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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 730x980, wrqojnsxpko01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18398118 No.18398118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats wrong with reddit?

>> No.18398129

Reddit is for retards pretending to be smart
4chan is for smart people pretending to be retarded

>> No.18398150

they are fucked in the head. way more than we are.

>> No.18398155
File: 60 KB, 510x332, 1561903467499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.18398165

it's gay as fuck

>> No.18398168


>> No.18398225
File: 110 KB, 567x554, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19th most visited site using ethereum

>> No.18398230

Wrong. they have the exact same userbase.

>> No.18398240

you have to go back

>> No.18398255

You can't say nigger as an insult.

>> No.18398668

>actually believing this is still true

>> No.18398694

10 years ago. 4chzn is garbage now and like every other internet site.

>> No.18398704

> they want jannies
> we don’t

>> No.18398720
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1586460488503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly due to the upvote system and the fact that individual people can control their sub.

This leads to forums or whatever the fuck they're called being controlled by basedboys that censor anything they don't like creating hugboxes. Also the fact that you make accounts and get upvotes and shit for being a long term member makes certain people distinguished over others and since humans are retarded this leads to people trusting the word of an established user moreso than a regular person that just joined. This can cause many issues but the more significant one is corruption, biased communities that favor the opinions of said people because they're regulars, etc.

On 4chan it's pure discussion and shitposting with barely any rules. Anyone can post their ideas but only the best ideas survive for any length of time. It's why most popular memes originate here

>> No.18398746

its fucking gay and full of faggots.

>> No.18398751

Oh yeah, can't wait for that schizo bestialityfag drown out all the threads and turn /biz/ into /zoo/, and he'll be in stiff competition with the black spammer, qanons, stormlarpers, commies and other assorted infil agents.
Weird how the few medium boards with any regular moderation are the ones who are best and most reminiscence of pre 2010 4chan still, despite growing cancer pushing it's luck.

>> No.18398759


>> No.18398801

Just do a quick Reddit search for “social credit score” and look at the irony when they are critical of CCP

>> No.18398820

not anymore

>> No.18398826
File: 34 KB, 300x178, bumass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they truly are a nigger and its not an insult?

>> No.18398830

Ahm yes i-im pretending, anons, j..just like evryone h-here i im not retarted

>> No.18398856

To answer your question OP, reddit used to be a half decent forum 5+ years ago, but the admins shilled out to advertisers and now everything that isn't "ad friendly content" is swept under the rug by mods. The shift towards mobile fucked over what little decent content remained and is now an insta clone. In my opinion, 4chan isn't any better either. It was always full of edgy retards but now every other post is incel spam and low quality threads such as this one courtesy of Reddit banning all their subs.

>> No.18398893

It's also heavily astroturfed to push agendas into your face thanks to their upvote system. It's like you'll be on some basketball subreddit and all of a sudden some obvious political shit is being pushed. And actual good points will be downvoted where nobody can see it because people don't agree with it, thus no critical thinking discussions will ever be had and it's just one big brainwashing propaganda forum.

>> No.18398931

typing this out instead of posting the screencap is low IQ as fuck

>> No.18398950

Except most people here are retarded and Reddit is for mega retards

>> No.18398988

>using the word “incel” non ironically
Go back to Plebbit and dilate gay tranny simp

>> No.18398998

>did someone say Greta

>> No.18399016

why doesn't somebody build a forum where the community decide what stays and goes, like community moderation, your vote counts toward banning someone or removing thier post

>> No.18399036

I think Steem has some of these elements

>> No.18399039

if ur a nigger on biz u white AF and you'll prob make it

>> No.18399132

>unironically thinking you're not a gay tranny simp yourself for still using this dumpster fire of a site
>low quality b8, adding absolutely nothing to the thread

>> No.18399436

You haven't gone back there yet. Faggot.

>> No.18399500

In the old days maybe

>> No.18399638

hive-minded cucks

>> No.18399674

>0.25 yuan has been deposited into your account

>> No.18399688

I think you missed my point, champ

>> No.18399714


>> No.18399770

it's exactly like real life while it disguises itself as a website. you gotta abide by the hypocritic rules of society or you'll be downvoted and public shamed. you have to self-censor shit you say for the same reasons. it's basically an interface to interact with shallow people, just like real life.

>> No.18400149

basically this nigga

>> No.18400439

You need to virtue signal to get people to read what you wrote. If you don't, nobody upvotes you to the top of the comments. If you're not using whatever the redditest meme of the month is, you'll never get enough cReddits to be able to upvote your favourite posters.

>> No.18400863

>Reddit is for retards pretending to be smart
>4chan is for retards pretending to be retarded

>> No.18401036

the CCP has bought reddit through tencent, this is very true.

>> No.18401784

reddit is cucked by censorship (admin, mods, and voting) and accounts that store the karma. 4chan is brigades by JDIF and faggot activists and edgelords.

>> No.18401823

Reddit is full of passive aggressive hivemind ants
4chan is full of belligerent Aspies

>> No.18401864

Steemit sucks though. It's like 2% lolbergs botting their shit to to the top, 98% Indonesians spamming bulshit and begging for votes.

>> No.18402851

Nothing, WSB is way better than /biz/
Better retards
Better memes
Better community

>> No.18402873

it's like 4chan but with upvotes

so it's even more cancer

>> No.18403139

I unironically left 4chan for Reddit back in 07 because I wanted more "intellectually stimulating" conversation. Yes I probably worded it like that because I was going through this atheist le' science is everything!!! phase. Before that I was a SomethingAwful fag. I vividly remember reading SomethingAwful at like age 14 while taking a shit. The reason why this memory is so important is it was my first contact with the femme. I had just gotten home from the middleschool dance where some girl was rubbing her body on me for like 30 minutes and I literally came while shitting. It didn't feel good but I remember being depressed I didn't get her number. I always fail to get her number at the last moment. Thanks for reading.

My whole life I have been on the nets, I literally have never left. Now the only place I feel at home is biz and I feel something shaking inside me. That feeling, I attribute to the feeling of knowing I'll make it since I hold over 350k SUTER. I hope you can have this feeling too. I feel literally reinvigorated about life. Everything is great now.

>> No.18403298

Well that's the reason why a lot of us are here isn't it? The Reddit bullshit has got to go. Fuck your upvoting system and censorship