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1835941 No.1835941 [Reply] [Original]

>realise that some people work in retailcuck jobs for 40 hours a week or in fast food
>other people work in high status investment bank jobs making tonnes, working on interesting things, surrounded by hot HR and secretaries
>women see low status men as pathetic and unattractive

Why isn't more made of this in a non abstract way? Why do people pretend it's acceptable to live in a small city? Why do people pretend that it's acceptable for kids to ruin their lives by doing badly at school while others go to Oxford, work less, and get life handed on a plate?

People should be screaming this explicitly but it is never said, ever. Why? I don't mean statistics, I mean the actual contrast explicitly stated.

Is it because everything related to publishing and media is by the sort of people who went to Oxford?

And nobody mentions that university is pretty much like a caste system. I regret so much going to my nearest one instead of having lots of debt and going to a better one. People don't like to admit this, even though they stress the importance of appearances / branding / marketing everywhere else

>> No.1835942

you are a retard

>> No.1835947

There has never been a peasant woman that married a peasant man. Not ever. Even your mother wouldnt settle for one, so she waited at the side of the road for that *one* truck driver that was JUST right to fill her with semen. The results speak for themselves.

>> No.1835953
File: 348 KB, 1000x539, MarginCall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch Margin Call instad of Wolf of Wall Street



>> No.1835987

Those IB guys you idolize are also wagechucks like everybody else.
Even worse: they dont just work 40 hours like the guy at McD who is saving for his Corolla but 80 hours so they can afford a Porsche.
Same shit.

Also when do you think does a investmentbanker have time to fuck his wife. Usually their wives betray them with "low status men" like the gardener or tennis instructor. On the other side alot of guys fuck high class whores.

The real upper class does not work for their money and let their children study liberal arts at ivy or oxbridge.

t. IB boutique intern

>> No.1836075

All that matters is that you're happy, man.

>> No.1836087

Because most people aren't cretins that value money and 'status' so much.

>> No.1836116

you are a retard

>> No.1836627
File: 70 KB, 619x525, 1484576444358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding dong
ching chong
roser spoted

>> No.1836676


The Independent said BofA interns are paid around 2,700 pounds a month -- or $4,228 US dollars.

Aint worth it

>> No.1836688

Pretty much this. Low tier IB is 80 hours a week and most of the time instead of flipping burgers you flip slides in powerpoint or numbers in excel.

Thing is that IB will help you land a well-paid job later in your life, where you can work 40 hours a day, and have enough money to send your kids to top level schools.

IB culture is taking a weird turn now. Current culture is nothing like that from 10-20 years ago.

>> No.1836695

>IB culture is taking a weird turn now. Current culture is nothing like that from 10-20 years ago.

In what sense?

>> No.1836698

this. Reminder that wolf of wall street is not about a banker, it is about a literal criminal and con artist. The man made his money via fraud.

Also Margin Call is so much a superior movie in every way and somehow, beautifully, manages to capture the feel of new york city in a way not many other movies do (Rounders).

>> No.1836705

I don't need money that bad. I make around 28,000 a year have a home and happy.

>> No.1836726

Long story short - post 2008 regulations that come to life every year are pretty retarded and they do nothing to protect anyone from another crisis. Instead they force banks to hire more beaurocrats to watch over IB.
Same regulations are killing any kind of adventurous investing as a hedge fund.

Prop trading ban has killed a lots of markets and it actually hurts the economy, as a lot of big companies (corporate finance) are unable to efficiently manage their cash.
On the other hand sales depts in IB can still pitch some ridiculous instruments to uneducated investor.

People treat IB like revolving doors. 2-5 years and off we go to consulting/pe/hf etc.

PC culture is taking away the fun and punish people with big balls. For the very same reason PC culture and diversity hiring made the life of minorities worse. Before all of that PC - if you were a minority and worked there, everyone respected you hard for reaching IB. Now people treat them like tokens from some schmancy programs.

>> No.1836728 [DELETED] 

>IB culture is taking a weird turn now. Current culture is nothing like that from 10-20 years ago.

>> No.1836729

This. Also it was about equities. Equities are dull af.

>> No.1836741

What fucking bucket shop do you work for that has such a PC culture? I've worked at JPM in credit derivatives and at Citi in leveraged fin and both still had the same culture they've had for years. Also, stop making dumbass wrong claims.

>a lot of big companies are unable to efficiently manage their cash
That's not true for any client I've ever worked on deals for nor is it true for any of the larger companies within the US. Some people have cash-heavy balance sheets due to the current corporate tax situation but that is the opposite of what you're claiming.

>no people treat them like tokens from some schmancy programs
Because they fucking are. Why should we act like the kid from Hong Kong whose father works for a firm that we do deals with got the job by his own merit? Even if the kid wasn't hired via nepotism then he was still hired to meet a quota because we can't fill our whole bank with white guys from Harvard and Yale anymore (thanks to faggot ass liberals and this most recent "participation trophy" generation).

>> No.1836757

Because we all can't be tryhards like you.

>> No.1836760

>realize that wagecucks exist
Lmao why would someone slave their life away and not make half as much as someone who invests in the right things

>> No.1837123

Jesus Christ dude. Find some dead eyed girl with daddy problems at your school and screw her brains out or something. Take a fucking load off, calm down.