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18412804 No.18412804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The final Microsoft update will be installed into your bloodstream.

>> No.18412912

Bill Gates “predicted” the virus
Bill Gates spread misinformation through the WHO to spread the virus
Bill Gates is starting 7 factories to create and sell the vaccine
Bill Gates owns a microchipping company to make sure you have the vaccine

>> No.18412943

Greatest /biz/nessman in history, change my mind.

>> No.18412964

It's illegal for him to vaccine people with microchips without us complying with it, this is retarded tier conspiracy theory, governments would intervene before that would be implemented, seriously kys

>> No.18413004
File: 215 KB, 505x430, Deedsoftheantichrist2580-detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>governments would intervene before that would be implemented
Not if they are controlled by the ANTICHRIST they won't!

>> No.18413012

If you hear one of these sounds after the vax you're utterly fucked

>> No.18413021

the only antichrist here is you, doubting bill gates, he helped out africa and poverty, have some respect for the man

>> No.18413093

There's precedent for it. Right now if your kid is unvaccinated they can't go to public schools for example. They can force your hand to comply through social pressures. A lot of people are applauding others that report their neighbors for having BBQs. 90% of the population is retarded and the rest of us will suffer

>> No.18413156

>governments would intervene before that would be implemented
>assumes governments would be opposed to the measure, when in fact they would probably make microchipping mandatory to receive certain kinds of employment, discounts, social security benefits, etc.

>> No.18413165

(citation needed)

>> No.18413207

5G is the future fren. resistance is futile. this is what the virus wants

>> No.18413270
File: 140 KB, 638x479, rev it up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When there are long lines to get the government vaccine I'm going to walk up and down the line with a massive white sign with pic related.

I promise you will see me on the news.

>> No.18413311

Socialists want the government to solve our problems but in the end our corporatist overlords saved us. Get fuck commies you'll only get helicopter rides lol

>> No.18413352
File: 68 KB, 960x960, 1586490934245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INB4 the Coronavirus vaccine is required by the government
/k/ get ready

>> No.18413378

You know income taxes are a “voluntary” thing as well. Its literally in the constitution. Try not paying them, and let me know how that goes.

>> No.18413429

Imagine being (you), still asleep and a sheep

>> No.18413448

Microsoft has always been a shitty company with shitty products that scammed the masses into giving them money. It's a shame this shyster was the one to survive and not the true genius.


>> No.18413465
File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, 1586304460179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that your kind hate billionaires because being rich is evil, yet you give a free pass to certain ones? Reddit can not take bill's cock out of their throats. Before him it was musk.

>> No.18413494

>what is karma neutrality
Anon, I....

>> No.18413605

What does this mean for Link?

>> No.18413634
File: 376 KB, 905x677, 20200411_155848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's illegal for him to vaccine people with microchips without us complying with it, this is retarded tier conspiracy theory, governments would intervene before that would be implemented, seriously kys

>> No.18413675

I was with you until you shilled Steve Jobs in that video, both of them were glorified business men. Even Elon Musk would blush at how much his ass was kissed when Jobs died.

>> No.18413740

Steve Jobs was the rare example of a good businessman. He was a perfectionist who only shipped the highest quality products and demanded the absolute best of his employees. Notice how shitty apple has become in the last 10 years since he died. They now prioritize hiring women, faggots, and immigrants above all else and the quality of their products has turned to shit.

>> No.18414662
File: 1.32 MB, 400x300, ftge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon.
he'll release a virus that kills everyone who didn't voluntarily install the update.

>> No.18415185

Schizo take your meds. You can never stop. The real you is not off your meds. Rest of your life take them. Your applying motivation like a conspiracy theorist again. Come back.

>> No.18415222

Bill Gates raped little girls at Epstein's pedo island

>> No.18415298

>cant have a job withoutmicrochip
>cant go to uni
>cant own land
>cant buy a car
>cant go into stores
>internet license

>> No.18415301


>> No.18415325

There’s too many people that would be strongly opposed to this. Indian already kicked him out of the country for doing something similar and getting people killed. They wont even tell us what town the people live in that have the bat aids in my area much less their name

>> No.18415390



>> No.18415573

They mostly hate millionaires, i.e. hardworking Americans trying to build a nice life.

>> No.18415588

millionaires are ok, billionaires need to die

>> No.18415592

I already thought about that, and have made peace with the fact that forced vaccination is my line.
If crossed, i will martyr myself and take out as much of the local authorities as possible.

>> No.18415667

no he didn't he can't even walk without his wheelchair and talking device

>> No.18415795


what's the problem with BBQs ?

>> No.18415848


>> No.18415864

Hopefully that will stop windows from nagging me to restart.

>> No.18415882

You need to take those meds. There's a reason they were prescribed.

>> No.18416142

That's Christopher Walken , retard

>> No.18416245

Gates is retired from microsoft.

>> No.18416260

He's a full time bio-weapon manufacturer now

>> No.18416978

They will just call you a christcuck and attack you for preventing 'muh consensus' vaccine from saving humanity.

>> No.18417012
File: 115 KB, 1591x458, Bill_gates_jewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's true. Many people don't realize that Bill Gates is Jewish.

>> No.18417478

Seeing the shills try to attack you makes it seem you are closer to right.

>> No.18417492

because redditors are capitalist libs

actual socialists, anarchists, and communists don't make exceptions for assholes like bill gates, and they understand that his charity is meant to obfuscate his darker aims

>> No.18417876

Killed and sterilized almost a million little girls and boys

>> No.18417930

Anon. Thus isn't jewyork or the worst parts of California.
People are already talking about covid being a weapon, something being up, and not wanting to take a vaccine.
This chipping thing?
Its biblical.
Hell even the covid virus can be called one of the four horseman. Same for the current pseudo famine in america.
The push back might ultimately br the nail in the coffin of the traditional desktop and windows.

>> No.18417950

Reddit is a goddamned pr firm and narrative manipulation tool.

>> No.18419031


that’s twice i’ve seen this and still no source.

>> No.18419041

I installed the new Apple update in a vaccine. My asshole disappeared and now I apparently need a dongle to take a shit.

>> No.18419612
File: 24 KB, 505x405, 0c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger can't even keep viruses off his computers for the past 40 years and you think he's gonna fix this one? Lmao how low IQ are you conspiracyfags??

>> No.18419639
File: 26 KB, 350x263, molepeople041_9130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18419659

I'll be a ghost by then.

>> No.18419741

When you die https://youtu.be/Gb2jGy76v0Y

>> No.18420012

If you're an American citizen, you don't have any rights anymore since the Patriot Act.