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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18423533 No.18423533 [Reply] [Original]

30k Link
$30k for spy puts expirying in June

How am I doing? Please validate me because I am afraid

>> No.18423546

you’re such a queer anon. why would you need validation from the shitposters on this board

>> No.18423560

hold that MF link cocksucka that's your retirement right there

>> No.18423564

SPY calls 4/17 & 4/24. Praying for the continued pump and then I'll jump on the put train. Although Powell and Trump prob going to pump this bitch to new ATH never even believed possible.

>> No.18423578

Doing good, where did you buy, without s/l ?

>> No.18423604

Don't be against the fed. They came out and said they are going to be buying stocks and bonds, fren. Dow 40k incoming

>> No.18423623

Want to know a fun fact? I had 110k link a year ago. I sold down to 55k over the last year to buy a house and shit (do not regret this) but recently swung for the first time and lost 25k links. So youre damn right im not selling, fuck my life.

Bought in 2017 too, why would I swing? Ive learned my lesson now, i just hope my 25k links went to a few linklets to bump their stacks up so a few more of us make it

>> No.18423641

Damn, a house plus 55k link would be an amazing position.

>> No.18423643

Short dated calls seem pretty based at the moment. Im not going into puts just yet, want to wait for the right moment. And if I miss it im not going to hate myself for having a spare $30k lying around

>> No.18423671

If my puts print ill probably buy some more links but desu im fine with 30k. I keep reminding myself i started with $2k 3 years ago living in a shit hole apartment driving a piece of shit car. Now my quality of life is 100x better thanks to Sergey and I still have 30k links, i guess thats my cope. Win some lose some lads

>> No.18423694

Same. I'm riding the Powell/Trump train to riches. I bet against them once and got rekt.

>> No.18423724

Personally, I'd look for an exit on those calls. I don't think betting against the market is a good choice right now with the virus going around. You'd be better off hedging with some covered calls of some stonks that you expect to dip but will still end up in the green on VS being 60k in risky investments. Maybe iron condor as well, I'm expecting the crab to be activated.

>> No.18423757

30k is still incredible. Hold them no matter what

>> No.18423758

Bullshit when did they say they would buy stocks? No central bank does this it's retarded

>> No.18423867

what do you think them saying directly that they’re now buying junk bonds and Baskets of etfs means?

>> No.18423876
File: 37 KB, 600x687, 896B4C09-DA97-4A7E-AA48-63FA65930E40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”spy puts”

>> No.18423889

What ETFs?

>> No.18423898
File: 251 KB, 1488x1600, You Were Too Late.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linklet here with 300 stinkies, thank you for your mistake anon, I hope my future mistakes going to other linklets like me.

>> No.18423918

Keeping a close eye on the result of the OPEC meeting today. If we go significantly below $20 a barrel US shale is going to be ass fucked. Could bring volatility back. I think if the news is good we will probably see the return of the crab for sure

Thanks fren, i wont touch them

>> No.18423924

Nice story. I totally believe that you threw 20k usd on some noname shitcoin and sat on most of it to this day!

>> No.18423925


>> No.18423932
File: 101 KB, 508x516, 1531756544835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have literally made it anon. normally swingies get the rope but you did what you had to do. now create a new private wallet, put that 30k in it and memorize the private key and forget about it for a decade

>> No.18423940

OK, fine, so I'm wrong. They are only buying bond ETFs. According to CNBC, they would need congressional approval to buy stocks.

>> No.18423952

Recession is coming..

>> No.18423983
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1499726195854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope. i totally cope believe cope that you cope threw cope 20k cope usd on some cope noname cope shitcoin cope and cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope cope

>> No.18424032

Yes exactly and they are not gonna get it because it's probably the worst way to prop up american businesses.
If they do though it means everything is seriously fucked but I don't think it'll happen.
You all overestimate the impact of this crisis. The financial sector is rock solid, there is no financial crisis and no signs of one ever happening in the near future.
Only one metric matters and it's B2B lending.

>> No.18424034
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1572990171885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new
If you were here in 2017 youd know that 100k was not unheard of here. I bought antshares at $2.50 and sod at $100 so yes I did put $20k of my meme money in some random shitcoin

Thanks fren, were all gonna make it

>> No.18424048
File: 499 KB, 1125x2436, F5EBD584-C1E8-4FB9-A4E3-709D332ABDAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello newfren, some of us have been here since ICO

T block 478

>> No.18424131

I bought with crypto gains in 2017. I have 100k link, a brand new tesla, a country house (partly paid) and £200k in the bank from it. Shitcoin money is great if you get in early

>> No.18424153


>> No.18424171

Just to clarify im talking about the shitcoin money i used to buy LINK with (antshares)

>> No.18424172
File: 99 KB, 249x250, 1474449396781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why calls now? Why puts later? Kinda new to the scene and I'm trying to understand why this is the sentiment.

>> No.18424178

You can't be serious. You think a shitload of business being shuttered for a month or more, 10s of millions unemployed, a huge amount of businesses and individuals not paying their rents isn't going to put a huge chink into the armor of a rock solid financial sector??

>> No.18424278

Not it's not going to, on the contrary this will only make the financial sector stronger.
Small businesses are going to get rekt, and every business that can't afford a loss of revenue for a quarter, but the banks will profit from it, they're distributing loans like it's Christmas while central banks go brrr to help businesses borrow.
Finance has everyone by the balls right bow, only them can save the economy and you can bet your ass they're going to profit from it.