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File: 44 KB, 860x526, 95725FCF-3B8F-4DA0-841D-738A7D24F468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18473406 No.18473406 [Reply] [Original]

All I want is a huracan, a nice house and enough money to live off stocks.

My measly 2k link will just be enough


>> No.18473413

you are a retard, may as well end it now

>> No.18473414

how modest

>> No.18473432

10k by 2030

>> No.18473433

>he thinks $2M is enough

>> No.18473459

You are a retarded Nigger
2 million won't be anywhere enough
But good news for you
In 10 years it's $10,000 EOY
Just hold long enough

>> No.18473520

Dont forget you have to pay taxes on your stack when you cash out. 3k link is the bare minimum to achieve economic freedom.

>> No.18473528

You wouldn't even be able to drive a miata to its limit, desparately wishing for a lambo is such a fucking npc move

>> No.18473550

sirgay cashed out bought his daddy pic related
a literal WHORE who fucks for money is responsible for LINKIES future.
the entire project is put on hold because nobody is investing in crypto in this economy.
stop being obsessive about a shitcoin that most likely won't make it. anything other than bitcoin long term will fail. look what happened to ethereum.

>> No.18473576

>implying I wouldn’t withdraw it in Puerto Rico

>> No.18473605

if i don't make it in the next 2 years i will unironically sudoku

>> No.18473606

You sound like someone who’s not gonna make it

>> No.18473620

This. Get a grip OP.

>> No.18473628

10 years...
nice googled labo picture fag

>> No.18473631

The point is to stake it and live off the staking returns(hopefully at least 7% roi a year). Lease your car and get a mortgage for a house instead of selling your stack and just spending your money like a nigger.

>> No.18473715

well at least I'm not a crypto paypig, to a russian scammer and an ethot, if that's what making it means then I don't want to make it

>> No.18473823

Morals are for poor people. The richest people on earth don’t tell the difference between good and bad - it’s too much effort

>> No.18473843

The guy you’re replying to has legitimately been having an extended mental breakdown over the past few days because he missed the boat

>> No.18473846

yeah tell me what the richest people on earth are like, unironically posting at a forum inhabited by broke people trying to find the next get rich quick scheme. some of you are just depressing. I can tell you this much, the rich people know how to not lose money on worthless things.

>> No.18473874

I'm not touching link ever. Too many cultist schizos, too little use cases, I expect it to end similarly to Jonestown.

>> No.18473903

Hey buddy it’s more entertaining when you post entire threads highlighting your fragile grip on reality. You’re putting your role as an unwitting sideshow circus freak to waste by just posting in this shitty thread

>> No.18473914

name one thread I've made

>> No.18473931

>look what happened to ethereum.
its set to be the greatest of them all, along bitcoin, and will lead the real global adoption of blockchain technology, so what exactly happened that proves your point that
>anything other than bitcoin long term will fail
inb4 some btc maxi opinion/wishful thinking tweet, they don't count

>> No.18473965

It's common sense. Most normans only know bitcoin and when they hear crypto-currency they think bitcoin. They won't research anything, or listen to hapless anons who don't have the technical know-how to actually explain the technology behind cryptocurrency, and what the differences between different coins are. Bitcoin engraved itself in the collective consciousness.

>> No.18473978
File: 23 KB, 250x250, kobayashi phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I post a link to an archived thread that you very obviously posted
>”No no no that’s not meee!!! I’m never going to buy Chainlink!!!! Drink the koolaid Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris dancing Israelis!!!!!”
There I just saved us some precious time

>> No.18474050

you are a faggot degenerate weeb poster, who needed 20 minutes to come up with the weakest of responses. you are a liar, that's why it is so hard for you to detect obvious lies in others, you disgust me. how do you find the nerve to accuse others of being dishonest when you yourself are so dishonest?

>> No.18474176

How do you explain the 17/18 alt bubble then

>> No.18474202

crypto anons/early adopters dumped on normans and were trying to catch a lightning in a bottle again, most of them lost a lot of money.

>> No.18474286

dude if I win the 10million lottery on thursday i will put at least 5 million into link, just for the bantz

>> No.18474302
File: 94 KB, 768x768, 066FBDCA-3B33-4E1F-A701-909D5EE27DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what they say
2k link


>> No.18474307

dude if you won the lottery on thursday you would have to pay at least 23% taxes on that leaving you with roughly 7700000 if you put 5 million you'd be left with 2700000 dude.

>> No.18474788
File: 268 KB, 3150x2684, 1_m5HLa5dVg5TGWTQSQNDU7Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere know a website where I can put PNGs like pic related on a lambo for my desktop background? I don't want to fuck around with an app I want a website

>> No.18474834
File: 34 KB, 373x380, tohru laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s perfect, just try to direct that rapidly deteriorating mental state into a thread so more people can indulge in your public breakdown

>> No.18474891
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine wanting a sissy lambo instead of chad NSX

>> No.18474890

Thats all anyone wants you fucking prick