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File: 498 KB, 1204x1907, DFE1C7CA-0B3D-4DEB-A03C-CA27688D622C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18445054 No.18445054 [Reply] [Original]

How rich must be guys who are blessed with opportunity to kiss this goddess

>> No.18445075

Do not kisq something that will kill you.
Except if you are immune to STDs and else...

>> No.18445078

I always knew Belarussians were classy whores.

I will never have a Belarussian gf...

>> No.18445098
File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, 1586304460179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair that Saudi princes get to shit in the mouths of beautiful slavic women every day multiple times a day. I will never do this. God it fucking sucks not being born into the upper class.

>> No.18445116

Shes not attractive

>> No.18445130

unironically zero, you only need a sense of humor, confidence and charisma.

>> No.18445131

I'm 99% sure that's a catfish account

>> No.18445137

Imagine her tongue drilling deep up your asshole while she’s piercing you with those eyes

>> No.18445138

Fag lol

>> No.18445146

lol gay

>> No.18445156

if you have a gun you can date any woman you want

>> No.18445158

If it makes you feel better 99.9% aren’t rich either

>> No.18445162

>Retard incels who can’t tell what Face tuning and filters look like in fucking 2020

Brain dead coomers

>> No.18445163

You've never met a real woman, have you?

>> No.18445166

Does that actaully happen? kek

>> No.18445172

Is your asshole front facing?

>> No.18445180

Yulia is a beautiful name.

>> No.18445188

Considering shes from eastern Europe, nowhere near as much as in the west
>t. Hohol who will go to kiev once he's loaded off link

>> No.18445192

Nothing technically impossible in a girl Rimming you while facing you

>> No.18445193


>> No.18445207

this is true
pig nose
non existent chin
she looks like a mutt no wonder the fags here find her attractive

>> No.18445213

What do you expect. Same people who spam plastic asians

>> No.18445235

That's another dumb whore in a sea of whores. Stop giving value to these worthless sluts because they make your pitiful dry dick hard.

>> No.18445238

That’s what I’m doing bro we can team up and do some bukkake feeding of teen Ukrainian whores then record it and earn money.

I’m planning to organise trips where we would find a gems like this girl and rich old perverted guys will pay for a chance to cum feed them.

>> No.18445335
File: 154 KB, 1080x1426, 20200414_044406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible crop.
The original full pic is much better.
You can easily see how large her boobs are for such a petite body frame.

>> No.18445365

Shit how did you find her? So it’s a catfish?

>> No.18445367

When everything is offered to you on a silver platter nothing matters.

>> No.18445381

"With a gun, you can rape anyone" he said, out loud.

>> No.18445559

Noooo bro it's just a cropped rotated image that a girl took of herself. That has been posted on biz for 3 years. Real girl.

>> No.18445591

All u have to do is degrade her.

>> No.18445648


that's a man

>> No.18445674

Hm but why now someone using this picture on tinder in Moscow. She only had that one picture

>> No.18445677

easy. be 30+ and in shape and not an idiot. money doesnt matter

>> No.18445683

Epitome of cope

>> No.18445691

She got trailer park face

>> No.18445694

>Belorussian potato queen

>> No.18445697

Less than $10k in savings

>> No.18445701


>> No.18445704

It's true, he does.

>> No.18445737

was gonna say there's 0 chance that girl is 23

>> No.18445754

oh the lament of the richborn, truly a tragedy unlike any other

god how terrible to experience life has to offer so quickly that you are bored, so much worse than suffering for weeks on end to reach what few happy moments you can afford

kiss a pistol

>> No.18445811


>> No.18445825

>What net worth you need to date girls like [image of some whore]
who fucking cares, i don't want to share my net worth

>> No.18445885

>All these thirsty pajeets exposing themselves
Lmao stay away unless you want Ivan brother's boot on your neck