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18401648 No.18401648 [Reply] [Original]

>Graduating college during great recession 2 wuflu boogaloo
>Ineligible for stimulus
>about to get raped by loans
>Hours got cut to nothing at my job
>Denied for unemployment
>The single response I got from any of my job applications is "no lol"
>Only hope is finding an essential minimum wage retail job that lets me watch lectures and take tests a few times a week or gambling the remainder of my savings on crypto
>tfw the entire universe conspires to softlock my life
Any advice besides going all in on $ROPE?

>> No.18401732

>just work at a grocery store bro
>just apply for the benefits anyways bro
>just get a small business loan
>just ask around
>just talk to somebody at the store and see if they are hiring

>> No.18401733

I shouldn't have fallen for the college meme I'm so fucking stupid

>> No.18401765
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Continue cucking for the economic system that did this to you like all biz queers do.

>> No.18401776

Do not attempt to bait me into getting redflagged, FED

>> No.18401785

kys commie faggot

>> No.18401814

>gambling on crypto
you are doing it wrong

1. don't gamble
2. don't crypto

>> No.18401828
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>tfw this will be me in two years

>> No.18401850

I'd tell you to drop out and cut your losses but every single decision I've made since 2016 has been the wrong one and it's only started catching up to me in the last year and a half

>> No.18401879

I’m too much of a pussy to drop out I don’t know what I would do for a living. What was your major? I fell for the engineering meme and every day is suffering.

>> No.18401891

Awww cute but I'd never give any of you that pleasure. So do it to yourself because you'll die waiting on me too ;^)

>> No.18401903
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>I fell for the engineering meme
me too
It's awesome my GPA is 2.97 and everything is "3.0 or above" so a bunch of retarded HR sociopaths are probably automatically binning all my applications anyways

>> No.18401911

Go to the bank and just ask them for money. Just walk right up and say "I'd like some money please". They might give it to you cause they think you are robbing them but then you can just say in court that you just asked nicely for money and they gave it to you.

>> No.18401955

Yeah would wanna be cointelpro'ed good boy.

>> No.18401974


>> No.18401998

stop buying advocado toast. you have nobody to blame but yourself. when i was your age i was mowing lawns and working a newspaper route on weekends. stop buying pokemon and start acting like a grownup

>> No.18402002

You sound like my mom telling me not to apply for unemployment

>> No.18402023

I'm sorry you're so stressed out OP. Dont gamble your savings. Life is hard but it'll be worth it if you keep going. T. Thought about suicide for years, tried once and just met somebody who might be the one who makes it all worth it

>> No.18402026

just lie about your gpa fucking retard

>> No.18402027

>Stop buying pokemon
Damn right.

>> No.18402046

I'm the last person I'd ever want to kill

>Implying jobs don't request transcripts

>> No.18402074

not all do. lying is viable

>> No.18402087

>tfw got a job that pays well and will never go away, even in a depression

Thank you based nursing degree, and thank you not shitty floor nurse job

>> No.18402173

Ok so you'd rather make excuses about how you cant do anything than actually trying.. and then you're going to wonder why you couldnt get anything done

>> No.18402226
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Get catholic. You will see what I mean.

>> No.18402497

You gotta try as hard as you can and not let your failings, be a product of lack of effort. Oh but acting like OP's problems are all avocado toast, is ignoring systematic issues. humanity could be on the brink of extinction and you people will still say it's was the damn avocado toast.

>> No.18402509

holy shit you must be a collosal faggot holy fucking LOL yeah good job bro you got a job :%) but hey you are perceived as a faggot by 99% of men and women

>> No.18402548

>great recession 2

>> No.18402566

imagine being so GAY that you aren't already on multiple watchlists

>> No.18402591

He's probably slaying mad nurse puss seethe harder.

>> No.18402610


Desperate for some (you)s, eh anon? Here ya go

>> No.18402613

I told him what a good boy he was.

>> No.18402664

Fuck. I was hoping GPA wouldn’t matter that much. Mine is great right now but it’s going to go to shit my junior year I can already feel it, I slack way too much to keep it high.

>> No.18403312
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*tips beret*

>> No.18403378

How is your GPA so low. That is your own fault faggot.

>> No.18403416
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>t. retard that has never taken a real math course

>> No.18403429

I'm so fucking angry my ears are ringing and I can't sleep

>> No.18403467
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Just a reminder

>> No.18403475

But I'd never revolt because thad's unlegals :DDD
Think of the laws I'd be breaking!

>> No.18403491

There are millions of people right now losing their shit because of what’s happening. Something to the effect of 16 million people put in jobless claims while in 2008 only around 665,000 people put in jobless claims. We are in dark fucking times.

>> No.18403524

I'm graduating in mech engineering this May. I'm starting to learn to code properly (as opposed to my basic bitch level python knowledge) and going to apply to software jobs since no meche jobs seem to be hiring.

>> No.18403555

A embarrassing loser isnt a argurment! both sides have many. So don't see what your trying to get out of this.

>> No.18403576

2.98 Chemistry Major here.
God damn it were fuckin fucked bud, graduating this May.

Love you man good luck

>> No.18403591

Why do you make excuses for your own incompetence. I have a CS degree. What mental gymnastics are you going to do next?

>> No.18403627
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I'm ready

>> No.18403640

My university pays me to attend ;)

>> No.18403673

My GPA in engineering was close to 2.0 and I managed to find a "real" job. Before the China virus, unemployment was purportedly at an all-time low and many companies were desperate to hire people. Did you just give up and stop applying?

Truth be told, 2.97 might not be too bad. What the GPA in the engineering classes higher? Use that instead. Also, 2.97 is close enough to 3.0 that you can just round up. Otherwise, just don't list the GPA or lie as others have suggested. If a company asks for a transcript, they'll do so in the context of an offer, typically. Under that circumstance, you can simply decline and say you've accepted another offer. Or, if you're devious enough, send a fake transcript.

>> No.18403700

people tend to project like that do cover up their own lack of skills
meanwhile I'm solving differential equations in my head using Laplace transforms

>> No.18403708

>I'm solving differential equations in my head using Laplace transforms
Just like anyone who's taken a diff eqs class?

>> No.18403722

Gpa doesnt matter. Its the internships, co-ops, and people you know that get you jobs.
t. >unemplyed graduate with 3.5+ gpa that nobody would give an internship to

>> No.18403727

first of all, my point was primarily that doing so definitely qualifies as "having taken a math course"
secondly, no, not everyone who have taken math courses involving differential equations can solve them in their heads that way, I'm not the only one of course, but many people I interacted with while taking a couple of those courses needed to write things out to stand a chance, especially the girls/women

>> No.18403780

"it's a big club, and you ain't in it"

>> No.18403813

Yep. And now a recession is looming. Sergey save me kek

>> No.18404012

fuck you man

>> No.18404032

>the good people of 4channel live in my head so rent free that I think they would celebrate if I died
classic narcissistic communist who thinks they can run the world. you’re a waste

>> No.18404050

Boomers should be executed

>> No.18404339
File: 217 KB, 321x240, LETS GOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not going to lie, the trifecta of this bleak economic landscape, boomer delusion, and unfettered female entitlement is making me homicidally angry.
Ive never been suicidal, but Im starting to think it might be better to die at least trying to make things better than just accepting this as reality. I would rather be dead than have these conditions be my life until Im old.

>> No.18404361

Things aren’t as bad as you make yourself believe they are. Women aren’t caricatures, even though they are definitely entitled especially around 16-22. If you can find yourself a steady job then you get to be the entitled one and you can make the world a better place for yourself. Make it happen friend don’t do something rash.

>> No.18404386

Don't drop out at this point, you already put in half of the time and money.

>> No.18404417

You obviously dont live in California. Granted I can just leave this cesspool and thats my plan, but if Im still trapped here by 2021 doing something rash would be the only rational choice left.

>> No.18404435

I don’t live in California, thank fucking God. But murdering people who haven’t directly wronged you is not a rational decision and would not make anything better or even take the world closer to the place you want to be. Look at the news, look at how people respond to shootings. All it does is mobilize people. There’s a reason Hitler set up a communist to burn down the reichstag. If you want to contribute to making things even worse, then yeah a shooting is the way to go.

>> No.18404563

Just work harder and stop making excuses, you stupid fuck.

>> No.18404583

That's what every master says to his slaves. Hard work is a lie, it's who you know.

>> No.18404691

OP its easy, get some fake tits a wig and learn to apply makeup. Setup an onlyfans

>> No.18404704

Welcome to what happened to millennials. You are what you hate.

>> No.18404741


>> No.18404767

Someone said to become Catholic. Not bad advice. It's like being in an East Coast fraternity.

>> No.18404770


>> No.18404773

Please God, give us the tradsocialist paradise in my lifetime.

>> No.18404789

I've had two coops and an internship with 3.2 GPA and STILL only got one offer through a guy my dad knew. Shit is rigged.

>> No.18404811

Don't feel bad bro he's probably some flavor of brown skin. He'll never know the joy of being white in a white neighborhood or country club.