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File: 53 KB, 739x330, liberation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18519870 No.18519870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.18519927

Liberate my asshole Donnie

>> No.18519934
File: 201 KB, 470x595, 1574730586738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heatin' up

>> No.18519994

Do something you orange bastard.

>> No.18520017

this guy is fucking unhinged

>> No.18520059

Murrifats, this is your fucking president, some fucking low IQ retard lmaooo

>> No.18520071

Based Donnie

>> No.18520100


Seethe harder you irrelevant faggot.

Virginia is going to shit thanks to all the illegal spics.

>> No.18520114

Is our President actually TRYING to incite public unrest?

>> No.18520124

I'm not opposed but can we wait for fall to start going all in on the partisan politics shit

>> No.18520140

Officially ashamed to be American

>> No.18520144

yes! recall whitmer! tell her to fuck off donnie!

>> No.18520147
File: 3.00 MB, 800x450, US_coronavirus_protest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come, join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
And rouse your bold hearts at fair Liberty's call;
No tyrannous acts shall suppress your just claim,
Or stain with dishonor America's name.

>> No.18520148


>> No.18520153

BASED(based) and(&) REDPILLED(redpilled)!

>> No.18520159

>open up too early
>2nd wave of reinfection

LYinG MeDiA, I NevEr SaiD to OpEn up The CounTry !1!

>> No.18520174

Not my president

>> No.18520179

>Is our President actually TRYING to incite public unrest?

No the tyrannical governors are. The virginia governor said he would extend the stay at home order until august.

Even though there is no fucking justification for this other than he's a democrat that hates Trump and wants to hurt the country to hurt Trump.

Virginia is not a hot bed, and outside of Northern Virginia and Richmond has extremely low infection rates due to low population density, yet he wants us to shelter in place like we live in Jew York City.

It's the democratic governors that hate Trump that are starting this.

>> No.18520184
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>> No.18520186

this is what happens when you take Trump people's religion away from them (Trump rallies). God these people are fucking insane, it's a goddamn cult.

>> No.18520192

Signal word?

>> No.18520203

He's talking about the anti 2nd amendment laws in those states you dumb yuropoor

>> No.18520212

Le based anti state rights orange man!!

>> No.18520218

holy shit

>> No.18520225


>> No.18520234

orange man based

>> No.18520239

He’s literally tweeting about liberating states - as in opening them up. The Virginia gun thing he just added there.
I’m actually a Virginian lol

>> No.18520242

Trump tells latinos to punish their democrat enemies!


>> No.18520329

considering there was never a first wave worth shutting down for, a 2nd wave will be less than a nothing burger

>> No.18520330
File: 59 KB, 680x680, 9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA is retarded enough to have 587,606 active covid cases
>at least Spain+ Italy+ France combined
>yet there are still ameriburgers who want more infections

>> No.18520356

eat shit gretchen nobody likes you

>> No.18520385

Most of America is basically untouched, fuck city fags they're the ones pumping our numbers.

>> No.18520389
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>> No.18520401

>usa has more cases than 3 countries that combine for ~53% of the US population!!!
whoa. this is bad

>> No.18520418

>The virginia governor said he would extend the stay at home order until august.
WTF? lmao. Between that and the gun laws VA could actually turn red in 2020.

>> No.18520433

jew york had to retroactively reclassify thousands of deaths to get that pump lol

>> No.18520443


Worse than that. The VA governor basically stormed in and immediately pushed through every cliché liberal law imaginable. Ended voter ID, drivers licenses for illegals, no holds barred abortion, went after guns (failed so far, but they'll be back), joined the popular vote compact. Hilarious

>> No.18520450

Ok, i'll eat the bait
So let's take all of Europe
Population 446 million - active cases 659,051
US - 320 million - active cases 620,941

>> No.18520465

of course they did they wanted to be accurate. that car accident didn't kill that guy, his coronavirus did

>> No.18520468

New York is classifying everything as a covid 19 death. You don't even need a positive test.

They are doing this to get money from insurers. Cuomo is blocking 6.7 billion in medicaid funding, because it wouldn't allow him to restructure the medicaid program

>> No.18520479

Antibody test for California just came out and 4% of the population was infected, 80 times more than tested and confirmed cases. This will have blown over in no time.

>> No.18520488

>WTF? lmao. Between that and the gun laws VA could actually turn red in 2020.

He will, there are a lot of blue dog democrats that are pissed off. They just passed law to give illegals instate tuition.

>> No.18520491

yes because eastern europe shit holes are testing people at the same rate as first world countries

>> No.18520501


>> No.18520503
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Overall I have to say it's been a bang up job from Dem leadership

>> No.18520513

God our president is fucking bipolar. Says he takes this shit seriously one day, tells his supporters to fight their state government the next to stop lockdowns that exist to prevent virus spread

>Virginia is going to shit thanks to all the illegal spics.
Please cite your sources

>of course they did they wanted to be accurate. that car accident didn't kill that guy, his coronavirus did
Do you have any sources of what kinds of cause of death was changed for people?

>> No.18520519

Does he want people to start killing elected officals?

Because thats what it sounds like.

>> No.18520521

Based Trump doing 5D chess and going to kill Republican cucked boomers

>> No.18520527

i hope so

>> No.18520532

Massachusetts has a republican governor. Nice job retard.

>> No.18520537
File: 260 KB, 499x683, 1586799501008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditors kept saying it would only kill rural trump voters so it's a good thing it is spreading
>tfw it just kills blue state minorities instead

>> No.18520543


Oh fuck.. you found one

>> No.18520546

It's time to balkanize the US. Make cities become micronations and transfer power as locally as possible.

>> No.18520549

>Does he want people to start killing elected officals?
>Because thats what it sounds like.

We literally fought the British and won independence for less than what these governors are doing.

When did america get filled with such pussy ass fags like you?

>> No.18520556


>> No.18520561

>Democratic fed officials because at the fed level republicans are insane
>Republican state officials because they're not crazy at the local level and are good at managing funds
God I love this state

>> No.18520581
File: 235 KB, 1400x933, hMuQRJjnmMwIFD--_awb7M13CZ2zwxaLaVRmN0VvdQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ look at that thick body

I would vote for Gretchen any day

>> No.18520583

>he said without citing any sources

>> No.18520587

You still need an ID to vote. It says that right on the Virginia gov website. And no, you need at least a social security to get a drivers license

I think you’ve been reading sensationalized headlines without checking out the deets

>> No.18520590

Holy shit. Can a sitting president be charged with inciting revolution? Interesting constitutional question.

>> No.18520599

If someone did assassinate a governor or something could a presidential pardon get them off.

>> No.18520605

I'm gonna go coom to her now

>> No.18520610


This shit literally just got passed retard. It's all being done in a hurry because corona is a fantastic cover.


>> No.18520613


>> No.18520623

When did Northram say August? I distinctly remember June 10th being the extent of it. And Richmond isn't really the concern, it's Virginia Beach. Their population is almost top 10

>> No.18520630

changed retroactively? maybe?

according to this italy is doing it.

>"Right now Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you’ll get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000
pretty much the only thing you need to know about meme cold

>> No.18520641


This is what the republicans truly fear, and I never actually see any data when people claim illegal voting is a genuine issue. Do people actually understand how voting at the polls works?

>> No.18520643
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>> No.18520646
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what's a liberate?

>> No.18520658

imagine thinking chubby bruce jenner is hot

>> No.18520669

>Holy shit. Can a sitting president be charged with inciting revolution? Interesting constitutional question.

Yes, he can be impeached for high crimes, and TREASON.

>> No.18520686

>When did Northram say August? I distinctly remember June 10th being the extent of it. And Richmond isn't really the concern, it's Virginia Beach. Their population is almost top 10

Yesterday at press conference. He hasn't ordered it yet.
And Richmond is the 2nd highest area of Covid 19 cases.

>> No.18520691

They're risking their fucking lives, of course they're getting paid to do so. Does tragedy really not matter until you're the victim?

>> No.18520702


Yeah we do, it takes like 30 minutes out of your day, which is why all of this aggressive, no holds barred no regulations in order to vote shit is suspect is hell. How many low information niggers and spics are they trying to cram into the polls? And you think that's a good thing? Stupid faggot. I too want Brazil-tier electorates determining the future of this country.

Think about how far we've fallen from the voting standard that made this country what it was. A nation is merely downwind of its voters.

Why are Dems so insistent on regulating the shit out of everything... but voting?

>> No.18520709

you missed the point and didnt even bother listening to the interview. they're inflating covid numbers to get more money

>> No.18520716

>tfw grew up in VA but moved across the Potomac

I'll return if my commonwealth and fellow statesmen need help.

>> No.18520751

God speed, patriot.

>> No.18520755

>How many low information niggers and spics are they trying to cram into the polls? And you think that's a good thing? Stupid faggot.
lmao this motherfucker's actually arguing for voter suppression in a country that prides itself on freedom and being a democracy/constitutional republic

>> No.18520775

I ain't doing shit, I'm trying to understand the logic of orange man and why he's not in jail right now.

>> No.18520776

Low test

>> No.18520784

>lmao this motherfucker's actually arguing for voter suppression in a country that prides itself on freedom and being a democracy/constitutional republic

And you're arguing for packing votes, just as retarded.

>> No.18520809
File: 68 KB, 888x894, 1551548987361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Having a standardized, regulated process, like we have for everything, is MUH VOTER SUPPRESSION

Get the fuck out of here with your modern progressive spins. This country was founded with LAND OWNING WHITE MALES BEING THE ONLY VOTERS. And you can't even handle showing your fucking driver's license and stopping at your closest school.

Right anon, gotta shuttle out 50 Shaniquas to the polls who don't even know where Germany is on a map so that their valuable vote is counted!

>> No.18520811


Stay mad you liberal fucking cancer

>> No.18520812

It would only matter if death rates were consistent with normal conditions. A severe increase in fatality rate would be all you need to know that the information if far more accurate than one doctor could dismiss. Having a PhD and a camera doesn't make you a critical analyst.

>> No.18520815
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18520826

>And you're arguing for packing votes
I'm arguing all citizens have the right to vote and that we should make it as easy as possible for all citizens to vote, no matter their political, racial or economic standing. Your attempt to paint that as bad it laughable

>> No.18520837


>> No.18520853

>I'm arguing all citizens have the right to vote and that we should make it as easy as possible for all citizens to vote, no matter their political, racial or economic standing.

Yes, we should protect citizens and their right to vote, by ensuring their vote isn't diluted by people who shouldn't be voting.

Why do you hate voters anon?

>> No.18520859
File: 40 KB, 750x757, 1532472352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>California has an estimated 5-10 million illegal immigrants
>local and state government make no attempt to hide the fact they hate ICE and stonewall any attempt to access their info or even apprehend felons
>most big cities show way more registered voters than voter eligible adults
>the federal commission that attempted to audit their rolls and process in 2017 got totally stonewalled and told they were encroaching and unnecessary because all of these liberal funded studies who fraudulent voting absolutely doesn't and can't happen!! (but don't you bother checking)

>> No.18520874

>people who shouldn't be voting.
Still waiting on data that shows illegal voting is a large-scale issue worth repressing the votes of other citizens to achieve

>>most big cities show way more registered voters than voter eligible adults
>>the federal commission that attempted to audit their rolls and process in 2017 got totally stonewalled and told they were encroaching and unnecessary because all of these liberal funded studies who fraudulent voting absolutely doesn't and can't happen!! (but don't you bother checking)
Can you cite your sources for this one famalam?

>> No.18520897

>Still waiting on data that shows illegal voting is a large-scale issue worth repressing the votes of other citizens to achieve

Even if 1 votes, you're still diluting a citizens vote. What's wrong with you anon? Why do you have voters so much?

>> No.18520907

LUL even vox lmao

>> No.18520916




Here it is anon. The Democratic Party's most viciously guarded and gatekept issue. But guess what, it's really hard to "prove" fraudulent voting in court... when not a single DA in the most culpable areas bother checking.

>> No.18520943

>Even if 1 votes
>1 voter voting illegally is worth suppressing hundreds of citizen votes
I don't think you know what actual dilution is if we're looking for an actual representative look at the overall consensus of a community

I'll give it a look over

>> No.18520970

He did decriminalize weed last week

>> No.18520978


>> No.18520986

Wait, aren't conservatives butthurt over state rights not being taken seriously in the past, but now cheers shitting on state rights because the gubamint boss does it?

>> No.18521013

>I don't think you know what actual dilution

1 vote is enough to dilute 1 lawful voters vote. So again, why do you have voters anon? Why are you pushing policies that suppress lawful voter's vote?

>> No.18521018

We’re pissed that states are taking away our constitutional right you stupid kike.

>> No.18521020


And if you want a recent, concrete case of this in action, look no further than Detroit in 2016.


An audit that was attempting to undo Trump's election ironically ended up proving that Detroit (the blue center of the state) was stuffing ballots.

You know you can be on the guard for "voter suppression".. while simultaneously understanding the vote is the single most important thing in a democracy and should be well regulated and guarded from malfeasance and idiocy.

>> No.18521032

>libertarian flag
>defending the bigger government man
Clown world indeed. That's what a meme addiction does to one.

>> No.18521055
File: 1.29 MB, 500x210, tearUpTheDanceFloor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more since I cant be fired without getting paid a lot, but still sit on my ass at home most days.

>> No.18521074


Libertarians value liberty above all else... only one of those people is asserting it in this climate. Though I don't agree with them yet

>> No.18521088

>and idiocy.
Nice save to justify preventing citizens from voting you perceive as less valuable while at the same time arguing "the vote is the single most important thing in a democracy"

>> No.18521091


Of course they do, they want the old people and poor people who vote against their own interests to be the ones that vote so Republicans can line their own pockets along with their donors pockets.

>> No.18521108



>> No.18521110

>only one of those people is asserting it in this climate.
Didn't Trump talk about how he has absolute power just a couple days ago, and also claim he could override states rights?

>> No.18521115
File: 45 KB, 640x454, dale yelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans demanding the right to exacerbate the pandemic
>gather in large groups, shouting and coughing at the top of their lungs in each others' faces

Pure entertainment. Keep it up, Amerifats.

>> No.18521117
File: 633 KB, 666x506, maxin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn im thinking friday was a good day

>> No.18521122

>Nice save to justify preventing citizens from voting
Debunked. Try again. >>18520907

>> No.18521123
File: 177 KB, 410x274, 3464893893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself retard!

>> No.18521128

Keep in mind traitors like you will be the first to hang.

>> No.18521134

>>Americans demanding the right to exacerbate the pandemic

Demand americans living in low populated areas to act like they live in New York City.


>> No.18521144

>US coronavirus protest.webm
America should have universal mental health care. Change my mind.

>> No.18521147


The vote is important. Not every living breathing soul in the country. Utter retards exist my man, no I'm not going to pretend for a second that their vote matters or is valuable. It isn't, it's pollution.

Am I going to argue for some kind of criteria to filter people out? No. That's subject to abuse by the state. But arguing AGAINST simple things like voter ID and showing up to a polling booth, that any functioning adult should have, is an absurdity. At that point you're delusionally fooling yourself my man.

>> No.18521153

It’s almost as if they’re willing to take the risk rather than lock theirselves inside their houses until the virus disappears. You’d be the kikes that hide in their houses until they were eventually taken to concentration camps. How about you fight you faggot.

>> No.18521157

lol imagine reading his tweetderp every fucking day. clown shoes

>> No.18521169

Sometimes I wonder if Americans really want to self destruct or there’s far too many trolls acting as if they’re American

>> No.18521170

>It’s almost as if they’re willing to take the risk rather than lock theirselves inside their houses until the virus disappears.

"risk" lol ok

>> No.18521177

it's about health. top kek. I don't think you've been paying attention to the world anon.

>> No.18521178

It's gonna real interesting to see if Trump will try for re-election in 2024 by cucking that law, or even plainly stop elections with help from his supporters. Either way it's gonna confirm American identity (he doesn't try) or change it into something else entirely no matter what side wins the "war". Interesting times for external observers either way, and thank God I'm not an American.
Started thinking about this when I read that trump threatened to shut down the Senate and the house for having too many democrats not playing ball.

>> No.18521192

Similar to but less risky than every time I step into my car.

>> No.18521193

>muh pets are too stupid and lazy to get an ID
>voter suppression!

>> No.18521207


>> No.18521215

>staying at home is essentially fighting the disease as it ultimately harms the virus
>why don't you go outside and coalesce your small population to fight
Shit/10 bait or retarded

>> No.18521227

Cute, but I'm thankfully not a mutt nor a glowy.

>> No.18521244


>> No.18521252

i truly hate self-hating americans
and I'm from yurop

>> No.18521285

Dw we hate Europe more collectively

>> No.18521287

>cuomo is a hero!! cuomo 4 prez!
>NY has a fuck ton of cases

yeah youd think he would catch some heat for this fuck up

>> No.18521293

>human lives? Those of my parents and grandparents? FUCK that, my god is the economy. Schlomo needs his next Israeli support check! Trump! Do what we elected you to do!
Truly the American dream.

>> No.18521301

donnie's tweet storms consistently get gayer and gayer

>> No.18521302

Then back out of our politics you flaming faggot. Where are you from?

>> No.18521304

He can't argue his point. The only study he ever had is debunked. He can't even prove with anecdotal evidence how voter ID laws magically prevent non white people from voting. The process of getting an id is the same for everyone

>> No.18521323

They all want it to self destruct. Some to turn it into a socialist shithole, most to live out their revolutionary war II fantasy and justify the hoards of guns and silver they built up over their lifetime.

>> No.18521345

but dude, there's some 90 year old former slave black lady from Louisiana who is illiterate sooo can't have voter id laws.

>> No.18521348

Norwegian, in Norway.
Yes, your greatest nightmare. A successful white social democracy.
Now say the line, clown.

>> No.18521354


The worst part is that this is such an obviously duplicitous issue. Democrats love regulation. They regulate literally everything. Except one thing. Why? Where there is smoke, there is fire. And this thing is fucking BILLOWING.

>> No.18521395

>The process of getting an id is the same for everyone
>'Dude there are the same amount of DMVs everywhere'

Good joke

>> No.18521415

Lol seethe you euro cuck your country is toast from Muslim emigration yet here you are crying over America

>> No.18521460

>Demand americans living in low populated areas to act like they live in New York City.
That's the price of accepting all of the welfare from the taxpaying city dwellers.

>> No.18521462

>A successful white social democracy.
How’s the weather today? But seriously, everyone on 4chan is tired of the Scandinavian’s overinflated egos. Your insight is distorted and of no help to anyone.

>> No.18521481


>> No.18521493

Nice but wet.
To be fair, if everyone didn't worship us like Gods since like Hitler & company, maybe we would be so high on ourselves. But alas, all "muh supreme whites" worship us as peak whiteness.

>> No.18521500


>> No.18521503


Don't pretend that the rich + corporations (a minority in cities) aren't the ones funding taxes

It isn't the big section 8 niggertowns that vote 95% Dem I assure you of that

>> No.18521513


>> No.18521528
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>> No.18521529

>But alas, all "muh supreme whites" worship us as peak whiteness.
This is why nobody likes you. You’re a cocky prick.

>> No.18521530

City dwellers are the people who actually make society function

>> No.18521531


>> No.18521546


Is that why they're all fleeing to their flyover hometowns right now? Yeah I noticed

>> No.18521562

>grows and produces nothing
>financial sector games fucking everyone over through contracts, options, swaps, derivatives
>muh value!

>> No.18521571

butthurt retard

>> No.18521578

Trumptards, go back.

>> No.18521582


I didn't know pandemics were a regular part of life, you're right they're leaving and never coming back

>> No.18521588

>The findings aren’t too surprising. Looking at the broader research, the empirical evidence has tended to find that voter ID laws have a small impact on elections. While they still may be racially discriminatory or unnecessary, ultimately voter ID laws may not have a strong enough effect on voter turnout, based on the available research so far, to swing anything but the closest election. And the newest study backs that up.
Sorry dembros, your pets are smart enough to drive 5 miles to the local dmv. You should stick with russia schizophrenia.

>> No.18521598

A century where everyone fellates you for merely existing will do that to you. Also helps that we have some pretty good quality of life in general.
Blame the eugenetics, Hitler, racialists, whatever. It's the same reason women grew up to be cunts, since this and that racialist groups put white women on a pedestal and told them they were the most valuable humans in the world for the better part of a century.

>> No.18521603
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Liberate my pussy, don.

>> No.18521608

>Some of the highest personal housing debt in Europe
>3rd most drug deaths in Europe only getting beaten by and sweden (another socialist state)
Not him but how you measure success is dubious as a tool at best

>> No.18521625

this will backfire hard if these protesters start dying from the virus.

>> No.18521644

I unironically bewlieve thaat you want dat

>> No.18521650

That's a male.

>> No.18521653
File: 246 KB, 785x982, 1569017719944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes because eastern europe shit holes are testing people at the same rate as first world countries

>> No.18521654


If rural areas stopped delivering you their food you would starve.

>> No.18521663

Good thing it's international groups, from american to european to global organizations that's monitoring and gathering data on us then, and not ourselves.
As for housing debts, those are practically memes. pretty much nobody had their homes foreclosed here, not even during 2008. In fact our economy is so good a large number of boomers move to hotter cheaper countries and live like kings until end of their days, despite working in low income jobs all their lives. In fact, our NEET welfare is so strong, a norwegian NEET could live a comfortable life anywhere in the world, even in Norway.

>> No.18521678


The chips are down and we're finding out what is and isn't "essential", or fundamental to this country's continued survival and success.

Protip: a bunch of paper pushing service sector redundant retards aren't it. Neither are big termite hives of people.

>> No.18521793

I thought this was photoshopped. Its freaking legit. Lmao odds of civil war?

>> No.18521979

Lmao i wanna vote for him to piss people like you off for another 4 years

Lmao getting that butthurt yet when obama was president twice in a row i wasnt seething at all

>> No.18522145

He still won't be my president

>> No.18522176

If by "civil war," you mean a bunch of fat people posing with guns on Facebook while complaining about not being able to fertilize their lawns followed by a bunch of blue checkmarks posting said photos on twitter with captions like "omg i cannot even," then 100%. Maybe someone will open fire on an ambulance or inside a Wal-Mart.

If you are talking about people in the US actually fighting for anything at all, or even having any coherent set of convictions to fight for, the chance is less than 0.

>> No.18522201

That's right, he's not the president of you. He's the president of the United States, faggot. Cry about it.

>> No.18522270
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>35,394 deaths (literally 10x 9/11), is a nothing burger
Sociopaths pls go

>> No.18522289

can we get a noble peasant to lead them? they're disorganized and their shit is fucked

>> No.18522343

>he thinks a president has power

>> No.18522356
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Lynching soon.

>> No.18522369

So many dead Americans soon