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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.18500240

Fuck Chyna.

>> No.18500251

clown to crab, lads
Don't get greedy now ;)

>> No.18500253

Tesla is a meme zoomer company that will go bankrupt

>> No.18500257
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>> No.18500261
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>amzn +4.20%

>> No.18500262
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>> No.18500264
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What is this pattern called

>> No.18500267

For any shitcointers looking to get involved with stocks probably everything you know can be applied to TSLA.

>> No.18500269

bros i don't respect AMD's CEO

>> No.18500275

>being a pedophile
consider suicide.

>> No.18500277
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LCI to $60

>> No.18500282
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>> No.18500287

>Sexualizing scout finch

That's a lynching

>> No.18500289

Welcome to 4chan! Hope you enjoy your stay :)

>> No.18500291

Up trend

>> No.18500292

The challenger

>> No.18500295
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>> No.18500296

This isn’t even a bad drop. Wtf is wrong with you people. Just chill

>> No.18500297
File: 243 KB, 750x1334, HRX0KMf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to whoever told me to do a put on AMD

>> No.18500306

left-leaning cunny = SELL SELL SELL

>> No.18500307
File: 37 KB, 927x357, ford bailout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good $1 options that will double my money like pic related win from 2 weeks ago? im scanning through all the dates of SPY but not finding much

>> No.18500310

fat pig

>> No.18500311

Jerome is kill? How can he not be printing when we need him the most right now?

>> No.18500313

Found the redditor

>> No.18500315

>implying pedophiles aren't all virginal manlets
let's not kid ourselves

>> No.18500316

No problem bro.

>> No.18500320
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>(embed) (embed)

>> No.18500322
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It's about to be catastrophic

>> No.18500328
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How do I short joe biden's mental health???

>> No.18500330

Whew, that was close

>> No.18500335

it's on its way

>> No.18500337
File: 139 KB, 856x344, PricedIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm busy.
How do I make gold and bitcoin worthless assets?
>t. NotJerome

>> No.18500338
File: 1.07 MB, 1186x835, bernankethinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PG chads steady cruisin
anyone loading up on those sweet 6% divies?

>> No.18500342

>le printing brrr maymay
You need to leave

>> No.18500344
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>> No.18500347
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>this level of projection

>> No.18500348

i'd break your jaw in real fucking degenerate

>> No.18500349

Thank God for Jerome, we almost went below 276

>> No.18500355


>> No.18500361

First thing I do when I become a multi millionaire is kill myself

>> No.18500362

How long will it take for bears to reach acceptance? They're still denying an obvious green line going up.

>> No.18500369
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pump into close as usual

>> No.18500372

Damn that's a nice kitchen

>> No.18500374
File: 377 KB, 720x544, 1312515089998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready but its been not happening. I'm hoping the Kaletra generic has been making them money despite the fact that its not mentioned in the US. But is used elsewhere.

>> No.18500385

Im so thrilled at the idea of killing myself
All this suffering will soon be irrelevant in the eternity of nothingness that will erase my soul

>> No.18500386

Bu...But it was red yesterday and red today???

>> No.18500387
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1586471898661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this upset you so?

>> No.18500388

Interesting, link me the philly thing again

>> No.18500393


>> No.18500397
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1558689640742m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys use to buy stocks and how much do you pay?

UK here and it's too expensive per trade - I've only ever just stuck my savings spread over a few funds and left it at that

>> No.18500398

How you planning to go?

>> No.18500399

fuck kikes

>> No.18500407

stay out of this market

>> No.18500409
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What is this pattern called?

>> No.18500415
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>> No.18500420
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We all have our goals. I'd split it with my family. Without them I'd eat a bullet though.

>> No.18500424

jerome's last stand

>> No.18500429

What is forty years of pain when the infinite void shall inevitably reclaim its due
Im so happy that death is a thing

>> No.18500431
File: 106 KB, 500x500, 1576975241675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil still falling
How fucked are US shale oil companies?

>> No.18500435

I always find it a little bizarre how yuros cheer about their social safety nets but make the most ridiculous rules to prevent people from accumulating money on their own and not needing the safety net. It's like they WANT you to be dependent on daddy government for survival

>> No.18500440

thats the triple inverted nigger cunny with a chase

>> No.18500441

>Infinite fight of Truth vs FED

>> No.18500443

>BA already rebounding

I told you fucking retards to buy the dip, but you didn't listen. Stay poor.

>> No.18500449
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>> No.18500455

GIBBS Bill v. 5 will be to effectively nationalize US oil

>> No.18500460

>SPXU nearing stop loss
Come on, fucker.

>> No.18500462

We already know the elite traffic, molest, and rape kids globally and it'll be easier when it's normalized. You know at the heart of it, the impulse is wrong, but you disregard your shame for momentary pleasure.

To knowingly do wrong and ignore any sense of shame is the best definition of evil.

>> No.18500464

>What is forty years of pain when the infinite void shall inevitably reclaim its due
Im so happy that death is a thing

>> No.18500467
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Bought AMZN at 2400 wish me luck

>> No.18500468
File: 111 KB, 680x636, RAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw foreigners are getting our Trumpbux before us

is this shit infuriating to anyone else? fucking clusterfuck of government waste


>> No.18500469

Sweet relief is just a trigger away

>> No.18500471

dont worry about it the tariffs that are coming are going to save us oilbros

>> No.18500474

I'd like to but I dont have enough capital saved up yet to buy any meaningful number of shares I could buy like 5 right now so that's not enough for me

>> No.18500481


>> No.18500482

God damn it Roku. I was trading off its highs, then the final time I bought it never went back. I got paper hands and sold, wiping out my day trading gains.

>> No.18500483
File: 355 KB, 900x900, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this may be a real stupid question, but where the fuck is the stock market actually listed outside of the physical NYSE and other markets? I mean I know there are sites that list indexes and have real-time charts, but isn't there like an official source for watching stocks? I know papaw used to read the NYT to monitor stocks, but I don't have that Jew newspaper.

>> No.18500484

>the tariffs
But the US doesn't even import much oil from russia or saudi arabia to begin with

>> No.18500487

You mean $6.00?

>> No.18500489

Good luck and god speed fren

>> No.18500493

>ze bot ze top?


>> No.18500498

hahahahahahahahahaha i want to blow up federal buildings in minecraft

>> No.18500500

chevron is fucking me over

>> No.18500505

Expect a pullback after the runup, but ER should slay. 2500 soon.

>> No.18500506

literally just giving it to tax payers dummy, I already got mine yesterday

>> No.18500509

The fattest dead cat bounce in recorded history, it seems. Over 50% fib retracement already.

>> No.18500514

that sounds like a solid plan if you're looking to create some losses for tax purposes

>> No.18500515
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it doesn't surprise me in the least how bad the US government fucked this up

>> No.18500519
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6 feet 2 inches here

>> No.18500524
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>> No.18500530


>> No.18500531

>Pedophiles are significantly shorter on average than men who are attracted to adults, according to a new study out of Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

>He also said there was a chance shorter stature may have made the study subjects targets for teasing, and that their condition was psychologically induced in childhood.

Why are manlets so physically and mentally fucked up? Not only are they weak and small, they're sexually degenerate.

>> No.18500541

Why is it called "Dead CAT bounce" anyway?
I tested it out. Dead cats bounce very poorly. All they do is make a nasty stain on the pavement.

>> No.18500543

shit, do I just call the cops if I see a manlet next to me?

>> No.18500545
File: 13 KB, 225x225, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill in the blank:


>> No.18500548

you didn't throw it hard enough

>> No.18500552

So what happens if you have a put that expires in the money?

>> No.18500553


>> No.18500555
File: 737 KB, 521x467, 1532327214081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you niggers about CODX


>> No.18500556


>> No.18500557

Please answer sirs I posted funny meme thank you sirs.

>> No.18500560

cartoons of little girls don't make you a pedophile

>> No.18500563

let me guess, you didnt set stop losses
let meguess, Im just a stupid nigger

>> No.18500568
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based loli poster

>> No.18500569
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>> No.18500570
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Spent a few Govt bucks to buy more of Him. Never will I sell Him, let the fat divvy payouts just pile up till I die.

>> No.18500572


>> No.18500573

So according to this study you could literally bully people into being pedophiles.

>> No.18500574
File: 167 KB, 735x920, B9697412-F048-409A-9C18-201E04C3B7F2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the next play, you brilliant retards?

>> No.18500576

do pixels of little girls make you a pedophile? At what point do images that your brain recognizes as little girls actually make you a pedophile?

>no no, you see officer, this is just a photo. It's only ink on a piece of paper!

>> No.18500577
File: 53 KB, 492x767, Boomer_stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18500579

The plan is already in motion
Existence is a mistake that lasts for a fraction of seconds meant to make us realize what we lost when committing the sin of being born

>> No.18500582

Dow 30k end of month.

>> No.18500584

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.18500585

Just read the OP you absolute faggot

>> No.18500586
File: 811 KB, 700x1094, 73845777_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine NOT having some NTDOY in your portfolio

>> No.18500587

Lmao fuck off this website, this place isn't for you, smolbrain

>> No.18500589

Are we going to see donald blumpf or donald pump at 3pm?

>> No.18500591

Use market watch's website they have real time info

>> No.18500593

seriously how can we save bonds market?
thing are looking very bleak

>> No.18500594

Sorry, but your original question is so retarded it doesn't make sense. Do you want to watch stocks in real-time? What do you mean 'watch stocks'? That's so fucking vague. Google a little before you come asking for help dip shit.

>> No.18500601
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donald plumpf

>> No.18500602

Why would i sell anything? Why not just buy more?

>> No.18500603

if drawings of little girls can make you a pedo, then violent video games can make you a mass murderer
dumb fucking boomer

>> No.18500604


Will it be time to go all in on MFA soon? What's the entry point, lads?

>> No.18500615

Guys it looks like we’re heading towards a new low

>> No.18500622

crabinold snibf

>> No.18500624

MFA bro! I'm still holding onto all my shares from 2 weeks ago, buying a shit ton more when it gets closer to $1

>> No.18500626

I've been on marketwatch for a bit now and I know they have tickers of the indexes themselves, but I don't know how to see individual stocks and prices on there.

>> No.18500627

Buddy, I love you but your a fucking moron if you chase things ever, and especially in this chaos market

>> No.18500631

old news and already priced in.

>> No.18500633

All part of the plan.
Liquidity will literally have no where to go EXCEPT into the stock market.

>> No.18500634

He hasn't been doing great lately honestly. I think people are really starting to see through his bullshit now. He's claiming he has authority to "open up" states when he absolutely doesn't there is no hope for an "opening up" of any kind without each individual state doing so. It's constitutionally impossible.

His really desperate attempts to pump individual companies by namedropping them is getting old too.

>> No.18500635

Based on what? The semi unexpected bump today?

>> No.18500636

Just the thought of the bullet piercing my skull and shattering all this useless pain factory that is my grey matter makes me so happy.

>> No.18500638

>already down 26 dollars since this post


>> No.18500639

> jcp and kr my only green today

>> No.18500640
File: 132 KB, 828x818, 1586678728444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how a lot of gay men were molested as children? I think a lot of pedophiles were bullied or socially excluded growing up. So they have a problem with seeing themselves as sexually dominant our sexually ambitious. For instance, they would probably never be able to even imagine going to a bar and chatting up a pretty girl on impulse.

More grown women require men to be more outgoing, taller than them, stronger, etc. Pedos are so meek they are none of those things.

However, in contrast, little girls are smaller, weaker, etc. and just by existing, a pedophile is by default more dominant than her. So almost as a cope to sexual intimidation, he finds a weird safety in little girls. Basically a pedophile is like a very feminine (almost gay acting) straight man.

t. psychoanalyst

>> No.18500641

>he bot

>> No.18500642

any website that put dow price in the tab name?, i am sick of switching tabs every second

>> No.18500644

coping pedo

>> No.18500647
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>> No.18500649
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Somebody help - what happens if you can't sell a put that expires in the money?

>> No.18500648

Just sold off my capcom since I don't think it's getting much better.
Nintendo is continued growth but no divvy. If I had 10k to put into it a few weeks ago, maybe.

>> No.18500651

>Highly leveraged residential real estate
That shit is going to ZERO

>> No.18500655

how much do you want to bet chink college students with their espionage lowly lab assistant university jobs are back in china right now getting $1,200 of US taxpayer dollars awarded to them for stealing our technology and intellectual property

>> No.18500656


>> No.18500664

Guys it looks like we’re heading towards a new high

>> No.18500667

Based 1984 elimination

>> No.18500669


>> No.18500672

Extremely based and fuckpedospilled

>> No.18500674

why is something that is 80% off its high only a 29% buy?

>> No.18500675

Bros should I take my OKE gains and wait for the market to dip more? 40 shares at an avg of 23.37

>> No.18500677
File: 5 KB, 756x49, Screenshot from 2020-04-16 17-15-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this for stocks

>> No.18500681


>> No.18500682

>D/E ratio almost 3
That is 3 times a normal zombie

>> No.18500686


>> No.18500691

>Taronis Will Not Pursue a Reverse Split to Maintain Listing Status
Trnx aka mnga is one of the worst scams

>> No.18500698
File: 110 KB, 750x1291, 2002BD75-BE62-43ED-A132-F8D267C60D03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know

>> No.18500699

Lmao do you go on /pol/ and preach against Jews and trannies and then in your off time jack off to kids?

Now THIS is delusion.

>> No.18500711

Stupid sexy Hibiki

>> No.18500712

dial 8

>> No.18500717
File: 1 KB, 193x31, tab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradingview, click on full-feature chart button.

>> No.18500719
File: 1.06 MB, 640x360, original_181776189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is going to climb the mountain today. Bull mountain.

>> No.18500726

lift weights.

>> No.18500734

thank you

>> No.18500736

Ty based baker but next time don't be a nigger and bake early

>> No.18500738

can't, broke my hand

>> No.18500747
File: 2 KB, 125x125, Angry Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18500749

>Down 1.5%
This website is for adults

>> No.18500753


>The study found that pedophilic males were shorter on average than males without a sexual attraction to children.

>This study adds to previous research from this team that found pedophiles have lower IQs, are three times more likely to be left-handed, failed school grades significantly more frequently, and suffered more head injuries as children.

How do I short pedophiles?

>> No.18500760

Heard Trump will announce today if the economy will be reopen.
If true at which time will this be happening?

>> No.18500763
File: 40 KB, 410x356, 1584086962236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna shoot the fucking feds in the head and skullfuck the hole. They are fucking our country so bad. And it's all so you retards can go OOOOOOOOO when line go up. We are seriously so fucking fucked holy shit

>> No.18500764


>> No.18500766

I'm 6'2" and love cunny.

>> No.18500767

Huh. I sold 20 shares at 35.20. Small world.

>> No.18500770

seems like genetics already did

>> No.18500775

you are fucked.

>> No.18500781

in minecraft

>> No.18500787

5 star post

>> No.18500792

What is the bump limit?

>> No.18500800

you go to jail

>> No.18500803

yeah, you need to say in minecraft. >>18500781

>> No.18500805

In your case, replace a lack of height with a lack of chin, jaw, posture, etc.

>> No.18500809

This seems like manletphobic propaganda bullshit. Ever watch To Catch a Predator or see these fuckers on the news? They always seem like normal-sized guys. Rarely does a little manlet waddle up.
Fake news.

>> No.18500810

I mean you can't blame the feds alone here, anyone else participating in the long side of this market-wide pump and dump is at fault.

I'm set to make a lot of money when this shit all collapses though, so whatever, keep buying retards it just makes the inevitable dump more deadly.

>> No.18500812

imagine buying RDS.B at 35 and not setting stop losses at 33.50 immediately after
whew I'm glad I remembered to do that

>> No.18500814

Wont it be delisted now??? Why would it pump?

>> No.18500817

Fuck Blumpf

>> No.18500820

I'm a certified qt, sorry friend.

>> No.18500821

No really?

>> No.18500825

Bottom when

>> No.18500829


>> No.18500837

It will move to OTC.
Why the pump?
I dunno.

>> No.18500840

DCA nigga. I hope you didn't go into a position all at once. If you did, consider this a lesson. Also, you haven't lost anything if you haven't sold. Wait for US invasion of Venezuela and/or China.

>> No.18500842

I'm too stupid to know how to set stop losses. Is it worth it for me to sell now and buy back in on the hope that it goes lower or should I just hold because eventually it rebounds. I plan on longing it.

>> No.18500844

Just execute it

You DID make sure you had enough cash to buy the stock and execute the option, right?

>> No.18500843


>> No.18500848

Is this going to be a thing every day now?

>> No.18500856

Yeah dude it's only unattractive losers that are pedos. Oh wait but tons of powerful and attractive people in politics and Hollywood are known for horrible sexual abuse against children.

Fuck off with your closet-homo shit faggot. Has nothing to do with what you fucking look like. Many child molesters are handsome men who are married already.

>> No.18500865

I don't fucking care if the glow in the dark NSA niggers see this. I'm going to slit Jerome Powells throat and drink his blood. I'll be safer in jail than ii'll be out here

>> No.18500866

Cool I managed to pick more HTGC for cheap.

>> No.18500867

how many shares of MSFT is that though

>> No.18500869
File: 407 KB, 1124x582, Screenshot from 2020-04-16 17-23-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recession incoming

>> No.18500872

As far as penny stocks go is JCP worth it?

>> No.18500875

Dont want to shake the boat but what happends if the coronavirus can be infected twice on same person? What happends to boat then?


>> No.18500883

It's a good thing jannies are doing their jobs

>> No.18500885
File: 40 KB, 700x514, 1526370381827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCI went negative. Jews working to make sure it will never go up.

>> No.18500887

The average height of an American man is 5’7”

>> No.18500888

No, up to 61.8 isnt that uncommon

>> No.18500891
File: 69 KB, 1325x327, 08A15D41-536E-45CE-B65D-408DBAD6DF52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this priced in?

>> No.18500893

>I'm too stupid to know how to set stop losses
For fuck's sake. It takes like 30 seconds to understand how they work. The only issue is that most brokerages charge fees to set it up so that kills you unless you are moving bigger volumes than a few shares

>> No.18500897

>Many child molesters are handsome men who are married already.
is this a cope? You guys have a lot of copes.

>officer, it's just drawings. Pencil lines on paper.
>officer, it's just pixels. Different colored pixels in a pattern on my computer
>Officer, it's just a photo. Different combinations of color on a flat piece of paper.
>officer, it's just a recording. Just a series of sequential photos that give the illusion of motion.

>> No.18500899
File: 262 KB, 956x521, crabyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18500902

It was 5'9 until we stuffed this place with beaners

>> No.18500905

I'd let it ride tbqh
Shell had a great dividend and oil will recover as soon as quarantines start getting lifted. Also Brent is "safer" than WTI because it can move around the globe easier.

>> No.18500906

Is it priced in?

>> No.18500907

I guess. But the fed is still primarily responsible. And trump, frankly, for appointing so many of their voting members

>> No.18500908

t. Epstein

>> No.18500910

Well this is a bit of a trash thread

Btw /ss/ is based

>> No.18500911

All homosexual men are pedophiles.

>> No.18500914

I totally trust those tests, as well as all of the evidence of their condition once they get "reinfected." No sir, there's no way any of that could be wrong or misleading.
It's just fear-mongering.

>> No.18500919

according to /biz/ amazon will buy them and turn each stock into $500

>> No.18500924

No I have 996 of cash on the side and 40 shares of OKE at 23 and 30 shares of RTX at 60.
>I'm poor only had 4k to start and am 23 so I want some nice dividend stocks.
>Don't know if I should use that 996 to pick up more RDS.B/RTX or spend it on other positions tho.

>> No.18500925

It's purely for the memes. It's a retailer that's 99% going bankrupt.

>> No.18500931
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>> No.18500940

after market closes

>> No.18500945

Lmao you prove that psychoanalysis is pseudoscience

>> No.18500946

A "cope" for what purpose? What am I "coping" for you fucking redddit buzzword summerfag retard? You don't even make any fucking sense. It's a fucking FACT you stupid fake news fucking nigger. Get BTFO.

>> No.18500948

>please dump your stocks so that my company can buy cheapies on a short market turnaround

>> No.18500950
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>> No.18500951


From my interactions, gay people tend to be borderline sociopathic. They are so used to living out of pure narcissism that their moral compass has devolved into

>I want this. That means I DESERVE it.
replace this with little boys and you will get it.

>> No.18500960

There's jannies in /biz/?

>> No.18500961


>> No.18500965

Look us rip muvafuka

>> No.18500968

t. married secret chomo

>> No.18500976

woah buddy calm down. I recommend lifting weights to reduce stress.

>> No.18500979

Apparently a lot of those test just look for and increased immune response and might be having a lot of false positives

>> No.18500983

so was this chart actually not a meme all along?

>> No.18500987

Except it's not and you're missing out on a stupid profit

>> No.18500988

nobody gonna share their $1 cheapies? im still searching cant decide what to grab. i might try F again they have some $1 6.5 calls expiring tomorrow. could be worth the gamble for a trump pump this afternoon or the fed infusion tomorrow

>> No.18500989

You got BTFO complete faggot nigger bye.

>> No.18500997

take your meds bro

>> No.18500998


>> No.18501001
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>> No.18501006
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>> No.18501015
File: 8 KB, 237x212, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine talking like this and being unironic about it

>> No.18501019

>Q1 of 2020 had the highest CEO stepping down/resign ever
they knew shit gonna happen even all this covid-19

>> No.18501030

There's a search bar. Put the ticker symbol into it.

>> No.18501031

the eternal virgin

>> No.18501032
File: 34 KB, 1278x427, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming back

>> No.18501037


>> No.18501047

Reminder that you'll be telling your grandkids about the Monday's dump

>> No.18501050

Its more of a melenial meme.

>> No.18501052

I'm not sure, I'm just sick of seeing these bums argue the merits of jerking off to drawings of kids. We're here to lose money on stocks

>> No.18501054

we're currently at first sell off.

>> No.18501056

2 cm difference is imperceptible without a reference.

>> No.18501057
File: 89 KB, 980x551, 51D901DA-1F53-4EC5-BC25-0345734275DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bobo, I am not dropping my bags.
You can pull them from my cold dead hands. My JCP same thing.

>> No.18501060

head and shoulders

>> No.18501062

I'm not having kids, retard. Go cap urself.

>> No.18501064

Tesla is going to be a case study for retards buying PR over balance sheets

>> No.18501067

Buy AMZN at ATH totally not a bubble. This whole rally was totally real and not a trick by big money to convince everyone the market can't crash because of some Jerome so the can take the entire stimulus for themselves.

>> No.18501072

+1 upvote

>> No.18501074


wait that was a typo

>> No.18501076

What makes you use a trip?
Why are you such a massive faggot?
Are you a tranny looking for attention?

>> No.18501082

0 rates dude

This is uncharted territory. We're hitting hyperiflation, line never go down.

>> No.18501087

Amazon is literally the only company unaffected by this Chinese virus. In fact, they are probably making even more money now than they were before.

>> No.18501090

Am I really fucked if my put expires in the money?

>> No.18501091

Amazon is fucking exponential. I wonder how many zoomies are buying the top thinking that they're wolves on wallstreet

>> No.18501111

Tesla is going to be a case study about idiots thinking that their basic knowledge of finance means anything in the face of great technological progress and the coming of a ten trillion dollar industry.

>> No.18501113
File: 506 KB, 768x419, 11326964126126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone show this to trump and jerome there's no way you can just switch from quarantine to normal life

>> No.18501118

RDS.B and RTX?! My nigga. And you're 23? Son, you're gonna make it. Gas is a long term play. Everything going to go to shit once earnings come out and we extend lockdowns. You're gonna have chances to get more cheapies and enter new positions. Just keep watching and put in those limit orders.

>> No.18501121

>n the money refers to an option contract that, if it were exercised today, would be worth more than $0. A call option is said to be in the money when its exercise price is below the current price of the underlying asset.

>> No.18501122
File: 14 KB, 400x300, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a poster saying the other day that the stock market crash of 1929 was predicated by an infinite credit bubble similar to 2008 and a flood of excess money into the market caused by temporarily taking the US off the gold standard to pay for WW1. Is this true? I don't know much about historical market crashes.

>> No.18501129


fuck cuomo

>> No.18501130




>> No.18501133
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>> No.18501136

lol you only missed it by 6k points.

>> No.18501138

I want them to open the economy and that both of them will get the virus

>> No.18501139

>any kind of technological progress whatsoever, let alone great technological progress

>> No.18501144

Speculation != Actual price.

>bro, Amazon said 3 years ago they want to deliver packages by drone
>better buy at all time highs!

When Elon isn't up to his eyeballs in debt, maybe Tesla will be worth an investment. You should be asking yourself what doe Tesla have right now and what are they capable of in the future. Their actual fair market price is way wayy lower.

>> No.18501149

What does that mean

>> No.18501151

Bears being awfully quiet right now. I thought this was the mother of all dumps

>> No.18501154
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>> No.18501165
File: 14 KB, 184x184, F8134B99-48C1-453B-BEA4-F9722E85BB5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im such an idiot, bought in amd at 40 and left at 47
oh well, profit is profit
what do i buy now bros

>> No.18501169

If the fed was going to save today, they would have saved by now. When you're crabbing at +- .01% on the S&P, all you need is a big green dildo to rescue the day.

>> No.18501172
File: 466 KB, 975x590, 1568757246721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CBOE 10 Year Treasury Note Yield Index

>> No.18501179

dump on monday
tomorrow will pump to kill the shorts

>> No.18501178

I sold because I thought earnings was today but somehow they moved them 2 weeks?

>> No.18501182

making 18% isnt anything to scoff at desu

>> No.18501191
File: 75 KB, 814x701, graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, very funny guys. Who turned the market into a sine wave and thought we wouldn't notice?

>> No.18501198

lol idiot

>> No.18501199


>> No.18501200

bruhs, I bought HAL and now -15% down...
it'll go up eventually, right?

>> No.18501201


>> No.18501206
File: 354 KB, 1419x2048, Screenshot_20200416-104033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happens if no one buys it tomorrow (I'm out of day trades)

>> No.18501208

long C to $54

>> No.18501209

>40% of amazon sellers are from china.
>Amazon is tots unaffected bruh.

>> No.18501212

I'm down, but not DOWN. If tomorrow is green I will be OK but if it continues to drop I may be stuck holding bags. I don't know what to do...

>> No.18501214

I want to t r a n s f o r m that signal.

>> No.18501221

Why not, what makes them so great

>> No.18501224

>BA tanking again

I'm ruined.

>> No.18501232
File: 7 KB, 250x230, hmghkm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me. I fucking hope so. I bought at $8 and I want to fucking stab myself in the eyes with a fork.

>> No.18501238

>only 2 more hours left in the market

damn today went fast

>> No.18501241

End of day pump soon.

>> No.18501244


>> No.18501248



>> No.18501257

you lose most your gains from theta decay by tomorrow lmao

>> No.18501263
File: 343 KB, 1414x787, Today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally not a millennial bubble.

>> No.18501268

Me investing into your company makes it worth a 100x more

>> No.18501269

gimme the rundown

>> No.18501272

was that an actual ghoul on cnbc a moment ago

>> No.18501278

Any earnings action for tomorrow? I'm looking for puts on banks, mostly.

>> No.18501280

Quick say more buzzwords faggot, you're almost one of us and not a redddit cockbagger.

>> No.18501289

Gas is a long term play. Also, Trump will bail out the oil industry via tarrifs. DCA while you can and brace yourself for war with Venezuela.

>> No.18501292

let us know what you find, quantfren

>> No.18501295
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1460652318568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one -0.50% sell off day and bobos cream their pants sperging all over the place

>> No.18501296

Cockmongler. That's cockmongler. Carry on.

>> No.18501304

This is the MOTHER OF ALL bubbles.

>> No.18501302

Hey thanks anon thank you sir.

>> No.18501307
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> double top @ 50 % fibbonacci retracement

>> No.18501309

if you created it, yes. you gotta pay up

>> No.18501311

Tesla has the fraction of the debt of other automakers. The debt of Ford is almost the entire market cap of Tesla, yet you don't care about that because the only reason you dislike Tesla is because you haven't made money on it and have sour grapes about it, like most of the idiots in this thread going on about it when they haven't done even five minutes of research on the subject like (>>18501139).

The actual price of a stock is what it trades at and it's not divorced from speculation. No one cares what you think the real value is, everyone else is pricing in speculation which is why you'll never have the opportunity to buy the stock and it will always seem overpriced to you. The same thing happened with Google and Amazon, those people never admitted they were wrong, they just went on to produce even more bullshit about other stocks.

>> No.18501312
File: 21 KB, 250x325, badstorybro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 7.92...

>> No.18501317

You actually have autism, don't you?

>> No.18501321


>> No.18501323

Thoughts on T? Earnings plays or just buy and hold?

>> No.18501330

Risk management, stop losses.

>> No.18501342

how the fuck can it be a Millennial bubble?

you're a fucking moron, there are more Millennials right now than Boomers, it's a fucking MILLENNIAL ECONOMY

they are moving into their PEAK earning years and they DRIVE what demand is for this economy

you might be a faggot and hate Tesla or Amazon but the TRILLIONS of dollars in the economy is run by other faggots than yourself

oh nice image there bud you'll real smart fucking NECK YOURSELF you stupid fuck

>> No.18501341

there wont be a mother of all dumps anymore, just a series of crab periods and moderate dips until we hit a bigger all time low. dumps wont hapen unless something unforseen happens like a new virus emerges or china starts war.

>> No.18501344

Ford is a bigger company than Tesla. It only makes sense their debt would be bigger.

>> No.18501346

Amazon is going to buy C for $60 a share

>> No.18501352

long fat divys

>> No.18501354

can wait for the tech bubble to burst

>> No.18501357


Oh shit

>> No.18501358

CNBC: JC Penney’s is dead.
Also CNBC: Feds might dunk into junk bonds.
Clown news channel, it was end of world yesterday.

>> No.18501359

And the most retarded poster on /biz/ award goes to!

>> No.18501361
File: 41 KB, 511x671, 1558836567177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is buy tesla?

>> No.18501365
File: 13 KB, 633x226, AMZN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy more AMZN. Sell your kids for AMZN stocks.

>> No.18501369

see that's why i won't touch that shit
it looked like AAPL was just crabbing and he lost $50g. there didn't seem to be any correlation between what was happening with the stock and what was happening to his life at all

>> No.18501370
File: 212 KB, 2249x930, Annotation 2020-04-16 104649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is also trading at 0.6x book value compared to the other banks while still having a good net income margin

>> No.18501372

Right after JCP @ 500/share. Good thinking jumping on this quick

>> No.18501386

Nah anons were saying $500 a share and/or all JPC shares would be converted into Amazon shares.

>> No.18501387

Lots of young idiot cunts got that $1200 and just bought every brand they recognize.

>> No.18501389


>> No.18501398
File: 10 KB, 238x181, xxuyyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love Jack in the Box my little money tree

>> No.18501414

>b-but why won't people buy m-muh GE, I-IBM h-has cloud now, g-guys why aren't we talking about Berkshire...


>> No.18501416

I don't know about the mother of all dumps, but a few dumps due to greedy short-term speculators taking profits aren't entirely out of the question. Given the euphoria we've seen the last few weeks, the first dump might be large if it can rattle the hands of some of these "investors."

>> No.18501420

Do you guys have any non-US stock that you are keeping your eyes on like Embraer?

>> No.18501421

priced in

>> No.18501430

Wasn't it supposed to be like 1-2% green to fit the pattern of crab? I don't have any stakes I'm just curious why it's down when unemployment is "priced in".

>> No.18501431

Yes indeed. Only thing we are not crashing is trump bux...
and last 2 days have been red.

Brace your selves when trump bux has been blown in smoke brah its gonna be lit.

>> No.18501437


>> No.18501439

because it's a DCB

>> No.18501446

why and how is AMD higher than its pre-corona value

>> No.18501448

Holy based.

>> No.18501451

the economy has priced in itself

>> No.18501452

Guys I don't know what to do about that put, I'm freaking the fuck out

>> No.18501462
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>> No.18501465

How many years will it take banks to recover. I want to buy some JPM

>> No.18501476

Also Ryanair, now it's at around 10€ but at 16 on good times easy 60%

>> No.18501483


Stocks are going down but money printer is going BRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

If money printer runs out of battery we are screwd.

>> No.18501485

>selling a naked put without the funds necessary to cover it

Peak /biz/

>> No.18501488

banks are regulated utilities and they're dividends are at the whims of the public I wouldn't get excited

>> No.18501492

Just buy SLABS lmao, banks are gay

>> No.18501493


>> No.18501494

a few days in terms of stock value, stocks are already looking good.

Long term? Everything is fucked and will never recover.

>> No.18501503

whats the scoop on jpc

>> No.18501511

What am I supposed to do? This was my first time ever trying options

>> No.18501520

You were supposed to actually research what the fuck you were about to do instead of blindly jumping straight into a fire.

>> No.18501524

Aren't they the Spirit of european air travel right?

>> No.18501532

This retard didn't post

>> No.18501536
File: 123 KB, 667x707, did you see that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I have any

>> No.18501540

Ford Motor Company has a debt to equity ratio of 4.67. Tesla has a debt to equity ratio of 2.1. Tesla is financially in much better shape and will actually come out more ahead with Coronavirus as they are still selling every car they can produce with hundreds of thousands of preorders whereas Ford is losing billions of dollars in sales. ICE manufacturers are sitting on depreciating assets and IP that will be largely worthless in the shift to EVs.
I'm so retarded that I've made 50 thousands dollars off Tesla and I withdrew my original investment so every single dollar I make off my dozens of shares and LEAPs are now free. Keep coping or if you're not such a pussy, short TSLA and lose everything like most of the bears before you.
Yes, if you can find an opportunity to buy it at a price you think is reasonable.

>> No.18501545

Honestly just some meme, someone came in here pretending to be Bezos and saying he was buying all JPC shares at $500/share and saying Amazon was buying JPC. Just jokes, and it's a penny stock so people were buying 100 shares just to fuck around last night before close.

>> No.18501546

So what is going to happen?

>> No.18501552

>I believe in my lord and savior tesla so much that I took all my money out now please buy my bags

>> No.18501563

Exactly, they are the biggest and maybe they might make some acquisition of smaller companies. Also easyjet is at 40% less than usual value

>> No.18501566

Amazon is buying JCPenney

>> No.18501568

infinite loss potential.

>> No.18501586

No seriously

>> No.18501596

To clarify we were talking about JCP, JC Penney which may be going under soon, not JPC.

>> No.18501605
File: 84 KB, 720x760, img123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh guys

>> No.18501616


>> No.18501617

Hey retard, everyone in this thread could buy Tesla and it wouldn't even move the share price a single dollar. Kill yourself, you fox and the grapes faggot.

>> No.18501630

describe your exact situation and ill tell you, I cant remember what you posted before

>> No.18501647

There is no sauce, bagholders are desperate.

>> No.18501671

>cousin has symptoms
>still denied testing due to (((capacity)))
god bless america

>> No.18501673


>> No.18501691

well last chance to buy puts bullbros,
don't say we didn't warn you

>> No.18501697

One way to flatten that curve

>> No.18501713
File: 36 KB, 828x606, 1566802063517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedo spergs out after being called manlet

>> No.18501719

soundtrack for tommorrow

>> No.18501727

If anyone is still following SNSS, why did it jump up and now drop back down the last few days?

>> No.18501739

priced in
I was planning on buying more at 6.50 but it feels like I'm raising the stakes. It can't fold I guess, I'll just have to hold my bags. Ultimately, I will double my money at least.

>> No.18501768

I did the smart thing with my 2400 bucks. Put the bulk in the bank, paid off my credit card (virus supplies), and put the remainder into the market (added to SWPPX, SWTSX and bought more T-babies)

>> No.18501786

tell me more about virus supplies. What did you acquire that was different than your normal expenses?

>> No.18501863
File: 325 KB, 382x417, confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is JCP still cheap?

>> No.18501866

Stocked up on TP, PT,and canned stuff. things other than dairy and bread which goes bad in a week.

>> No.18501900

SPY 275 EOD, calling it now

>> No.18501902

You missed the moon mission

>> No.18501922

Yes it looks like there's resistance at 0.23. For shits and gigs I'm trying to fill at 0.23 and sell at 0.27

>> No.18501940

Yesterday I had two stocks to choose from. Today, one of them has had its trading suspended and the other went up 40%. Take a fucking guess which stock I wanted to buy (though, silver lining, hadn't actually put money into yet because I wanted to see how it opened).

>> No.18501949
File: 93 KB, 640x480, 1484678299495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened?

>> No.18501963

It's cheap only if you're a big baller, like myself.

>> No.18501975

It's up 4% and probably still filing for bankruptcy.

>> No.18501983
File: 712 KB, 1500x996, soy9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They DRIVE what demand is for this economy

>> No.18502042

don't worry JCP will tank more. they just missed paying a 12 million interest payment on time. I wish I could just avoid paying my bills and not give to shits about it.

>> No.18502255

TRNX I'm thinking of dumping ONTX to get on this. NO R/S is planned, they're exploring alternatives to max shareholder value (IE: sell the company) and the stock is still dirt cheap, 25 cents a share.

>> No.18502612

the fact you call it "cunny" disgusts me and wants me to punch you in the throat weeb loli poster faggot