Muh Merica standard
They can literally do whatever the fuck they want with the dollar and it will still hold it's value

who the fuck decides this?

Every single American can die and all businesses cease to exist yet still people will use the dollar

>> No.18543787

>this will never happen, some may fail but not all
I agree btw
>government will easily ban btc
The US has already classed BTC as a commodity back in '15. Through this they've made derivatives i.e no need to ban it.
>issue it's own crypto
Agreed but it will be blockchain as they need to control the rate of issue. cryptocurrency relies too much on the gold standard model which is not compatible with todays economy.
>can bring btc price by 60% in 10 minute
YEP, it will like '13/'14 all over again. but it will be rhetoric just as it was last time.

>> No.18543828

>Can someone explain why the dollar is still used as an international currency?
biggest military in history isn't just for show
it's the big stick to kick the shit of anyone who refuse to play along

>> No.18543842

the currency of country id begged to to value/power/influence of the country, simply put USA is too powerful/influential in all front (economic, war,foreign influence, intelligence, entertainement...) no one even come close, even china just trying to catch up by investing in Africa and spreading it's propaganda

>> No.18543859

Thank you! Was actually in shock this many retards could not point out the real answer, USDt has other uses, not to pump the price of bitcoin you retards.

>> No.18543909

>banning computer code

this is why crypto was invented faggot. Censorship resistance

>> No.18543917

The military is filled with spics and niggers, and it can't even win a proxy war

If international monetary strength Russia would overshadow the United states twice over

>> No.18543957

Money Machine go BRRR, BRRR, BRRR

Literally getting kicked out of every country, haven't beaten sand niggers in 70 years

>foreign influence
Literally Iphones


Jew Hollywood hasn't made a good movie since the 70's
Getting a bunch of Chinks to watch Transformers isn't impressive

>> No.18543973
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remember that the us is the only country to ever use nukes in anger and they are sitting on at least 4000 warhead right now
go ahead then fight them

>> No.18543985

Its complicated...
How...the Bretton woods agreement
It then got hijacked via the 'Nixon shock'
Who- the world via the fx markets
Basically its used in contacts worldwide.
These 'World reserve currencies' last historically about 80 years...the US has had its 80 years.
Personally I think we'll realise that this military build up was not in the American citizens interest. The debt that was created to build it was certainly not in their interest. It will get paid one way or another.
Of course it has legit uses. take a look at the chart tell me that's organic...
The blue line btw (market cap).
Make up your own mind.

>> No.18544016

>banning computer code
that's not how banning work
ok let's try this:
>heavy penalty for any exchange or institution that deals with tether
>freezing of any bank account related to tether
>penalty for individual dealing with tether
eventually everyone have to follow if they wanted to do business in Europe, kinda similar to that cookies law, did you think they banning the cookies codes

>> No.18544027

Oh & if you want to see how the US control it via the fx markets look up 'managed/dirty float'

>> No.18544034
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Unironically, I wonder what would happen if someone were to nuke the united states in retaliation

Every other country can build itself up after it gets nuked
>OH no, Moscow is blowed up for the 100th time, oof yikes

But imagine if New York is just wiped out
Washington, poof

The American people wouldn't handle it. There's no cohesion or anything to keep the people together other than the threat of violence or force.

>> No.18544038

add to that, the USA has the biggest military budget in the world and they have been researching for 70 years, i wonder what cool stuff will come up with in the WW3?

>> No.18544052

how that working for xmr?

>> No.18544081

Money spent =/= Strength

>> No.18544112

>hold xmr
>no business accept xmr
>no exchange accept xmr
>local bitcoin doesn't allow xmr selling in europe
>go to jail if they found out you use/have xmr
good luck buying or selling your xmr

>> No.18544125

all i am saying a lot of stuff came out in the last ww2, and they have been working since

>> No.18544136

I'm pretty sure the military exists to give out welfare to black people and that's it

>> No.18544138

nukes are literally endgame scenario there's noting after that
the situation is basically "go along with our scam or civilization come to an end"

>> No.18544160

space lasers

>> No.18544340

>120 million every 2 days to "replenish" inventory

why don't they do a 2-4 trillion dollar in one go and get this thing over with eh?
Bitcoin needs a bailout

>> No.18544419

people are using crypto to trade not buy shit
Keep thinking you're right when you are wrong

>> No.18544745

never said otherwise, just pointing out ho easy it is to ban tether

>> No.18544782

you're fucking dense lol.

>> No.18544837
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>I bet those AWESOME SCIENTISTS in GOVERNMENT LABS will come up with some SUPERHERO LEVEL new tech as long as we keep throwing money at them.

>> No.18545991

well they come up with the internet that you're using to shitpost

>> No.18545997

have you ever stopped to think that they're printing tether because they're actually receiving those funds in cash to buy?