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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18400449 No.18400449 [Reply] [Original]

how would /biz/ build a business around this data?

>> No.18400482

those stats are outdated desu, they are from like 2010

black new world order is huge now

>> No.18400497

create robot sex dolls

>> No.18400510
File: 81 KB, 220x220, 1536574480937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians and black "men" the real incels all along

>> No.18400560
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honestly it's the opposite man, the more recent the data the worse it gets for blacks

>> No.18400588
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show me a 2020 study, results would be pretty funny. theres a whole generation of white zoomers who grew up through the kim kardashian era that arent even old enough to be on dating apps yet

>> No.18400605
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Feels good to be white imagine being a nigger

Feel bad for asians though only chinks deserve that number, at least they can make up for it with intelligence

>> No.18400614


>source: trust me guys

lmao cope harder tyrone

>> No.18400692
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Imagine believing this. It's a fad among fat white landwhales in the inner city and will become a joke by this time next year. As for recent statistics nobody is publishing their results because every news outlet on the face of the planet would be using it to cry about racism. The fact of the matter is that blacks in particular are the least desired race to have a relationship with for very obvious reasons. Even among the white women that supposedly enjoy black cock they are usually taken advantage of and tossed aside at which point they either become single moms or nobody who learns they were a coal burner will want to fuck them aside from the most desperate men.

This is the reality Tyrone. You probably wouldn't even be able to find manipulated results on some leftist shithole like huffpost

>> No.18400719


this unironically


>he thinks race mixing propaganda began with the kardashians

>> No.18400876

Yeah hehe feels good to be white doesn't it?
Now let's look at R9K or POL.
Oh wait don't look there

>> No.18400945

Last time I went to that shithole R9K it the catalog was filled with people complaining about being rejected because they were black or asian.

You might imagine I'm making that up as a gotcha here but I'm actually not. I shit you not that was an actual thing, I have yet to see one where people claimed they were rejected for being white but it's not like I go to R9K a lot unless it's to laugh at the morons there. As for /pol/ I don't go there so I'm not sure how many "incels" bitch about women there

>> No.18400974

/r9k/ is mainly hispanics, like that one that blew his head off with a shotgun