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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18387056 No.18387056 [Reply] [Original]

Why is biz so lame? Why can't it perceive the future beyond the next pump and dump shitcoin?

If you aren't a fucking imbecile you will work out Zenon is funded by Jack Dorsey with the intention to run Twitter on it. It's highly likely that will happen in the next few years. At which point 99% of coins talked about today will be nowhere. But Zenon that is hosting Twitter will be worth billions simply because Twitter can run on it and the fact that will end up one if the default platforms to run social media and all the bullshit people use everyday. It's criminally low now. If Jack Dorsey did an ico this shit would be in the top 10 absolutely. So biz. Many here are young. Why the fuck can't you perceive the future at all? That's how I bought btc at 150 bucks. And Ripple at .0001. You need to extrapolate into the future to be really rich in crypto. If you don't buy Zenon now you are a day trading fuckwit and you will never be truely rich. That's all.

>> No.18387103

Thing is bro, nobody cares, at least not yet

>> No.18387109
File: 665 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn. thank you anon

>> No.18387137

Imagine having an itchy butt but no betaorbiter TP bank to steal from so you find the cleanest, sleekest marble counter and aggressively nuzzle your dirty poopflakey buttcheeks around the counter until your butthole is cool and clean.

>> No.18387178

they're whitepaper says blockchain has limited scalability
they need to look at bsv
and then quit

>> No.18387192

When they care they have to pay 20x these levels. I'm talking about how you buy the right shit early and hold it. 99.9% of crypto will die and you cant just hold them. The skill is knowing which ones you can. I do not give a fuck what people think. You think I got rich waiting to care what people think? Fuck me that's funny. I'm not saying this moons this month or even this year. I'm saying it will be worth billions at some point.

>> No.18387248





Filthy fucking curryniggers again lmao

>> No.18387283

Shitskin please.




>> No.18387301

Why would I do that when I'm handsome, rich, beautiful wife and kids and follow my hobbies and travel now? How's your life?

>> No.18387371
File: 15 KB, 282x179, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice english currynigger. Are you dreaming about these things on a daily basis? THAT is your daily life like in pic related

>> No.18387386

filthy fucking pajeets, go shit in the street


>> No.18387404

You're some poor kid in his mom's basement aren't you? Enjoy your memes. I playing Golf today with expat buddies at Sentosa Golf Club Singapore. I'll post some pics from the green's if you like later. You disgusting little poor.

>> No.18387435
File: 212 KB, 1300x1019, young-girl-defecating-side-temple-thiruvannamalai-india-circa-october-as-more-than-indian-population-street-38641185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice english and LARPing again, faggot. My networth is higher than the 24h trading volume of your shitcoin Zenon network (ZNN). Eat shit and may your callcenter burn down today

>> No.18387450
File: 85 KB, 1242x932, C73BBBF7-73FC-4AA0-8CDB-E1E69F10A535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I playing Golf today in Singapore

>> No.18387455

Net Worth is two words buddy. Your seething pushed you to make the mistake. Have a good one. Cheers.

>> No.18387473

>Zenon is funded by Jack Dorsey
[citation needed]

>> No.18387476
File: 12 KB, 275x184, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Net Worth
Top kek, currynigger.

Also what >>18387450 this anon said.

>> No.18387501
File: 6 KB, 225x224, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will tell you that its still a secret and will not have any citations for this outrageous claim of theirs. Dont even bother and call them simply curryniggers, since they (The ZENON shillers) are not only shilling their shitcoin for MONTHS on /biz/ but also on dedicated bitcointalk threads like this one: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4281633.60

>> No.18387575

The pajeets are just doing the classic shill and fud

>> No.18387589

Twitter is dead.

>> No.18387631
File: 40 KB, 640x505, ED44B46C-114B-4CDE-9578-82D08D57238E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I buy this shitcoin? Nothing on KuCoin or Binance. Help a leaf out

>> No.18387640

thanks bro

>> No.18387644



>> No.18387652


shitskins so sensitive, biggest retards on earth

>> No.18387658

STEX worked well for me

>> No.18387695

This is such comically bad English that I feel it has to be a reverse psychology FUD. White guy FUDding for Zenon by pretending to be a pajeet shilling for it in an effort to generate interest but not too much.
Or maybe I’m just giving Pubesh too much credit and it really is just awful english.

>> No.18387703

Its the latter, sirs.

>> No.18387746

>[Insert tryhard insulting comment insinuating we are ngmi]