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18363782 No.18363782 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are you niggers not buying up cruise line stock right now? The cruise industry isnt going away, Buying into the top earners like Royal and Norwegian is easy money

>> No.18363795
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 10655050_629651210506021_744526254_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.who the fuck is going on a cruise line now?
2. who the fuck is going on a cruise line until a vaccine is made? youre dumb as shit if you buy cruise lines. bird brain shit, seriousl.y
cruises are shit to begin with. you think you see something nobody else sees and youre such a genius but its gonne just crash more.

>> No.18363827

Of course no one is going right now you dumb nigger thats why the stock is so cheap./ If you think the entire industry is going away after this clears up youre an idiot. Obviously this would be a long term hold though.

>> No.18363833

Why would I when I can invest in Chainlink and gain 1000,0000,0000%

>> No.18363836

It's a great play, a smart man sees this. The demand is there always, the only thing you should think about is the timing of your trade. I don't think you should buy now tho, buy when there is 1 month left before the green signal of "normal conditions" in accordance with the virus. People will also unironically travel more when things return to normal to feel "alive again" or whatever these normies cope with

>> No.18363879

Hard to know when to expect or predict when the bottom will be.
For me its easier to just buy in now while its super low and just hold for a year. I agree though theyre super accessible and anyone with half a brain knows the industry isnt going anywhere

>> No.18363920

i bet you think this shit is going to go away in a month?
youre so fucking dumb
this is gonnna be 12 to 18 months BEING OPTIMISTIC until someone can go onto a cruise.

meanwhile these cruises are gonna to have to pay tons of money and go into debt to keep afloat. youre so dumb

>> No.18363938

>If you think the entire industry is going away after this clears up youre an idiot
This has been said for failed industries much greater and much more useful than fucking cruises.
>You've never met anyone under 30 that has been on a cruise
>The target audience for cruises is like 80 years old and dying while not being replaced
>You couldnt pay a millenial or zoomer to even consider going on a cruise after this social distancing bullshit, or even before this
>You're assuming they're going to get bailed out by their respective governments, in the case of the US, there's no reason to bail out a bunch of corporations that funnel their profits out of the country
Enjoy your future penny stock. There's a reason that they didnt have a V shape recovery like other stocks, and it's not because financial analysts are dumber than you

>> No.18363954
File: 30 KB, 362x500, retardmomentretardmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just admit you didnt save any money before and have no money to invest during this down time

>> No.18363964

Gl bruv, just care for the timing

>> No.18363980

The fucking Saudis are my lunch.

>> No.18363990

youre so fucking stupid. airlines are literally about to go bankrupt and are asking for bailouts.
how the fuck is carnival going to get a bailout?
youre coping hard.
i have tons of money saved but im patient enough to know this is far from a crash and its just a small dead cat bounce .

>> No.18363999

Because it's going to drop another 50%, just like BTC soon.

Everything is overvalued, and FIAT will be king alongside shit you can do from your house, like Kleros.

>> No.18364031

ITT: brainlets that have no idea how economies work.

You are all clueless if you don't see the deflationary domino effect that will put us into a depression more severe than the early 1930s.

>> No.18364035

Why would chainlink ever go up that much?

>> No.18364234

General Motors
Tower Records
People said the same thing about these companies that you're saying about something with much less revenue and relevance.
Sears used to be bigger than fucking WALMART and people thought it couldn't fail.
Before the 2008 crisis Sears stock was at $130, immediately after it was at $30, today it is $0.13. and this was from a recession that had nothing to do with retail stores, how do you think cruises will react to a virus that has been in the same headlines as entire boats full of coofers, that wont even be operating again for like 2 years?

>> No.18364315

We will see deflation in real terms but not in nominal terms

>> No.18364374


i wouldnt even buy walmart right now. retail across the board (that isnt shipped directly to your doorstep) is in serious trouble, the depth of which is yet to be seen

>> No.18364400

Just buy their stock right when a vaccine comes out

>> No.18364420


you should be buying bonds on the secondary market for pennies on the dollar for these companies instead of buying stocks.

even if they do go bankrupt / accept a bailout you're more likely to get paid out. stockholders will get fucked if they reissue (ex: GM)

>> No.18364425

>i wouldnt even buy walmart right now
I wouldn't have bought any walmart before this, being lazy and getting same day delivery is the future.

>> No.18364429

we're not at the bottom for the travel sector, there isn't even an indication of when discretionary travel will resume.
FY reporting alone will knock another 10-20% off, and every additional quarter will shake more weak hands (if they survive the operational costs of maintaining those ships before they can make a profit again).

>> No.18364440

>People think we should buy only a couple months into what could be a multi-year recession/depression
>Let alone goddamn cruise lines which might not come back given the low interest in such things by younger generations

Yeah I'm not an idiot like you OP

>> No.18364590

Their total current liabilities are more that 7x their total current assets. There is a good chance they won't survive this.

>> No.18364776

I bought 4k of CCL at 10.55 and sold at 12.05 because I was freaking that the surge ended.

>> No.18365501

I think they didn't get any of the stimulus and their debt burden is through the roof. I suspect they'll either default or get walked on in some other way. It's a risky long, and you're gambling on return to normal manifesting itself predictably and consistently, which it will not.

>> No.18365515

I’ll buy them after they emerge from bankruptcy

>> No.18365559

because the real crash hasn't happened yet

>insert corporate bond collapse

>> No.18365653

wasted trips, you had to shill kleros

>> No.18365787

>get walked on in some other way
Don't forget there's a criminal investigation going on in Australia from when the Ruby Princess let everyone freely disembark in Sydney when they had sick passengers, and then immediately let another group board.
Dunno how much that will hurt the company but it's hanging there.

>> No.18365808

Well I mean, I know it's a different corporation there but I'm thinking of the cruise industry in general.

>> No.18365818

>Buying into the top earners like Royal and Norwegian is easy money

Yeah, and when?

>> No.18365819

No one is going on cruises for a long time retard

>> No.18365839

>The cruise industry isnt going away
Of course _the industry_ isn't going away. That doesn't mean any particular company is going to make it. If your company of choice does make it, that still doesn't mean they won't declare bankruptcy, restructure and decide all your stock is worth $0.00 now

>> No.18365850

Did a bit of research days ago on cruise and airlines trying to pick one of each to invest in. Carnival has billions in liquid assets, they have stated they can do zero sailing till end of year and still be ok, also they aren’t being sued for lying to customers like Norwegian cruise. only one I would invest in. As for airlines American Airlines also has 7 billion in liquid assets by far more than any airline, they will both likely survive.

>> No.18365868

Also cruise line bookings are actually up for 2021, 9% over sometime last year
Guessing the news talking about cruises every day for months put the idea in more people’s heads that they want to go on cruises in future than damage it did.

>> No.18365876


>> No.18365881

The fact Walmart ever let Amazon happen in the first place seriously makes me question their leadership. The fact that they seem to be standing by helplessly letting Amazon keep growing, keep taking over their bread and butter sends me far beyond questioning to outright bewildered at the choices they're making.

Walmart is still thinking gee golly, aww shucks American heartland retail when Jeff Bezos wants to own the fucking world.

>> No.18365925
File: 42 KB, 720x603, 9F9DDFFC-38DE-41D6-BCBA-66F291F311D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>V-shapes recovery
Wait you actually think this is a recovery and not a dead cat bounce/bull trap?

>> No.18365943


This is what coomposting does to your brain boys. SAD

>> No.18366045

Pretty arrogant tone for someone that can see a 3 week upward trend and still spout that its a dead cat bounce, let alone a bull trap

>> No.18366712

It wont

>> No.18366741

Media sheep

>> No.18366746
File: 89 KB, 226x219, 1517496347233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years

>> No.18366787

>a 3 week upward trend

Yeah let's just keep ignoring the reality of more people becoming unemployed every week, the amount of time the country will be closed down looking longer every day, and the multiple industries that straight up won't come back after this

>> No.18366815

Buy CUK, not CCL. It's the same stock but cheaper.

>> No.18366835

I’m not a cuck...

>> No.18366848

you're buying too early, bear market still has a year or more

>> No.18366863


>> No.18366989
File: 365 KB, 750x725, 1584109885809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jus' buy my bags, goy!

>> No.18367024

Im not even sure what the hell your argument is, but I said that some stocks had a V shaped recovery, which they did. Whether that’s permanent is irrelevant, the point I was making was that cruises didn’t have this recovery at all

>> No.18367064

cruise lines should continue to drop in value for at least the remainder of the year; don't buy yet

>> No.18367095

The fact that people are telling you this is a bad idea shows just how dumb this board is. I loaded up at $8. If I had missed the low I would absolutely be buying now regardless.

>> No.18367130

this and by then they’ll have readjusted their valuation 5x over by selling additional shares diluting

>> No.18367162

If you've ever been on a cruise you'd realize they aren't going away. Nobody cares about trendy millennials, this industry is all about mom and dad getting drunk and eating buffets while their kids run unsupervised and eat free ice cream. It's the bottom of the barrel cheapest family vacation you can get and people will be foaming at the mouth to go back on them as soon as possible. I bought 1k worth of CCL and plan to keep buying

>> No.18367184

> CrUises StONks DuMped sO MuCh It cAn’T gO aNy LowEr

Do you see yourself buying cruise tickets in the next 6-12 months? Remember, the game will stay, but the players will not.

>> No.18367229

People are already desperate to get out of the house. You have no idea because you are a lonesome neet on 4chan. In the real world people can't fucking wait to lay out on a pool deck and drink margaritas and carnival has already seen increased demand for future cruises. The poop cruise didn't stop this industry and neither will corona. CCL will be at 40 bucks within 2 years even with the price dilution from their new shares

>> No.18367272

do stocks have pajeet shills as well? I keep seeing these comments and i can't believe anyone could be this retarded without an agenda

>> No.18367281

The fact that cruises don’t stop existing is no guarantee of this particular stock going back up. Could be years, company could go bankrupt, emit shares or go into debt via HY bonds. All of that and the fact cruises aren’t going away is priced In right now so there is no obvious profit only luck.

>> No.18367303

The Saudis bought a ton into CCL, but they are literal retards with more money than sense AND they have a vested interest in seeing an industry where big huge gas guzzling ships are the norm. With that being said, who TF is going to to on a cruise after this, the industry can come back eventually. but for the short and medium term, i dont think theres going to be alot of people actively seeking out cruises. so the industry is going to have to drop prices significantly to keep the boats moving and try and generate some sort of revenue, even if it means operating for a loss for a couple of years. then you have to think of the clientel that will be taking these basement price cruises. Literal Joe Dirts and his extended family, Shaquita and her ten niglets, and last but not least Chinks. If you think its going to come roaring back in the next 5-10 years go ahead and buy but would your money be better placed in another stock, i personally think so.

>> No.18367330

This board can't influence billion dollar companies and you're very dumb for insinuating they can. COVID-19 is turning out to be a big nothing burger and it's hilarious watching the doom peddlers miss the CCL boat. The projected death count was just revised down to less than the annual flu. Smart investors adjust based on new data, retards marry their convictions.

>> No.18367831

i would eat this faggots ass

>> No.18368035
File: 173 KB, 828x1161, EVDpUATUYAEPwwX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who TF is going to to on a cruise after this
Boomers who deny corona is even a thing.

>> No.18368077

They still aren't cancelling cruises for may when we already lost all travel and lodging
Royal Caribbean wants to give credit but it'll be worth dick
They're going bankrupt and getting sued

>> No.18368143

With cancelled cruises the rebookings are done on credit and causing a boost for next year

>> No.18368408

You will be if you don't buy

>> No.18368430

Because we are 1 month into a global pandemic that will last 3 months at a minimum and potentially 18 months. It will go lower you absolute retard.

>> No.18368468

>Buy into an industry that has maybe 5 years more to live
no thanks, this is one of the industries that is going to die with Boomers, same as charity work and other Boom time wastes of money

>> No.18368492

You're assuming none of them will go under during the crisis, which is stupid. Cruises are not essential to the economy like airlines or airplanes are. While there most likely will be such a thing as a cruise when this crisis is over, there is no guarantee that any of the top cruise lines will still exist once this thing is past. Imagine going all in on Norwegian at $11/share right now, then in four months when it's completely crashing and gets bought out by a competitor for $3/share, you're totally ruined.

Stay the fuck away from cruise lines until you can be sure who the survivors are.